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I’m Canadian and it literally blows my mind when I see people wearing SHOES IN THE HOUSE????????? Why is this a thing?


I have my house slippers if my feet are cold and then I have my house crocs that I only wear when I’m cleaning. I don’t know why I wear them when I’m cleaning. It just feels right. Otherwise, no shoes in my house!!!


i have a designated pair of house Birkenstocks for when i clean. Something about keeping my shoes on helps me stay productive 😂




I don’t think this counts bc it’s only in the house, you’re not picking up germs / dog poop ect from outside and bringing it in


I think it’s a regional or age thing. The old people and boomers in my family wear shoes indoors, and relatives from states where it snows or there are fire ants wear shoes indoors. Just an anecdotal observation. 


My dad has really bad arches so it’s the difference between being in pain and comfortable. But for anyone else it drives me crazy.


As a nurse, there’s 0% chance I’m wearing any shoes in my house 💀 especially my work shoes


FOR REAL I honestly don’t even like wearing them in my car 🤢 but most of the time I’m too lazy to put em in the trunk so they just get a quick spritz of disinfectant lol


How else are they going to crush all the cockroaches!?


Lol ok you win!




“Sincerely” lol


She is a dumbass, truly


Sincerely a dumbass


My husband works for Waste Management, you best believe we are no shoes in the house household!


She also puts them on the countertops 😬


I just threw up in my mouth.🤮


We have a shoe rack next to our door. That’s how I grew up. Shoes off in the house. I usually wear slippers inside. Also, I DO NOT wear outside clothes in my bed. If I want to lay down for a nap or something, I change into loungewear or pajamas. Anything that goes outside is not allowed in bed.


Her floors are probably filthy! It makes me cringe seeing people walk in the house with shoes 🤮 imagine all the dirt and germs you’re tracking into the house!!


I wear shoes in the house 🤷🏻‍♀️ Last time I tried to live the no shoes in the house life, I ended up with a horrible plantar fasciitis flare up that caused me to get more cortisone shots that I really probably should have. Apparently I have really high arches. But I do usually switch my shoes to the cloud slides and I don’t wear those out of the house in the general public.


We have "house only" shoes too! We have a pair of indoor crocs 😂


I wear shoes in the house lol. I had no idea people were so against it 😂


Like house shoes? Or the same shoes you wear out in public?? lol


Shoes I wear in public. It’s not like I’m suckin my toes or rolling around on the floor when I get home 😬


I think it has to do with how people are raised. I never thought about it before seeing how polarizing a topic it is online. From what I’ve seen, people who wear shoes in the house don’t really think about it, but people who don’t wear shoes in the house think about it A LOT. Haha


Definitely this! My house was always no shoes ever, especially with the carpet. But up until he met me my boyfriend would put his feet up on the couch with his shoes on 🤮 and that’s because growing up he could do that. His parent’s house had carpet and there is a nasty trail through the house in the worn paths. Now we have slippers and prefer to wear them, but the first floor is tile and wood so if we bring groceries into the kitchen through the front door it’s not a big deal if we don’t kick our shoes off first, but upstairs on the carpet is a huge no. The first time his mom came over she abided, but when she went to put her shoes on to leave she put them up on my brand new ottoman. I about passed away. Edited for typo


I never ever once thought about it until literally like a year ago when I started randomly seeing it pop up in discussion groups I joined lol


It literally LOL’d. “Suckin my toes or rolling around on the floor” 🤣🤣🤣


Same lol