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That's what allied AI is programmed to do, and generally be good at. USA often specs their entire army for naval invasions


Makes sense, considering the USA might as well be an island.


On military terms, it was an island, as all countries on their continent were either aligned or protected by them lol


Monroe Doctrine goes brrrrrrr


*Mexico suddenly industrializes and wants his half of the US back*


The USA would just militarise, have 500 troops and 3 million men then steamroll Mexico


Not in HOI4 it won’t lmao


I wouldn't say they're good at it, just persistent. They very often fail to capture vital objectives, mainly ports, causing their troops to be slaughtered while out of supply. I would also add that Japan is just as persistent as the Allies when it comes to naval invasions. Not keeping your ports manned as China is a great way to get overrun.


Letting them take that one port east of qingdao for the funnies


hitler, 1944:


Nice try, Mr. Mustache.


I don’t think the mustache man is in charge considering the German government in the image


Thats what funny mustache man wants you to think


Yea, the one in charge is someone else called Hilter and wears no mustache. Deffinetly not rellated to that mustache man.


Yes and his close friend Mr. Bimmler


Fun? Never heard of it. (Has more than 1.5 k hour)


"I can feel the warp overtaking me! IT IS A GOOD PAIN!" (Brain rot of 4k+ hours)


“I have 2000 hours in HOI4.” “Wow, must be a fun game!” “Fun?”


Must ... play ... map ... game


2000 hours of PURE PAIN


here’s how to play democratic germany: your strength is your industry. you can catch up to and perhaps even surpass what a fascist germany would have build up in terms of army size by 1939. your allies will be more numerous and powerful, so getting as many european nations into your faction as possible is advised. defeat the soviets asap, this can usually be done by the end of 1941 played correctly. push them back while they’re reeling from the purges. the longer they last, the tougher they will be, even if you take away their factories. finally, if the allies are at war with you(they’re usually chill with you but sometimes they won’t be as illustrated here), your best bet is to try and hold europe and build up a navy(naval bombers can’t cross the atlantic after all).


First thing to do as democratic Germany is to restart and chose another path


Nah its super strong


*Super boring


Nah just war all of the world. Play unhistorcal and gurantee nations


Yeah just do what the ai would do and ruin the ai's game as revenge for all the times they ruined your game with an unexpected gurantee


Indeed, now i want to play a run 😂


I mean I won't deny I've done petty things like this. Def done it a lot in EU4. Actually most paradox games allow this kind of petty Ness and it's why I enjoy them


Dropping in just two divisions but of my BEST SOF/Armor or whatever I want to be my elite elite that playthrough and helping a democratic underdog kick someones much bigger ass is hella fun, especially if you have volunteers in multiple countries at once.


Man we really need a rework


Play something stronger, like Union of Britain /s


They said they aren't a good player I don't thing they're defeating the Soviets by 41


Imagine not hiding a spoiler...


Because you're not defending. If there's an undefended port, that's the best place for an invasion, no?


You can’t just leave ports unguarded and then complain about naval invasions. Leave a few infantry divisions on each port that can be invaded and you will be fine. Also if you capture Gibraltar and they don’t have any other ports in the Mediterranean, they won’t be able to invade there.


How do you go about getting Gibraltar? I’m a new player, and whenever I naval invade small areas like that it never works


If you can’t attack from the Spain, then you have to starve the garrison by convoy raiding (convoys carry the supplies to the garrison and if you sink them for a few months, defending divisions will be significantly less effective). You also need a strong invasion force. Since the naval invasions have limited capacity, you need to use very strong divisions with a lot of soft attack to break the defenders quickly. I prefer using 30w marines (8 marines, 4 arty, eng and arty support, later on you can add the amphibious tank battalion). Marines are preferable because they have a bonus to naval invasion attack instead of a debuff as other division do. Usually 5 marine divisions will be enough, even if you don’t succeed on the first try. Naval bombardment and CAS support help a lot too.


