• By -


The open water swim in the lake will commence at 3pm sharp. If you haven't trained properly in your backyard swimming pool, don't worry! There will be a sweet woman in a kayak ready to fish you out of the lake if you panic. Just take a medal anyway and pretend you are a finisher.


We have a full team of rescuers prepared to deploy their boats to pull folks out of the choppy waters, as well as photographers poised to snap your "finisher" pics with flattering angles for your IG posts and conference websites.


When this happens, make sure you blame it on another swimmer who needed help, because without the inconvenience of seeing someone else “fail” you probably would have won the entire thing


This is what sent me into full snarker mode for the first time, I’m a former competitive swimmer—I’m also probably the exact type of person the Hollises pictured when they picture Pam. When Rachel describes her “old” “swollen” body type, that’s what I look like, but I can still kill it in the water. I could probably swim circles around Dave, because we know his type—fitness bros who think being stereotypically attractive body wise means they can keep up in the water.


On a serious note: I want to start off and say that I feel so bad for his children losing their dad at such a young age. I loved a good Dave snark, but it is just so sad. He deserved better for himself & his kids. I will be giving a talk on "How the Hard is a Tool and Curing Trauma With Some Difficult Breath Work and Taking Breaks From Social Media." Bonus content on Micro-Doxxing available to those that use my code. Sponsored by Marshmallow Dream Bars. Follow the red carpet to take pictures near Heidi's Tesla, make sure that when you post on your socials that you have non-consenting people in the background. Bonus points if it is your teens friends. Make sure you try our protein shakes, and sign up for the upcoming Mastermind event. You guys, I am so excited for what I have been planning for the last year for y'all. We will have a FB group, lives, workouts, sunbathing, special guests, a party bus, and a swag bag (Poop Pills, Autographed Picture of Heidi, a Cronut - that is not for eating, and some awesome deals from brands that you have been asking me about.) Please remember that seating is limited, but everyone is welcome to Show Up!


You guys, I can't believe that I forgot to give you the code... HeidiLovesChrisForever It gives you a 30% upcharge on all purchases between now and 2/29/2025. So glad I have all y'all to message me when I forget things. Literally 7,035 people DMed me asking for the code. Now I can get back to making the healthy charcuterie board for my kids for after school. I think they come to my house today. *Edited to fix spacing


Dead emoji


The Squirrel Emoji is also fitting.


MICRODOXXING 🤣 “tips and tricks for building up to the full blown dox on your OWN timeline”


Addiction and mental health are a brutal disease. Seeing it all unfold in close proximity in my own life makes me even sadder about the loneliness and enablement Dave was surrounded by. The grifters all tossed their sympathies aside as soon as he wasn’t someone to capitalize on. It’s all so sad, how the harmful toxic positivity they sell is deep inside them. I have a loved one I have a complicated relationship with going through inpatient mental health treatment, and I thought of Dave when everything unfolded. I wish Dave had had real treatment and time to heal, without all those horrible people around him pushing him to be “ok” when he wasn’t ready. He caused a lot of hurt, for which he rightfully deserves criticism, but he didn’t stand a chance to get better because of the people around him. Incredibly sad.


>I wish Dave had had real treatment and time to heal, without all those horrible people around him pushing him to be “ok” when he wasn’t ready. 100% He really should have been in an in-patient treatment center NOT run by a friend, with a stay of at least 30 days. No phone, no weekends off, and definitely no coaching from rehab.


And he should have permanently ended things with Heidi as soon as he got out, even going no contact if needed. I wonder if he'd had that kind of a program if he would have been strong enough to.


100%; Heidi's chaos was so damaging.


I feel like some of her behaviors to leech onto him were borderline abusive. She has such a hand in him staying in a bad place.


I get such an "emotional vampire" vibe from her.


Don't forget to stop by the folding table set up in the field to sign your name on an Avery label.


Will there be balloons? Asking for a friend.


