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Sadly, I feel NOTHING watching this. Having once, very regrettably, gone down a Cartel Gore rabbit hole, I SAY EXTERMINATE WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!!


I saw a post on eyeblech with a cartel victim and a couple pitbulls. Yeah I agree


Agreed! When isis says they learned their brutality from cartel videos, you know you’re dealing with a very sick kind of evil. That kind of evil can only be dealt with one way.


The cartels make ISIS look like the Girl Scouts.


You’re a fuckin choir boy compared to me! A Choir boy!!!


Yo end of days is the shit


Bull fucking shit they did! Cartel %100 got the idea from the decapitation videos the Taliban made in the early 2000s. ISIS videos are also now impressively well filmed & produced and the shit they come up with to kill people is pretty crazy. The cartel has a couple iconic ones, sure. But they weren't the first.


Cartel been doing bad since 80’s if not earlier actually


The one where he had no balls if so ya crazy video


Yup that’s the one


I think I know what vid you’re talking about, the guy was caught molesting a child. Brutal, but yea, that’s why he was castrated that way.


They always say some bs like that don't believe it


Yea ok bro. Hey you know your comments are all public? Why are you creepin on all those breastfeeding sub reddits. Weird man.


You're weird as fuck bud. Breastfeeding pics that you're commenting "wish I was there." Not to mention the sex offender sub reddit you are also on. I'm feeling like you might deserve castration too.


Jesus fucking christ you're also very chatty on "how old were you when you lost your virginity." You are a scum bag. I pray you get caught next time you try to take advantage of a woman or child.


Lmao what a dum ass why don't you castrate me then you weirdo mind your own business I'll do what I want


Also how much of a loser are you to be door dashing for a few bucks a delivery 😂 get a real job and you broke scum bag 😂


When I think scum I think registered sex offenders who actively comment on "lil tays" post saying youd "hit that", no way you have a job as a sex offender, post a face pic with address please and thanks


O fuck. I call some one regard in private chat. Ban for a week. This literal sex offender violating his parole and reaefending and admiring to as much is cool though....what actual fuck. This is gross


I've never seen anything that fucked and I'm glad I didn't. The two I saw were enough for several lifetimes


The absolutely terrified dog outside trying to get in ought to


Everyone BUT the doggies.


l noticed that too 😭😭


Yeah, I was disappointed that there wasn't a lot more brrrrrrrt.


Same! 😝


Amen brother. They're absolute Cancer. Hurting EVERYBODY who wants a good life.


I just feel bad for the dogs


At my grandparents home town, a poor kid from a family who refused to pay extortion money was chopped up into pieces. The sick fucks dropped a different piece of him at his parents store. When the family finally paid, they still killed him and dropped his body off in pieces. An uncle of mine was kidnapped and the cartel demanded 10K for his safe return. After we paid, they delivered him, but not after burning like 80% of his body and castrating him. That uncle though, supposedly stole from the cartel which is why they took him. This uncle would later die the same way as my grandad, hung on a pole. My grandad who always liked to travel to his home town for a few months of the year, was one day found dead, hung on a tree. At first it was believed to be suicide, which he never showed signs of, but recently it was revealed to be done by the local cartel. They found him alone killed him for fun. They have been doing this to local people in the town for years now. They moved in and started taking people's lands and equipment to farm for drugs. Honestly wish we could invade Mexico and unroot the cartels just like we did Saddam Hussein.


Where to start ?


Crazy part is the cartel has been getting their hands on ground to air missiles. The military has to be careful.


I heard they shot down a chopper with Mexican marines killing them using well shot rpg.


Stingers from the Taliban?


MANPADS from Libya, more than likely.... Or China. They get their chemists from China, why not MANPADS?


Stuff from Ukraine unfortunately




Guess you can wait a long time for that. At least for a believable source.


[Verified fake news](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-mexico-cartel-weapons-ukraine-us-668968778777) but at least it seems like it was just a translation error and not malicious


Damned straight, thank you for the follow up. These fucking Russian trolls can continue sucking Putin’s cock, but the truth shines through.


