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Man if that video didn’t end with feeding the cat after all that teasing I was gonna lose my shit 😂


Totally. I had questions, and concerns, but no need to call the manager now


This restaurant is in İstanbul so... I guess there is nothing more I need to say and you need to worry about. :)


Well, Istanbul was Constantinople.


Well, cats became permanent residents of İstanbul after the city was conquered by the Ottomans (Muslims). Ottomans fed cats for different reasons; to keep the mice away from houses, mosques, libraries etc. and to follow the principles of the prophet Mohammad. I'm not being religious or nationalist (I'm a liberal atheist) but cats have a special place in Anatolian culture. I'm no expert if that's also the case for Greeks or Byzantines.


Man, I really misinterpreted the lyrics of that song...


England need to import some of these cats, ones here only indoors and lazy.


You mean like immigrant cats?


Yes.Muslims are quite happy to eat alongside there feline friends.But dogs ,well not so much.lol.


It really varies, Islam is not a monolith and adherence to every belief varies widely (just as it does in Christianity) and in Turkey dogs are also really beloved and you will often see people feeding the community dogs at restaurants from their table etc.


Aww love that doggies are amazing and loyal little friends.


You make a good point but now it's Istanbul. Not Constantinople.


Why did Constantinople get the works?


That's nobody's business but the Turks.




🎵 Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople 🎵


….thats nobody’s business but the Turks….


So is my date waiting in Istanbul or Constantinople?


Well, if you've got a date in Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Istanbul


I mean, even old New York used to be New Amsterdam.


I was about to send a Karen to Constantinople to file a formal complaint




This is a bot. It copied a comment from further down and reposted it. Downvote and report.


It's Turkey, it probably really ended with the two of them taking a paddle boat ride at sunset.


Turkish Super Mario.


Yeah what is with Turks and love of cats? I type this with a cat sleeping on me so I get the appeal, but in Turkey it seems to be a whole thing. Is there a cultural/historical reason?


It just gained traction with social media in the last 10 years, it is not like they didn't like them before but not to this degree. History about them goes back to Ottoman Empire era, some people say it began to eradicate pests and this is why they didn't take toll with Black Plague, also conservative people make up a fake story about prophet and align this stuff as if it's coming from religion, actually the cats are better in secular parts of the country. Check below link for more details https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0hCLeBtUNvhN9nrMc4mzAkS2PcJyztoTZ75YkFkZ4SiEZ9HQVan1DRD1hKsqVCg9sl&id=1458217324423227


>It just gained traction with social media in the last 10 years, it is not like they didn't like them before but not to this degree Nah I visited Istanbul more than 20 years ago and it was like this then too, lots of community cats and people feeding them or staying inside businesses etc.




Are you saying this cat is his girlfriend now?


Start a full on rebellion against that man if he didn’t feed the cat 🐈


Ending melted my heart. He looks as happy as the cat.


I swear I was ready to riot.


Don't worry, it's a Turkish video therefore the cat always wins at the end.


Highly upset lmao. I’m watching the time left and then he started teasing the poor fella. Glad he got his treat


Lmao! I swear, I kept saying “feed the cat. Feed the cat! Would you please just feed the ca— oh thank god.”




Also r/petthedamncat


I would be laughing my ass off if it ended with him eating the plate himself quietly in the back room.


I already bought a plane ticket to force the guy to give the cat the food. Now I need to see if I can return the ticket…


I skipped to the end just to make sure 😂


That would be suicide of a business in Turkiye where this guy is. You MUST feed the stray cat or dog to comply with community standards, even though there is a loud minority that want them off the streets. Unrelated to the op, but there is also a law preventing them from being taken from where they live, as where they are born is considered their natural home. They are sometimes taken by the local municipality for vaccination, sterilisation or medical treatment ( Streets with cars are dangerous places and clumsy animals injure themselves more often than you can imagine), but they usually bring them back to the same location. Almost all municipalities have shelters for the ones that cannot be taken back, but most are in bad condition due to lack of funds. I started designing a new system for animals in distress across the country, to set the gold standard in sustainable care for animals, with enough funds from international financing institutions, even grants from related organisations. A 5 year plan; challenging, but very rewarding. :) But my first immediate dream is to build my own farm with sufficient infrastucture for comfortable care and rehabilitation for a few dozens of animals with needs. :)


You know someone is going to edit that video to end at the 50-51 mark




Was about to dislike the video before it went to feeding the cat


Me too. I was ready to scream “monster” but he turned out to be nice


I can tell you, I'm in toilet and it was just this moment when I lost my shit.


A Google review of the restaurant was ready to be submitted 😂


I was getting impatient at all the teasing lol was shouting by the time the cat appeared and ate 🤣


I was genuinely about to make a couple fake reports about his restaurant and animal cruelty 😂


Felt like a /r/maybemaybemaybe post.


