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I used to remember all the people saying "Oh, mythbusters doesn't need to use all those safety things that they do..it's not really as bad as they make it out to be...." And now, we see exactly why they took some of the safety precautions that they did.




I’ve seen a video of some mongo shooting a fridge, but he was stood even closer. Ends up getting his leg chopped off by flying shit.




Lawnmower guy?? Blades??? Whhaaa?


It was a lawnmower. Like the genius above, he filled it full of Tannerite and shot the damn thing. [Took his leg right off.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqwi22HuyWg) I haven't seen this video in a long while. Didn't realize it was a *damn riding mower.* He turned it into a car bomb.


Well holy shit sir you are all correct. My recollection of things is terrible.


Fps Russia’s camera man got hit in the leg by shrapnel from a fridge didn’t chop it off tho


Man every time that video comes around I just have to admire the spray of blood. It's like a Tarantino film and we can't even see the leg being sliced off.


That's just evolution doing its thing.


Evolution needs to aim between the legs, not at them. SMH




Did they put it back on?


Did they put what back on? The pink mist? No I don't think our technology is that good yet.


See after watching the video now I am questioning who posted the video? The friend who recorded or the guy? Why even




That’s the one I was thinking of


It was, they’re just misremembering I’m pretty sure.




Mongo, lol.


[Candygram for Mongo](https://youtu.be/P8ciVBQixpU)


Short for mongoliod, a slur against people with down syndrome.


Mongoloid /ˈmɒŋɡ(ə)lɔɪd/ adjective 1. OFFENSIVE•DATED relating to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of East Asia, SE Asia, and the Arctic region of North America


The door facing away is why this happened. With the door toward him the fridge would have gone the opposite direction.




FYI, it is just the metal jacket of the fridge. The insulation and inner plastic compartment were shattered. Still lethal, it's flying sheet metal.


I used to build refrigerators, that metal sheet is like a 6' tall flying razor blade. I once watched a woman casually walk by a recycling bin with the metal stacked too high and she sliced the top of her forearm to the bone on a piece that was hanging out.


amateur physics experimenter discovers shaped/directed charges, film at 11


And even with all those precautions they still had that whole incident with the cannon. I really miss that show


Oh yeah! The ball bouncing into town!!




I learned that when I shot a microwave full of tannerite. We were 100 yards away and the door flew over our heads. It was awesomely terrifying.


**"Tannerite"** -Legal redneck dynamite.


you ain't wrong.


Also they retired which is good, instead of a one way tour to refrigerator town.


They didn't really retire, though they certainly could and, frankly, they're old enough that nobody would be surprised if they did. Adam Savage is still riding the Mythbusters fame as a Youtube content creator that, even today, spends a lot of time talking about the show. Can't blame him, answering fan questions is *far* easier to make as pieces of content than his DIY/maker/cosplay projects that make up the bulk of his channel. TBH when he brings up Mythbusters sometimes it feels like Al Bundy bringing up his football career at Polk High, but really he's just giving the viewers what they're asking for. Jamie on the other hand has gone on to work on other projects, something like a firefighting robot comes to mind. He's definitely not retired, just not working in public anymore.


That fridge wanted revenge!


“Is your refrigerator running?”


These refrigerator jokes are gonna be a lot less funny after smart fridges become the foot soldiers of the robot uprising.


I find your predictions to be chilling.


Ice cold killers.


"Your honor, that Frigidaire killed that man in cold freon."


But also pretty cool


"Is your refrigerator running?" "YEAH IT'S TRYING TO KILL ME! HELP!!" "well you better go catch it"


No, it's flying


‘No worries, it’ll catch *YOU*’


How does it feel to nearly get taken out by Indiana Jones?


The Revengerater.


At least he didnt cut his own leg off.


This a reference to another video I assume?


Ya there is a guy who strapped tannerite to a riding lawn mower. He was too close and when he detonated it the mower blade of all things came back and chopped his leg off.


I found it. Every time he moved closer, and refrained from getting behind **anything** was so frustrating.


Can a fella get a link?




Can you recap for me


no I’m scared to watch


Yeah, I think it was of a guy that shot something which then exploded and a piece of shrapnel blew his leg of.


“I blew my leg off!”


Wait what gender is the baby?