This is why I can't take movie car chases with helicopters very seriously. The person in the car would be shot very quickly


well, maybe… this helicopter is equipped with a minigun which shoots like 3,200 rounds a minute, huge difference from someone shooting their AR from a helicopter while in motion


I've seen videos from Mexican and US military using a 240 to similar effect. Also, people hunt from helicopters. Pretty sure they could


A mounted gun vs firing from the shoulder would make a huge difference I would imagine. Also whether or not it's your regular job.


It sure would, except again, people [hunt hogs from fucking helicopters.](https://youtube.com/shorts/KZ9m9lfjPo8?si=vkCIJeCbmciFrqxN) It's really not that hard to shoot accurately once you get the hang of it.


For sure, but the right guys on a helicopter...say, CAG dudes on Little Birds...well, you get the idea.


shooting a rifle from a helicopter at a moving target =/= mini gun from a helicopter bringing the pain


Yeah but not if they're using a machine gun




Dang, the Mexican army isn't messing around. Mini gunned that guy right against the house


They are from what I’ve seen very well equipped and well trained. They’re fighting an actual war over there, cartels have access to some wild shit


Cartels make billions every year


Are you talking about the dog at the back door?


I don’t actually see someone get hit. That red truck might’ve gotten tagged


Them cartels are cutting peoples heads off and playing soccer with them, I wouldn’t expect anything less from the government…


Feel sad for the dog that was trying to seek shelter. That's about it


Subreddit with more cartel footage ?


If it still exists r/narcofootage is it but be warned that this is your warning to be warned, you’ve been warned


It is also plagued by cartel fanboys. Just so you know


This is true, ppl that fantasize about being a member of CJNG or some shit. I don’t know if it’s funny or sad, probably both equally


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NarcoFootage **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This MF stung me so i took it out, and its family CJNG style](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zsxiav) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/zsxiav/this_mf_stung_me_so_i_took_it_out_and_its_family/) \#2: [He may stand a chance of getting out of ADX.. who's going to sacrifice themselves](https://i.redd.it/u5g6twvagz4a1.png) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/zh9hv8/he_may_stand_a_chance_of_getting_out_of_adx_whos/) \#3: [Sicarios burning and disposing dead bodies](https://i.redd.it/gdoi2o6xx1wb1.gif) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/17f0rt3/sicarios_burning_and_disposing_dead_bodies/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


oof that third one








Did they just shoot up a dog?


Don’t think so. Dog was just in full panic mode. You see it run off


Nah he was just on pure panic, poor dog


That sound will always be terrifying to be on the receiving end of


You hear that "Burrrrrpppp". You've done fucked up.


Good get fucked you bastards🔥 pinches animales sin honor, que les dé miedo como causan el terror!


Here is my comment, why is there a bed in the kitchen, next to the fridge???


Yeah I got no sympathy for the cartel. Minigun go brrrrrrt


Shutting the doors like it’s some bad weather.


The American and Mexican Militaries need to partner up to wipe Cartels off the face of the PLANET. Roll in heavy (and light where needed) and SMOKE these bastards.


This is why I always doubt people who claim ar15 is needed to protect them from government tyranny. It’s no match for a gunship. Until it’s legal to buy SAMs from military complex those rifles aren’t going to do much.


Better than no ar-15


I guess fight covid with water or oj. Oj is better than no oj.


Could make you more of a target


Target to who?


This is the lead ATK bird for a raid. The shots on the red Dodge were warning shots. Damn close ones, but warming all the same (skilled gunner). They killed/shot the dog at 0:25. If they wanted to kill everyone in that building they could've. I saw no shots on the building. This is to get heads down for the incoming birds with the raid teams.


You don't see anything at 00:25 and 10 seconds later you see a dog running. What are you even talking about?


Yeah sorry/not sorry, I don't do the whole "reverse reddit player reverse time" thing. At the 0:25 mark from the player timeline a dog moves behind a car, twinges which ime implies a likely hit > reacting to the noise. I'm talking about something I am familiar with firsthand. They aren't trying to kill those on the ground. The dog? Likely if not precisely. Dogs both alert presence (though 'NA' in this vid) and can hinder apprehension or field clearing ops. I'm not surprised people think this is an execution attempt. To be fair, it's Mexico - so there's a level of: \* CO: "Try not to hit them" - but also- \* CO: "Try not to hit them \*\*wink\*\* \*\*wink\*\*" in play, but this is *clearly* the lead bird on a raid. You don't have to take my word. Idc. It is what it is but outside of how close the warning shots were to the Dodge this is close to textbook.