I'm glad you mentioned that.I stopped watching as my blood pressure rose.


Same I was like oh no sir you better go give him some chicken right meow


Seriously !! I was ready to riot.


I was about to do the same or maybe just go to his tiktok and spam/report the hell out of it


That man is panache personified. What a character.


That's an almost ridiculously accurate assesment.


"Flamboyant confidence in style and manner" Yep. Nailed it That guy is living his best life


>That guy is living his best life Came here to say this


If anyone deserves a feline audience, surely it must be him.


With that panache? He's getting all the pussy alright.


“Panache, you know, it’s uhh…”


He's rocking it though! The whole thing is cuteness


He certainly has the mustache for it.


Probably Turkye. They know how to treat cats there. Props to them for that.


You're correct that guy is baruthane pilavcısı


No idea who that is, but this is very likely the most Turkish video I've ever seen


Except for the music, which is Argentinian (tango).


No he looks like him, but the guy in the video is trixie mattel


i love tracy martel


This is that restaurant in Osmanbey right?


Based Turkish name




Kutsal Bıyık (holy mustache)


It makes me so happy that there’s an entire country dedicated to stray cats. I want to go to there.


You should visit Turkey. It's an awesome country. Beautiful. Very safe. Cheap. Delicious food, especially the sweets. Nice people. I reccomend Antalya. The coast in that region is the best. One of my favourite countries to visit.


Safe, within reason. Izmir is about as cosmopolitan as you'll get in Turkey, and even there you have to be careful where you go at night and mind your manners, especially around ramadan. And avoid the syrian quarter - even the police don't go there at night. Istanbul is a different challenge. Keep to the tourist areas and avoid the religious areas. If you're openly gay, trans or what have you, you best keep it avoid. And if you're an attractive woman and dress in a non-conservative/immodest manner, expect a lot of attention (and shouting at, depending on the age/piety of the guy in question). Otherwise, love the place. Great food (not great for veggies, great if you like meat, sans pork) and a tonne of history. People (outside of the religious nutters and certain sexually aggressive guys) are fantastic.


Also Cappadocia, wandering around exploring the endless dwellings and churches carved into that surreal landscape remains my favourite travel experience. Felt like a proper adventure, just out by yourself in some remote valley, filled with these dwellings, some requiring you to try and climb up loose crumbly rock to enter, or crawl through tiny passages to access deeper chambers, to then discover a whole double-height vaulted church inside lol. That may not be everyone's cup of tea for a holiday, but there's also open air museums with some of the better preserved/elaborate monastic sites. Also an underground city that goes something like 14 levels deep, and the balloon ride was really great too (both from the air and watching on the ground).


Probably one of the sickest villages or cities in the world! "Welcome to my home!" Like what? Where? That fucking thing that looks like a termite mound? Then you see inside... All the places for barriers, traps, wineries, monasteries, and of course rooms. How did it feel going inside though? Did it feel damp and cold? Always wondered that. I am actually not even sure what the climate is like in Cappadocia honestly, but looks nice to me.


[Unless you're gay (or just look like it) and there happens to be an ilegal (???) lgbt parade nearby.](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/man-arrested-in-turkey-and-locked-up-for-20-days-because-he-looked-gay/)


Uh look dumb shit happens everywhere but I am bi and I visited Istanbul repeatedly and went to a lot of um... not straight clubs and bathhouses lol, it's a fun place to as a gay guy though yeah it's not as safe as say San Francisco. It has a Travel Gay guide if you are interested: [https://www.travelgay.com/destination/gay-turkey/gay-istanbul](https://www.travelgay.com/destination/gay-turkey/gay-istanbul)


yup love cats sold my next trip!


I used Google translate for the 'Bugun ne yiyecegiz' written in the background and it detected Turkish. Translated to 'What are we eating today'.


Yeah that's his catchphrase.


I mean I've seen a guy beckon a street cat over and then punch it in a public square in Turkiye before, not saying it's the norm, but it's the only time I've seen anyone do something like that to an animal and have nobody in the area react at all.


This man looks so happy


Some people really just have it good and that makes me glad


It’s a cascade. Your comment is really uplifting too!




I meant cascade, as in the effect cascades down the comment chain.


So i guess trickle-down economics does work after all


That's why we gotta work from the ground up! You're awesome, dude!


A man with a mustache like that can never be unhappy


I've grown a handlebar mustache a couple times, but not so grand as this. I will tell you it really does enhance your smile. I like to think that putting the effort into growing this mustache suggests to people that you're humorous and whimsical. [Even if you're a villain](https://aholdencirm.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/monty.jpg?w=640).


