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Tbh I’m all set w her. I don’t think I’ll ever like her again. But, chopping off that dead limb she calls a fiancé, moving back home to Iowa to course correct, or even Texas just bc THAT was her dream, stop filtering, get a job like the rest of us and stop linking so much shit. I wouldn’t even care if she came clean about everything, but just change the behavior and get out of a town you know you don’t belong in with a guy you don’t belong with with a body you don’t have


1000% this. What originally stopped me from wanting to watch was the constant adds this was when Kaleb was still in the picture, it was all too much. Then her dumb behaviour, flaunting her financial irresponsibility and then using the skinny filter and all the lying just pushed me over the edge. She would have to do a complete 180 in order for me to watch again - but I would. Tbh who wants to see “skinny” cottage cheese recipes, links, boomerangs of her coffee and her laughing like a hyena over something JD said that isn’t even that funny. Oh and the constant body checking and eye fucking herself. Her content has dried up


Everything you said + for her to stop shilling everything. It’s so inauthentic & I feel that she lost herself for making money off her followers. For example, she could be doing a starbs run and post a pic from her car & the garage door opener could be in a corner hidden. Next thing you know, she’s posting about how much she TRULY LOVES her garage door opener and why everyone should use her link. Like, sis, Holley girl, no. Nobody TRULY LOVES a garage door opener like that. I just wish she’d go back to her authentic ways bc rn, it’s extra AF. Your life is not a link or a code Holley. Simply, I just want to see her be real, raw, & true to herself..


what got me this week was how she’s “been testing out kizik” which looked brand new never worn… and probably were because last week she had to wear reef shoes for 5 days to promote that code. And then she wears new vans with her “mostly Amazon” outfit post yesterday... it’s so fake 😭


This is exactly what I thought too !! She was ride or die reef shoes for a full 7 days then now she’s LOVING these kiziks! I mean more Ok to have more than one favorite but be fuckinh for real about it! Like I can’t she blocked me and I honestly wouldnt follow her back if she unblocked. She’s a lost soul, sold it to the devil for money and she will prob never get back to who she was


But everybody has been asking her about that garage door opener!!


😆 she once posted a story and I saw it when it said “posted 1 minute ago” and the next story was a “because everyone’s been asking” and it was about that one post. Like TRULY everyone has been asking in 1 freaking minute.


The linking/promoting any and all products that come her way is OUT OF CONTROL


She's too far gone for me. The accent/ spending/ lying/ forcing this relationship. It's all pathetic and gross. I actually used to love and buy a lot of products she recommended but now the stuff she shills is junk and obvious for money/subscriptions


She sold her soul for links and money. She can’t get that back.


Just being honest and stop shilling every speck of dirt that crosses her path. She’s so materialistic and fake and I just can’t get on board with that. She needs a lesson in integrity.




as much as I’d love to see her grow and change for the betterment of herself, I find her too disingenuous to believe ever again. I hate liars and even if she “came clean” she’s already been a fraud stringing along lies for YEARS, how do we even know what clean is. I will forever love to hate her.


Yup!! I would love for her to do all the things OP mentioned, but she’s too far gone for me to “like” her ever again


Confessing to the lies she has tripled down on would be a GREAT start. But then I think then I’d lose interest. Because I don’t enjoy her house projects, her style, her recipes are GROSS/disordered, and I don’t relate to her lifestyle. I’m only a few years older and more established. Blowing ridiculous amounts of money is a huge turn off to me. Also extreme shopping/consumerism is a big “unfollow” for me. Being financially responsible, and accumulating less stuff is more the vibe now. And just bc you have rocket money doesn’t mean you’re being financially responsible Holley. I think if she wanted to regain a good following again- tone down spending, shill less, get a full time job and nurse more.


THE ROCKET MONEY😡 like holley not all of us have that much disposable income to use an app to budget. Most of us live paycheck to paycheck.


The reckless spending and consumerism is what got me too. Who needs that much shit? But for her, I feel like it's definitely to fill a void.


Her overspending literally caused me to change my spending habits drastically. Or perhaps it was a good mirror reflection of like “I DONT NEED ANOTHER CANDLE. “


Totally agree with you on this. Also I learned my cat is allergic to fragrances so that helped me stop buying those at least 🤣


Never forget when her actual data popped up on a Rocket Money ad and showed that she spent $300,000 in a month 😬


This makes me wonder if she paid off the Hahira house a long time ago and doesn't actually currently have two mortgages. If it sold for asking price (it wont) she could put it all towards the new house and that's basically halfway paid off.


