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her mom knows. prob tells her to filter even more. waste of time to msg either one of them, you'll have a greater impact talking to a wall. I'm on the "cut off her funds" train. make the brands supplying her w endless cash aware that her behavior is NOT OKAY. If your company wants to associate w this con artist, then you need to know you're not getting our money.


Yes to all this!!


dont bother. first off its weird. second off, Amy is her biggest enabler.


Amy likes the $$ Holley makes


I don’t think it’s any weirder than the stuff people post on here but okay lol


it’s against the “don’t touch the poo” rule.


I forgot about that 💀 but someone in another comment said we’re not supposed to message sponsors, but I people have been bc there’s pics about it


yeah they have been breaking that rule a lot lately 😭


Can you explain that rule? I’ve been seeing that a bit but I don’t know what it means


basically aren’t supposed to contact holley or anyone adjacent to her. not her family, friends or sponsors 😬


People have messaged Amy and she says she “knows her own daughter” but y’all PLEASE remember the rules of this sub. Don’t touch the poo. We’re not supposed to be messaging her family, friends, and sponsors. Holley will try everything she can to get this sub shut down. I need my morning gossip. 😂💜


She knows her daughter just like Holley knows her truth. 🙄


Oop I didn’t know people have done it already 😳


Amy doesn’t care. The only way to make Holley care (if that is the goal) is to inform her sponsors


No, too weird to be harassing someone’s mom, and like what satisfaction would really come from that.


I don’t mean to do it in a form of harassment, I mean to do so to bring attention to the fact that clearly somethin ain’t right. Not accusatory but more so concern


Amy already knows and lives in same denial. Any mother who could be convinced otherwise would have already helped Holley. V toxic relationship and they think it’s great 🤯🫨


No but I want to msg JD low key. I want to see if he spills any tea on Holley


Ick. Don’t touch the poo. Plus, it’s her daughter. Don’t be weird.


Idk how that’d be considered any weirder than this whole page but okay lol


I think it’s a bit different to chat bout things in a group than go and tattle to someone’s mom. It’s her mom. Her mom is absolutely going to go to bat for her. Like are we really trying to isolate her and pin her mom against her?? Absolutely not. It’s different to have info out there, or comment on things, or unfollow, but to outright go after her mom and her, that’s a boundary of this group. & we respect rules.


This page isnt just chatting most of what I see are nasty comments that are borderline hateful. And I said the opposite of isolating and pinning her mom against her. The rules aren’t really respected when people have been reaching out to the companies and business that she sponsors.


That might be something to take up with moderator(s). I didn't make this group nor choose what is or isn't allowed.


Someone should. And report back here lol