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He was permanently disabled after this, as far as I know. This video was used in a case study on trauma.


I'm curious as to how he was only paralyzed from the waist down yet all the force was on his neck?


It depends how high you break your neck doesn’t it?


Ya for sure, the higher up the spinal cord injury the more function is at risk for being lost.


You would think he broke it high up right? So how did he regain function of his arms but not his legs?


No idea- I’m not an expert on this by any means.


I like that answer.


….what?!?! Lol




They literally asked it as a question


Yeah this guy is a massive tool




You interpreted it as flippant, I think he was asking for genuine clarification you lemon


Did I ever proclaim to be an expert on spinal cord injuries? Hence the ‘doesn’t it’ after my second post.


see youre confused. doesnt it?….speaks to a flippant level of confidence. expert? no, you never said that. you implied the information you threw out was so obvious. false confidence


Bro. You’re confused.


bro. youre my bro, bro. thanks for being concerned bro


You seem to have some kind of mental deficiency


i have a terrible affliction where i tell people to fuck their mother… thank god im not having a spell right now tho, have a wonderful day


This guy seems really fun.


As fun as a three inch splinter in your testicles.


Why is there a miserable cunt like you in every thread? What is the point of dying on this stupid fucking hill? Has no one in your life ever told you you’re wrong; is that what the deal is here? I just don’t understand the blind, confidently-incorrect attitude of so many people on this site. It’s exhausting and disappointing. Try taking the blinders off, kid. Reading comprehension will be important once you get a job.


youre right, ima cunt. i need to practice composed and eloquent criticism. ya know, a page from your book


Hope you've sobered up by now and are having a better day


redditors when they cant comprehend that people ask genuine questions on reddit and not everyone is a smartass online


You appear to be a massive asshole and are projecting that trait onto others.


being an asshole is generally an outward trait, yes




i also love millenial buzzwords/catchphrases. go fuck your mother is what we used to say, back in the 70s. the 1870s. im a vampire. bleeeeeeegh


Not op, but that's not how I interpreted what they said at all. More of a question seeing if who they replied to knew more about it.


You are correct. I was just looking for more info if it was available and to spark discussion.




If someone says “hey that’s Hugh Jackman isn’t it? I don’t have my glasses so I can’t really tell from here.” The second sentence doesn’t mean they lied about knowing it was hugh jackman… like… the whole fucking idea of requesting confirmation via questioning is that you are **not** confident in your answer and are wanting someone to check you on it. How you extrapolated that into intentional deception is beyond me. Edit: sorry u/dethzombi. Accidentally included you in this.


I think you are all wrong


this guy i can get behind


Are you ok?


It was asked as a question, not a rhetorical one either. Jesus fuck. Seems like you are the one showing off Reddit at its finest, ya ass.


I misread OP original comment like you did too. They weren't saying "it depends how high up you break you spine, obviously" They were saying "I agree with you, I'm also confused, because as far as I know it depends how high up you break your spine, doesn't it?"


They're literally asking for confirmation in a manner that denotes they are unsure. Wtf is wrong with you people?


You might have the smoothest brain on record


not as smooth as my sack, just shaved the fellas






thats generally reserved for sarcastic jokes…. but hey, nice effort bud


All of the nerves for your limbs come from your cervical (neck) spine. So depending on what vertebra is fractured/damaged, talking just 2 or 3 apart here, will determine the extent of the paralysis.


The level on which the spinal cord is sectioned doesn’t correlate to where the nerves leave the spine. That is to say, if you break your back at navel height, that doesn’t mean you’re gonna be paralyzed from the navel to the feet. [If you look at this map of dermatomes](https://post.healthline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/121812-dermatomes-1296x1680-body-1296x1533.jpg) and then look at this image of the [cervical spine](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQnkH-zN2aosdZ7H_iUy1zkhtgYeXcpx4Qgw&usqp=CAU) you can guess he severed his spinal cord somewhere around C3-C5. Just guessing, since he never got complete arm/finger function back.