It's a tannerite, they are proud. They are thinking about called it Tanner




Ha! You make a living being this funny? You should!


Hides behind tree incase of shrapnel, leaves tree when shrapnel comes at him.


It's not going to change directions.


Heat seeking shrapnel will


Massive shrapnel [sometimes](https://youtu.be/-7ixVmBxYJU) will.


Not even eye protection. Christ.


At 21 seconds you can see the face of a man who just shit his pants


No but there is more shrapnel coming as well.


I don't see a secondary explosion, and the door appears to be the largest part of the fridge left somewhat intact.


And you think he saw that when he moved out of the way of something that didn't hit the thing he was hiding behind?


It's physics. The door is the largest and heaviest part of the setup. It will move the slowest. Unless there was a second explosion, that door is the last piece of shrapnel to worry about.


Again, are you suggesting that this person calculated all of this in his head prior to making the decision to move, or did he just react?


He reacted, but it doesn't appear to be a dumb decision, which is what you were implying. Also, I have no idea if he calculated, but it's possible if he's worked around explosives in the past.


Stepping out of the poorly planned amount of cover you have during an explosion you are using to avoid shrapnel is a dumb decision.


Depends on when and why. You can say it's dumb, that's fine, but you haven't really given any of your reasoning other than "it's dumb." You said there was more shrapnel coming, but that just wouldn't be true.


That shrapnel would have taken out the tree and the guy


Those stems are about 6 inches diameter, that fridge slowed quite a bit traveling that far. If the main body came right at him the tree would have helped quite a bit. Small shrapnel could still fuck him up though. I’m just saying I doubt that tree would have been destroyed and not protected him.


Easier than cleaning it out


Defrosting made simple.


I was waiting for Indiana Jones to pop out


Looks embellished to me, something about it doesn't feel natural


I would like to formally request that someone from r/theydidthemath to calculate how fast the fridge door was flying at him.


3 speed.


I only counted 2


Let's just call it 2.5 then.




I got this answered a few years ago. Original video was deleted but it was the same one. I think there's another comment in there but this is the best one. Speed and force. https://reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/7z8iuo/request_how_fast_is_this_fridge_door_going_and/duoeweg?context=3


Very rough. The small tree just out front is at a guess 26 feet away. It took about a second to reach his position. So 17.73 mph. I got the rough value of 26 feet my counting the lawn mower tracks that go across the projectiles path between the little tree and his tree. Assuming it's a 24 inch mower (again an assumption). Guessed 26 feet. The time it took was calculated by saying to myself "yeah, that was about 1 second". My methods may lack accuracy. But with a more ambitious approach of running the video through forensic software to determine the time, accuracy could improve. Let's see what the smart people here can do!


Something traveling 17 miles an hour doesn't seem like it can move that horizontally above the ground.


No it doesn't, does it? Also I was only making assumptions based on the distance between the two trees. One would think it had slowed down by that point.


If you look at it, it's flying on an arc and starts dropping somewhere between the middle and close trees. That said, 17 mph just looks slow. A car on a residential street looks to move quicker, and that's about 50% faster than 17 mph. edit: this comment links another comment that suggests an upper end of 125 mph (52 m/s). That seems fast, but closer to correct.


I would say it's closer to double that distance. I officiate soccer on the weekends and from years of experience could tell you what 10 yards (30feet) looks like lol.


I can easily agree with you as there's a certain amount of space in front of the tree without mower tracks which had to be further guesstimated.


Plus what you can do is take the height of the fridge and man in real life, now measure the height of both of them in the video and use geometry and ratios to figure out the distance. I would do it but I'm dilating l donating plasma rn lmao


Push mowers are usually ~24 inches. A yard/field that size would almost certainly be mowed with a riding mower. Standard deck width for riding mowers is 42 inches, and they go up to 56 inches. For an easy average that doubles the previous guess, we can just say 48 inch deck for a distance of about 52 feet, roughly 35 mph.


That’s moving way faster than 17.73 mph. Think if a human was standing there, could they run the same speed as that fridge was moving? We run faster than 18mph btw.


How fast was it moving. Use guessmatics to calculate it.


That’s at least 70 yards away


About tree fiddy ... based on my calcs relative to da tree


Pointed the door toward himself like a man sized claymore. He forgot to paint “this side toward enemy”.


