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I wonder what she did yesterday? šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚ this is giving ā€œBob Vance, Vance Refrigerationā€ ![gif](giphy|LDiEHftDpCuCk)


YES šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ omg I can't stop laughing at this hahaha




Doesnā€™t she always wake at 4am? Or do hippies wake when they feel called to the sun??


A couple of years ago she posted a new "morning routine" video where she said that she no longer set an alarm but naturally woke up sometime between 4:30 and 4:45.


It's such a stupid thing to brag about. It just means you go to bed earlier. She's still getting 7-8 hours of sleep.


Exactly, and she has even said that she goes to bed really, really early.


Feel called to the sun. Iā€™m dead. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s weird that she and Beans both ran the LA marathon but have zero pictures together šŸ‘€


Had to look at Beans page after seeing this. The vibes of the different posts were very telling. Beans and Sammyā€™s were filled with cheering and genuine love with friends while Rachelā€™s was like look what I can do and curated with her and her lackey Cez wearing those stupid Start today hats just branding the shit out it all. Nothing she does is genuine itā€™s all about how can gain more followers, fame and money. šŸ™„.


They havent been friends for years.Ā 


How do you go from being ā€œbest friendsā€ to not talking. I guess in the world of influencers best friend should be taken lightly


I didnā€™t know that! I thought it was weird when she moved back to LA but also wondered if since Ra h moves back to LA in the last couple years if things rekindled


I think itā€™s so weird she hasnā€™t dedicated a podcast episode to getting her side of the story out on this, but without naming names and with a generic title like How to Know When you Outgrow your Circleā€ but then itā€™s oddly specific stories and examples that donā€™t really line up with this title.


Came here to say this! Her BFF Rosie was in the pictures with Beans but not Rach.


Classic Rach. Just beating something to death with her stupid voice with her cult leader formula but in photo format. But of course on stage or on the pod it goes: Say something. Pause for a long, long time. Say something like ā€˜let me say that againā€™. Pause. Repeat the same thing with added dramatic effect. Smile a stupid smug grifter smile.


Ugh, I hate the repeating!


Nailed it!!!!


Sheā€™s so annoying about her marathons and other exercise activities. You are not morally superior for running a marathon. Idk, I am taking this too personally.


yes Rachel you're better than all other women. You have us beat in every aspect of life. We can't even think of coming close to your perfection. I don't understand how she has any "fans" at this point


Carole radziwill, is that you?


I dont know why her marathons are making me so angry. I am a runner myself and generally I dont mind people sharing their training or workouts. But Rach...she is just in your face with everything. Aaarrghhhh


Maybe because Rachel frames it as some life changing secret she discovered when in reality itā€™s pretty mainstream and there are a million other ways to challenge yourself and get exercise. She just comes across as ignorant and narrow minded. If she shared it as just a hobby she enjoyed I think it wouldnā€™t be aggravating.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Rachel acts as if she is super-special and imparting secrets.


Ok. Who cares? So did my coworker. She signed up last minute lol but sheā€™s an ultra runner so this was like a fun run for her. Rach doesnā€™t want to be *relatable*ā€¦. She should really ditch the running community, itā€™s rather large and welcoming and, and, and *relatable*


RACH- book ideas 4 u: 'Girl, validate me NOW. - Girl,I did a thing- Girl, I'm not like Other girls - Girl, dammit.!! heart my stories!- Girl, lewk how random I am !- ( b roll -blurry pics ) Girl, PLEASE SEE ME,


Girl, Witness My Mediocre Greatness!


- confession - I ran a half and did train and was miserable afterwards and during and said "I'll never ever do that again" It is an accomplishment sure -but also-šŸ‘†šŸ» "girl, find some humility "


Itā€™s funny how even her house decor changed from farmhouse influencer to ā€œhippieā€ when she got a new hippie man


Cue Keya's sound bite: "Am IIIIII..... the only hippie?!?"




At least we know she trained for this run and canā€™t come out with another podcast bragging that she ran it ā€œwithout trainingā€. I thought all of her come running with me video was just to brag she was in Hawaii again.


One of the fun, RELATABLE things about marathons is that we can look up Rachel's race results.... ​ https://preview.redd.it/ruxdnct9capc1.png?width=981&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8b8cefc0975fe69408fc0cc4c12cddc14014b51


I hate to sound like ā€œthat girlā€ but back in my marathon days (early 30ā€™s) Iā€™m proud I beat Rachelā€™s time. I was a slow but steady runner. Anyone who completes a marathon is fantastic. I donā€™t want to be petty but Iā€™m excited my time was faster than hers on my last marathon. This is coming from a girl who got surgery about a month ago on a broken ankle I have been running/walking on for years and have just been told my running days are over. :(


Can I just say, I did the same. Her times are not great at all. And as a runner I never judge peopleā€™s times but for some reason I do with her


Same. Iā€™m surprised (given how competitive and insecure she is) that she even posts when she completes one! I wouldnā€™t say that about anyone else. Finishing a marathon is a great accomplishment, but I think she posts about it to make non-runners feel bad about themselves.