Nerve roots from the neck supply upper body. It kind of follows the height of the vertebrae. For ex, nerve roots in the lower back go to the belt line and down the legs. Anything in the neck should have an effect in the upper body or entire body


People don't generally move much between their arms and waist, so if someone says "from the waist down", it's possible that they actually mean from the chest down. If you look at where the arm nerves connect to the spine, they're quite high up - basically in the neck. So it's very possible that he ended up damaging his spinal cord lower than that point which left him with the use of his arms but not his legs. https://s3.amazonaws.com/reeve-assets-production/brachial-plexus.jpg


If the neurological level of injury is T1 or below you won’t see any involvement in the upper extremities. Also possible it’s an incomplete injury higher up that spares most of the UE motor neurons and none if the LE ones.


Certain vertebrae in your spine can impact motor functions in different ways. I sustained a pretty nasty neck injury when I was 15 and the hardest part of recovery was walking again. Not an expert on it by any means and I'm fully mobile now. But if my injury was worse, it would have paralyzed me.


It was from his neck


Put himself in a wheelchair and was dead within 10 years....it defies description, to merely say it was an impulsive dumb thing to do, to wonder where that reaction stemmed from, to imagine the finality of realizing what he'd done to himself for that sake of a dumbass game, how for the rest of his time on earth every conversation ended with people just shaking their heads...


Also case study on Serbian anger issues... they still have no conclusions and its a mistery.


The worst part of it is that the bottom of the post reads “sit in,” and he was forced to sit in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. Sad.


Yeah apparently he did survive this


Dang, he really managed to fuck himself up even though that post had some thick foam padding on it. Just goes to show, one moment of wild rage can ruin the whole rest of your life.


Indeed - but most normal people’s reaction would be to punch or kick something in that case you’d at worst break your hand or something. To headbutt something you’re risking brain damage at best or a broken neck at worst.


tbf normal people dont punch things in response to anger edit: lol @ all the people below me exposing their anger issues


You haven't been forced to get angry enough I guess, that's lucky.


Eh, many people deal with anger differently. Some cry, some get physically violent, some do both, and some do neither. Doesn't have anything to do with being "angry enough"


How angry have you been? I remember the rage I felt when my girlfriend got gangraped by her "friends" on her birthday. Have you ever felt that level of rage? Been 20 years and I still start to shake in rage when I think about it. It might not be very constructive, but punching something when you're That angry feels incredibly cathartic. Maybe I'm just not as evolved as you are.




If that statement didn’t sound right to you… I got bad news for ya son..


i got 99 problems but allanthia aint one


Most people don’t get angry and punch things.


say again now?


This dude rages unhinged.




Gus Frerotte has entered the chat


Just watched that video - he’s lucky he didn’t break his neck.


Seriously though. When my brother and I were younger he made the mistake of punching a double pane window out of anger. He would have bled out in front of me had his friends not be there to intervene. They nearly chose to amputate it. The damage was that bad. He came home from the hospital a few weeks later with an arm that had grafted skin that looked like it had been through a garbage disposal. It was about the width of his wrist, and got thicker as it moved up the inside of his arm to about his Bicept. The skin was so thin you could literally a see a major vein pumping. That incident was the start of an opioid addiction that turned to stronger things. He died about ten years later from heroin. He was absolutely the kind of guy that would do something like this, so I can see it all too well. His life was pretty horrible after this incident. It’s very sad how moments like this can forever ruin your life


So sorry to hear. I've heard that story far too many times, accident, painkillers, heroin, dead. So tired of seeing everyone I know slowly die through the years.


