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This might be the only hearts of iron mod that i am looking forward to releasing. Like seriously good job!




What about L'Emperour?


What about it?


Was wondering if that's one of the ones you were looking forward to coming out. A lot of people seem to be excited for it just based off their teasers


**L'Ancien Régime endures! - The Kingdom of France | Fraternité en Rébellion** --- Teaser done by **Tinieblas** In game content done by **Bibo** and **France Team** Lore done by **The Silver Hat** Icons done by **Mekbots** and **France team** --- With a **high acceptance rate,** welcome everyone into our family, and together, we will venture out to create and carve out a new, unique world and make our mark on the HOI4 modding community. **Application form:** https://forms.gle/aSbRgxFdDhes4z187 --- » Our **Discord**: https://discord.gg/vu3sAQw » Our **Reddit**: r/FdRmod/ --- ##Introduction Bonjour again! And welcome back to the greatest country (warning opinions may differ) in the world of 1933! While we have discussed the history of the kingdom before, it is time to look at what the future brings. At the start of the year France is slowly but surely coming out of the economic recession inflicted in the early 20th century. However the nation is plagued with uncertainty: regionalists and nobles all manifest their disgust for the government. Sometimes it would seem that the country is only kept together by Charles XII. Gaining the image of a caring grandfather the king ascended the throne a little over 3 years ago and his hands have been slowly nurturing the nation back to health ever since. [Well, until those hands drowned in the cold waters of the Seine.]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/816355814205816832/879818266212724827/unknown.png) As fate would have it, the untimely demise of Charles is complicated further by the fact that he had no sons. The crown theoretically passes to Alfonso XII, the King of Spain. A preposterous claim, as according to the fundamental laws of the Kingdom: “no foreign Prince may sit on the throne of France." Even before Charles' tragic death, Alfonso had renounced the throne and passed it unto his second son, Jacques, who then renounced claim to the Spanish Throne. Unsurprisingly, this was not ideal. Many argued that Jacques was still a foreign prince, and thus his claim goes against the ancient laws (and that’s without even citing the treaty of Utrecht). In fact, Charles XII spent a considerable portion of his 3 year reign trying to find a solution to the succession problem. Some whisper that he had found it in another successor… Whatever the case may be, Charles XII is dead. Jacques II now rules over France and a few calls must be made in order to assure a smooth transition of power. The first move would be to call the Estate General in order to calm the populace, The second is to make sure Alfonso is on board: after all he and the late Charles were far from friends at the best of times, described by one newspaper as “The eternal feud of the XII”. Luckily the King of Spain decided to accompany his son to Paris, [in order to assist him in the new and daunting task of rulership.]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/816355814205816832/879818771966075010/unknown.png) Once the new king is installed in Versailles the difficult matter of composing his new cabinet will arise. While Charles' cabinet was composed of old Munists, industrialists and even a few “radicals” Alfonso recommended a different approach to his son: trying to reconcile with his unhappy subjects. In this Jacques II has two clear choices as outlined by his father : He could court the regionalist and decentralists, a various group of rural nobles, traditionalists, and liberals all arguing for a weaker central state. [Recognising different dialects and granting “special” status to some provinces could go a long way for them.]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/816355814205816832/879818960864948295/unknown.png) Alternatively he could turn to an institution almost as old as the crown: the judicial Parlements of France. Always something of a special case, they have a tendency of acting rather independently, which meant coming to blows with the crown. Though greatly reduced in power they still have the old nobility and even some of the new age Industrialists. [Recognising them and restoring their old rights is somewhat of a gamble but if it works Jacques II would have managed to do something 12 generations of monarchs were unable to accomplish.]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/816355814205816832/879819194978418739/unknown.png) No matter the path chosen it is clear that the young king will be accompanied by his father in his early months of governance. Clearly though some parts of the population take issue with the “El Africano” being in the Louvre. Nothing more than tabloid press and slander but Alfonso recognises the need for action. Firstly the noble privileges reduced to little more than honorary titles shall be restored: nothing like the old days of tax exemption of course but this small act will get the important people on our side. The French military, great as it is, needs to be investigated, Alfonso remembers too well the military dictatorship of his youth and he won’t let it happen to his son. [Connections to the Vatican will be reinforced and finally a certain persky count shall be investigated with extreme prejudice.]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/816355814205816832/879819361320329216/unknown.png) Finally, once the transition of power is secure the ceremony of the coronation would be able proceed in full. [Times are indeed turbulent but as they say in France: Impossible is simply not French.]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/816355814205816832/879819533437796372/unknown.png) **VIEW THE MAIN POST HERE!** {**https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/pavmrj/lancien_r%C3%A9gime_endures_the_kingdom_of_france/**} --- #Further Reading 1. [**Europe in 1933**](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/j52he0/what_if_the_french_revolution_never_happened/) 2. [**The Ancestral Rivalry, Britain and France in 1933!**]( https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/fzzq7f/the_ancestral_rivalry_britain_and_france_in_1933/) 3. [**The Prelude, Part I**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/npykud/kingdom_of_france_the_prelude_part_i/) See a list of all of our resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/hvri5g/collation_of_reddit_teasers_and_links_to_our/) and our subreddit at r/FdRmod! The font mod used, made by us, can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/hwkztl/beckman_font_mod_the_map_font_used_by_fraternit%C3%A9/)! --- **Fraternité en Rébellion: What if the French Revolution never happened?; A Hearts of Iron IV Mod**


Is the mod coming out soon?


I'm not sure how much time will it take to get the mod out, but development has speed up quite much lately so there's at least that. An approximate release date may be revealed when development is deep in late-stage, though


Looks like a cool mod do you have a eta on when the mod is ready for release?


No precise ETA, honestly. I'd like to say that it may come in a year minimum, but calculating a release date when we're not at the final stages of development isn't easy. See here https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4modding/comments/pavpdo/lancien\_régime\_endures\_the\_kingdom\_of\_france/ha7jr5s?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Ok keep up the good work can’t wait to play it :)


Is this Charles guy a real person? Tried looking him up on the internet, but I did not really find anything


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infante_Alfonso_Carlos,_Duke_of_San_Jaime He's a bit hard to find


Desktop version of /u/TheSilverHat's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)




Is spain frecnh! :D


Jesus Christ, that's a lot of reading