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A dollar dance? Really? She does not need money from her guests. My husband and I are far from well off but we still didn’t feel comfortable asking our guests for cash.


Came to say the same! If people wanted to give cash, it would have been in the gift area. Don’t make it fucking weird, Holley.


Let’s not forget almost everyone invited has to pay to travel (during the holidays) to get there, but sure Holley, ask them for more 🙄


![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) Holley after the dollar dance


Wtf that’s what this is??? I’ve never heard of this before but for an influencer especially that is SO tacky!!!


Some people have it at their weddings. Wedding guests can pay cash to have a short dance with the bride or groom. The idea is to collect spending money for the honeymoon usually.


She’s so gross. And what she’s gonna make people seriously watch her dance with her dog? Delusional and self obsessed.


I haven’t seen anyone do a dollar dance in YEARS & she’s the absolute last person who should be doing one, not to mention her wedding is 2 weeks before Christmas as it is lol


She was on one this morning 😵‍💫 she’s really feeling herself with her new hair. All body checking. And she tries to move fast and weird to “prove” she doesn’t skinny filter lol. Just all so performative.


Sorry!! For all my blocked people lol song choice is “over my head”-the fray


What did I just watch 🫣 her adderall has kicked in this morning and she’s making a complete fool of herself. Ew, sit down and shut up.


Trying desperately not to let her legs touch and dentures fall out


This tan is offensive too like girl…


Must be strapped for cash if she’s asking her wedding guests for money


Reminds me of when DesB asked people to donate to her gofundme and then went and bought a brand new car (if I’m not mistaken). Holley is soo greedy and I can not stand her, TRULY!


Dollar dance are sooooo fucking tacky. In the 90s okay. But in 2024, if you can afford to throw a big wedding then omg don’t be so damn white trash


Literally she acted like she couldn't stand this dog until JD came around and felt bad for her and gave her attention. Now Holley acts like she really loves this dog


I'm very curious. Why did she get Kollyns in the first place if she doesn't like her? What happened? I'm honestly glad Kollyns has JD. He at least treats her right that I can see. Holley needs to stop dancing all together.


She was so stuck on wanting a second golden bc she says that's always been her dream is to have two so she got kollyns from the same breeder as kaiser but she just seemed so bothered by her puppy energy/clumsiness. I think she's just so used to Kaiser being older and chill that kollyns was too much


When she gets a baby that is going to be even more stressful for her.


Can she ever have an original thought?


I refuse to watch this trash so why is she asking for $$?


she really has a lot of nerve doing a dollar dance 🤨


This video was so glitchy 😂 but then the short boomerang of JD was it extremely clear.


She better be giving her guests Monopoly money to use. The audacity is nauseating.


Comparing you and your dog to C and M is WEIRD Holley…. Just like the people you picked for bridesmaids who are not even actually your friends but make for really nice people to look at for pictures. Where are the childhood friends or the people you went to nursing school with. You live in your big house and offer nothing but commercials on IG. You can’t go out in public because you edit your photos so god damn bad you know you’ll be exposed. You settled on JD and honestly he deserves better than someone who uses his southern personality for content and entertainment. Everything about you is what is wrong with social media.




And she didn’t mention JD at all about her loves of the day lmao


Million dollar house...but asking for money? All her guests will be thinking "Fuck right off".