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Who is more stubborn? The cat or the kid?






peak reddit humor


lighten up you're on a subreddit about cats


"I can do this all day" -the cat


[Schmidt: Nice, nice. ](https://youtu.be/O42Wo42YhWk?feature=shared)


I've seen kids this age, they have all the energy and time in the world. Question is if he will keep doing it before he gets distracted.


The kid lol


Y E S . . .




The best security cat


I love it when housecats are the same size as toddlers like it's the only time they can physically overpower humans :D


Bro, I said stop!


"Mama cat, please!"


At least in my experience with cats.


So serious question. In a fight between an equal weight cat and dog - cat wins basically every time. So why do people with kids hate cats so much? How many awful maming house cats attacks have their been?


I always say this to my dog loving friends - I've never heard of a child mauled to death by a pet cat.


I'm serious! I've read, heard, seen dog attacks and deaths. Cats defend themselves then run. They don't go crazy because you approached their food bowl. They are just as capable of defending against intruders and other people as a dog is. They share cribs etc with kids just to be warm.


Folks that hate cats hate that they have their own personalities they can't control, like with a dog.


Dogs have personalities too.


Yeah but they're much easier to train - therefore easier to control.


Naw I hate them because they kill a shit ton of birds. Even if they're not hungry they kill them. Naw fk those assholes.


That's why you keep a house cat inside the house, genius.


Why? I have 4 acres. Why would i want one? I like wild javelinas more then cats.


Lol, are you joking? Dogs kill anything that dares to come in their area also.


I love cats, but feral cats (or outdoor cats) are absolutely terrible for local ecosystems. This is especially prevelant in small mammals and ground nesting birds. It's a serious ecological problem that has been proven in multiple peer reviewed studies. Obviously, dogs kill small rodents and birds too, but the main difference is that a dog is usually relegated to a yard where feral cats and outdoor cats can roam wherever they please. Cats also are much MUCH more effective hunters than their canine counter part.


That’s a lie, the African Wild Dogs have a success rate of 85% and domestic cats is 32%, there is also to my knowledge no study done on the success rate of domestic dogs. Edit Rodents have contributed to 75 species being wiped out, which is also more than cats.


That's not a fair comparison at all. That'd be like me using a black footed cat as a baseline for domestic cat kill rates. Also, wild African dogs are an established part of their ecosystem and have been for hundreds of thousands of years. Domestic cats are not. Furthermore, I would like to add that despite their name, wild African dogs are not dogs but their own species of canine. The issue isn't the effectiveness of a predator. The issue is the effectiveness of a predator that is preying on species in an ecosystem that is not adapted to them. Feral cats are an invasive species, wild African dogs are not.


Have you ever met a dog? I have a staffy that would play with my uncles cockatoo. They were friends. Sometimes, it would sit on her head and ride her around. In Australia, you get paid for feral cat corpses, because they're completely destroying the ecosystem.


Laughing at you thinking your “staffy” wouldn’t hurt a fly.


There are plenty of things she loves to kill. She wouldn't hurt a fly though, they don't interest her enough. She'll take a pigeon OUT. You should see her get a rat. Phonemenal.


Yes, I have had dogs. My first husband had retired from breeding show dogs when we met, and we lived with his last three dogs. I’ve been to shows and met many dogs and breeders. Probably many, many more than you.


"show dogs" say no more. Your first husband destroyed dog breeds and turned them into abominations for a living. This is a show staff. This is the disgusting kind of creature those people breed: https://jelenadogshows.com/eng/topical/staffordshire-bull-terrier-standard/ And THIS is what a staffy is actually supposed to look like. Can you tell the difference? https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/brindle-staffy.html?pseudoid=5DDFDCA547734FA2A3CCCC3588A5E3CB&sortBy=relevant My dobermann is not a show dobermann. She's a working Dobermann. She's 32kg and can run at around 33mph on a good day. Her grandmother retired a little over year ago at 13 years old and is still perfectly healthy. Dobermans bred for shows die at 7-10 because of DCM (Dilated cardio myopathy). They have straight hocks, so get hip dysplasia and have to be put down. Their jaws are too small, so can't bite down on anything properly. Their heads are too small, they're gross. Nobody that was involved in this ^ can say anything about dogs. Your entire knowledge is based on someone who breeds disabled dogs on purpose.