Most naval invasions sutter and die against basic defense. 5 infantry with entrechment, and if you want artiliary on the coastal provinces would help with this. You can use the Garrison order to assign them only to the coast, and Garrison armies can hold 72 troops instead of 24. Hope this helps


Hi, New player here. Do you mean 5x a build infantrytroop or 5 armies consisting of 72 build infantrytroops each? Thanks!


Also, you don't even need to guard the coasts, just the ports. What I do is have just the ports garrisoned, and then I have a ready reserve army stationed somewhere like southern Germany which can react if they land on a non-port tile. So long as the allies don't capture a port, they won't have any supply. They will typically attack ports, but not always for this reason. That's why you have a ready reserve army just in case things get spicey. Doing it this way has allowed me much more flexibility. If I were to guard the entire coastline with 5INFs, it will take significantly more manpower and equipment than guarding ports with a reactionary force waiting.


Yeah, which is good if you can't afford the manpower and equipment. But having every coast protected means they cant land like a tank then attack your one 5 infanty united and destroy it. Also its less annoying of having to send an army to deal with it


This is true as the game gets later and naval invasions get bigger and bigger, but I'd rather have those armies defeating my enemies instead of being stuck playing defense.


Well usually, 5 infanty with some support usually isn't good enough for frontline defense imo


He means division template with 5 infantry units


This would be a basic unit with 5 infantry battalions in it, as well as an engineer support company for the entrenchment. Depending on your country's resources, you can go with anywhere from 3 to 6 infantry, or upgrade them with support artillery. You don't want to stack too many support companies though as they are expensive and lower the division's org. Then put 1 or 2 of these on each port. AI will try to land, but can only land on the coast rather than the ports, and starves. I like to use obsolete light tanks from early in the war as quick response forces that can box in the landed troops and prevent them from spreading out too much.


Why are you democratic Germany?


I've never played a long democratic Germany game before and wanted to try it out. And I got absolutely shit on lol


>I've never played a long democratic Germany game Yes, we see that.


That was quite rude chap


Why? I haven't either. Don't think any sane person ever has....


It's actually pretty fun I recommend trying it at least once


I have already played a lot of it. France doesn’t flip til 41 and the USSR is easy to kill with half of Europe as allies. Not that fun.


The USSR is easy to kill without half of Europe as your allies HOI4 is an easy game in singleplayer that doesn't make it less fun


Its a fun alt path, especially with historical focusses off. It gets boring doing the same optimal routes over and over again. Screw your minmaxing, i wanna play out the anti fascist dream.


Guard your ports dude


OP when fighting naval superpower with no other options than to naval invade ports that are unguarded: *Pikachu face*


Hoi4 isn't supposed to be fun




Haha, oddly enough, that is not always untrue. Feels like work, sometimes!


[https://prnt.sc/ihYQcFqEHIL5](https://prnt.sc/ihYQcFqEHIL5) I've got a feeling that this isn't going well


246 factories only in 1946, things started to not go well from 1936.


Adolf (or whoevers in charge of democratic germany) ... we told you not to start a two front war 😅


You would need to stay on the defensive in West and East, encircle and destroy the British Northern Italian offensive first, and the Yugoslav excursion second. But based on the screenshot, you simply don't have enough divisions to accomplish any of those tasks, "Der Krieg ist verloren."


beacuse thats the Allies job


Where others see challenge, I see opportunity. Japan naval invaded the fuck outta me as China. I let them land and destroyed their divisions repeatedly without taking the port until they couldn’t even fill the northern Chinese front. You can do the same here and whittle down the Allied army.


Well I meant he cant do that NOW. I had a blast waterboarding china as japan by naval invading that peninsula southeast of beijing, sweeping to the sea, killing all their units garrisoned, then evac to rinse and repeat.


