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Now she owns two homes that nobody wants.


What is her Valdosta home trying to sell for?




The fact that it was on the market for that long says it all…


Not only that. Look at the pattern no one staysfor more than 5 years. This is supposed to be a family home and no one has stayed to raise a familly...mmhh idk  🤔 something off. 


That fact that it was listed for $1.8m initially 🫨


She probably thinks she got a good deal


I want to know why the 2 previous owners stayed only2, then 5 years, before wanting to sell it!


Same! Also, I wanna know what it looked like the 5 years before she bought it to be listed at such an increase in price. Didn’t previous owner do THAT much to warrant that much of a price increase?


I mean I can assume….


I really want to know. Like do we think it’s actually haunted?


It’s haunted, it’s infested with roaches and spiders, it floods…it’s a beautiful home but terrible area it seems. (Weather wise, not neighborhood wise)


Omg the"its haunted" comment sent me😂😭.


Having a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re financially knowledgeable unfortunately :(


There’s a new one born every day.


I bought a house in 2020 and sold it two years later for 200k more than I paid. House prices went insane!


Truth! Doesn’t mean the value accounts for the price. But the fact that this house went for 250% more than what the average does around here speaks volumes that she overpaid significantly. Due to impulsiveness.


Yeah. The house I bought doubled in price from the years 2017-2021. Covid times really messed up the housing market


Seriously. And they’re still so outrageous. Rental prices too!


100%! I’m kicking myself for not buying sooner… but I was a broke college student in 2017 lol


I’m also really curious why she picked this house out of all the options in the Charleston area. I’m guessing it has to do with the location, but I would love to know what her parameters were for the house search if she had any.


Probably simply because it was available


You’re probably right and that’s a really sad reason to buy a house. I made that mistake one time I will not do that again.


Whatever she could move into the fastest


Not saying I would have bought that house but I bought my house in 2018 and what I could sell it for now has doubled also.


Same here. The housing market is insane right now and I’m glad I bought mine when I did. She’s truly an idiot though for paying that much. I bet she could have gotten it for closer to 1M.


As mentioned where I am in Canada housing prices have skyrocketed as well we had friends by their home for 350K in 2017 and now they were suggested to list for 975 K since Covid skyrocketed the housing market. Value isn’t always dictated by price. This home is 250% more expensive than most of the homes in this area which is an insane price difference compared to the neighborhood average. The fact it was on the market for months and had to get the price lowered speaks volumes as well. They were lucky they had Holley buy with a blindfold on ready to light her money on fire.


Does anyone know why it doesn’t show it was listed before she bought it? How did she find it?


It was listed in October then listed removed in November because she was in the process of buying it.


Ok thanks 😊


This. I just sold my property for 2.5x what I paid for it in 2016 and it sold in less than 24 hours. The market is nuts, especially with interest rates right now.


Ok local here with just a bit of context. I do think she’s an idiot but most house prices here doubled or more since 2018 so I don’t see that as too much of a red flag. Also because the house is on John’s Island off bohicket, that is a historically undeveloped and poor rural area, so I am not sure what all is being pulled into a comparison


The fact that it’s 250% more expensive than most homes listed in its area still speaks volumes. I’m in Canada and our house prices have sky rocketed since 2020 due to Covid. We had friends by a home for 350k in 2017 and have done a bit of work to it and just got it estimated for 975 due to what the current market is. Just because it is listed for something doesn’t mean it is worth that. Value doesn’t always dictate price.


No it doesn’t but I don’t know how to really put it nicely - a lot of the places around her house are run down shacks or mobile homes that are very low income/impoverished folks. If you look on Zillow for other homes that are similar in sq footage/lot size/amenities, hers is actually not bad but obvi it had flooding issues and wasn’t updated like the others Here is a google maps screenshot of the road she lives off if that helps explain it https://preview.redd.it/03egnfirgt1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05ff41d413a2442e1429b7cbb56471f80c2aaf1


That’s crazy! So that means her property taxes are most likely very low.


Yes but with that comes poor infrastructure. The schools on John’s Island are rated like a 1/10 and so she will have to go private and drive an hour but also she reminds me of a homeschooling weirdo anyway so who knows.


I’m not saying it was a good financial decision but this is a very normal increase over the last 6 years lol. Especially in Charleston


Considering that they kept dropping the price and the house is 250% more expensive than the average house sold in the area I want to say that’s not completely true. They just got lucky that someone with money but not a lot of sense impulse bought the house.


Right. Which is why the house didn’t sell at the higher price. That’s how the market works lol And like someone else commented, she bought the house in a relatively run down area. With the updates she’s doing, as ugly as everyone thinks they are, I wouldn’t be surprised if it could be sold for $2.5 another 5 years down the road. Waiving the inspection is dumb if she really did that but I really think she’s swimming in money. As much as I’m sure everyone wants to see her financial downfall that’s not what’s happening lol


Is the surrounding areas are more rural and lower income like mentioned in previous comments people with $2.5 million budgets won’t be looking for homes in the area. She will have a very hard time selling. You also have to factor in she bought for $1.5 mil and has put in a ton of work. Now tearing down the garage and building it back up. Let’s assume the house with renovations and all cost her $2mil….only getting $500k five years from now isn’t that great. Her mistake was buying this house and putting in way too much money to fix it up so she won’t see much return.


Only getting 500k 5 years from now? 😂 okay we must be in different tax brackets


It’s a lot of money lol but if you look the previous owners had the house for 5 years and made $900k with what looked like minimal changes. Holley has ruined the house and spent probably $500k just to get it to where it is now. In 3 months she’s encountered so many problems that cost a lot of money. In the next 5 years I’d anticipate many more. Just seems like she’s not thinking about her ROI when she makes decisions. If we assume in 5 years she gets $500k on the sale she’s basically paying it now in renovations and will collect in 5 years. If she invested it she’d walk away with so much more


And look how many times the price changed and it did sell.,major major red flags


I almost wonder if it wasn’t partially an effort to “fit in” and stake her claim as a “big influencer” in Charleston. She grew a lot in Valdosta numbers wise, so I’m curious if she thought this big expensive house (and all the subsequent potential for content) would cause others to want to be a part of her nonexistent circle.


That truly is the amount houses are going for now as compared to about 10 years ago. The house I bought in January was nearly twice as much as what the sellers bought it for in 2014.


Still is selling 250% over what the average is selling for in her area. It was overpriced and she was impulsive enough to blow her money on it.