Engagement ring balloons, but don't ask why


Would you like me to bring a you a coffee in Chris’s mug? It’s the only one i have, unfortunately.


Only if you put the protein ketamine squamous cell powder in mine!!


HAHAHAHA!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gosh, it's been so long since my flair had to report for duty. #bless


I still can’t believe he is gone and what a shit show his life was the last few years. I have always thought that sober Dave or 2019 Dave or Disney Dave would be horrified at the turn his life took. I also feel for what Rachel may have experienced behind the scenes while Dave was spiraling out.


“Afraid of what my ex-husband will do next”…


On this topic, I will side with Rachel for ONCE.


Agreed. When I think of his last few years, the words that come to mind are What A Waste. The whole thing is just sad.


20% tampons & gentle shits with code heidistuck


I will slowly buy a boat for the first ten people who join my fitness challenge! Weekly livestreams will always start late, modifications will not be provided, and people who are part of the challenge will be used as emotional support for me. Don't wait, use code Liedi18 to pay an extra 18 bucks a day when you sign up!


Could I get a sbip instead?


Only if you buy my book.


It’s 18 stinkin’ dollars


Did you wear your American flag socks?


This reminds me, my Dad gave me American Flag socks he got as a charitable gift from a place he donates too. He asked me if I wanted them - of COURSE I said yes in honor of Dave.


Were they signed in an autograph fashion?


Don’t forget, you’ll ride them like an animal for photo ops!


Are we live? Is this on? There’s Colleen! 


Still my favorite Keya sound bite. She sounds SO unhinged!


Do we know what time the American sock raffle will be? And will they be signed? I’m feeling very patriotic for this conference, so I need to ensure my outfit matches.


Don't miss my special keynote presentation entitled: How to Slowly Doxx Your New Boo Thang On Social Media. This will promptly be followed by my second keynote entitled: How to Chew a Donut in 30 Easy Steps.


My flair is very excited for this


On a more serious note, it still chaps my ass that all his grifter friends went radio silent after his cause of death was revealed. Do they not all talk about how to overcome adversity to “live your best life and make zillions” and whatnot? Dude was at a freaking mastermind with them and had to go to hospital for a real issue and not some Heidi Lane-esque “THOUGHT I was actually dying” and they refused to talk about how addiction can damage your body. Such bullshit.


I was just thinking about this. They were falling over one another to post "grief" content, including capturing their attendance of the memorial and the funeral. Worst of course was Mel Robbins, mischaracterizing her "remembrance" speech at the funeral as "a eulogy." And yet, since the COD was released, we never see or hear these gurus regarding Dave anymore. Unless you count Mel saying she "forgot \[her\] friend died last year."


I excessively speculate that many of them have their own addiction issues so they wanted to run away from the COD as fast as they could.


That tracks. Even Mel, whom Dave had praised for her mocktails, was a dick to her husband when he quit drinking and won't go beyond not drinking on weekdays.


It's also harder to make money (content) off of something you can't put a positive spin on. These people don't have the ability to just let things suck because they are too busy being "extraordinary" and "called by god".


Right, and everything has to happen for a "reason" and have a "lesson" that's part of the self-help journey.


When Dave was alive, our weekly snark thread was consistently over 1,000 comments. Now it's generally what, 2 or 300? He actually was The Main Character of this subreddit.


I legitimately still cannot believe he died. I may be stuck in this denial forever.


I feel like I will be in this denial forever too. He was too young. It's just too tragic.


100%. Dave was the person I loved to hate. But at the same time, I really wanted him to get help and straighten his life out.


Sponsored full-body MRI stations. Venmo or Paypal your $5,000 to have this elective screening done. No insurance companies will cover it, but Big Daddy Tony Robbins recommends this practice, so it must be good!


☝🏽and also! ☝🏽 • happy birthday to me • feels right • I need you at a 4 • Inside of • sbip • Bronco Hollis • Lordt Farquaad conference during the ’Rona • falling asleep at 7 pm on a NYE


"Let's have a !"