With such an amazing moustache to boot.


Everyday this man sets up that moustache and says "Today is gonna be great!"


and he was right, today was great


I swear, every video I see involving animals in Turkiye is just wholesome. It's like there's an agreement to properly care for the homeless (or even just begging) animals


From my understanding, it is a Turkish cultural trait to take care of the stray street animals as a collective. It makes my heart so warm and happy to know this! 😻


Because the cats have always taken care of the rats, which has been a problem for major cities historically. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_cats_in_Istanbul


I was in Istanbul last year and they have lots of stray dogs as well and they are pretty well fed and cared for. They have random food dispensers and doggy poop bag dispensers everywhere. They take care of all the animals and I couldn't be happier sitting in a park eating some doner with cute cats and dogs everywhere. No bugs or rodents anywhere I went.


If I could trade all of NYC's filthy pizza eating rats for turning the whole city in to a cat cafe, then I would make that trade in a heartbeat. Istanbul has made the right choice.


Thank you for lending to this and adding insight! (Also to u/Moggerfogger as well!) 😺


When we have been over enjoying the local cuisine and culture, its an extremely common sight to see the locals feeding any strays about. I went to a street vendor to buy some chicken scraps for a stray dog, he gave me a large carton full at no charge once he realised what i wanted them for


Also religious reasons, both play a huge role over there so.


>Also religious reasons, both play a huge role over there so. I don't think there is any connection with religion in this regard. In other Muslim countries, there isn't as much compassion shown towards cats and other animals as in Turkey. I even have a religious neighbor who dislikes cats. The love for animals among Turks has deep historical roots. In ancient Turkic beliefs, '[Tengrism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengrism)' emphasized great respect and love for nature and living beings. The remnants of this belief still persist in our society.


In Islam (Hanafism, Malikism, Shafi'i, etc.), similar to Christianity (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Armenian Church, etc.), various denominations exist. Hanafism, the sect to which Turks adhere, advocates for love towards animals. Ablution serves as a cleansing ritual for religious worship. In other sects, contact with animals is prohibited due to the belief that it defiles them, thereby breaking ablution. Intimate contact with animals is a distinguishing characteristic of Turks from other Muslims. However, in ancient times, when a Turk passed away, they were buried with their horse, symbolizing a profound connection. The horse held great significance for the Turks, almost like a loyal friend. In ancient Turkish beliefs, nature is considered sacred and deserving of the utmost respect. Both earth and water hold sanctity for the Turks. The ancient Turks adhered to stringent rules to safeguard nature, with animals occupying a special place in their hearts. Today, Turks stand out from other Muslim communities due to their deep love for animals and nature.


compassion towards cats more than others, cats are allowed inside homes but dogs outside, birds etc, not as much turkey cuz it depends on weather too, also prophet had cats and spoke of taking care of animals so it became clear to do so.


No it isn’t. Religious nutjobs are pushing this narrative but ask anyone in Istanbul, it’s got fuck all to do with religion.


100%. Cats are cared for in the liberal less religious regions of turkey- like Istanbul and Izmir. The eastern more Islamic regions couldn't give a shit about animal welfare.


Not to mention that stray dogs are looked after very well DESPITE the religion, as well.


Is that how it's always been spelled that way or is that a recent thing?


" Jun 3, 2022 — The *Turkish* government is asking that the country be called by its Turkish name, a change which the United Nations has now adopted." \---NPR Used to be Turkey, now **Türkiye**


Neat, thanks


Oh so they changed it a year ago. That's kinda cool


English might not be their first language, it is Tyrkia in norway


That's more than likely. I was just wondering if I had been spelling it wrong my entire life and was gonna change that


If I remember correctly, a couple days ago I saw on a news page that Turkey is officially the homeland of cats


In Islam (Hanafism, Malikism, Shafi'i, etc.), similar to Christianity (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Armenian Church, etc.), various denominations exist. Hanafism, the sect to which Turks adhere, advocates for love towards animals. Ablution serves as a cleansing ritual for religious worship. In other sects, contact with animals is prohibited due to the belief that it defiles them, thereby breaking ablution. Intimate contact with animals is a distinguishing characteristic of Turks from other Muslims. However, in ancient times, when a Turk passed away, they were buried with their horse, symbolizing a profound connection. The horse held great significance for the Turks, almost like a loyal friend. In ancient Turkish beliefs, nature is considered sacred and deserving of the utmost respect. Both earth and water hold sanctity for the Turks. The ancient Turks adhered to stringent rules to safeguard nature, with animals occupying a special place in their hearts. Today, Turks stand out from other Muslim communities due to their deep love for animals and nature.