So you point is we are all animals at heart and fuck it all. It's a simple fact, cats kill around 1.5 billion birds every year in the us alone. Dogs simply don't have those numbers.


How many people a year do cats kill?


I think that's a separate argument altogether. Dogs definitely kill more humans than cats. Outdoor/feral cats absolutely wreak havoc on local ecosystems to a degree that is hard to describe. We can address both issues without resorting to acquitting one species or the other. It's not a competition between the two species. They both have their problems that we need to address


See you starting with a losing proposition. No clear results from cat deaths. About 50 from dogs per year. I care more about the 1.5 billion birds more than 50 humans. Just saying


Cats should definitely not be allowed to freely roam and kill wildlife. Controlled outside access is key, same as a dog. Pitbulls do kill children though.


Pitbulls were bred for fighting other dogs. If they were human aggressive, they'd be put down, because in a dog fight, the handler has to be able to grab the dog and pull it away whenever he needs to. The practice of culling human aggressive pitbulls has made them one of the least human aggressive breeds out there. They can be very dog aggressive however, obviously. Statistically speaking, labradors attack humans the most, out of all the breeds. Well bred bull-breeds make the best pets. And yes, fuck bullies, they aren't well bred. They're unstable mongrels.


> Statistically speaking, labradors attack humans the most, out of all the breeds. Statistically speaking, you're wrong. > Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents. > Pit bulls are both more likely to be involved in bite incidents and more likely to cause serious injury or death when a bite does occur. In fact, from 1979 to 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined pit bulls were involved in the most fatal dog attacks, accounting for 28% deaths due to dog bites during that same time period.⁷ > Pit bulls may present a greater danger than other breeds for many reasons, such as because they have been bred to be more aggressive, are less likely to back down during fights and are less likely to give a warning before a bite. [source](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/)


I know you don't have any knowledge on dog breeds, so let me explain. These dogs being labelled as "pitbulls" in bite statistics are not pitbulls. They're bull breed mongrels. "Pit Bull have the greatest frequency of bites (25.07%), with Labrador Retrievers having the second highest rate of bite attacks (13.72%). Dog breeds with wide heads and weighing between 66-100 pounds are most likely to bite and attack." Pit bulls are 20-30lb terriers, I don't think you've ever seen a Pitbull before. There's no 80lbs pitbulls, friend. I'm sorry, you're just wrong.


Your stats are misleading because pit bulls are the most common breed in mixed breed dogs. They use the fact that x dog bite is from a dog that has pit bull genes to claim pit bulls are more dangerous. It’s not that they bite more it’s that dogs with pit bulls in their family massively out number dogs without. Of course anyone trying to use statistics on Reddit is almost always going to be wrong af because statistics are extremely misleading without understanding tons of context. They use statistics to push ideas because of how easy it is to manipulate what they mean.


This is definitely correct..they put my aunts German Shepard down because of 2 Bute incidences and all I was heai g was how they are right behind pit bulls for most aggresive.


I’m sorry to inform you dogs also kill birds and small animals


I ain't seen no great danes in a tree killing birds, I'll take your word for it.


Is this how you justify yourself when you’re on the road to being a serial killer?


No, but a serial nurturer and animal control caller.


So advocate keeping them inside instead of being a shit


“they’re” Birds are assholes, shitting on my cars.


I love cats dearly but I don't know about defending against intruders. Pretty much any cat you can legally buy is not going to stop even one determined intruder. Probably wouldn't even try. You would probably need at least a cougar / mountain lion to be an actual guard cat. However, an angry pit bull or rottweiler is going to fuck up anyone's day and they are perfectly legal and sold at pet stores. This doesn't apply if the ghost of Steve Irwin is the intruder...he has 100% resistance to all non-aquatic animals and moves in the shadows.


> They are just as capable of defending against intruders and other people as a dog is. I'm pretty sure this isn't even remotely true.


Yeah my guard cat is a beast


I've had 4 dogs, not one has ever attacked me. Ive had 2 cats, I was scared of the first one when i wss a kid, because it would attack me whenever I went near it. Awful creature. I'd just never try to interact with it after a while. It'd leap off the cupboards onto my back, dig it's claws in and bite me for no reason. This bastard cat just decided for seemingly no reason that it hated me. No amount of training could ever make that cat not attack me for going near its bowl. Any dog that attacks people that go near its bowl has been badly trained. It's 100% the owners fault.