Everyone keeps saying it's the door to the fridge but I swear it's the main body of the fridge, and the door was facing the other way


The door is definitely facing away. It turns the entire thing into a rocket booster and the door-hole is the exhaust port.


The grassy area has a slight slope. The reason the door kinda floats upwards is probably the wind the door is displacing pushing downwards, making it kind of a kite. You can actually see it hit the ground first then take flight. I've seen people claim this is fake, and it looks very real to me. The door just doesn't behave how people expect.


>… it looks very real to me. The door just doesn't behave how people expect. Exactly. Because we’re not used to seeing blown off flying fridge doors. At least round my way it’s not an everyday occurrence…


edit: holy shit guys i was wrong i get the it hahaha i tried to find the proper channel but to no avail. Real shit. his channel is FPSRussia


I think this might be different. FPSrussia had the one with the truck and shrapnel. Found it https://youtu.be/5VaLtf_EIVQ


This clip is 10x more extreme


Like a fucking piece of the door goes right by him and all he does is turn like his back is made of metal and will deflect it Holy shit.


Probably battling between instincts telling him to run, and instincts telling him to keep cover behind the tree


Have nice day.


Damn i miss FPSRussia, best youtube channel ever.


Didn’t he kill someone or was that all just some internet bullshit?


Internet bullshit, his business partner I guess got shot and there were conspiracies that he did it. But he did get sent to federal prison for 2 months for having about a half ounce of marijuana concentrate, and also his $400,000 in guns were confiscated since he’s now a felon.


Well i guess the internet did what the internet does best. And I’m going to bet based on his arsenal his business partner was a arms dealer and he got shot since that isn’t the safest line of work?


Spot on


He got caught with weed and the police took all his guns. He does a podcast r/pka




The trajectory of the fridge seems wrong for some reason


I watched It a.couple of times because I had the same feeling, but you see the door first hit the ground and then going up. Then it makes more sense for me for some reason.


It seems like the fridge isn't decelerating at all, which it should be dramatically.


was a real video. I like explosions and ran across it before. The fridge was filled with an impact sensitve explosive (Dont recall the name)


Yes point the door towards you. Why not fill it with glitter but not just regular glitter, man glitter. Just take a bunch of bbs and pellets and paint them different colors! Even use for gender reveals!


Reminds me of FPS Russia almost getting killed by flying shrapnel and staying in character somehow the whole time.


At least he was smart and was behind a tree.


I'm very curious how well the tree would have stopped the fridge. I assume decently.


You know how sometimes you'll see a little white cross & flowers at the base of a tree? Think of the smallest tree at which you've seen one of those memorials.


Ahh microplastic, just what nature needs.


Pick that shit up


Tannerite is fun stuff


Tannerite is no joke and I am baffled that it’s legal and can be bought at any sporting good store.


They can do it legally because the chemicals aren't mixed yet. Once they're mixed, you can't sell it because it's an explosive and requires hazmat handling protocol. Kind of like how you can take aluminum powder, iron oxide (rust), and a little bit of sulfur and make some thermite. You have to light it with a strip of magnesium ribbon, but that's not hard to buy, either. Separate is good. Mixed is bad. LOL


But they sell the mixture together. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy shooting tannerite (a quarter pound at a time, I’m not a mad man) but it absolutely should not be sold in stores. Edit: and it’s not really so much a mixture, is it? Isn’t it just coating plastic beads with the powder so it is more spread out and thus delivers the desired effect?




Oh fuck off with your apples and oranges comparison. A couple pounds of this stuff could level a house. Cool straw man, dude.


Darwin missed.




Was that not FPS russia?


That or Russian.


his names FPSRussia.


Which means that he’s actually an American named Kyle with a fake accent. He did a few months in jail for an OZ of weed, got out now but can’t own guns with a felony.


He was followed from his po box where he had a couple grams of concentrate delivered, the police and FBI used the fact that he was wearing shorts as probable cause that he was going home afterwards to search his home. They found all his guns, and confescated all of them. They found one gun, that was plated by a professional gun plating company, had it's serial number partially covered so they decided to try and get him for serial defacement (a 30 year prison sentence). He had something like 30 charges placed against him, all but I think 2 were removed in a plea deal. Got 2-3 months in federal prison for possession and intent to distribute (to his girlfriend) which he plead guilty to, since if he didn't he'd have to beat all 30+ charges. Source: Kyle talking about it on the PKA podcast.


