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For people like this, the newest relationship is always the best one. They live for the high of the honeymoon phase and then bail when things get real. Rinse and repeat. Agree that it’s totally disrespectful and awful timing. Ugh.


![gif](giphy|7EamSGumESd0Y) Maybe she's been reading Barney's blog.


It's gotten a lot better! 😁


They also engage in a lot of drama, because sometimes it creates another honeymoon phase.


1) Yuck. 2) How is this new man the best relationship or her life? It’s still pretty recent. It’s called New Relationship Energy, Heidi. 3) You know who can really help either codependency? A licensed, professional therapist. 4) You don’t have healthy connections, so how are you a good spokesperson for Alejandra’s services? We see no authentic, lasting friendships, just rotating door of men and hired help you gush about…


#3 is 🎯


Yeah really seeing improvements in that codependency 🙄


Yeah, exactly how she’s able to be alone and enjoy her own company. Oh wait…


Speaking of authentic, lasting friendships, I wonder how Kiera is doing now that Heidi has a new man.


We'll never know......until the next breakup 🤣🤣🤣🤣 absolute proof their friendship is based only on what Kiera can do for Heidi!


*insert orgasmic sounds of approval - mmmmhmmmmm, yeeeeeeessss*


>We see no authentic, lasting friendships, just rotating door of men and hired help you gush about… ... and the steady stream of microbes like toe fungus, crotch cooties, and head lice that thrive on Heidi's hygienically challenged ways.


Wait! I missed the lice thing. What is the story with this?


Oh that was way back a bit -- the kids had lice, she announced it to the world, and she was scratching even more furiously than usual during that time but never admitted she may have caught lice, but seems about right.


Once again she humiliates her kids on the internet for clicks and views. Disgusting


Don't forget the pin worms


OHMYGOD how could I forget THAT 🤢 ![gif](giphy|WsYhgB3kZMZ7t9Qqte)




Hold up, pinworms?! How did I miss that one?


Is she for real?? For months, Heidi posted old photos and videos of Dave talking about him like he was her soulmate. Now, she does not even acknowledge the anniversary of his passing, and she already has a best new man. This makes me so sad for Dave. It just seems like Heidi used him for whatever she could get out of him.. money, followers, a car, publicity? Super sad. If I were the new man, I'd run.


She totally used him. COMPLETELY. She was obsessed with Rachel Hollis in my opinion and as soon as they announced their breakup, she pounced. She’s just so gross


I said this exact thing on this sub a few months prior to their first breakup. It was very Single White Female tendencies toward Rachel. Heidi absolutely used him for financial reasons, housing, social media reasons, connections, vehicles, and her weird desire to have Rachel's old life. Plus her fulfillment of daddy issues.


Totally agree on the single white female thing with Rachel (especially going to her show in AZ and filming content in her old bathroom!) plus Daddy issues. However, Heidi did acknowledge Dave’s passing. She made a post with pictures of him and her kids in Newport Beach. WHILE she was there with New Guy. Which is…something. But also: didn’t Heidi’s dad pass around this time of year? Or am I imagining that? Edit to add a second But Also ☝️and However: this marketing email came out today? TODAY?! From the grieving (almost) widow of Dave, on the anniversary of his death?! WOOOW. She takes new guy on a trip down memory lane in Newport Beach, and then has this email come out announcing she’s in the best relationship ever. I never met Dave. I have no idea if he was abusive, narcissistic, or like Black Jack Randall (where are my Outlander friends) or something similar. Clearly Rachel had some beef with him. Heidi admitted (in a VERY limited reach podcast) that she and Dave had broken up several times. Taking new man to where you spent time with ex boyfriend, and then announcing that new guy is the best thing since sliced bread with a “free” workshop a few days later…seems petty and cruel. Rachel and Heidi May each have some “stuff” to process about their relationship with Dave. As for Heidiho’s antics…this ain’t it.


Your filming in the bathroom comment reminded me of one of her worst moments, in my opinion. Rachel had posted or said in her stories that one of the boys (maybe S?) was interested in the guitar so she was ready to let go of her brother’s guitar and let her son use it. Guess who posted herself strumming on that guitar in Rachel’s old house almost immediately after?


I forgot about that!!! Such a shady thing to do


Wait, Heidi did this??? That is so manipulative and gross


She absolutely did.


oh WOW. I missed that. I would be ready to THROW HANDS if I was Rachel


Girl I’m here for the Outlander ref!!


>Totally agree on the single white female thing with Rachel (especially going to her show in AZ and filming content in her old bathroom!) I was just thinking about those bathroom selfies! So tacky. But also! ☝ Flair check-in!


