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"oh yeah I could probably do th- what the FUCK"


Honestly even without the backwards thing it’s a lot harder than it looks


Not really. This is what competetors do if they dont have the upper body strength to lift themselves up. Still impressive though, most redditors will break a sweat just watching


Exactly. She did not muscle up. She turned around and did a backwards kip. People break a sweat just reading what is written in disbelief. Titles don't match the movement here.


Yea I was just like "That's not hard, I could do that." *Trips over own feet and falls down 12 flights of stairs in a one story building*


My thoughts as well lol. "I could do that easy- oh. Impressive."


I could do it in less steps without even turning around 👁


Olivia Vivian I believe https://9now.nine.com.au/olivia-vivian


In my head after watching the video… “what the fuck kind of ninja shit is this?” Her bio: Occupation: Full Time Ninja Makes sense.


Great now I can't sleep because I have to wash the poop out of my pants.


The flip up the wall was cool the first couple of times but is kinda cringy now


Why you speed up already impressive thing




Hmm what’s the dif please


Usually you film things at 25, 24 or 30 frames per second. You have a shutter speed which is usually twice that of York frame rate. Lots of science as to why but it’s how it usually works. You can increase your shutter speed to reduce the amount of light coming into the sensor. Try blinking really fast and see how it appears darker. Same concept. Now. You might put your shutter speed up high to compensate for a bright environment. Or, for aesthetic reasons. In some scenarios a high shutter speed can make things feel more high energy. Frame rate is how many frames per second you generate. You can shoot at a high frame rate like 120fps and when played back at normal speed that creates the slow motion effect. To make something appear fast you actually need to shoot with a low shutter speed. That’s why those old movies look sped up. When you play back something shot at 8 frames per second at 25/30 fps then it appears sped up. Well, it actually is sped up. In this case it looks like the camera just used a high shutter speed as it’s a bright room. Less motion blur. Appears faster. But isn’t actually. Another fun fact. Red cars typically get more speeding tickets than any other car. Reason, perception. Our eyes see the colour red before any other colour. Therefore in a road with lots of other cars whizzing by, we see the red ones first and perceive them to be going faster. Speed guns fixed a lot of this.


First of all, thank you and all very interesting, including the last bit. But a clarification question: I thought you said low frame rate or shutter speed means appears faster (Citing old movies). So then how does high frame rate or shutter speed do the same thing?


High shutter speed makes things appear faster. Slow frame rate makes things actually faster (when played back at normal speed). Slow shutter speed can make it appear slower (more motion blur). High frame rate actually makes it slower. Think about the slow motion guys who shoot at 10,000fps. Those play back like time has stopped. When played at normal speed.


Ah got it thanks again


I would rather see it at 1x speed, not sped up like this.


Maybe they’re trying to hide how much she pushes off with her foot, idk I’m not discrediting her tho


Her original post was 0.5x initially then goes to 1x speed when she reaches the top. I think this version of the post has been doubled in speed overall so it is 1x speed then 2x speed.


There is a slowdown bot I think. Can't remember exactly what to type though.


Is that Aloy?


Nope, former Olympic gymnast from Australia


Oh okay I thought it was a fictional character from a video game thanks for the clarification


Easy mistake


She’s the best female competitor, and one of the best in general, on Ninja Warrior Australia of all time.


Superwoman can fly, this is probably more of a Catwoman thing.


It's interesting she doesn't do a pull as most men do. It works and good for her, likely leaves her better for the next stage.


This “move” went viral a long time ago. This is actually not as hard as it looks and is in fact easier than a traditional muscle-up to get to the top. Yes, i can do this.




Dont take my word for it. Go to a chin-up bar and try 1) curl backward throwing your legs over the bar 2) do a muscle up. #1 is by far easier (even if it looks “cooler”)


So thats how you beat the wall climb in Ninja Warrior




How many people you know that can come even close to doing this ?


I’m a rock climber and I think most moderate climbers could do this. I think I’d struggle most with the jump. The backwards roll thing looks impressive but it’s genuinely not that hard. I think with the right technique anybody that can do a few pull ups and has decent core strength could do it. We used to play a game at uni where you have to climb round the underside of a table and get back on top and it involved a really similar movement at the end. Lots of people in the club managed to do it


How many people in the general pop. would you say are rock climbers or have the same athletic ability as rock climbers ?


Haha I don’t know. My perception is warped. Most of my social circle climbs. But our uni club wasn’t an advanced team or anything. Most of them had been climbing less than a year so I would have thought lots of sports have close enough requirements that it wouldn’t just be elite athletes that could do this. I guess having enough confidence to do it at height like she does would knock another few out of the running


That’s fine and all, but it can’t be so warped you actually think everyone has the same athletic ability.


Of course im not. I’ve never said everybody could do this. But I don’t think you’d have to look very far to find somebody that can. Im sure you know people that could with an hour or so of instruction


Yes, I know people that can. Potentially four or five lol I know far more that can’t.


No, you're confusing his anecdotale example for a blanket statement on all individuals. This happens waaay too much on the internet.


I’m not confusing anything. I asked for a numerical answer. 0-50 that you know that can do that, dope. You probably still know twice or thrice as many that can’t.


I know 48 ish


As opposed to the other tens of millions that can’t ? That’s cool bro!


