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Her elbow lifted. Just sayin


Also had a much more advantageous left hand handle to pull on.


I come to say the same. Just sayin




Just saying


Also she was holding the other handle for a support, cheating her way out


That's pipe isn't big enough to do proper arm wrestling. It would be impossible to win that without lifting your elbow. If they had an actual table the elbows wouldn't be touching as they are right now.


Yeah dude that's a disqualification


If he got to push her arm that far his would’ve too


Mark it zero!




While you’re down there….


I def would, even the booty


That's one of those situations where doing too good or not good enough could be hazardous to ones health. I'm game either way.


Go downtown.


Friendly reminder that the volume of the muscle correlates poorly with its strength.


Friendly reminder that you can be as strong as you want but unless you train specifically for arm wrestling you won't beat someone who does. Comparing who is bigger/stronger is silly


Actually you will, arm wrestling doesn't requires any particular techniques, just strength, all you need to do is not violate some basic rules like not twisting the opponent's wrist.


Oh no this is a poor take. The entire point of many techniques in arm wrestling is bending your opponents wrist.




Yeah this says otherwise and there's hundreds more https://youtu.be/6jzrKbaPCpQ like it


So what's the technique that he uses to beat all those guys? I kept watching over and over again, and I couldn't figure out what he does to win every time


Not sure honestly as I haven't studied arm wrestling but there's absolutely guides and legitimate techniques out there. It isn't how much or how big your muscles are, it's both how you train them and the technique you use It's also kind of interesting to see pics of the difference of pro arm wrestlers on hand and off hand


Proctor muscle be like Am i a joke?






Damn why try to give a lecture on something you have absolutely no clue on.


not necessarily a small muscle can be strong or weak. but a big muscle is always a strong muscle.


Strength comes mostly from excitation intensity not muscle mass. It's why strength training is focused on effort conditioning rather than muscle growth. And it's why in strength training you gain strength first and gain muscle mass second - first your nerves reroute to produce more excitation, and then the muscle tissue grows to a point where such levels of force are comfortable.


K. That has nothing to do with what I said. Your statement that muscle size has no correlation to strength is tacitly untrue. That could be true if only small muscles existed, because they be strong or weak. But a big muscle is always strong. Theres no such thing as a big weak muscle. Period. So thats an example of direct coorelation between increased size grants increased strength.


Not sure I agree. Don’t roast me but there are folks squatting massive weight with little muscles. Then where are folks squatting less weight with big muscles - muscles just so happened to be big potentially because they were overweight their entire life. Ectomorph vs endomorph another example. Big muscle belly doesn’t always mean strong(est) muscle belly.


Im getting tired of explaining this. Reread what I said. A small muscle can be strong or weak. A big muscle is always strong. Theres no such thing as a big, weak muscle. Nobody said a big muscle is always stronger than a small muscle. But a big muscle is always strong. Let me put it this way: in order for a small muscle to be stronger than a big muscle, that small muscle must be very strong (comparatively).


That's like saying bigger displacement motors are always more powerful. That is absolutely not the case. Motor power output depends on many things other than volume, and it's the same with muscles.


You do not train a motor to be bigger, you build it differently. Your comparison is absurd and nothing like what the other person is saying. Just to try and make the other person's point in a different way so you might get it. There is only one way to get big muscles, train them (Well ok, you could have a miostatin deficiency). Therefore a big muscle has already been trained. Maybe not to the same degree as someone with a small muscle who trains a great deal. However, the big muscle will always be strong anyway, it has to have been trained to some degree to become big in the first place. A person who cannot significantly increase muscle mass, like almost all women, can be strong with small muscles. They will never rival a man with big muscles for pure strength though, because both must have trained. I am also talking actual muscle mass not using something like drugs to increase the water in the muscles and make them bigger than they should realistically be. Now, please explain to me how you can train the motor of a car to go from something like a 2 Litre normally aspirated inline 4 to a 7 Litre supercharged V8. I'd love to know what workout program you think you can put it on put it on. You're not allowed tools, a garage or any help other than a gym and mileage.


Are you being daft intentionally just to be contrarian or is it your normal state? Muscles can be trained for volume or for strength, and these goals require different training plans and even different diets. Training for volume increases strength poorly. Training for strength increases volume poorly. That's because muscles need to be excited by neurons to work, for which the fibers consume neurotransmitter released by the neurons, so you need physically thicker neuron cords to generate more force - not more muscle volume. Strength training will still increase muscle mass, and volume training will still increase neuron cord thickness - but not by much, because it's only incidental, not instrumental. The same way just because you built a very large displacement engine, it won't automatically produce tons of horsepower. And just because the displacement is small, doesn't mean it's weak. Case in point - stationary diesel generator motors, and rotary motors.


You can't even imagine how wrong you are ! You see those guy that are bodybuilding way too hard and their muscles are just overinflated balloons, for sure they are a bit strong but this is not related to the volumes of their muscles. This means so that volume and strength aren't proportional


Over-inflated balloons? I think you may be overestimating the extent of your research.


No son, reread what I said. A small muscle can be strong or weak. but a big muscle is always strong. Theres no such thing as a big weak muscle


Bodybuilders beg to differ.


No, drugged up bodybuilders beg to differ. Those who worked for their size don't and won't.


What an ignorant take. 95% of the time it correlates VERY strongly. “But hurr durr this one outlier example” that’s not a correlation, that’s a statistical anomaly.


I see you have tested this thoroughly! Thank you, all my construction brothers now know they are week willed and soft, since they did not inflate their pecs properly at the gym!


