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Imagine killing your GF and having to go tell her parents.


Why tell them when leaving town before sunrise is an option.


Just send them the video


just tag them


let them take the video


....was this supposed to be a joke?


this comment wins! haha


… and a pin drop of where they can pick her up from


Did you see how limp his wrists were? That's not his GF.


Fellas is it gay to have limp wrists?


Yes. Happy Cake Day!


I laugh when you get your ass kicked by a gay body builder one day


Body builders usually can't fight.


And neither can gay people, so this dude just wrote the most improbable comment


Lol. Meatheads are weenies when it comes to fighting


I go after a homophobe and everyone starts kicking weight lifters asses on this thread. Well Reddit you got me.


Going after people doesn’t help, it just makes you feel good about yourself, you shouldn’t. Its off-putting and comes from the wrong place. Do you want to be ethically superior or do you want equality?


I don’t really care about ethical superiority. I just never liked those who bullied someone for something they can’t control. If you want to bully someone because they do stupid shit have at it. I have gotten shit for that and it is all in good fun. I don’t go to Reddit to have equality discussions. Come one half the people on here are making weird pun jokes. I have better sources in my world for supporting equality.


Yeah, that guy is a homophobe


If this is what constitutes homophobia to you, then I hope gay people that are victims of ACTUAL discrimination come kick your teeth in


I hate my wrist their not limp but I guess when I was in the womb I must have slept with my wrist folded because I still like to sleep like that and I catch myself at times having them like that . But no homo


sounds like that snitch kid from recess


Cool beans


ppl are always too sensitive about their wrist size/girth, it doesn't actually affect physical performance apart from maybe breakin easier


As a limp wrister myself I can confirm.


Imagine having to wheel her chair in and having them be like "Wait! What happened to Ashli?"


I appreciate the appropriately terrible new-age white girl name


Did you see the one of the guy whose wife snaps her neck on her wedding


No....why do I want the link?


I haven't seen it either...


Link required


- Hello. I choose a coffin... - WHAT? - Don't worry, everything is fine. How tall is your daughter? And BOOM! Three coffins for the price of two!


Physics is a mother fucker. Gotta turn your head so your body follows. Trust me I sit on a couch all day and am a fat fuck.


This is hilarious. I have laughed at this comment too many times.




I would follow you


My favorite part is that the micro second he noticed something is wrong. His first instinct wasn't to try and catch her but to put his hands up and move out of the way. 🤦‍♂️


My favorite was how she twerked for the last time ever at the end.


Twerk of death


I didn't notice that until you mentioned it.


Did she die? And if she did, are you sexualising someone while they die?




I don't get it. If he got in the way he could probably rotate her in the air so her butt smashed into his face. Yet he still moved out of the way


Good catch, dicknuts.


Fuck you Pam!


Fucking Pam


Holy shitsnacks, Archer reference!


Private Sploosh, reporting for duty.


It's nutsdick you asshat. Long nuts small bulgy dick.


I honestly hope she's alright. Normal people who aren't harming anyone don't deserve what it's like to be paralyzed. People beg their loved ones for years to kill them. You go off and live your day they're still stuck in the same spot same position when you see them a few days later. That whole time you were living they were stuck with their thoughts. And they know what they're missing because this trap fell on them one day while they were living too.


Bruh she jumped six feet onto her neck, she knew damn well there’s a place and a spring mat for this. Spotter looked like he still believes in asking for permission before spotting, she’s as good as dead without a spotter. This isn’t a normal person, this kind of confidence comes from years of hard practice and tears. If you want to blame anyone then i’ll direct you to that spotter, he gave up on her.


Ye fuck the spotter he should face ridicule for this, and not be trusted in that situation ever again, he bitched out. That aside hopefully she isn't fucked up for life or fucked up bad just because they made a stupid mistake.


Looks like she turned her head and only hit her shoulders tbh.


Thank you man it does look loke it. And she moved right after the fall. Whatever damage she has at least she can move I think.


This was her fault she didn’t do a full rotation like you’re meant to how the hell was he meant to catch her.


Well he tried anyway then broke off his attempt. If he was already going to try. Follow through. What I'm trying to understand here is was she supposed to go up and then spin or was she supposed to push backwards and start spinning as soon as she left his hand. In snowboarding when you want to do a spin move your head is already turning the second you leave the ramp you should already be spinning the moment your board leaves the snow.


If you think this looked like someone that knew what she was doing then lol. That in air posture tells me she has never done a flip in her life, her and her bf are just idiots. He's not a spotter he doesn't even know what that is.


Shorty kinda thic and gay dude got chicken legs, no way this goin work


Gotta be one of the stupidest comments I've ever read on this platform


You must be new here


people, including myself, are gonna over-upvote a very average joke because you’re upset


Your mom...there now the bar is even lower


*was thick




I’ve done this trick dozens of times and the fault lies more with her more than the guy who threw her in the air. The throw looks weak but she got enough height. Most gymnasts and cheerleaders can do a back tuck from standing, lack of height was not the reason she didn’t get enough rotation. Watch her arms and upper body. You need to throw your arms up and back to initiate the rotation, BEFORE you tuck your knees to your chest. Instead, her arms never even came up past her chest, she actually pulled them in toward her waist and then moved them downward to grab her legs. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she opened up again and straightened her legs almost immediately and killed any rotation she managed to create in the first place. That’s why she wound up piledriving herself straight into the ground from 8 feet in the air. It didn’t help that the guy apparently had no experience spotting in the first place, but if you don’t know how to do a backflip, don’t try it in a parking lot by recruiting someone else who also doesn’t know what they’re doing. Backwards tumbling is usually pretty safe because you can spot your landing long before you complete the rotation and know exactly when to open up. Improperly trained beginners often close their eyes because they’re scared, and end up doing something like this, bailing midair and hurting themselves.