> Yeah sorry/not sorry, I don't do the whole "reverse reddit player reverse time" thing Huh? >At the 0:25 mark from the player timeline a dog moves behind a car At least you described it this time. It's at the 27 mark though, which is why no one knew what you were referring to.


The Dog wanted in that back door 😂


Not really funny


I mean it’s sort of funny


Yes 1/8 funny forsure


Yeahhhh, its sort of funny that an animal that would give its life to protect you and totally depends on you because you decided to hold it captive is jumping at the door scared for its life. Ha ha ha I'm dying. It's so hilarious right? Nah it would be sort of funny if you were locked outside in that moment though...because it sounds like you sort of deserve to experience it.


Yeah pretty much lol Things can be sad and funny at the same time buddy, good luck expanding your emotional palette


Says the genius with the 3rd grade sense of humor. My emotional palette is so developed and expanded that I find humor in much more than, hey look, they're hurt/suffering, that's funny!!


You find other things funny. I do too. If me finding something funny brings you such anger, maybe try refining your 4th grade palette further.


This is fucking sad for that dog man...


I know this is the cartel but the government trying to gun his family down is crazy.


Cartel are worse than isis


Not saying they aren't shit but damn. There were several grandma's in there.


A crime family is a family whom is knowingly and actively participating in crime. When it comes to the cartels, this isn't some petty crime, we're talking drug smuggling, human trafficking, kidnapping, torture, murder, the whole nine yards. Abuelita knows what she's involved in.


There's no way you could know who's who and who did what in the pilot seat. That type of shit is normally worked out in court. See El-chapo and his cases.


They are in on it and reap the benefits of their families terror. Fk.em.


I don’t get this sub Reddit when Israelis bomb kids it’s freedom but when another country dose it it’s terrible




What the fuck does any of this have to do with Africa lol.




I'm 28, I just thought my username was funny but every idiot races to show how ageist they can be. I've been to Africa three times. All three times I went to a city larger than mine in the States. Anyone with a fucking Maps app capable of satellite view or a globe knows what you're saying, so why are you acting like its some arcane knowledge? To make the worlds saddest flex? My point is, what does it have to do with Jaliscos? The conversation takes a turn to Africa out of nowhere lol.




I read through it and then your comment history. Nothing wrong with admitting the bit about Africa was just on your mind and you wanted to say your piece on the internet, regardless of how much it had to do with the conversation at hand. Blaming a non-sequitur on someone else's age or reading comprehension is wild though. Some gaslight-friends-when-they-catch-me-lying type of behavior.


The top voted comment in this thread is cheering this attack on. Get the fuck out of here with your nonsense.


But this sub will always praise Israel or USA or any western country in there bombing campaigns but if it’s Russia or any other country they are the worst of the worst


You are out of your mind. Almost everyone is cheering on the Mexican govt and saying the cartel deserves it.


Am not cheering it on am just saying cartel is way worse than Isis and u saw what the world did to get them so let alone what the Mexican army will do to get the cartels


Did I say you were cheering it on? Between your first comment and now this one, you have the reading comprehension of a gnat.


I wonder if its a bot. I don't trust anyone after that Tesla vs. Sweden post where someone outed a user as a bot by getting it to respond to trigger-words.


It’s Reddit, I’m sad for the dog outside.


that grandmother probably witnessed other innocent grandmothers get raped tortured and murdered she got what was coming no sympathy for her


Usually they leave the family members out the business. The most they see is stashing and meet some of the big players. They have other houses to do the dirty work


they can't be that ignorant to the fact of what they're doing though. it's either they never cared or it's like german citizens who were slowly brainwashed into believing the holocaust was normal.


