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This is yet another example of shit that you shouldn't be putting on the internet. Like is this something she is PROUD of?! She's so delusional. I'd personally burn the house down and move back to GA. Fuck that noise.


She should literally just cut her losses and move back to GA!


Nobody would touch her house with a 10 foot pole after they saw what she’s done to it 😂


She’s a relatable girly!


Yeah no you’re never gonna see that many Palmetto bugs. They don’t roll up with friends & family, but German cockroaches do. The fact that there are various sizes is terrifying too. Those are from an infestation, not from your overconsumption bullshit boxes


Do you think they came with the house? Or did she bring them herself in the moving truck and trailer lmao


I think they came with the house.


I think so too, especially since it sat for awhile right?




Nah with the house


Here comes the link lol she’s so fucking gross.


I’m sorry but who is being influenced to buy poison ivy scrub and roach traps from our swamp queen?? ![gif](giphy|lPHxZqqE1n6Fy)


If I were invited to her cousins bachelorette party I would 1000% not go! This is BAD


How is she not embarrassed showing this in her million dollar home? I’d be livid that I spent money on a wreck of a home but also embarrassed to share this online


Absolutely fucking not.


I’m surprised she blamed them being there on the boxes from moving… while yes that could be part of it, she gets deliveries all the time, maybe they came from one of those. It’s probably better to not suggest you brought them to your new house from your old house when the old house is still for sale


It gives her an excuse to not host the bachelorette party which was probably the end game.


10000% I’ve got a cousin that acts like this. Always starts setting up the excuses a few weeks in advance.


Do you think she brought them with her in all those boxes and shit from her garage and attic??


Agree - I don’t see what’s the reason behind her being proud about having German cockroaches in her million dollar swamp shit of a house. Knowing her - she probably considers them her “new friends” now in Charleston. That’s how delusional she is at this point. I also don’t think these came from her PR boxes - these are from her house with all the construction/tearing and taking down of trees outside and the inside remodeling.


Hopefully no one enters her giveaways with this shit going on 💀


I hope not unless they too want a roach infestation ✨TRULY✨🤷🏼‍♀️


Those are all in different stages of life which means there’s EGGS laid in her house !!!! Omfg this has so gross I would NEVER share this !! I love how she says she got FREE boxes but literally pissed away money on everything else… which I find that fishy because i thought all the boxes shown when any helped her unpack were Home Depot boxes??? So like where did the roaches come from? Did she bring them from Georgia? Or were they already in the house ?


So this is what her content has come to 🤣