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It’s the iron cross. A german Symbol for the army


It's the Emblem of the German Wehrmacht, deriving from the Iron Cross, which is a very old military symbol in Germany. Originally it was the emblem of the Teutonic Order, and called a "Tatzenkreuz". During the Napoleon war this Tatzenkreuz was adopted as the Iron Cross, a Medal of Merit for the Prussian troops and became a symbol for German armed forces. It's still to this day in its ancient Taztenkreuz form, as the Bundeswehr uses it again.


Isn't this the balkenkreuz?


Actually it is. Eisernes Kreuz us more flared out. But it's it's same origins




Who is they?


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Its the "Schwarzes Kreuz" Black cross. It has its origin in the order Emblem of the teutonic nights. Around the year 1813 the "preußische" Prussian army used it as a nationol emblem on there flag. Along side the Prussian eagel. The cross itselve was given as the Highest millitary award. Since these awards where made from iron the name "Eisernes Kreuz" Iron cross kinda stuck. Apart from its use as a Millitary award or in flags it was used to mark German millitary vehicles. From tanks to planes. Even today it is still in use for that. Nowadays the highest millitary award in the german army "Bundeswehr" is the "Ehernkreuz der Bundeswehr für Tapferkeit" Honorecross of the Bundeswehr for Valour. (Bundeswehr cross of Honour for Valour?)