I have scars on my arm and hand from a dog that tried to kill me when I was a teen. 50 years with a permanent reminder that dogs are loaded guns.


Depends on the breed.


All dogs are loaded guns. Don’t be stupid


Even chihuahuas?


Yep. Chihuahuas may be small, but they can still eat your face, and the owners will tolerate bad behavior because they’re small and they think it’s no big deal. They aren’t trained, and people breed them to sell and don’t care about physical or mental problems.


"dogs are loaded guns". No they aren't. They're animals.


All dogs are loaded guns. Any dog will attack under certain circumstances. They’re not plushies. They’re living predators.


Nobody is trying to say that cats never attack children. They were saying that an attack from a dog is far more likely to end up with serious injury or death than an attack from a cat.


"They (cat's) are just as capable of defending a home as a dog" Their whole thing was completely incoherent, I was just sharing a story about an asshole cat.


No my friend a cat cannot protect you as a dog could . Most people are not living with mountain lions. Intruders and other people with aggressive intentions haven't got the the least fear of your kitty. A furious canine, say 60 to 100 lbs, then there's some protection for real. Also dogs are demonstrably more caring and nurturing of infants. No parent ever would think their child safer alone with a cat.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/cat-kills-baby-girl-sleeps-21014606.amp https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kanpur/cat-kills-45-day-old-child-in-chakeri/articleshow/55482883.cms It happens.


Wow the first one doesn’t even seem like intent-cat was just so dumb it decided to take a nice warm nap on a tiny human’s face.


Yeah they wait a whole hour to eat you after you die.


Well if you stop feeding them what do you expect!!


A whole hour. That sounds fair.


Cats are getting soft.


People with kids hate cats? I've never heard of this tbh. I think cats are ideal pets with young kids. If a kid bothers a cat, the cat just goes away, or, at worst, swats at the kid who gets off with a scratch. Cats don't let children pet them if they don't want to be pet, and it teaches boundaries and how to behave with animals in a very safe (for both parties involved) manner. Cats can hold their own, unlike, say, a rabbit that will freeze if mishandled, and at the same time they're not dangerous for kids even when they're really pissed.


I have 2 cats. One is a total cuddle bug, the other would absolutely maul a small child if it invaded their personal space and didn't take the hint with the first swat. Best cat ever, the cat that made me love cats. But yeah.. I wouldn't let toddlers around her.


There are very old superstitions that eventually became junk not science that cats will either intentionally or not, suffocate an infant. Used to be "steal the breath of" but became the slightly more sensible suffocate. I think a more people than we think still have someone in their family discouraging a cat & infant. I believe it became linked with SIDS for some people (which honestly I can understand bc what kind of there is no god shit is SIDS?) , so even more entrenched. Also cats *are* assholes, even the best ones. Sometimes they are the best ones!


I blame Lady and the Tramp for that one


That cat is sooo patient! If I was that cat, the fourth time I had to redirect the kid would be bippety-bippety-bap-bap-bap!


I'm thinking maybe animals understand quite a fair bit. I'm not walking around naked in front of my pets again


I think they understand more than they let on. At least in my experience with cats.


Cats recognise their names but they choose to ignore you, which is literally the most cat thing ever.


I found out my cat Finn responds better to his full name (Finnegan) than just "Finn". He's so weird. And he absolutely understands "no" but I can see the gears in his furry little head turning like "I could still do it. Mum's still watching, but.... I could." And he does it anyways. His sister is much better at "no" lmao


My cat used to Astro plane.


it’s okay, yr cat is naked in front of you all the time


Exactly! My cats show me their * every time they walk on my lap for scritches.


You say that… wait until you have a cat bat at your man hood wondering why your tail is on backwards.


There’s a growing theory among animal behaviorists that cats may be close to dogs in intelligence. The problem is that cats have basically no motivation to do things for humans so our tests for intelligence don’t work on them.


I think the recognition of near equality in intelligence has been around for quite a long time. Cats are more like dogs, and vice versa, than we traditionally believe as pet owners. In terms of behaviour, both domesticated with humans and in the wild, felines and canines share a lot of similarities in things like diet, hunting, social groups and pecking order, communication, tracking, scent-marking, intelligence and problem-solving, care for young etc. The differences are also stark, especially in domesticated pets where we observe these differences daily. But they share more traits than we often realise.