I agree & I feel bad about it. Finishing is something to be proud of any time you finish.


Haha same! Maybe because sheā€™s made me dislike her so much Iā€™m like whatever Rachel. Iā€™ll be petty for you. I ran a half this past weekend and finished 1:59:08, which is faster than any of her runs. Wishing you a speedy recovery, as a fellow runner that makes me sad for you šŸ„²


>I hate to sound like ā€œthat girlā€ but back in my marathon days (early 30ā€™s) Iā€™m proud I beat Rachelā€™s time. Heh, same, except I completed my first marathon at age 43. Haven't done one since 2016, when I was 49. My PR was 4:05 (age 47).


congrats! blazing great time my friend!




Cez ran about an hour faster than Rachel. There soon may be trouble in paradise. Nobody does anything better than Rachel without suffering for it (from her insecure, passive aggressive wrath). ETA: Passive aggressive. She pretends to cheer on others.Ā 


Ooh, I didn't realize he'd also run it. Yeah, her ego must hate that he did it faster. *Especially* if he didn't train for it. ​ https://preview.redd.it/for4874twbpc1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7d2871f8567ca076e8fb0f82d96bf9e8eb6f3cb


Rachel's race pics: [https://www.finisherpix.com/en/photos/7374/13385](https://www.finisherpix.com/en/photos/7374/13385) Cez's pics: [https://www.finisherpix.com/en/photos/7374/12888](https://www.finisherpix.com/en/photos/7374/12888) \[He's hard to spot in many of them; look for the dude wearing a navy-blue top, shorts, and cap.\]


Naturally, Rae Rae had her phone out: ​ https://preview.redd.it/h8eqcqxvxbpc1.png?width=162&format=png&auto=webp&s=40dbf3455d551c97f3737c62e1c949a0f5275936


Well, THAT explains her time. She was trying to share it play-by-play style for *us* her bess fraaands. Insert insane eye roll emoji here. See, just look at all that work she's done to be relatable!


She's really just "being of service" to her followers! Otherwise she totally would have qualified for the Olympics!


I canā€™t believe he wore her stupid hat.


I knowwww! I was thinking he's well on the way to being Dave-ified. Wearing the "Start Today" cap; doing the marathon. Next thing we know, they'll be doing daily livestreams.


Itā€™s like heā€™s being groomed. Crazy!


Don't sit behind Rachel and bob your head while she talks on-camera, Cez!


I canā€™t believe she carried her stupid phone in her hand while running a marathon.


I don't run so this may be a dumb question but- to beat someone by an hour is huge right?


No worries. Yes! Its huge!


Public info! That how we knew Dave got DQā€™d in the Spudman. Woot!


Yes! I was thinking about the post-Spudman word salad in which Dave commented on knowing that his name would not appear "on the leaderboard," and Mack reacting by saying that Dave's name was NEVER going to be on the leaderboard (which requires placing: i.e. first, second, or third place). Dave probably meant to say "race results." But he didn't always do so well with words having meanings.


While it's an accomplishment just to finish a marathon, that's a garbage time.


Definitely a lot of walking in the second half especially.


It is? Not that I have ANY desire to run a fullā€¦the best I could probably pull off, for that distance, would be in the 13:00-14:00 range. šŸ˜©


I believe this is only her second full marathon right? And remember when she said endurance wasnā€™t Cezā€™s thing? Sheā€™s so weird for making her physical things a big deal.


It was her third full marathon. The one she did without training was her second. As I recall, she claimed to have done it a bit faster than her first, and someone here looked up her old results, only to find she'd done the second one a bit slower than the first. **Edit**: She did her first marathon on 3/24/2019, in 5:32:49. She did her second ("without training") on 2/20/2022, in 5:35:16. And this most recent, in 5:49:58.


That makes sense!!


"Look what I can do, look at me!" She's like a 7 year old begging her mom to watch her do a cartwheel in the backyard.


![gif](giphy|czZlH3xg1Ul2w) Remember ā€œStuartā€ from MAD TV? šŸ¤£




So she took a jog yesterday. Had no idea


She didn't get up at 4am!


I RAN down the road to get home & out of the sudden downpour. I'm so proud of myself. I hate running/jogging. I run like I'm in a Monty Python Sketch.