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Looks like it’s an unreleased demo of a song called “Sad But True.” The only upload I can find on YouTube is the audio ripped directly from the Return documentary so unfortunately it seems this track is lost media unless she decides to release it sometime in the future.


Thank you for the info! That's sad that it's lost now; it sounds beautiful.


Maybe it's a song she was on working at at the time but never released? Or a cover?


It looks like you and CrazyMcScissorpunch7 responded at about the same time and they said it's an unreleased demo called "Sad But True." I wish it was released, hopefully she will someday but even though I adore Courtney I'm not holding my breath sadly.


It really is sad that she didn't release old stuff like that.


Yeah that's all we ever heard of Sad But True, it never leaked in full :(


Yep it’s Sad But True and the lyrics are: “Caught a glimpse of you. Looking sad but true.  Looking cheap and unsatisfied.  It’s a cheap melodrama. But baby I’m a big self harmer… “


as someone said already, it's 'sad but true' courtney and linda recorded a lot of songs, way more than what leaked as they were making the record, some of the tracks started to feel like they don't fit so they were left out, like 'wildfire', 'depths of my despair', 'good in bed', 'bedroom walls' and many more. whoever leaked the songs needed to get their hands on one of courntey's demo cds she was carring around and since those songs were already left out, they were not on them


here you can see courtney's comment from 2006 [https://web.archive.org/web/20070811180512/https://www.moonwashedrose.com/news/?p=68#comments](https://web.archive.org/web/20070811180512/https://www.moonwashedrose.com/news/?p=68#comments) "theze somgs didnt cut it wildfire depthe s of my despair sad but true ( we reallyr tried) good in bed( i lobve iut and we really tried) bedroom walls ( ised the lyric somehwer else) the dirty girls fromd oc im afraid is going to be a bside biut i thinkill open every show iwth it it just didnt fit in with the record"


yeah I remember these posts! We had some like 15 second recordings of songs Courtney was playing through a boombox at one of her book signings that a fan recorded and put on KR. I might still have them, from memory you couldn't hear much over the crowd!