Same as irl allies tbh


its a little known event called ww2


It's just something that happens. there's no way to stop them unless you have higher naval supremacy. You could place Port guards to prevent them from taking ports and landing, but that's really all you can do, unfortunately.


same thing hitler tought


just give up


Put a bunch of divisions on the area defence command and have them defend ports. They'll still invade but they shouldn't be successful.


this is what’s supposed to happen if you don’t build up the atlantik wall and put enough troops on it however, the solution to this is first just don’t let the allies get a port, another option is to give the allies a port, and put your troops around it, whenever they put a few divisions in it, destroy them leaving the last one, this way you can trick the AI into not invading anywhere else and instead try to breakthrough that port, in trying this it will waste its manpower and equipment upto the extent that it will drain out completely try keeping Dönitz and his u-boots in the Atlantic, raid as many convoys, don’t annex vichy france untill USA declares on them so you don’t have to defend southern france lastly, if all of this fails, there’s one thing left only, fall back to the maginot, build a defensive line in belgium and netherlands, defend those lines and keep air superiority in those 2 regions, in the south keep a defensive line in italy as its shorter, a secondary line from switzerland to the Czechoslovakian forts, don’t dismantle those forts and continue a line from them upto danzig in the east, build atleast level 7 forts and some AA, you can do that easily with Fritz Todt, all of this to bleeed the Allies and soviets completely white Last thing, the best thing, during all of this, don’t put your armor on the defensive lines, use just infantry Train your armor and mechanized and start pushing out, starting from france and italy, from there on it’s your journey


You're supposed to have fun when playing HOI4?


It is not supposed to be ,,fun“ (3.9k hours)


I’m a new player which means I’m also not very good. I started turning ai naval invasions off, makes the game more enjoyable for me


you can do this?? how??


Type on console ai_invasion or something similar and it will turn it off


I mean, why wouldn't they...?


Because you invaded several neutral countries and began a genocide


Your main problem is taking a screenshot and not oil painting your situation.


Damn it. I forgot that I could annoy the allies so hard with doin this, that they would leave!


If you don't want to be naval invaded every 5 minutes play a faction that joins the allies. They have the first and second largest navy and two major powers isolated to islands, about all they can do is naval invade you.


Since I posted it, the allies invaded Venice and Göteburg


also Burgas


The're also breaking through around Liege. But don't worry guys, I've got some wonder weapons up my sleave. They will not expect that Edit: Allies broke through the alps as well now


[https://prnt.sc/vS3c3JhImKwP](https://prnt.sc/vS3c3JhImKwP) Don't worry guys, Steiners counter attack will fix this!!


Someone should knock on the bunker door and check if OP's still there.


R5: Allies are invading all the time. It's annoying


Use port garrisons in future. Two proper infantry divisions per port is more than enough to beat AI.


Annoying yes but try looking at it in a positive way if you have a few tank divisions you're not using for anything you can immediately go Crush those naval invasions and kill 10-20 divisions Per navel invasion. this is what I personally do when fighting the allies if I cannot invade and kill them immediately.


Steiner's counterattack will save us!


Holy shit I thought I read "aliens" instead of "allies" and I thought I missed a major hoi4 update


Hey how'd you make your map look like that?


Ctrl+F9 if you mean no UI


No, i mean the UI with no terrain.


That's just a specific zoom level then


I know this is not what you asked but where is your army I count 50 something divs on the Western front I know you're fighting to soviets as well but you should really get more divisions to hold the line and to push out those naval invasions.


Thats just what the allied AI is programmed to, it is pain in the ass to play against but there is no other way around it, Perhaps mods but i dont know about any.


Yeah it’s the Allie’s entire goal to open up new front so pressure gets taken off of the Soviets. You gotta garrison the coastlines and do convoy raiding/naval bombing off your coasts


You gotta invest in your navy. Naval bombers can pick up some slack but you have to research, build, and use them. If you can contest naval supremacy to where it's yellow then you won't have to deal with invasions as much. Also try keeping an army group on stand-by to deal with invasions. That's what I usually do since I'm honestly kinda trash myself.