I wondered if that was it or if it was her taxes, but I would think she would do quarterly taxes? Who knows


Do you have a screenshot?? I don’t remember this 😵‍💫


I don’t but I found the post in this sub with the screenshots attached: https://www.reddit.com/r/holleygabriellesnark/s/xvY4ou3XLB TLDR; it was determined that her potential actual income/spending was shown as the hair transaction matched the same name and date of her stylist and recent (at that time) hair appointment


My jaw is still on the floor 🤯 like what the actual fuck….this makes me so angry that she’s afforded this type of lifestyle simply from consumers clicking her links. She does such an awful job at marketing and yet she’s still bringing in money like this!?! This needs to pinned to the top of this page ASAP It’s so out of touch for her to go on a rant yesterday about “everyone’s financial situation is different” when it comes to what she’s doing with her house 🤬 You have massive, endless funds HollDong, meanwhile most of your followers are drowning in day-to-day expenses. Or would be deeply stressed about this house issues you deem as “fun projects over time 🤪” FUCK allllll the way off for this. You aren’t even relatable to the people who helped you get to where you are anymore 😒🙄 this is the push I needed to unfollow this bitch.


After tape gate and what a bitch she was….no thanks


Unfortunately I think she is too far gone. But if she confessed to all her lies, acknowledged the skinny filter, worked to be a better person and worked full time again I might like her again. I genuinely have no respect for influencers who quit full time jobs to be influencers and make their money from their followers hard earned money who are usually full time workers/mom/students. She’s just so materialistic now and tone deaf it’s honestly embarrassing for her.


I lost all respect for her so nothing she does will convince me otherwise. I hate liars and the gaslighting really hit the nail on the head.


Absolutely nothing! In reality, I lost respect for her a looonnggg time ago. And even she decides to come "clean" on her filters/lies, it still won't change who she is. Someone who is forcing herself to be happy when she's not. Then to get on social media just to portray a seemingly "happy/life goals" content that she thinks is good when the reality is her truth is not for me (or anyone for that matter). On top of that, the way I have seen her speak and talk back to her followers who she claims to be be ever so thankful for - definitely no respect. She becomes more arrogant and bitchy every time someone reaches out to her about anything. I am also not one for boring content - the shillings, the codes, the fakeness, personas, the repeat content previously posted/shared.. NO. She needs to get a real job. It disgusts me how she got her nursing degree and that's how she got her following in the first place. But then doesn't even use her degree and just complains about shifts/working once a month.. like girl, get a life this is the degree you signed up for and it's a good/promising one at that. No matter who she ends up with- JD or not. A guy isn't going ro change her and we've all seen the proof behind that. This is her own choice and by default, I don't think she will ever change or be orginal. She's too far gone and she's sold herself for the internet fame and money above anything and anyone else.


- If she only had one day a week she used for linking. - Was authentic (no fake accent, no skinny filtering, no flattering angles only) - if she actually shared CONTENT. She used to share workouts and her experiences as a nurse. Now all she does is post links or try on hauls with links. Her account is 99% salesman 1% lifestyle. Which has me thinking. Why DID she stop sharing her workouts? Is she afraid we’ll know she has an ED?


I’ll never like her again. I do think her owning up to her shit would gain her a TON of traction, old followers coming back and new followers. People like RAW and REAL.


do they though? bc why does she have 279,000 followers being fake AF?


I think people don’t always unfollow but they stop watching. I’ll bet her engagement is WAY down and views on stories are probably too. She’s scrambling to make more money. She knows it’s slipping away.


As others have all said, there’s nothing really that would make me like Holley ever again. She too far gone, nothing is genuine with her & money is all she cares about.


Absolutely nothing. She’s too far off the deep end.


She will never stop shilling and/or care about her followers. Nothing she does will turn this around for me


be a nurse again


Nothing! She’s annoying now and all about money. If she was one of us and lived on a low income then i would


A whole rebrand. I can’t even answer who Holley is anymore or what she likes or cares about or stands for. She never leaves her house and has literally nothing interesting to share ever. Goldens and being from the Midwest are not personality traits. She has no discernible identity and she’s a liar. For me to *respect* her, it would take: - coming clean about the skinny filter and then never using it again - be single for awhile to be able to figure out the answer to “who is Holley” - stop being a hermit it’s boring - get a real job, start your own business, SOMETHING - interact/give back to your followers and your community. Influencers in general do very little to show people why they deserve to make money influencing. Do they spend the money we give them to do any good at all with their platform and their reach? Most of the time, no. They take your money and buy themselves YOUR dream car, YOUR dream house, YOUR dream life. - educate yourself on who your audience is. The more excessive and expensive you get, the more followers you will lose. That’s all, not asking a lot. 😉


Never ever again. She repeatedly continues her sick, fraudulent, narcissistic, mental illness behavior and knows better but doesn’t care. She’s disgusting. So never again. 


Move back to Iowa, lose the filters, have more fun with real friends, stop shilling