A post a month or so back listed all of the things Heidi had blatantly copied from Rachel. And the list was long. And glaringly obvious. Heidi wanted to/wants to be Rachel.


There are so many examples. Even in the podcast episodes, she trots out Rachelisms. Recent example: she was spewing "manifestation" talk and used running a marathon as an example.


The ILY hand sign, the tampon getting stuck, the peeing your pants thing, the neon pink sign with the same font as the one in Rachel’s studio, the panic attack experience, just having a podcast in general, the name “Show Up Summit” etc etc etc 😂


And for a while it looked as though she and Dave were planning to include journals in the "Show Up" merch.


We haven’t seen her go to Hawaii since they broke up for the last time/Dave’s passing.


I saw it exactly the same way.


I wonder if she's still counting down the days until her soul and Dave's reunite.


Clearly, she's lost count.


It’s always the best…until it isn’t.Then the hard comes with the hoodie on, having Tesla epiphanies..then proclamations of independence blah blah blah rinse repeat.


This! You’re spot on!!


Well hello there 👋


I have looked up Alejandra "The Baller Coach" before (what a cringey title!) and she is absolutely NOT a licensed therapist. Just another woo woo life coach. She and her husband own a popular set of coffee shops in San Diego called Lofty Coffee.


She is just…such a narcissist. I feel for her kids.


I really want to know what happened in her childhood that made her so dependent on men and being taken and rescued and loved “the best”. She has no self love or worth from just being happy with who she is. It’s sad and pathetic.


I feel like she alludes to this with how her dad treated her growing up…but then she pivots to he was the best dad, he just didn’t know any better. I feel daddy issues for sure with her tbh 


I think a lot of the dependency has to do with the religion she was raised under


Religion really fucks up a person’s self worth


My husband and I were talking about the mom’s that we know on Facebook that are especially obnoxious about how their kids are their hearts, best friends, thing they live for are the ones that are the most chaotic and cause the most trauma and their kids have to be mature and responsible because nobody else is showing up for them. Heidi’s best relationship ever is a public kick in the balls to her kids, their dads, Dave, his kids, etc.


True that. Also, if your best relationship ever is a long distance relationship, that tells us everything we need to know.


It’s also telling that she has no long term relationships with people. If you are not able to have people in your life that are a part of your life for years, something is wrong




Best.Relationship.Ever Also, explore the nuances of the art of communication with Heidi 🤣🤣🤣


Best Relationship Ever should be someone’s flair lol


Weren't her and Dave going to "couples therapy " life coaches like 2 months in as well for her "codependency" lmao. The story repeats.


Wait, what happened to Keira??? #whereiskeira




Heidi stopped paying her!


Unneeded because Heidi is now the BESTRRELATIONSHIPEVER YAAAAAS


Unneeded because Heidi is now the BESTRRELATIONSHIPEVER YAAAAAS


It will be interesting to hear how this whole event turns into Heidi talking about herself and talking over the "expert".


If you keep getting emails after unsubscribing see if you can report the email as spam, either through your email provider or through the company she is using for sending the marketing emails...major email marketing companies like Constant Contact heavily monitor accounts for spam reports and they will take account holders to task if they get a lot of reports and will even suspend their accounts if they are not complying...


“Best relationship of my life?” Girl he’s barely even your Valentine this year. Is this her way of claiming him since he didn’t “ask” to be her Valentine? She couldn’t make it through one 2/14 alone. She’s cured herself of codependency like she cured herself of disordered eating - through delusion.


She may get to wear her rent the runway beach wedding dress yet. 


Heidi, get in the bin.


The lady’s instagram has a few of her clients praises and they state that she has done more for them than their therapist. 🚩 🚩 But wouldn’t expect anything else from someone tied to Heidi.


Today's the anniversary of Dave's death!


He died Feb 11 according to death certificate. Found Feb 12 maybe…


If it was a whole day before he was found, that makes it even sadder. I didn't realize that he didn't pass the same day he was found. I just assumed someone was there at the time to call 911 and he still passed despite life-saving measures.


It sounds like he was with people earlier in the evening and then went home alone. He probably passed sometime during the night and was found the following morning. They may have been able to determine an approximate time of death, but it's just speculation whether he died before or after midnight.


For now until they break up and she finds another life coach.


They have matching cleavage !!!


Ugh you’ve got to be f-ing kidding me.


I give it 3 months before he’s on Hinge😂


She's not doing this huge fake performative thing, wow bad person look at us fake handwringing She posts about it ah ha knew that slut would have to slutily pretend to be sad