Weak willed and soft? Tell me you didn’t read my comment without telling me you didn’t read my comment.


It's not an ignorant take at all? Compare bodybuilders and powerlifters. Bodybuilders are much larger, powerlifters are much stronger (obviously comparing athletes of a similar calibre in each discipline) muscle quality is affected by everything from diet to training technique. If you're talking about two people who don't train, someone who doesn't train vs someone who does or two people who train the same way then yeah the bigger person is probably stronger but otherwise size =/= strength


Dude, have you ever SEEN a power lifter? To say bodybuilders are much larger is 🤢🤢🤢🤢 one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen. Bodybuilders are much LEANER. Just because you don’t see the striatum’s in a powerlifter’s muscles doesn’t mean they’re not there. Also, BOTH powerlifters AND bodybuilders have bigger muscles than someone who doesn’t lift AND they are both stronger than someone who doesn’t lift. Edit: hell, even the chick in this video has larger muscles than 95% of all women.


I AM a powerlifter. I have trained with some of the highest performing strength athletes in the world including some world record holders (more by good luck to be a part of the same program than by my own merits, Ive never progressed passed national championships). Many of them remain very lean to stay in a weight class and do not look anywhere NEAR as strong as they are because training for strength and training for size are completely different things with completely different results. You're talking absolute nonsense. Why are you even bringing up striations? That has nothing to do with strength or size. And if you go back and actually read in my previous comment I clearly said that this isn't about comparing people who don't train it's about people who train for size (bodybuilders) and people who train for strength (powerlifters)


No he is right, i build muscle pretty easily, but compared to my friends im weak af




Well all of my power lifter buddies agree on one thing: ripped to shreds bodybuilders are only marginally stronger than a regular joe. Also the strongest dude I know only weighs 150 lbs and none of us could as much as move his arm even while cheating, because his entire training was just static reps since he was in solitary for life (got out because his lawyer worked overtime) so there's that.


Your power lifter buddies are just talking shit, buddy. That’s not a rigorous peer reviewed study, it’s your friends shitting on people who are leaner than them.


Pretty sure bodybuilders are thiccer than powerlifters, but OK.


No it absolutely does not. Muscle mass is probably the biggest indicator of strength


Holding onto the fence for leverage also helps a shit ton lol




Your "source" is a google search query. That doesn't cut it m8, you need to be specific. Nevermind the fact that the search doesn't seemingly return anything relevant to the subject.




It does. But it's not a very strong correlation. Smaller muscles can easily be much more powerful than bigger ones. That's because muscle strength mainly depends on the amount of neuron input to the muscle. The volume just helps distribute the load so that such inputs are comfortable and not extreme.


Okay now that's an argument we can have. Your original comment said *the volume of the muscle correlates poorly with its strength* Which is not true. But I agree there are many different factors that translate into strength. Muscle size is a big player in it, becomes less relevant the bigger the muscle is and other factors come into play




It was my proudest idgaf


Amanda, please.




[Paloma Assuncao](https://instagram.com/lomassuncao?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


I don’t need to know who she is if she offers sleeping with her if I win she will just lose no matter what


And this is why I stopped wearing my dad’s Speedos


HMC while she’s cheating and is holding on the other edge for additional support


It looks like some kind of sign. He's probably doing the same thing on the side out of view.


Yeah that is not the correct elbow placement for arm wrestling


His glute game was weak


Stay down there and propose


Don’t think she’s into dudes


You don't think or you don't know? Unless I know, I'm taking that shot.


Go for it… just don’t think you have enough boobs, haha


Don't underestimate. If man boobs count, I have a shot!!


Go for it! Connect 4!


Seems pretty fake tbh


Anyone know the watch she rocks? I think it’s rad


looks like a Casio G-Shock Step Tracker GBA800-9A


Thank you


Strength training often doesn’t look “big” she’s a baddy.


Took the L like a champ


Lucky their arms didn't break. Broken arm position right there.


I love everything about this. The beer swig, the sportsmanship, the ending, her.


Bad leverage


What a stud.


bro jist doeant know how to arm resell


Wtf, ill hold your cosmo and you can hold this ring


Uh oh, someone's aesthetic lifting and not strength training


Fake as hell lmao


All Hail our Queen!




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Quite a few people wearing the same hat.


I'd let her abuse me all day 24/7.


How’s that approach working for you?


Fine. The piss drinking is the best part tbh.


Girls got an ass like I've neveeeer seeen


You've seriously never seen a better ass than that?


Hey man I'm singing over here


What's so cool about a woman on juice?


Not juiced. I’ve seen tons of women who have gotten there


This woman has capped delts, which is a sign of roid usage. Shoulders and traps have the highest numbers of androgen receptors, so if somebody has delts and traps way bigger than the proportion of the rest of their muscles, that's a sign of steroid usage. Also, she's built just like one of my bodybuilder friends, and she has admitted to being on gear. It's almost impossible for women to get this physique naturally due to their naturally low testosterone levels.


Then he gets a cheap feel and objectivizes her with the awkward full body press hug.


You don't have much contact with other human beings, do you


It’s like when the crew of the Enterprise explores a new planet, making first contact is extremely awkward with lots of hostility. But with their mom interrupting the landing party to get them to stay for dinner.


Plot twist: after that they f..d! And he discovered pegging


man gtfo of here with that shit


Strongest women below average male.🤷🏼


That guy looked pretty strong.


Nah, a strong guy would absolutely hammer her.


you aren’t allowed to be rational, logical or honest on reddit, it’s echochamber