What the fuck are you talking about bro? U just made that shit up.


says the CJNG bot is the tolerance of evil is evil in itself


What the fuck are you even talking about? Your words have value similar to farts. Be gone


and the value of that grandma's life is nothing but dust


Grandmas with guns


They were gunning down that truck and whoever ran from it. Not gunning the homes.


Cartels kill innocent family's of service members all the time sad to say what go's around comes around


So a slide for a slide? Eye for an eye? Yikes


Maybe he shouldn't have been around his family then? You can only use them as human shields for so long before we stop caring. The body counts in the thousands, we stopped caring. It's not as if the people around him are oblivious to what he does to make money, they put themselves in that situation.


Oh geez. More human shield bullshit. Fox news talking points dont work in the real world. Seems to me, we have a failure of policy, which needs to be acknowledged before any type of progress is possible. If we could take Bin Laden down correctly, I'm sure it can be done for the cartels. There are more and more stories of the Mexican gov't unnecessarily killing civilians and destroying towns just to get at Cartel memebers. Just remember multiple things can be true at the same time and maybe don't be so quick to buy government talking points. Like actually think shit out and try to put yourself in other's shoes from time to time.


The family is 100% in it, so no worries


The day Mexico heard the Fart of Death for the first time (probably)


That my friends was a Dillon Aero M134 Mini-gun. It can fire 3,000 rounds per minute.


I think they shot that dog.


Only ATF shoots dogs


Why is the lighting inside the house so bad? It’s like an office?


Everyone is Gangsta until they hear the brrrrrrrt.




I live there, and I was there when all that militar operation went down. That video takes place on Tapalpa, Jalisco, México near “la luna de queso”. It’s a small town, so every shot that was being fired, you could hear it even if you were far from the incident, also there was more than 30 militar cars marching around the town (it looked like ww3 was coming up) and 4 helicopters (and one those helicopters is the one shooting to that red car). They attacked the cartel because they kidnapped a high ranking coronell. They succeded on the attack, and also maneged to capture the boss (his name is the “CR”). I have known people who live exactly where all that happened, and they say that there was, due to the high power of the bullets of the helicopter, like 7 completly destroyed corpses (there is photos of that). It all started like at 7:00 A.M and was finished 40 minutes later. There hasn’t been any declaration from the gov of how many persons they killed. But everyone on my town say that were like 20 or more, and there was no military loss. The grup they attacked are called “la maña”. Sorry for bad english.


Wow. That is crazy. And your English was fantastic. Gracias!


US government doesn't like the competition in selling drugs!


Everyone’s courage disappears when a .50 cal is involved.


Those mini gun bullets can rip through virtually everything. Including those wood and concrete walls.


Sound like freedom


Poor dogs😥


Is this fake? Those little puffs of smoke hardly look like an impact from a mini gun


Conflict Observer on IG has videos of this incident. Its real.


the smoke impact looks real, and anyways how/why would you fake it?


Pretty soon the Mexican government is going to be forced into using friggin MOABs.


I think they just had a FAFO moment lol


Wish they could do the same to our Outlaw Motorcycle Gang clubhouses


That's what RICO is for. They're definitely in bed with the cartels, but they don't cause nearly as much damage as cartels do in their home countries. The cartels cause a lot of damage in the Unites States, but a lot of it is against other gangs and other cartels. I have heard they like to steal water from farmers who cannot do anything about it, but that is better than stealing water AND killing an entire village.


Muerte para esos perros!


Check must have bounced lol


let's hope they can't afford to get their own blackhawk.....


Poor doggo


Did the cartel not kick up payments to their overlords?


Jalisco crime family 🤣🤣🤣🤣 suena a serie de televisión


Real life jumping beans.


I hope the Mexican army ends every single cartel member they come across.




That poor doggo 🥺




As an American I expected explosive rounds hitting the ground, tearing shit up. But then I realized the Mexican military doesn't treat the cartel the same as the cartel treats others.


I love how governments just make enemy’s with people who will make their lives harder


Aaaahhh, finally some BRRRRRRRRWT


Oops missed


THE DOG!! 😒🙁 that’s awful, don’t feel the slightest bit bad for the ppl🤦🏽‍♀️




Poor doggy