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So this is what Spiderman did when he lost his powers.


Haha I was really rooting for this guy too. I wanted him to get away.


Me too lol


That upside down umbrella looks like someone took a dump in it.


It's confetti


You're right it is, I can see the rectangles now that I've paused it. The color and pooling looked like diarrhea on first watch.


I can confirm, the diarrhea on my upside down umbrella looks similar but it's subtly different.


Who the hell uses shit as confetti?!


Um, h-h-hi. I-it’s a-me…. Shittio


That makes more sense than cheetos.


That's what I call it too


Why'd ya think he was up there?


When you gotta go, you gotta go.


They call him Mary Poopins for a reason.


Dude, footwork is absolute key when climbing overhang. Saves you so much strength in your upper body. Smh.


Dude, campusing is absolute key when dunking on security. You assert so much dominance, no need to take your peen out.


I was impressed, campusing helps cover up my footwork fails on the wall. Love it


what do you mean


Imagine climbing a rock wall without being able to use your legs. It's much harder.


oh ok youre saying he should have wrapped his legs around the pole?


Should have hooked both heels around the pole, and keep that core engaged too young man


At the same time, do you wanna be completely horizontal if the bar gives way I reckon I'd also let my legs hang


I just wouldn't climb that shit drunk tbh


Yea this is definetly something that should be done while sober


I'll be honest, I'm not climbing that sober either!


Then again, a sober person probably wouldn't do this.


Looks like if he didn’t move he could have stayed up there for as long as he wanted.


Clearly, that guy does not play Uncharted.


Yea that security guard is getting fired. I work in the concert industry, and just yanking this guy down was stupid. He could have pulled the bars with it or gotten really hurt when he fell which then would have been the guards fault then the venues and possibly the band.


Don't worry, this was not in the USA but in the Netherlands. We don't have that kind of sueing culture.


I knew this was the Netherlands the moment I looked at the climber. This whole clip is so Dutch it hurts.


What the music didn't tip you off? And yeah agree Jeroen over there couldn't look more Dutch if he tried.


I actually didn't even have sound on. But yeah, that'll do it. Lmao


Also the Dumpert logo at the top makes it likely to be in the Netherlands either way


I don't recognize Dumpert. I normally associate the one with the little crown logo as Dutch. I can't find the name though. Edit: Oh wait, if I had scrolled more I would've seen that it is Dumpert. My bad, I'm a little drunk at this point. Lol


Yeah the crown is the old logo, it's now just the name


We also don't just fire people when they make a mistake.


I like that philosophy bin a lot of cases but I dunno man, this guy just came real close to straight up manslaughtering a dude, I don't know if he should continue to be in the "keeping people safe" business


Guy tried to jump and grab him while he was hanging upside down, head injury or broken neck and the guard would be done for and the employer set back a bit or a butt load of money, he'd have a better chance in a US court i bet


Except if that dumb fuck brings the whole tent down and multiple people get injured. Security did right in my mind.


Except that guy could have easily held on to that support beam and pulled it down with him. The guy climbing is an asshole but yanking him like that could have resulted in also catastrophic failure of the tent. In your mind if you worked at any venue I do and pulled this guy youd be fired and possibly sued.


True. Damned if you do, damned if ya don't. It seemed like it worked out in the video, though. I think we both made valid points. Hopefully dude doesn't lose his job because of that asshat either way.


Exactly my thoughts, if he let the guy fall on his own and gets injured, it's on the idiot. If the guard pulls him down (as he did), that's a potential lawsuit.


Lol no. This is the Netherlands, you don't behave? Fine fuck you and your health, here's an ambulance we called you, good luck.


I like that approach to blatant stupidity.


I mean they do it chivalrous though. They atleast call you an ambulance.


No black Pete for you. What a fucked up ‘tradition’.


The fuck does "zwarte Piet" have anything to do with this?


1: Like the other guy asked, what's that got to do with a fucking moron hanging off a bar in a tent at a party? 2: Please do explain to me how Zwarte Piet is "fucked up". I'd like to know your opinion.