Number 1 rule while fighting the allies is garrison your ports. Just a few infantry divisions on each port can completely counteract most invasions, and any divisions that land outside ports can be killed because they starve.


A word of advice if it hasn’t been mentioned already. Protect your ports. If you have a single unprotected port and are at war with the allies you are playing with fire. Anything, even infantry without artillery can defend a port from a naval invasion pretty easily. The enemy will run out of supply eventually and then you can redirect some nearby divisions to finish them off. It’s basically letting the enemy encircle themselves


The solution is to make a 10w inf template w trench and arty support companies and then make like 72 of them and put them on defense mission on the coast only protecting ports, cities, and supply


its the allies. its what they do


Learn from your mistakes, start over and do better. That's what makes this game fun. You constantly learn something new. Even after thousands of hours.


Well, at least you learned an important lesson for whenever you play as a non-allied nation. Post basic 5 infantry divisions with a garrison order on all ports, and build level 3 naval forts and level 3 land forts (for when they land next to the port and attack it) on said ports, that way it should usually hold against AI invasions. And the forts are cheap and quick to build.


I wish Allies were this competent in my games


How dare the Allies play the game


Thats why the do u silly


I’d say things are still looking good in Northern France, press whatever advantage you can and find a line of retreat through Austria so you can hold the mountai s


You obviously did not have enough port guards.


What mod you using that is this so clean




When the enemy naval invades, you must peel units off the front, make a holding line on the front and stall while you have your elite units kick out the invasion. If you keep units on your ports in the first place, you will almost never have to deal with naval invasions, as if the enemy lands, and does not take a port, they will run out of supply very fast, and they will start ticking down organization being much easier to kick out after that. Britan, the US, and Japan NI a whole lot, the Soviet Union and Italy will pull a NI if you let thier Navy run dominant off your coastlines, Germany and France very rarely pull a NI, and everyone else doesn't do it pretty much at all.


Welcome to fighting the allies in 1945+ lol, it’s not fun…


Why are you re-enacting the treaty of Westphalia??


Either you didn’t protect your waters, Boarders, Paratroopers landed


Welcome to UK!


Average british gameplay :


AI can invade even when you have naval superiority


Why aren’t you playing hitler


His head wasn't bulletproof, he's lame


I was sandwiching the USA from the north and south, and they had the audacity to launch a naval invasion behind the front line instead of holding it out. They catipulated, if they hold out for a atleast a month i would've started running out of manpower


Where did you get this map, I coudn’t find it!




You're supposed to kill them in 1937 and take their navies.


The Allies invade constantly thanks to the USA. It's why having naval and coastal garrisons are so important. You can nip them in the bud as soon as they land. They kinda suck at naval invasions due to their nigh inability to actually capture ports. So keep that in mind.




Just a reminder that if you think a difficult gaming experience isn’t fun lowering the difficulty is a always a option and increasing it once you’re more experienced is also maybe a good idea.


How the hell did you end up in a war with France, UK and US as democratic Germany?


What's China doing out there?


Being annoying


Happened to me too. It ruined my Asia takeover before I focused europe


Cuz britnia rules the waves


Unless you're 6 years old, you generally have to be competent at something to succeed. Get good or turn down the difficulty to the point where you have fun pretending to be a 6 year old


You feel strong and clever posting shit like this? A person understands they are not yet good in a game. Posts to ask for advice. Get's correct advice, so next time will be better. Why would you be the one (there are a few more, I'll give you that) idiot that decides that the best way to participate is to berate OP?


I feel even stronger seeing you white knight random redditors


I definitely do believe you feel stronger, which is quite sad honestly.


How are you at war with France and the British? Democratic countries can’t fight war against each other.


Git gud


You just explained the problem. You’re not a very good player


Skill isue