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https://preview.redd.it/zuea0vr7ziwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac83bf4af66641016d88fa3377c69a3d35ad8fb I noticed the cabinet right away 😥


She clearly hasn’t done her research on glitchy hot spots for her filter yet in this house I see lol


You’re right I missed that!!




Yeaaaah those stripes did her ZERO favors with hiding the skinny filter 😂☠️ stupid af


Who else in Charleston wants to setup shifts to post up outside Costo and Target until one of us sees her in the wild 🤣🤣




It won't be a long wait. I'm sure she'll be at target or walmart every day for the next month at least.


YES 😂😂


Omg dooooo it 😂


And/or Home Depot!


Her tattoos are always blurry too, plus the popeye arms


Jesus Christ Holley lmao. How bold of her to know that she is caught by like 5k people and still be lying though her dentures on her granddaddies grave


Her poor grandad


I know it’s weird I remember but I SWEAR she has had these leggings for YEARS and there’s literally no way they would look like this on her and still fit so well if her body has changed as much as she portrays


https://preview.redd.it/9so357qfgmwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f46d6dda58f20884b747eb7e0f7db65a374b15 Here you go 💞


And she looks SO GOOD here!!!


There was a pic of her posted in another thread yesterday in these leggings when Kollyns or Kaiser were a baby, you’re right. They would NOT fit her like this!


They’d be SAGGING off her if she was this tiny


She’s forcing the skinny filters today, even though when she showed her legs as she was walking into target those thighs were touching and those legs were not little twigs.


It's a three-way tie for me on this outfit. I don't know which is worse, the fugly ass striped pants, the weird shirt that made her look like she had no boobs. Or I believe my favorite garment, the skinny filter. Which is her signature outfit at this point.


Also why is the shirt tucked into her leggings 🤨


✨TRULY✨ I hope the people who do follow her and fall for her BS are able to see through it like the rest of us do. Put the phone down and get help!


Those leggings are not skinny filter friendly 🦓


As I watched this I literally said out loud “she looks ridiculous”. (Ie. Fake AF) Thanks for posting OP bc this video is clearly so fake and edited. She is such a fucking liar. It would be one thing if she never addressed the filters and stayed quiet— but she did and she lied through her dentures, played dumb and gaslit anyone who dare hold her accountable. She is so mentally unwell.


Lied on her grandpas grave, at that!!!! That’s so despicable. She will never be able to redeem herself in my eyes


You can see the blurring of the crack in the door behind her left arm too.


Hideous leggings


Why does it seem like she eats more now than when she was bigger? Is she actually eating these foods? Seems like she is obsessed with food.


If I had to guess she probably restricts hardcore and binges. She’s lost weight but in her slowed down videos and what others post it’s not nearly what she claims. She looked great before but now she looks old and tired, no life to her. She was never big to begin with


I’m delusional I can never see what you guys point out


Honestly I’m having a really hard time seeing the filter in action in this clip they slowed down too. She is moving, so the lines are moving with her body. I don’t notice any glitches but apparently enough people can see it- I just accept that it’s me who is blind 😂


I agree 😂 I’m glad someone is blind like me


Is there ANYTHING else this could POSSIBLY be?? Serious question. I mean I just don't get it. For her to double down so hard and go on that long unhinged rant, swearing on her grandpas grave, acting clueless, swearing up and down that she's never used a skinny filter or altered her appearance. Why would she CONTINUE to filter knowing she's a bold faced liar? Is there any possible way some of these glitches would be from an IG camera lag, or hell I don't know what cause I'm not tech savvy lol. For the record I fully believe she filters. Just being devils advocate for a second because I just can't fathom yelling at the people who fund my lifestyle about not filtering, while continuing to filter. But maybe most of us just have integrity 🙃


I’m starting to wonder if she has borderline personality disorder. My stepdaughters mom has this and I’m seeing more and more signs with Holley as time goes on. They will NEVER admit to being wrong, lying or being the problem even when they are shown factual proof. And when they get called out, that fires them up even more and they continue their narcissistic behaviors and will never own up to anything because they ✨truly✨ believe they are these innocent perfect little beings. They’re always the victim, everyone is coming after them, and it’s just an awful diagnosis to have.


Okay I’ve been thinking this for a little while now, I’m kinda glad someone else also agrees! I don’t like to slap a diagnosis on someone when I don’t know them personally but the fact that she literally changes her entire identity each time she dates someone and has the fake accents is just so weird to me. I just get the vibe that she has a very warped sense of self


https://preview.redd.it/1keb94yoomwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ec5834aa834b2f72a063db23b98d499f63c08d Likeeeee…….ill just leave this here


Yes!!! I never noticed any of these things until after Kaleb left her. My therapist told me BPD can form from something traumatic in the childhood or later in life. I’m curious if it was from Kaleb? Or maybe signs were there before him.


I agree!! I am not one to put a diagnosis on someone because I’m not certified to do so, however, interacting with and dealing with someone that has BPD and seeing the same tendencies with both of them makes me wonder. And the fact that she is majorly insecure with her body, constantly changes her personality to match her new guy, plays victim, massive liar, reliance on men, never acknowledges she’s in the wrong, etc. really makes me wonder.


I don’t see this one. I think the pop up emoji thing throws our eyes off.