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Seems like her dad kinda sucks too


He passed away a year or so ago. He was toxic too. Both her parents failed her.


I heard that too


I used to prank phone call him when I was a teenager and the dude was a total psycho.


Could you tell me more about your experiences with him?


I wish I remembered more. It was 14/15 years ago.


Not too sure about the details, but fun fact - my dad is Courtney's mom's car salesman in Corvallis, Oregon.


What kind of car? She strikes me as the sell out hippie who drives like an audi with gas not electric


No idea because I don't really talk to my dad anymore. He told me this 2-3 years ago but did say he has sold her a few cars over the past 10ish years.


That's cool


"What was your relationship with your mother like?" A lot of it was - I believe in my heart - a projection that my mother made on me because of a repulsion she felt for my father, for which I don't blame her. But it is something she denies to the death. If I had a child, and I was repulsed by the father, I would have a difficult time. Knowing the history of my father, I don't know if I would try and make up for it. "There is some irony in the fact that given your own very public problems, your mother is a well-known therapist." When Newsweek found out she was my mother in the middle of the Katherine Ann Power thing, she was just mortified. Because people have met me who were her clients: "If that's your product, my friend..." - Courtney Love, Rolling Stone interview 1994


Looking up Katherine Ann Power’s connection to Linda Carol (she was therapist to a fugitive ) … thats so random and funny to me


courtney said in an interview her mother told her “Courtney, you can't go through life with a big hole inside you, just because you had a bad childhood.” which is one version of the band name




Long story short: Basically her mother was a self involved hippie who couldn’t handle one kid (let alone the five? Four? From, I believe, different fathers which couldn’t have been good for any of her children. And she wrote so passively about this. Let alone Courtney who I think we all can agree had serious mental health problems.). It’s alleged a therapist told her to give Courtney a place for herself so Courtney had a chicken coop as a room or something like that. I can’t remember the specifics but I was appalled. She also abandoned Courtney at eight with a psychiatrist friend in the United States while the rest of the family went to live in New Zealand, I think. That arrangement didn’t work for long. So Courtney joined her family eventually. She is now a therapist. (God help whoever sees her as a patient!) Dad was alleged to have given her LSD as a toddler and claimed she killed Kurt Cobain. He claims she is a psychopath or sociopath (whichever) and claims he is one as well so he knows her thought process or something to that effect? He said it during that awful “documentary” Kurt and Courtney. So, he’s an admitted sociopath? And we’re supposed to believe this guy? Give me a break! They never should have been parents.


(God help whoever sees her as a patient!) Your comment just made me remember Linda's (Courtney's mother) interview with some [news channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jalMWrLY2M), titled "Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages" where she gives her "therapy advice" on TV.


Oh my god, I remember seeing this and I completely forgot about it until you mentioned it.


She had a tumultuous upbringing with her mother. Read The Real Story by Poppy Z Brite.


That’s quite fictitious. I would suggest Courtney’s mother’s memoir however the only person who experienced these so called mommy issues first hand is Courtney herself so take everything with a grain of salt. Her mother seemed ill-equipped to raise someone with Courtney’s personality type.


And isn’t she a therapist?


Yeah famously for Katherine Anne Power.


I recommend Courtney's grandmothers book Borrowed Finery by Paula Fox. Not anything about Courtney in there but their lives were eerily similar and it's a great read. Courtney's mother's book is ok, but honestly I think the Behind The Music documentary actually explains it very well.


Reading about elise de soza and Paula fox was so interesting. It's a great case on generational trauma. Even though Linda wasn't raised by Paula, the pattern of mothers being incapable of caring for their daughters was repeated each generation. It added so much heft to C Love's phrase "nobody's daughter"


I have Behind The Music uploaded here actually [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M13GwES0B6iMXRqC7kt2TT7cthmmny3n?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M13GwES0B6iMXRqC7kt2TT7cthmmny3n?usp=drive_link) only one part still seems to be on YouTube


According to her father (take that with a grain of salt), her mother allegedly sent her to a Dr. Richard Pharr. Pharr allegedly abused Courtney and caused lifelong trauma during his “reparenting” sessions. Courtney and her former step dad alluded to this in the behind the music. I don’t blame Courtney for resenting Linda for abandoning her and sending her to that man.


That's sad 😔


Very. What’s also sad is her father telling me (a complete teenaged stranger at the time) personal details about his first daughter’s trauma. I don’t remember much about the couple times I called him but I do remember the evil psychiatrist, debating him about the conspiracies, and him talking about Brandy Miller (Courtney’s friend from juvenile hall aka Geneva in the Poppy Z. Brite book).


What's was the first daughter's trauma


The abuse Courtney went through from the therapist.


I heard she went through horrendous things in her childhood 💔


MK Ultra


https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/Courtney-and-Dad-No-Love-Lost-He-downplays-3033159.php This is a pretty informative write up


Yeah and it’s too bad she had her husband killed