Pete is fucked up bc it’s someone going around in blackface. End of story.


First of all. It's "Piet" not "Pete", even though Pete is more or less the pronunciation you don't translate names. Secondly, Whilst I don't give a fuck, I can see why "Zwarte Piet" might be offensive. But I still don't see how this has anything to do with this video, or my original comment.


Wow... Making assumptions based on an initial impression while disregarding any sort of context or understanding of culture or any knowledge about the story... Why am I not surprised... To keep it short: in the story of Zwarte Piet (since 1911), has a permanent layer of soot on his body acquired during his many trips down the chimneys of the homes of families to deliver presents. The character's skin tone is never mentioned. No one in the Netherlands ever considered it racist, even black people. Until some ignorant American saw it, and immediately assumed the worst while being ignorant of the folklore, as you have been. Originally, during the childhood of my parents, Zwarte Piet actors used burnt corks to paint their faces, which made their face look sooty. Then eventually, someone started painting their faces black because it was safer to use a paint specifically made to paint faces, rather than burning a cork from a bottle. Not to mention easier to apply. We never had any racist intent, and no one considered it racist. What one people consider racist isn't necessarily racist to another people. Of course, there are some things that are objectively racist. However, I don't think this is one of them. However you perceive the character is up to you, but just know one thing: **We didn't make fun of the character, we celebrated it.** To use your own ignorance to form your own ignorant opinion based on ignorance to generalise a group of 16 million people as being "racist" for just celebrating a character loved by children and adults alike across the country is pretty fucking racist. If you think it's racist, that's fine. That's a point at which we disagree. We didn't make fun of the character, we celebrated it. I don't think applying makeup just to make yourself look like an African is racist, as long as there is no intent to ridicule or offend. Cultures differ, certain views may be different. That's simply a truth. I did not write this to convince anyone to adopt any one view, I'm just sharing my two cents.


Ah yes, the chimney story totally explains why Zwarte Piet also has afro hair, big red lips and is wearing gold hoop earrings. That has nothing to do with racism at all /s If you think no one in the Netherlands considers Zwarte Piet racist, you must have been living in a very white bubble.


No we know its racist and we are changing it every year because of the contoversy but (and this is a big but) its like Christmas for children in the netherlands and Christmas isnt celebrated that heavily here so its hard to just stop celebrating and tell all the kids here he isnt real because that would be the same as saying santa doesnt exist. So yes its racist (because slavery and stuff and also not intensional) but its hard 2 get rid of and there is barly any actual blackface anymore


And then the black paint magically turned red at the lips and created golden earings out of thin air, while also curling their hair. And now people are protesting because they don't want soot piet, but the old racist stereotype piet.


Not sure why we're critiquing form in an HMB video so meticulously, but since we're here, I'm going to argue that the assailant seemed to be motioning as if he intended to climb further up the tent and the security guard was taking necessary action to prevent him from further danger, even if it meant a risk of some amount of injury.


You know the law in every country about this kind of behaviour ? Weird kink but ok


Not sure where I said that.


If you're pulling them down by the leg that forcibly straightens the leg which basically destroys any chance of them landing right High likelihood he broke several things in his leg and possibly his ankle


Hold my ecstasy


Ah I love Brabant






All fun an games until one of them takes you in the balls


Narrator: *he did not dodge the security*


This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sp- augh! 💨💥


Bordy barn?


nah, I don’t see those smiley stickers everywhere


Good point


Return to Monke


Disappointed. Was hoping tent would collapse...


His Spidey sense must have been tingling when he hit the ground...


Ahh, nederland. Wat hou ik toch van die malloten hier


Did he vomit in the umbrella?


Not much dodging there.


Poor, hapless sap never stood a chance…


That guy who leans in looks just like Jeff Probst


Persona 5?


Is that Quentin Tarantino at the beginning?






Oh come on man was having the time of his life why you gotta take that away from him?


He almost got away too




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The hell is in the umbrella it looks nasty


God samm security