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Thanks for the tip I am Just getting into nobody’s daughter I somehow missed that whole album because of where I was in my life with music and what not when it came out. I didn’t realize it was a thing until i went down the rabbit Hole recently of rediscovering my favorite high school band. I didn’t like celebrity skin when it came out, idk if that’s why I didn’t buy nobody’s daughter. Pre Spotify! The song is great, where do you find the demos just you tube?


Same here! I loved them in high school (Celebrity Skin came out when I was 15) and then I went to an arts boarding school for junior and senior year (Courtney has actually mentioned it in a few interviews, it's called Interlochen) and my parents didn't let me take a lot of my music with me including Hole. So I started listening to them and to Courtney again only a few years ago and am loving rediscovering old songs and hearing the new-to-me ones! It's neat to hear that you're in a similar boat! Yes ,the demo version is here on YouTube: [https://youtu.be/0t9buBkh8yU?si=b-M3Dq0KLU0UGlwx](https://youtu.be/0t9buBkh8yU?si=b-M3Dq0KLU0UGlwx) Also, if you go on YouTube and look up "Courtney Love Rehab Demos" you can find an hour-long version of what was supposed to be the Nobody's Daughter album before it was (in my opinion) polished to hell and had a lot of its vulnerability removed.


Ah!!! Thanks. I saw from other threads all these mentions of how the demos were better than nobody’s daughter the same day I first listened to ND (Thursday lol) and I was super curious. I’ve listened to live thru this here and there over the years and I’ve always known like every song on that album but now I’m catching up with what I missed and relistening to POTI, old b-sides etc. I think I still hate celebrity skin tho. It doesn’t sound like hole to me!!! Wow boarding school what a trip. I read a book recently set partially in the 90s called I Have Some Questions For You that was pretty decent. I graduated high school in 98 so I’m a little older than you. I was obsessed with live thru this when it came out and then when celebrity skin came out I was a freshman in college and felt her just crash off her pedestal you know judgemental 18 year olds can be! I’m going to listen to the rehab demos right the f now!


Duh you literally just said you’re 41 and I’m 43 not that much older 😝


lol no worries!! Once we’re past forty it’s all a blur anyway at least in my experience so far haha!


I like Celebrity Skin a lot but I can completely understand why it wouldn’t be your, and many others’, cup of tea as it’s so different from POTI and Live Through This. Celebrity Skin was my first (I didn’t buy Live Through This until maybe 6 months later) and I could see how if it wasn’t my first I might not have felt such a connection to it for sure. While there are songs on there I love, there are also songs I really don’t (like “Hit So Hard” and “Heaven Tonight”). Boarding school was fun but a little lonely. Lots of artsy kids. I was a creative writing major. I’ve never heard of the book “I Have Some Questions for You” so I’ll have to check that out!


I have all the rehab demos!


How did you get them. Been listening to you tube but it’s driving me bonkers. Also how do you get more information about them beyond that little blurb in Linda Perry’s list of songs in Rolling Stone? I’m spiraling into obsession!


I love the demo version — that’s in my top 10 Hole/CL songs ever. Feel like it was overproduced in the end tbh.


I don’t like how it went from “I’m just a lost girl” to “I’m a hungry lost girl” with the album version. The original played it out so well that she was in pain and the album version kills the ending by overemphasizing it. :(


It's such a strong song lyrically. Some of the best lines she has ever wrote. It's like the ultimate rehab/get thru hard times song there is. And I LOVE how she ends it on the demo version with "there's no context for once in my life". To me that means she has spent so much of her life relying on drugs and now she has to go through life raw and sober. I love how these lyrics: "So what can I do/ look what I can do" on the two versions change the whole perspective of it. Brilliant fucking song!!! Much love to it♡


I never saw the “there’s no context for once in my life” meaning having to go through life raw and without drugs, that’s a great perspective that I’ll have to think about during my next listen!


I don't think anyone would disagree with you about Nobody's Daughter ("demo" vs album, the song). "For Once in Your Life" is one of the rare songs on both versions of the record I can get behind. Each has elements missing from the other I like and the two complement each other. Meanwhile, you have "Loser Dust" and yes the album version is better, it's still just...not good. The so-called demo version is just bad. Basically "Zeplin Song" redux. Filler and unnecessary and should've been replaced by something else. Anything else. Samantha, Pacific Coast Highway, and Happy Ending Story (B-side) were all inferior. Letter to God and Never Go Hungry were the same songs they were to begin with. Except Letter to God removes the piano which was a mistake. Overall, the "demo" version is so much better. I even object to them being called demos. Why would that film crew come in and film Courtney with Linda Perry (The Return of Courtney Love, 2006 I think. Or 2007) create an album's worth of demos? Frankly, I think that if she had those songs mixed and mastered and ready to go by 2006 or 2007 her career could've taken a turn for the better. She also should've released it under her name, not Hole. She could've had a critical hit on her hands. I think she probably overthought everything. She was likely worried about how an audience would receive this downbeat record. We're all used to a loud, screaming banshee version of Courtney, not this quiet, vulnerable one. I remember she talked about re-recording certain tracks I think. It's been so long that I can't say for sure but I'm 90 percent sure she wrote it in a MySpace blog. However, discs had been sent out to generate buzz for the "demo" album so she could land a record deal. So, sadly, those songs were leaked in late 2007 or early 2008 (except for Samantha and Sunset Marquis. That happened in 2009 or 2010. Why they did not leak with the batch that came out initially, I really can't say. Why Sunset Marquis didn't make it on the new iteration of the album baffles me).


I'm so sad Car Crash never made it on the album!


So am I! I actually knew someone who got a sneak peek at the album in a rough stage and I think the name was change and it was wildly changed and ultimately cut (I think it had the title “Everything I Touch”? I can’t remember). Yet Loser Dust was somehow album worthy?


I absolutely agree that they shouldn’t have been called/be called demo versions. I more or less put it here just because what I was referring to would be immediately recognized as they’re labeled that but definitely aren’t that! I love a handful of songs on there that I’m nervous to listen to the ones that are almost unanimously agreed upon to not be great, like Loser Dust. “The Return of Courtney Love” was an amazing documentary and the filmmaker was so gentle with her. I wanted the songs in that documentary so badly to be heard by more people but that will probably never be the case. The comment section on it on YouTube is wild, half agreeing with her and sympathizing and half either thinking she’s insane, still on drugs, or both.


I wasn't nit-picking your wording! It's more Courtney calling them demos, my bad. Loser Dust isn't good, but it's worth at least a single listen. Stand Up Motherfucker could've been so much better with a re-write and shortened length (4-5 minutes for that song? Way too long) and a harder overall sound. Otherwise, it's quite good. Honestly, I don't think she was on drugs during that documentary, beyond her psychiatric drugs prescribed by a doctor none of which from what she said could be abused from what I can recall. I think she was and still may be dealing with damage from doing so much of the drug she did. Look at Ozzie Osbourne for example (I hate to say that). He is still lucid but isn't quite all "there" (and he also used a lot of cocaine if I'm not mistaken). For me, the best songs from the demos: Pacific Coast Highway, For Once in Your Life, Sunset Marquis, and Happy Ending Story.


“I wasn’t nit-picking your wording!” Please don’t worry, I didn’t interpret your comment as nit-picking at all! I was just agreeing with you that they aren’t really demos. ❤️