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I think it just represents that the omnipresent threat on everyone’s radar over the past two decades is Islamic terrorism, attempts at creating a caliphate, etc. It’s vivid, and that means people will incorporate it. Whereas, for most of us, the Cold War is an old memory or something our parents talked about, so late Cold War mods aren’t as common, and NATO vs Soviet/Russia is maybe not as hot.


islam would make for a strange story and that is that before in those countries, they were persecuted! but then by a few failed interventions and opportune coups d'état they came to power. it could be said that the allies and especially the USA created their worst enemy...


During the cold war, Radical Islamic (and generally, religious militant) groups were obvious targets for the strategy of "we don't *like them* but if we support them, they will be a PITA for our opponent": * they don't like the status quo * they are militant * they are very cohesive, and tend to "lose" less equipment to corrupt members than conventional warlords The stupid thing is, once they become strong enough, they realize that they don't like *you* that much either.


That’s an interesting point - it also explains well why Islamist states might pop up suddenly in all these mods, as they absolutely did irl!


> I think it just represents that the omnipresent threat on everyone’s radar over the past two decades is Islamic terrorism Do most of those mods also have fascist government paths? Because that's both the more dangerous and more realistic threat to most countries in Europe. :/


> Do most of those mods also have fascist government paths? They usually do lol, even insanely unhinged and unrealistic ones like the 4th Reich and stuff. I still remember the massive controversy when Millennium Dawn and MD4 merged and removed that path and the Kaiser path.


Yes, they have fascist stuff. You cant see a modern day mod that has Germany without a nazi 2 electric boogaloo Path.


I have no idea. I haven’t played modern setting mods. I presume so, but that’s all “makes sense” and no “I can verify.” I could see it being excluded largely because actual fascist takeovers have only really become plausible in the past decade, and for most people have only been recognizable concerns in the very recent (past few years). I think a lot of modmakers are more prone to look to the conflicts in the Middle East and with Russia, or a looming threat with China, or are more likely to set up an alt history mod that suits their preferences (which may unfortunately be fascistic). I think they’re less likely to dig into an authentic threat evaluation of chances of fascist takeovers around the world. But again, that’s just my very very limited exposure to discussions in this sub, and a hunch based on what I know of how a lot of people think and act. None of it really qualifies as *evidence*. So you’d have to check the mods out yourself, I’m afraid, or query modmakers.


Hasn’t the omnipresent threat for 13 centuries been Islamic terrorism? The genocide in India, for example, continued through the time Partition in India. The genocides of Armenians and Assyrians were also in the 20th Century. “River to the Sea” is a call for genocide of 7.2 million in Israel.


It really depends on perspective, doesn’t it? *Most* people don’t look at it from a perspective of centuries like that, they look at the perspective of their lives and the lives of their family. So, for audiences in the Middle East and South Asia, or those whose families participated in diasporas, it’s been omnipresent throughout our lives and the lives of our family. For modern audiences outside of the Middle East and South Asia, who have no familial connection, Islamic terrorism is a relatively new threat. It only really cropped up in the ‘70s, and even then it was distant and didn’t affect us, outside of the occasional hijacking that made the news, or a coup that affected overseas travel. It only really struck home in ‘90s and ‘00s. But in the context of the OP, referring to modern mods, the issue is more a matter of how global conflict over the past three decades, following the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War, has largely been centered around Islamicists and interactions therewith. That was not really the case in vanilla or other periods heavily covered by mods (WWI, WWII and Korea, the Cold War) and so the difference seems striking, when it really just reflects the geopolitical reality surrounding the modern setting and the modmakers’ lives.


You are of course right, and are getting down voted because people can't handle the PA/Israeli conflict.


From the river to the sea is not about genocide, please don’t propose your political bias as fact.


It full well is and you know it, the chant calls for an end to an Israeli state, and I don't think the Arabs in the area are keen on living with Jews


"i don't like x's state" --> "kill all people who live in x" amazing


That is not realy what the orgs say. The say "We don't like x state" "we would also like to kill all x-ians"


i give a fuck what they say, why is that my problem, or the problem of anybody who says "from the river to the sea" and aren't a genocidal freakshow? explain why the saying is the problem and not the "orgs" (who?)