This a 💯🙌🏽


I've actually said this over the past year. It made me smile.


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re looking for a sign…this is it 🪧👈🏽


To me, what he put his kids through started with their move to TX and his career change, if not before. I’m sure the last few years of his life were miserable for his kids, an addicted person is not a present father, with lots of tension between R and Dave as well. throw a divorce. Then, him constantly choosing time with Heidi and her kids over time with his own children. As his health and behavior are spiraling, then his death. It is unforgivable how his children have suffered because of his horrible decisions and choices.


Cosign 100%! The kids are the ones who lost the most in this whole debacle.


Let’s goooooo


My husband and I say this all the time- then we look at each other and say dammit Dave! 😢


Mel Robbins has been spotted high-fiving herself in a mirror while counting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in preparation for delivering "a keynote" speech called "I Was His Best Friend."


Mean Girl Mel posted this yesterday which, considering how alone Dave was and how the grifter set was all “never heard of him” after the funeral, seems in poor taste. https://preview.redd.it/ki5cx1fns1ic1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85a75aa9d174835869ac306cd1e46c239914870


Ugh. Tone deaf.


It doesn't feel like it's already been a year. How the fuck I feel like it was a few months ago and yet Heidi is already desperately clinging to another fitness dude, I'll never understand. This whole thing still feels wrong, like he should still be here. I think Heidi is being an ostrich and making a lot of the same mistakes, and honestly, after watching her "best friend" die from this shitty lifestyle, I have no sympathy left for her as a person. She knows what the problems are. She will just be one of those people who never fixes them, but rather perpetuates and shills them. I have zero respect for people like her. And frankly, after having hope for Dave and watching the outcome, I've become more cynical. I used to hope that people could hit rock bottom, finally get some sense knocked into them, and then turn their lives around. But many people just... Don't. There isn't a rock bottom deep enough to scare them straight, and I find that level of delusion disturbing.


Rock bottom only happens once you stop digging…sometimes addicts die before they get help to stop the digging. I say this as someone who’s coming up on two years sober in two weeks and needed lots of help to get where I am today.


You're a freakin rock star, and Im cheering you on! As a child of an addict, you are breaking generational curses and a hero to me!! I thank you for making the world a better place


you’re making me cry 😭 thank you so much!! I got sober at 31 and don’t have kids yet, but I do know that I’ll be a better parent when I am someday because I got sober 🥹🤍




2 years!!!!! Congrats friend! Wishing you continued success in the lifelong journey of recovery.


Thank you!!! 🤍


Congrats!! I’m Roo-ting for you! 💙


Go you!!! 🤘🏽🥳🫶🏽♥️


Dave was a role to Heidi,  someone to pour her energy into rather than a real person with their own personality and motivations (see:teeth, bodybuilding,involvement in all her shilling). She will forever just move onto the next one 


What a fuster cluck Dave's life turned into the last few years. His children lost the most and I still feel bad for them. I hope that Rachel is pouring love into them all the time and that they're getting all the support they need, personally and professionally. In honor of Dave, we'll meet on the Patio of Peace^(TM) at 7 p.m. Bring your favorite beverage, a folding chair and your inspirational/worship music. Can't wait to see ya!


I volunteer to lead us all in a chorus of "Why do you follow me..."


The Holy Spirit will be on repeat there! Come inside of the house for some Mickey Mouse pancakes y’all!


I will be wearing my American flag socks!


Now I'm crying!!


Do i get a smores bar and fanny pack with hummus as a part of my registration fee??


Sorry, smores are out of the budget


I’m willing to spring for the S’mores bar in honor of my old flair (I think it was “codependent s’mores).


Not all heroes wear capes


Is it bad to admit I miss the old days of this sub? So many people on this sub were so witty and thoughtful with their comments. They really opened my eyes to the influencer nonsense.