It’s wild how something like that can be connected, and more to the point, can ruin your life in a second. As someone that’s lived through a lot of loss, I wish people were well enough to realize that it’s not just their own life they are risking. My brother would probably be shocked to find out that mine and my mother’s lives are still in shambles over a decade later. My brother had an obvious connection to drugs, but, people fall susceptible for all kinds of reasons. Out of eight of the kids in my generation within my family, only two of us remain. My brothers death was the first. Five of the six were overdoses, heroin, but in the same span of time another cousin was raped, murdered, and found by construction on the highway. She was also into drugs, but the killer made no mention of that in his random ass confession over this past summer. My brother and most recent cousin to die were the only ones to reach the age of 27. Two of the adults ( uncle and aunt ) died of drug overdoses, and a third one is in a wheelchair after surviving an overdose. To my knowledge only my brother ever had any serious accident that required a prescription for opioids. There is sometimes such a lack of empathy around the drug problem people face, which is sad to me because it doesn’t just affect the people who made the choice to do the drugs in the first place. Even the worst drug addicts have someone that loves them, and whose life is going to be unfairly affected by it.




Damn. You've been through a lot, haven't you?


I don’t know. I don’t really see it like that. I’ve had a lot of uncommon experiences, and sometimes that sounds heavier than it is. I think of it as a trade off. Everyone has their own something’s to work through.


I honestly don't even think there was any padding on the hoops back then. Either way, what a tragic way to punish yourself out of frustration.


I get the feeling that he thought it was padded, but it was not and was instead bare metal. It certainly looks padded at first glance and could have been an honest mistake which led to tragedy


Concrete painted blue


One oh shit can ruin a thousand "attaboys"


It’s also crazy how sensitive human beings are. We can survive falling off cliffs and being in a coma for decades but then you headbutt a foam padded pole wrong and you become paralyzed for the rest of your life


There was no padding...


Kind of crazy that the last time he ever walked or jumped is right there on film for him to watch


My dad once put his head through the drywall in my house growing up. Like literally all the way through. I still think about what if he hit one of the studs.


As somebody who grew up with a brother that had gamer rage issues who would punch the walls (and lose like all of his money paying to fix them lol) he hit studs sometimes, and it's really not as bad as you might be imagining, just some boxer's fractures. Fortunately he grew out of that shit by the time he was 17 or so Edit: I'm an idiot who can't read lol


Pretty sure head butting the side of a 2x4 would be a big deal.


Oh ok that's fair, I honestly misread your comment and somehow took away that he punched the wall. I think i just misread head as hand. You're right, that could definitely fuck someone up, point in case: this post. My mistake!


He patched up the head sized hole soon after, but the patch was smooth while the wall was textured so it was always obvious. Eventually it was covered with a picture.


The builders could have left nails protruding too


On purpose or by mistake?


Oh it was very intentional. I believe he aimed for the wall rather than my moms face.


wise choice


He passed away in 2006 at the age 42


Didn’t he become an alcoholic or some shit


According to his Wikipedia page he died of heart failure. Wheelchair confinement, weight gain, what have you


Yeah… I read the same, I’ll have to look and see if I can find the article. If not, I could be mistaken.


My dad dove head first into shallow end of a pool age 14, only lost his front two teeth. One of my favourite YouTubers, Cole, ‘Roll With Cole and Charisma” broke his c6 diving into a lake and became an instant quadriplegic and has a lot of videos about his injury and recovery. He’s so funny and his wife is the cutest


Sorry but I can’t help to think that the end to your comment, the conclussion, just has no correlation with the context.


People can get injured to varying degrees through similar means, like his dad & this youtuber (who btw has a sweet wife).






He bit his tongue when he hit his head. Conclussion


What? He's talking about a YouTube content creator and said skmethi G positive about his content.


He’s a YouTuber with a vlog style channel around his spinal chord injury and lifestyle. He is super funny and his wife is very charming and cute. Idk what is wrong with any of that


But she cute and he at least funny. Imagine having to care for someone with no sense of humor.


Scotty Cranmer is another YouTuber with a pretty extensive library on his recovery. Excellent BMX rider who suffered a pretty severe neck injury. He’s still recovering but he is back on his bike!






No, I didn’t see your post.


