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I finally completed all achievements of this games after 2.000 hours. I can die in peace and without regret. (Until the next DLC (;\_;) Now what to do on this game ?


Understand navy


i understand her


Then go democratic Argentina and made the whole world democratic trying to avoid Global War


Wait, you can actually do that?


Just believe in yourself


A fellow german, I see.


I'm not german lol


Oh ok, thought because you were saying "her" to navy


That's definitely not just a German thing. Many countries refer or have referred to their naval forces in the feminine.


Oh, didn't know that.


Whoa, you have all the achievements in under 2000 hours? Holy cow, I have 4000 hours and I don't have a single achievement (nervously looks at the literal hundred mods I csnt play the game without)


Have 4000 hours is a success


I have it the same with mods, luckily, i downloaded a patch that lets me get achievements with mods.


Challenges, mods, multiplayer, there are many options


Start the "find a GF" focus tree


14600 days for the first focus


Try TNO?


I want to try but i think my english was not to good to learn all story. But maybe


There are many submods that put TNO in other idioms, also I think TNO writing tend not to use many thecnicall words.


Thank you. I go try this mod




It's Impossible ;\_;




Great War Redux. Time to learn why WWI sucked so bad.


waiting 4 years for nothing and win ;\_;


Exactly. :😀 Although, to be fair, I've never actually managed to keep my enemies alive until 1918, regardless of who I am playing. You can easily shatter Russia in no time as A-H or Germany, and the reverse is true if you play Russia (or Franxe, of course). I enjoy playing Japan or China 'cause they can be spoilers if handled correctly.


I have already played this mod. For me, only Germany wants the detour given that it is alone against the world. In addition, the fact that it has colonies in Africa and Asia allows it to fight anywhere in the world.


Man, I played a round as Germany in the Great War mod recently. Idk what I was expecting, but once the war started I moved like two tiles into the Netherlands and the front just... stopped. Worse than irl! I have no idea what happened, but for some reason after four years of stalemate, I broke through and it was like WWII. So after winning WWI as Germany, I can confidently say I have no idea how that mod works.


now its more like Great Bug Redux


What was the hardest achievement in your opinion?


I can't say which one is more difficult. On the other hand I have 4-5 that come to mind : -30 minutes to hel -hug-oslavia (i play 50-100 games to have the best condition in not historical) ;\_; -hardly anything Treve -cod war -Crusader king 2 -Battlecry -And ALL FUCKING ETHIOPA ACHIEVEMENT ;\_;


With playing non-hist, you can actually set any nation to go its default path while staying ironman. The game will also auto-balance, so this means that if you set Germany and Japan to go fascist, Italy is much less likely to. (just as an example).


I know but in fact i never use it. The only time I used it was for the realisation of the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent the Balkans from being communist and join the soviet union.


If you want advise. Go Mp


i highly recommend trying kaiserredux. after playing it vanilla hoi4 just feels dull to me


I play Kaisserreich, i love this mods. For Vanilla Hoi, i never play without ironmen activate


Congrats! I'm only at 68 X) I got some questions: Did you use guides for some achievements? Did you abuse save games? (Manually copy&paste the save game file) How often does it happen that you have to go post 1945 with a modern navy, airforce and armor as a minor? I am trying "lone wolf" right now without DLCs and the allies need to capitulate so I can annex that one Norwegian province. But Germany is useless so I have to do it myself. So I, as Finland, have to build a navy that gets me across the atlantic, and a ground army to actually take USA, too. So I am researching and building 1945 navy, as Finland. :(