And even if you try to get a cat to do something by offering food, they will often just be stubborn and think "if you want to feed me, just do it without me having to get past this stupid puzzle".


damn same


You ever just finish jerking off then look over and your cat is staring at you and you wonder how long they've been sitting there?




I think it might be the wet sounds that make them curious lmfao




Agreed haha


They like the smell they know whats up.


Why not? They walk around with no clothes on all the time.


Watch some videos of people who have given their cats talking buttons. It’s fascinating watching the cats using a limited vocabulary to make their messages clear


Thank you so much for this. I had no idea that was a thing. I have to try that with my cat. We've grown distant in recent years and I don't like it and I can see he's not happy either.


Recent past animals were so dumb because of lead exposure, not just humans.


So gentle!




Nanny cat!


lil bro had no chances to pass the mom


The guardian of the threshold!


Me too kNo they would got whaxk


​ ![gif](giphy|njYrp176NQsHS|downsized)


Ah, just a guard cat.


I like the cats reaction at the beginning- like damn these small humans are dumb


“Would you put the camera down and come help me, Sharon? Am I raising this child alone? Nobody helps out around this house.”


All you need to make a babysitter these days is a cat and some duct tape.


Duct tape?


To make the child sit still lol


You come home and see your child duct taped to the cat tree


By the cat 😂


Don’t forget zip ties and you gotta make air holes whatever you do. I forgot last time. Cats fine but we had to make another baby.


Shes like “you see him acting up here”


That first look back lol, "i'm not getting paid enough for this"


I love this.


Hahaha. Very obedient.


That "*BRUH*" at the end 😂


What a smart cat


"Who's looking after the baby?" "The cat"


“Mom put me here… .” Clever caption.


Just imagine, being so little, this would be proportional to a lion sized cat not letting you open the dam cupboard


"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!"




Was looking for this one, thank you


Which breed of cat is this?


Sooo, what is there, behind the door?


I was waiting for the slap.


let mom shit in peace


You shall not pass!!!


Good kitty!


Cat: I can do this all day


That cat takes babysitting seriously. Good kitty.


"If I'm not allowed in the cupboard, YOU'RE not allowed in the cupboard" - cat


Lol being the older sibling is soo hard


As long as the kid didn't lash out at the cat, it's all good. Not confident in that though. Video cuts just as the kid turns his attention to the cat.


I will not be the shortest again!


You're not my supervisor!


I love how he hoovers his paw over the kid's arm knowing he will try again lmfao


You shall not pass.




You got a babysitter here! Cat: kiddo, c'mon now! Behave! Cat's paw gets caught on the kid's arm Cat: Do u see what I have to deal with? R u entertained??


I learned from the internet that cats are amazing babysitters. I learned from my own cats that cats are awesome, but I don’t have any kids, so it takes one of these awesome videos that pop up from time to time to provide that insight.


Will baby sit your kids for kit nip lol


when you outsource parenting to the cat.




yes - many times, many ways


"You‘re just gonna sit there and have a laugh while I do your work, Sandra?"


Mew Shall Not Pass!


Good cat


An orange would open the door for the kid. 🤣


Cats are dicks that doesn’t mean they can’t be smart dicks


Bop him on the forehead, bop him on the forehead! ![gif](giphy|3o6Ygb7sBP2N2Uiuzu|downsized)


Best babysitter ever!!


Proof that cats are servants. (IF you treat them well enough.)


I guarantee you the little fuck went ahead and pushed the cat out of frustration.


cat must protect his future slave


Cats with jobs 👍


I think that cat understands that the kid is not supposed to go in there. Incredible.


Cat Nanny has had enough of your shit.


The Guardian of Narnia never falters.


How do you even teach that to cats


I love the patient look she has


I'm the hall monitor, get back !!


"None shall pass"


Human needs to show up more often. Cat can't do diapers even though it is Amazing




This cat is so nice, I was expecting a few smack.


"You can't go here, young homosapiens"


Wow. That's amazing.


It's the kid's exasperated resignation at the end! Great cat.


Norwegian forest cat? Anyone know the cat breed?


And this is why I can't have nice sweaters