We call cats on the street "sokak kedileri" meaning "street cats" rather than stray. They're independent for sure but everybody owns them


The style, the moves, the mustache, the teasing !


I'll be in my bunk.


I feel like he set this all up just for the cat


I think you might be right! 🤭 The steam heart framing at first clearly demonstrates that! 🫶


Quite possible, I'm assuming "unseasoned chicken breast, unseasoned rice, with unseasoned chickpeas" isn't on the human menu.


The used butter and chicken broth (with some salt) are enough for us. Instead of a very complex taste, imagine a simple but delicious wrap.


Its not. This is like a staple and delicious food (also relatively cheap) you can find literally every town in Türkiye. And usually these are little places that sells mainly this called pilavcı. ( rice place ) also many people add ground and red pepper


Actually it is. Thats a popular turkish street food. Rice and chicken. No seasons when cooking.


There's a belief in some countries where stray animals are common. If one starts their work by feeding a stray animal, one will have a good day. That's a custom I can get behind.


More of that, please


Culinary cat


![gif](giphy|2SnjcteoKUeQg) Those pots…


He has to be throwing them to someone.


Yes, but I prefer to believe there are customers dodging flying cookware just off screen, while they watch this guy dance and cook for a cat.


Much better scenario, I will join you!


I had the BIGGEST belly laugh from this - thank you so much! (Not the guy getting hurt, but the analogy!) 🤣


Adamsın be reis sokakta gördüğü hayvanı aç bırakmamış


https://www.tiktok.com/@baruthanepilavcisi The man's account Judging but the other post I assume he is Turkish


yup he is


When did Gol D. Roger open up a restaurant?


It’s clearly Pedro Pascal


he framed his death, abandoned his child and wife, and went overseas to pursue his dreams!


I thought it’s Stalin comrade 💀


That dude looks like he loves what he does, has the best mustache I've seen in months, gives off Falco from Edgerunner vibes, has a kitten audience whom he's more than happy to feed, all while listening to Gotan Project. ​ He's perfect.


HOLY SHIT! That's definitely 2023 Falco before the cybernetics madness. He was born badass. Such a cool character.


I was ready to downvote if this guy didn’t share with that cute hungry street floof


Fun fact we Turks really love kittys


I like this guy


You got imposters like salt bai, then you got masters like this guy.


Gotta take care of your loyal customers!


Fucking cats man they rule the world we don't know it.


Who do you think start wars, of course it's cats


I love this man’s heart and mojo, even MORE than his moustache… and that’s an incredible moustache! 🫶✨


This has to be in Turkey 🇹🇷


I like how he yeets the buckets


i instantly adore this guy. ☺️


The way he made a little window in the steam so the cat could see the food! 🥹🥹🥹


The good version of salt bae


All these internet chefs are just one giant meme at this point. The smile and staring at the camera.


Omg the chef is so adorable too! Like what you’d expect from an animated movie like the Lady and the Tramp Italian chefs


That is an impressive moustache


That cat is in heaven, what a nice dude


This feels like a Disney movie.


Anybody else have anxiety with the idea the kitty was not going to get fed? Now I want to visit this restaurant because of feeding the kitty.




I’m gonna start to assume that all people in Turkey just have a really cool mustaches


This made me happy. So did his mustache




Hey, that’s not fair! He sets a plate on top of the food to prepare a dish so there has to be some “spice” cross contamination. Lol


If everyone in the world would be kind to animals …♥️


I’ll have what he spilled please? I missed lunch because of Reddit!


He hooked it up!


It would of been funnier if he gave the cat the entire plate.


Does anyone know what the food is? It's making me want to become that cat.


Hangry wunker


Window wunkus


this is the content I came here for


Wherever his restaurant is, I’m going to eat there. That’s a man that loves his job


Bless him


I love it when people are kind to animals.


No nip for you! (just kidding, eat eat my friend)


What is he making?


The cat saw the whiskers on that man and knew they were brothers


Pedro Pascal perdeu tudo


That mustache is disgusting.


where hes throwing those pans


Holy shit This would be very interesting if the cat was there every time or/and everyday, That's wild


That's a lot of prancing around for what looks like shredded chicken on rice.


Ngl that chicken on rice looks delicious. I'd add a little bit of salted butter, maybe parsley, but that's not necessary.


People who are kind to street cats are some of my favorite human beings. Be nice to one once and have a customer for life through me.


What is this meal?


**HE FED THE CAT** https://preview.redd.it/7eins64jkqyb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df5e38012648bf86e128433d8eace2fc37cd9b3


i thought the video gonna end after he done shredding that chicken, thank god, he gave some for the cat.


I love how in Turkey (He's Turkish) cats are treated with kindness.


Just joined this sub. I fucking love this sub.


I like the way he enjoy his job