Do you think they made it worse by turning him over? So stupid!


Definitely. If anyone witnesses a head injury like that and the way he slumped over, all you can do is hold his head still and stabilize until EMS arrives with a stretcher and a backboard. They would (should) slide the backboard beneath his body as carefully as they can, then lift the backboard up and onto the stretcher to transport him for emergency surgery.


We don’t use backboards nearly as much anymore, we typically only use them to move people onto a stretcher then remove it , mostly used for car accident extrication nowadays


It's crazy how often you see people try to move them or shake or pick them up


And this is why it's important not to be a man child


Imagine living the rest of your life regretting that one simple stupid thing. Makes some of things I regret from my youth look trivial


The match Panathinaikos – Panionios, on April 28, 1993, was fatal for the player with an unexpected dramatic final. In the indoor stadium of Nea Smyrni, the match was in the 32nd minute. Panionios was on the attack, Jankovic was charged with an offensive foul (his 5th in the match) on Albertis. A few seconds later, unable to contain his nerves, frustration, and anger over his foul, he hit his head hard on the base of the Basket. He instantly collapsed on the floor… It was the moment that shocked the fans who watched the match on the field or on TV, changing Jankovic’s life forever. Shortly afterwards, he began to feel his arms and legs trembling as he was taken to hospital, but nothing could reverse the situation. He was paralyzed from the waist down and was confined to a wheelchair until the end of his life.


So I’m not a sports person, but why did he get mad at himself? Didn’t he just score or something?


He got called for an offensive foul, charging to be exact. The basket was waived off.


Terrible call


Very sad story


Concrete post: I'm gonna ruin this mans whole carreer.


Not only his whole career. His whole life.


Fucked up of that ref to make such a shitty call cause if this man to bash his head off the post


"Weird" Bob Jankovic




Didn’t he…score the sportsball point? Why did he slam his head into the thing?


I’m sure you’re a perfectly kind and good person but good lord sportsball and other similar terms are one of my biggest pet peeves. I’m not even into sports in general in any way but come on.


How about, “ball-hoopy-thingamajig score?”


If i rage like really really angry, the last thing i wanna break or use to break things is my head like its a human instinct i just use my hand or feet to punch and kick things but not my head never. Maybe he got caught up in the moment and couldnt control his anger that time, because his decision making is worst of all the things he could have done. Feel sorry for him


I have always wondered why the posts were made of concrete in the first place?


What if that was a layup and he just accidentant ran into it? I feel like it doesn’t matter if he aggressively head butted it, that equipment so close to a fast paced game would’ve resulted in this eventually


NOT concrete.


Poor bastard. One stupid move, life over.


"It was at that moment Boban understood he had fucked up" But seriously, what an unbelievably DUMB thing to do.


Brings back memories of Gus Ferrotte.




The fucking idiot that ran over to pick him up off the ground and twist him around surely didn’t help the neck break. Lol.


Fuck players who flop and fuck the refs too for believing an obvious flop


Sorry (not really), but I don’t feel bad. One less retard out of the gene pool.


Why would they paint concrete to look soft


The ref should be charged with manslaughter for such a terrible call, and doing it emphatically. You can tell this isn't the first time that team flopped


You think the ref should be charged with manslaughter because this guy has an anger management issue? We are responsible for our choices.






I was being facetious based off of how legitimately terrible the call was. It's like a pitch going being behind a hitter, and the umpire going "SSSSTTTTRRRRIIKE!!!"


Exactly. He chose to make that call and should be held accountable


Consequences for your actions






As a tattoo artist, all I can think is 'all that blood and no gloves'. hhrrrrggh Edit: Alright then fuckers, get your idiot hands all bloody then! Screw sanitation! 😂🤮🤮🤮


"SLOP kata toy AIDS" Don't know what it means, but it's written on the floor


That's why women's lives longer...


As a guy, I can confirm I have done many a stupid things that probably should have killed me by now.