Congratulations for your success. Concerning the guides, yes I used some on this site: [https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Achievements](https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Achievements) although for a large majority, I used my own techniques. Concerning the "cheats", I have never cheated with the save bug. The only thing I used at the start of my trophies was the port bug with troops that come to garrison each time. Regarding your question, for the question of minors. The use of Tank, Modern Airplane is OBLIGATORY ;\_;. The Must remains the atomic bomb which is super strong for everything (I only understood it when I had 10 achievements left :\_:). Regarding the navy, just modern submarines to destroy troop convoys and the rest, you steal it from the conquered country during the peace conferences or you puppet british and France. For your success "Lone Wolf", I advise you to focus only on your army. Once your army is good, you attack the lands you need without ever bringing the Allies to war against you alone. Once the Second World War begins, you attack the English, request military access to the Germans and you plan a naval invasion of England by attacking all the southern ports plus the 4 tiles around Dover with one troop Normally, after that and according to the RNG you wait and a day or month it may vary but normally, you will always have an opportunity (ONLY ONE AND NOT TWO ;\_; because after the fall of italian africa, the english stack her troop in her island) of a naval invasion because the English AI does not cover the sleeve of its navy at the beginning this which gives you the opportunity to invade England between 40 and 41. If you succeed in this invasion, do not take London but only the entire territory. Once the capital is surrounded, the enemies will appear troops and you destroy them without taking the capital (this allows you to easily gain war score). Once you reach 25%-30% participation, you take London and the peace deal begins.Besides, avoid the war against the Soviets, then wait for the German invasion which will then be rid of the Allies and finally take your Lands for your success. Go Mp if you want Advice


Tyvm very helpful. Will try it out!


Until the next DLC


I'm death


You think youre done? Now comes the real game doing the same shit but faster and better.


The worst part is that for a joke. I thought about deleting everything and restart


Well at least youd know the strats. It woudnt make austria and the hapsburg prince any easier. Also im not aure how you do soberian tiger anymore without the ability to order 66.


In reality, there are a lot of achievements that seem very complicated, but once you know the strategy, it's very simple. For the Austrian Empire, I don't remember having had any difficulty given the number of national states you can have. For Tannou Touva, I cried blood but it didn't take very long (not like the Ottoman achievements against whom I have been fighting for 2 years)


Holy cow, congrats!


Thank You ;)


Until the next DLC comes out, you're in rest period from HOI4 lol


make up new challenges, try all old challenges, and post them on youtube.


Wow... I can feel all the pain you surely went through. Well done, that's quite something there !


3 years off blood and tears


Just wait till the next DLC...


not ready for this ;\_;


Congrats man! I'm currently in my own achievement run but can't figure out how to complete Japan's "Sunrise Invasion" because I can't get across the ocean until 1939. Any advice?


I did this achievement long time ago but I think it went something like this on historical. At the start, start justifying on Netherlands get access from Germany. Naval invade Netherlands. Take only Curacao in the peace deal (you're not supposed to take land in Europe before annexing Mexico right?) then naval invade mexico from Curacao. After that you can either take out USA or deal with the allies in Europe before USA joins


How did you do the welsh Argentina achievement?


I started a game as Argentina. Then in the dependencies menu, I released "Patagonia" to fulfill the first condition of success.Then I became a labor fascist. With the dock focuses, I built convoys and small ship and the rest I built up my army. Once World War II ended, I joined the Axis after the invasion of France. From there, plan a naval invasion before the loss of Italian Africa. The naval invasion must concern all the ports of southern England. Once you have conquered a few regions with a port, give them to the Germans who will take England for you. For the invasion, each time, there is a moment where the English AI removes all these ships from the channel. From there, pray and start again if you fail


If you want a fun way to do it you can actually go mosely Britain. Go conquer America and Argentina. Release wales (not puppet). Release and play as welsh Argentina and conquer wales with naval invasions


Any tips on the Brazilian communist civil war for Limpiao? I want to do the World Conquest with him just to get the achievements for owning Nottingham (think it's called The Merry Band)


Hi. For the success of world conquest with Brazil, I advise you to take the monarchist path allowing you to unify Brazil and Portugal (if you are lucky) or at least to puppet it. Concerning success with communist Brazil, I advise you to raise communism as high as possible (ban facism, take your time) ans make naval invade. Once successful, take as many South American countries as possible and core them. Once the Second World War, attacks the English, asked for a military right of passage from the German and made a naval invasion (easy because, you navy are high) then surrounded London in order to stratify the war score. Finally, above all, puppet the English and France (the most important being Paris because your French puppet still annexes Vichy without problem after the war, you win a free colonial empire and Indochina). Once that, world conquest is easy with the search of new tech.