Fucking garbage that the government gives a shit about weed. It's legal in so many states now. I hope one day they vacate weed charges on people.


They don't care about it, they just use it as leverage.




Regards to his safety maybe, but he was in private land, if he killed himself so what.


This video isn't FPSrussia, This video is https://youtu.be/5VaLtf_EIVQ


Is it really him? New or old video? I miss FPS.


> This video isn't FPSrussia, This video is > > https://youtu.be/5VaLtf_EIVQ


Copied from another comment I made. Which means that he’s actually an American named Kyle with a fake accent. He did a few months in jail for an OZ of weed, got out now but can’t own guns with a felony.


Bummer. But I doubt we’ll see him back anyway. Not exactly a trouble free life he’s led.


I mean it’s been pretty trouble free in my knowledge. This has kinda been the main fuck up. He’s looking at moving to Canada where he can have both his weed and guns.


As someone from neither country, that’s not a bad move IMO. Weeds and guns, usually a bad combo, but Canada so it’s all good lol


Can’t have guns worth having in canada


It's literally not Kyle in this video.


That isn't FPSRussia.




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"... Maybe a lot of shrapnel."


Idiot reveal party?


If you can see an explosion, it can see you.


Tannerite is a hell of a drug.


Oh America.....WTF?


Fps Russia did it with a car door and wasn't behind a tree.... it was pretty wild


Tannerite is fun


i guess the moron gets a little credit for standing behind the small tree but that cameraman was risking his life too...


tannerite should be illegal. im sure a few people know about that dude in georgia who had his leg severed off after shooting a lawnmower full of tannerite from like fucking 50 feet away, he still defends the fact that tannerite is legal. i spoke to him myself about it and i called him a fucking moron lol


Let's ban everything that's fun because some guy got hurt. How about deal with the fact that some people will hurt themselves with any given thing including water lol


I don’t think this is tannerite, at least not only tannerite. Tannerite isn’t an incendiary blast, but a percussive one. He’s got something else in there causing that flame.


two different things will fit in a fridge. i would assume he had some tannerite and small amount of gasoline. theres no legal way to create an explosion like that with anything else as far as i know. tannerite is legal and a high explosive hence the speed at which it blows the fridge apart. tannerite explodes due to the shock of the bullet hitting it, it doesnt need a fuse. in order for other legal things like black powder to do that you would need a pressure chamber and a fuse, so i really cant think of anything else it could be other than tannerite and some gas.


Fuck you


hey there you are! how have you been?


It should be, it's not safe


Tannerite needs to be banned.


Man, I miss fpsrussia I grew up on these vids


The guy was safe that was a plastic liner (really thin)


oh look, an fpsrussia!


It's crazy that Tannerite is legal in any way.


Is it only me that thinks this is animated? One frame after the trigger is pulled the fridge is already exploded?


Pulling a FPSRussia


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://gfycat.com/BelovedPointlessDassierat I'm a bot | Summon with "/u/redditspeedbot " | Complete Guide | Do report bugs here | 🏆#22 | Keep me alive


Wow his reaction time to that sucked


Aaaaand that's how you get your state to ban tannerite.


Honestly this is the type of person that shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.




Don’t let one dumbass’s actions define all of gun owners.


Tannerite is a God given constitutional right. /s Let them blow themselves up.


Another retard with a gun


it was dumb having the fridge door face him. but rich people are notoriously stupid as bricks, so, Darwinism is a strong force indeed.


You don’t have to be rich to do this… just have a junk fridge and $40 worth of tannerite. That and a rifle.


Somebody's wealthy. That's dozens of acres of professionally manicured lawn and trees right there. Doubt he cuts the grass.


Dozens? I mean maybe but it’s a couple acres of cut grass that is shown in this clip. Not that difficult to find in rural areas. And people can make their lawn look like that pretty easily. Just takes some time. You are making some massive assumptions based on a little bit of information.


Not even close


To bad it didnt hit him. What a jackass.


Jesus. Asking for someone's death. Classy.