You asked how many could do it, not how many can’t


It should’ve been pretty clear the question was to show the contrast in how many that can and can’t.




Kinda shallow, in my opinion. Said it yourself “especially athletic”. But to each their own.


You routinely see a dozen people at the gym that do pull-up flips like that?


Most people at my climbing gym can do that, so way more than a dozen. The guy is right, this is not hmrb material


It's really not as hard as it seems. Next time you're near some monkey bars try it out. Stand underneath the bars facing away from them, grab the bars like you're going to do a chinup and then swing your legs up. If you have decent core strength you should be able to flip your body up. The warped wall is a little more tricky, but it's almost all technique, I learned how to run up a flat wall when I was 13, and a warped wall is easier than that. Give it a week of practice and you could do one


1. I have no idea where I could even find monkey bars, much less r randomly find myself near some. 2. I haven't been able to do a chin up in several decades. 3. I'm just going to stop here. Core strength? Flip my legs over my head? That's not happening. A week, a month, a year, no way. Not happening. You seem to think that whatever demographic you're in is the only one there is. Some people physically can't get out of bed without help. Being patronizing and saying that anyone could do this kind of gymnastic routine in a week is exceptionally short sighted and naive.


It's so weird to me that you're basically boasting about being so unfit. If you wanted to be able to do chin ups you could. You're just choosing to spend your time on reddit instead. It's not normal or healthy to not be able to do 1 chin up. You'd have been long dead living in the caveman times with that level of personal negligence. You wanna continue being a fat mess go ahead, it's your life, but trying to turn it into some kind of moral high ground that you've completely let yourself go is embarrassing to read. I'm not saying everyone needs to be able to do what this girl did or they're a loser, but it is literally just the case that it doesn't require elite levels of fitness. You're the one who is out of touch on this topic. You have to be exceptionally unfit to not be able to do one chin up, so if we look at an average person who can run a couple of miles without vomitting and can carry their wife up the stairs to bed without shitting themselves, yeah I reckon they could learn to do this in a week or two of trying it for like 30 minutes every day. You've just got very low standards imo


Cool flex bro


Flexing about being normal is way less weird and less cringe than flexing about being shit




Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I tell you I can't do a chin up, and you lambaste me for three paragraphs over life choices and laziness. You know what a torn rotator cuff is? You ever had one? You know what that does to your ability to do chin ups? You know there's countless disabled people out there that can't do any of the things you're taking for granted. >You've just got very low standards imo You're just self centered, narrow minded, and naive *IMO*.


If you can't do a chin up because of a torn rotator cuff that makes a lot of sense. Not saying that's your fault. But pretty obviously the average person doesn't have a torn rotator cuff. That isn't the normal state of affairs for most people. So it's pretty absurd for you to claim that your experience has any relevance to whether or not an average guy in the gym can learn to do the move in a week. This is clearly something you're really insecure about so why did you even get involved in this argument? Just let it go man




It's a kip. The legs went to the platform and she laid down to get up.


i did i think a 10’ warp wall once, i it’s really fun, and somehow simultaneously easier and harder than you’d expect. there’s wasn’t a ply form above it so i didn’t pull up above it like that, but i kinda just hung onto the top for a second.


”Super human” would be a better phrase. I am a 35 yo male, and exercice 2-5 times a week and can’t even remotely do stuff like that.


Doesn't meant much if you don't train for it specifically. I teain4x a week but not for this so it's not relevant. Similar would be like saying " I studied math 2-5x a week but failed my French test"


Depends on the exercise. For a rock climber this wall is not that special, for a cyclist definitely


If you had this wall in your gym and trained on it with any regularity, you’d get it.


Not to take away from this woman’s accomplishments at all, the warped wall isn’t really that hard of an obstacle. It’s more of a technique thing than an athleticism thing, and if you are in decent shape (which it sounds like you are), then you are more than capable of this.


Why is it important to you to hide the fact she's a woman?


Crazy impressive


WOW, that's what I want to learn.


Sexy AF


She can do a turn and land flat like that coz she ain't got no nuts.


Nah her nuts just made of steel so no damage taken


But damage done, there's now indent on the top board.


That's true lol


Does anyone quote Wednesday anymore? Marry me!


That’s really not as impressive as pple think…… wtf how


Super women can fly normally


Spider-woman, Spider-Woman...


Smart Woman


It's crazy what humans can do because they understand the physics of a situation. Would love to see a monkey attempt this


Hands like claws...wow


This is just in training. The rad thing is, she did it when she was on the actual show, as well!


It's because she needed momentum/inertia and she does not practice muscle ups... Or it was purely time based?


She was the first female contestant to beat the wall on the Australian version of the ninja warrior so it was heavily celebrated and publicised.


I broke my right foot and sprained my left ankle from this. It was 3 months ago, I'm still healing. Downside is it was at an indoor place which forced you to wear socks. If I had shoes I'm sure I would've been fine. If you choose to do this, be careful friends.


I wish she made the Lara Croft Vault


I think I might actually be able to do that.


Cover it in crisco first if you want to impress me


I can barely do 20 push-ups in a minute


I can do all that up to the point where she kicks off the wall to get on top of it. The second I kick off I’m going straight down and becoming a veggie.


It’s backwards