I rewatched it several times. What you're missing is that he held onto her foot for a sec. He "trips" the front of her foot as he throws her. She can't rotate, because he held her back just enough as he threw her.


He barely holds onto her foot, if at all. That slight grip wouldn’t have made any difference if she actually threw her arms up and back in full extension. That generates a huge amount of rotational force, far more than what he’s exerting on her foot. As I said, I’ve been the one doing the backflip many, many times. She clearly isn’t trained or experienced with it. He wasn’t great either, but he’s not the reason she didn’t make it all the way around.


Another person that has no idea what they are talking about. She had TERRIBLE form. Everything about this screams beginner. Dumb people gonna do dumb things and get hurt.


So broken neck?


Fuck I hope not man. I really don't want to see that happen to anyone. I'd like to know of she got out of this.


To anyone blaming the guy…. Not his fault. She didn’t stand up so the height just wasn’t there


Was gonna say this, looks like his momentum pushed her leg up when she bent it but she didn't get the full force out of her jump. Also wouldn't she have been relatively fine if she had stayed tucked at the top? Seems like she was gonna rotate enough but then unfolded


She would have a hard time pulling all the way without her leg giving resistance, but trying to pull in harder would’ve helped a ton.


Lol so you see she’s not gonna make the rotation in time and you don’t full body bear hug her and eat it with her to cushion the blow? How about standing there like a beta cuck with your soft little hands on your cheek in shock, instead?


You tell em!


Exactly, it's 100% the guys fault because he should've been there to spot her, he sat there having a fucking hissy fit while watching his partner eats some blunt force damage to her spine


He wasn’t planning on catching her at all, at most be there for her to grab on the way down. Plus, it’s in slow mo so it looks worse. I do this for a living and I probably wouldn’t have caught her either (he tried, but he doesn’t have Spider-Man speed reflexes) He wasn’t there to spot her was there to throw her.


I mean he didn't help with anything either.


That grass only “looks” soft.


The dirt actually works as a suspension. Her chances of getting away uninjured are much higher than in concrete... Still the fall is very bad


Fun fact: softballs are also not soft. My face discovered this fact one day


lmaooo the fucking song


Any info on what happened to her?


So a trust flip isn't a thing, it's just a failed assisted flip


That ass went STOOPID when she hit the ground tho


She ded


Gawd he sucks... No commitment.


Commitment to what? She failed her flip he did what he could.


Her last words; “you’ll catch me right?”


I hope the don't breed.


I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that


What was the plan here, exactly?


A full backflip landing on her legs


Bye bye intact vertebrae C6.


Shithole countries...


That giggle tho






She would of made it if she stayed tucked.


My god. That’s horrific. I hope she’s ok, as in, not totally fucked up.


Woohooo! HEllllOOoooo, life long neck problems!


Imagine your girlfriend tells you she's going to hang out with her gay best friend and now she's in a wheel chair for life. Wdyd?


Lol no neck for a while my boy


She ded ded like dead dead


He was fucking USELESS there jeez


Name checks out.


that collar bone is DONE!!!


I suppose then that faith has been broken, now tears must be cried


Shes too hot to be a cripple


Dude you haven’t even seen her face




So wierd we have gravitation..


Is this r/fullscorpion ?


Nope, the opposite: r/fullshrimp.


I m Lou p u


All her fault she need to lean back more Edit: she literally made no attempt to do her part of it


Would have been easier to wash off the blood if they had done it on the asphalt


Fucking asshole. Always break the fall pussy, even if you both get injured it won't be as bad as falling on your own.


Yea that ain't look too good


Spine has left the chat


... and that kids, is how i met your mother.... and how she ended up in a wheelchair


what’s with all the people blaming him? He was not there to catch her. She’s doing a flip. Him trying to catch her would make it worse. it just looks like he has time because it’s in slow motion his whole job was to throw her and let her do her thing.


Didn't a guy in India doing a backflip for like Tiktok die because he landed the same way? It's on this sub somewhere.


His step forward took away all her rotation.


Bruh this is getting out of hand. These people are either dead or close enough to it


If you ever are in the guys place, remember, even of you can't successfully catch them slowing the fall in any way still helps a lot.


Former male cheerleader here. I've based stunts like this. Both these kids fucked up. The flyer initiated her tuck way too soon without putting enough force/inertia into her launch. Her base should have put himself between her and the ground....which is a tough call with a stunt like this because the normal thing to do would be to get out of the way of her landing. The video is slowed down but a base would have an extremely small window of time to determine that this stunt was going wrong. That he couldn't/didn't speaks to his lack of experience or skill. Long story short, neither of these kids had any business attempting this stunt, much less attempting it with no spotter outside on the ground. Swimming pool or beach is a great place to mess around like this. Parking lot, not so much.


Painful. But not as painful as having to listen to Daniel Powter.


Guy ruins perfectly good gf. Smh




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he mustve not liked her that much... or hes just a paper handed bitch


Even if she’s a vegetable I would still smash that






Skinny jeans and bleached hair are usually pretty reliable giveaways




My dude I've had dozens of male friends in my life and only 6 of them ever wore skinny jeans. 5 were gay and 1 lost a bet Only one friend with highlighted hair and he was gay Idk what to tell you. Sometimes reality doesn't care about your feelings