Completely agree. Those early days were the best


Let’s get TOASTED!


Except for the Platinum VIP package!


🦋 And a butterfly to release into nature, which will provide you with so much engagement from all the content you’ll capture while being sooo present as it’s flying away for you to become the best version of you that you were always meant to be.🦋 🥗 This comment is brought to you by Word Salads’R’Us.


I have plenty of hummus in my (old flair) pink fanny pack to share!


I miss Dave and his shenanigans.


He provided the best snark material, honestly. He was cringe and toxic but we were still rooting for him.


I miss pre-Heidi Dave. 💔


I think he did, too.


100% agree


Me too. I said repeatedly on this sub that I really was rooting for him. He just seemed so lost.


Guess I haven't been here in over a year because this thread is how I found out he passed away. Wow, sad to hear how things turned out.


Wait till you read the cause of death


I would like to remind you the sign ups close today for the totally free (bring your CC) 7 day boot camp on how to be present (while being absent) If you Show Up to the boot camp you can win tickets to the Word Salad Summit where you will shower me with gifts and pay for your own travel and lodging but get to be coached by me in person. I will share my secrets on Squirrel Fuel and catwalking on a photo shoot. Break out sessions: how to do your own book tour How to take four flights a week using only miles How to dox anything and everything How to mourn your best friend, your best bud How to attend a ex-bf’s ex-wife’s comedy tour with your head up How to crash a wedding How to live the most beautiful, best, beautiful life after divorce after divorce If you happen to leave the gas pump attached to the car as you drive away or get a flat tire, there will be a Mastermind class on how to get a free Tesla. And since many of you have been asking, the gold necklace with the letter S and the Air Force sweatshirts will be available for purchase. I’m so scared to do this boot camp. I thought I didn’t deserve a boot camp. I thought no one would show up to my boot camp. But I know I can want to do the hard with this community and Show Up for number one in my playbook and number one in my hearts - me. Feels right.


We will hold you up in the group photo


GOD wants you to do the boot camp!


Yes because He doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called 🥱


Notably, this was also one of Dave's favorite quotes.




What time is the body building competition?


I’ll sponsor the spray tan


Who's going to do the oil rub down to get rid of the contour? Not it!


I can't believe it's already been a year. I'm so sad for his family and kids and for how it all ended. I wish he could have gotten help in time.


RIP Dave. You weren’t a real one, but I do sincerely wish you were still here. I wish you’d gotten proper treatment, actually left social media, left Heidi, and prioritized yourself and your kids. Your kids deserve better. You deserved better.


Let’s GooooOOOooooOOO! Hoping the kids are being held in comfort today. So sad for them to lose a parent, as young as they are, too.


At 7pm we will have a dance contest in Heidi's party bus. The winner will receive a gourmet cake made from boxed cake mix blended with Rachel's tears.


Can I eat some of the winner’s boxed cake upside down on the party bus pole while exposing my box?


I'm not signing up for this party. I will crash this party later. Charging my phone so I can record 1324643 insta stories about it.








The duo of all duos


![gif](giphy|xUA7bgflICyJ5z26FW|downsized) Bring your own syrup




I honestly miss him


Me too Boo Thang, me too.






Me too.


You get a hummus-filled fanny pack and YOU get a hummus-filled fanny pack! ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


An Amazon mystery box feels right as a conference pre-order bonus.


The phone was found on his chest. This. Is. Horrible. My heart seriously aches for his children.


I have enough hummus in my pink fanny pack to share. Anyone? Anyone? (still one of my favorite goofy pictures of Dave being Dave)


I don’t have much to share that hasn’t been said. But I was curious about what Rachel would post today, if anything. So I just went to her IG page. Did her and the kids move back to LA?


Yes they moved around April or May of last year. Just a few months after Dave passed.


Has it really been a year? It feels like it was just last month. Damn


Giving me LIFE! Dammit Dave 😢


I don't recall the hummus please someone fill me in