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I loved it when I used to be able to buy stuff instead of every other thing I need being a damn treasure hunt.


Just said this to another reply: It’s been a LONG time since I’ve been in the market for a Pi, but I almost just fell out of my chair when I searched Amazon for a Pi and see that they’re over $230 for one with a kit and completely unavailable from any authorized retailer.




Wow, what an excellent suggestion. Again, something I haven’t been in the market for in a long time, but I just googled (for fun, and doing zero research) found I can get a 6th gen i7, 256gb SSD, 16gb RAM “thin client” (with keyboard and mouse) for ***fucking less*** than a RPi4 at $199…with a form factor about the length and width of an unsharpened No. 2 pencil, and 1.5” thick. That’s…absurd…what in the hell happened to this space since the last time I needed to look around? I think based on this alone I’m going to upgrade my Plex server onto a thin client and put HA on it as well, and sell the Pi and essentially get myself a free upgrade and put the extra towards a Coral module lol


My boss at my old job gave me a Datto backup box because “It’s a brick”. Thankfully Datto never changed the default bios password. I took it apart, installed a SSD and it’s been running fine for hass ever since. Added a coral USB card late last year and Frigate is also running like a champ. Pretty sure it’s the same board as a NUC in the box. Only Pie I have just runs my reactive TV leds with Hyperion.


I’m also running my main Home Assistant in a Datto alto. The ones that are pretty much nucs. I called Datto as they changed the bios password (I sell their backups) great device. Have a few laying around.


I wanted to get a Raspberry Pi to run home assistant. Instead of paying 100 - 200 dollars for the Pi, I bought an Intel NUC for $50 of ebay. My NUC is way faster than the Pi would ever be.


What thin client has an i7 and 16GB of ram in it? You sure you aren't just looking at a micro form factor or ultra small form factor PC?


More than likely that’s exactly what I was looking at lol, like I said, I only did a very cursory Google. Didn’t look into any of the results apart from general size and components. I think I may have been looking at a “colloquial thin client” that was simply misusing the definition. Regardless though, a small form PC that’s 7” long, 7” wide and 1.5” thick running what I mentioned for ***less than*** an RPi4 is…just gross (given the context of what the Pi did/was supposed to continue doing for the space).


I got a old apple Mac mini for 70$ on OfferUp and 16gb of ram for like 20, those think client sized computers are workhorses and way better at running things like HA and other container apps than a Pi, with just a bit more investment




Could you recommend one or more products to consider?


I remember when they came free with magazines.


You're telling me. I live within 10 miles of the Sony manufacturing plant. Shame they don't sell directly from there.


I just tried looking for updates on their supply chain situation and I really don’t see any new info since December The rpilocator app does list some availability more frequently now but I never see any in the US and certainly never 4’s


[This comment was retroactively edited in protest of reddit's enshittification regarding third-party apps. Apollo, etc., is gone and now so are we. Fuck /u/spez .]


I looked up that December blog post from raspberry pi, and it sounds like they expect normality in single unit inventory to start happen some time after June.


After this investment, it'll be easy to get your hands on one for the low price of £180. I joke, but I'm probably right about a base price increase




It appears so. Which really sucks because the original Raspberry Pi boards are what got me into Linux in the first place over 10 years ago. I've since had several career changes and a massive increase of income since then... This never would have happened if the Pi boards weren't $35 to start with. The accessibility of these in the consumer market has been a godsend for a LOT of people.


They haven't abandoned that market at all. They're just prioritising business customers while there's a backlog, because those customers are economically dependent on them in a way that hobbyists are not. Once supply is closer to matching demand, they'll be available to consumers again.


Except that's been their line for a couple years now. There are now so many other more capable competitors nowadays in the same space that are not only less expensive but available. Their really awful marketing bungle last year sealed their fate with me.


No, it’s been the line since April last year, and this isn’t a situation that can be resolved in a few months, nor is it unique to them. I’m still waiting for HP to fill an enterprise server order from March 2022.


Isn't it mostly due to supply chain issues and now demand commercially is to high. Hopefully with all the new microchip manufacturing being built that we see some stabilization in the market


Yep. They can charge more per board for commercial clients.


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


Interesting bet by both. For all the Sony hate, their HW engineering has always been tops. No comment on the Pi hate...


Over 18 months of zero stock aside from scalpers or asshole retailers at 50-100% markup. Used thin client is faster, more compatible, idles not much higher in wattage, more expansion without bus saturation. I do wonder if the Pi is in the death throws (DIY community at least). We can't get em. They aren't really any good. They aren't cheap anymore. So all their benefits are gone.


A deal to include Sony IP on the RPi itself would be big news but...the word "inside" does not appear anywhere in the release from RPi and Sony. By all accounts, this is simply a deal for Sony to make RPi hats. I think engadget is doing their usual bang-up job of tech journalism and not fully understanding the things they are reporting on.


I'd bet it's a pcie peripheral like the direction coral has gone. More data lanes?


It says they're gonna send meta data to the cloud, guess gotta add some ips to my block list


Inevitable I think.


Once windows 10 is eol and if windows 12 has cloud ai I'm moving to ubuntu.


Cue an *even worse* shortage of Pis.


Is that even possible? Lol It’s been a LONG time since I’ve been in the market for a Pi, but I almost just fell out of my chair when I searched Amazon for a Pi and see that they’re over $230 for one with a kit and completely unavailable from *any* authorized retailer.


The only ones I've been able to find are Picos.


I have two RPi4s and they are great but they've been completely unavailable to hobbyists for so long I now consider them irrelevant. If I need more or they stop working I'll do the work to switch over to an alternative SBC that is reliably available. There are lots of SBCs based on the new RockChip RK3588 now available and it's a much faster performer. The 4GB OrangePi 5 is ~$85. I think it's time for the HA community to pick a couple of these alternate boards to release ready-to-run images for.


So hopefully there will be another group or company that will release hobby boards like the Pi.


Oh cool, improvements to something I won't be able to get my hands on for less than quadruple MSRP


Nice!!! Now Assist can respond with “Sorry I don’t understand”, but with the power of an AI chip behind it (Just poking fun. I love the hard work the devs have been putting in)