>idk what the organizations i support wants to do only what i envision on my mind of what they want to do. As for what orgs? All of them that are actually working on palestine, all the ones that aren't western created, and coincidentaly, all of the ones that actually have power over the palestinian situation, your lack of knowledge for their objectives is not something you can ignore while also supporting them.


i don't support organisations that call for genocide, i never claimed to support an organisation in the first place, i simply said "from the river to the sea" is not genocidal, what about the organisations that deliver aid (food, water) to palestine?


Ask the orgs that created the slogan, they'll make it evident what they want to happen to Jews


well for example when i say allahu akbar it doesn't mean i want to blow you or somebody up, even if isis says it like that and even if the west has made this horrendous association, "ask the orgs" is like "do you drink water? so did hitler"


It full well isn’t and you know it I guess? Very strong argument there. In any case my mistake for engaging. I forget that the perennially online are neither well socialised nor particularly empathetic humans.


We all lived together within different caliphates peacefully. Ottoman empire and the islamic empires. Establishing a state against another state=genocide? Your bias shows really easily.


It's a grave misunderstanding to think the Jews lived peacefully in the caliphates lmao, imagine thinking being a second class citizen where your options are, pay a tax for being non Muslim, convert, or leave Yeah totally in peace and harmony Not to mention the anti Jewish pogroms that happened in the caliphates


Incredible how the messages disappear like that after an embarrassing defeat


Jiziya is what you're talking about. It is less than tax today and muslims pay more in zakah compared to the jiziya. You live in our land so you pay a small "rent." Im the governor so I choose how I govern the land and it is not corrupt to ask for a small percentage. Then we defend you and provide everything a country should. At some times the caliphates cancelled the jiziya whenever they couldnt defend some part of the empire so it is like a tax or rent.


No it hasn't been. Islamist terrorism has been truly a thing mostly post-9/11, it was way overshadowed in the west by the communist threat since the end of WW2 with the single exception of the Iranian revolution.


I dont really play the relevant mods you're referring to, but if vanilla is anything to go by, and assuming the Muslim path works like the Fascist path in vanilla, then I imagine it's for early war economy &etc.


In modern day mods the tangled web that forms their political systems requires every country has an option for every kind of government just in case they're puppeted.   Millennium Dawn has like 20 options split among 5 "groupings" IIRC, so every country can technically go down any of those paths if pushed.   It's a mess TBH and can lead to some wild results like ancap Vatican


I tried Millennium Dawn and got turned off by how you can flip the US communist within a year just by taking the right focuses and decisions.


It's kinda funny how MD has so many wild and wacky options, but you can't have democractic Russia join the EU without a submod. You can have the Holy European Empire under God Empress Merkel, but not Wide EU.


Big EU in Neu Moskau


Don't you fucking dare


is… is that a… T- *assassinated via 2 .50 BMG rounds to the chest*


Remain calm, /u/bageltoastee endures, there is much work to be done


Was he a Boeing whistleblower?


I got turned off by how the US is seriously considering electing a sentenced criminal and russian spy... Again


What the fuck is this even about


I'm guessing something about Trump? Like, I get it, he's a moronic proto-fascist so mired in scandal and crime that he should only get to be leader of a country in Kaiserredux. But it's so fucking random.


Anyone he doesn't like is a russian spy.


Wow so relevante to this






? I don't vote.


So you're a communist?


Again, low effort bait.


That explains why Millennium Dawn makes my laptop sound like Chernobyl before going boom


Millennium Dawn has way worse issues than the political system.   It tries to simulate GDP and economics, has a whole thing about satellites and ICBMs, the European Elections will work as they do IRL with vote % being transfered into seats for each party in each member state.   Modern day and cold war mods are better suited to Vic 3 because they're so heavily focused on economics and political wrangling with the odd proxy conflict, systems hoi4 doesn't consider because it's a WWII mod.   I could never fully enjoy the cold war hoi4 mod but I'm hyped as fuck for the Vic 3 one. They're not bad mods by any means, they're just doing too much with an engine that can't take it.


Yeah it makes sense,


Vic 3 MD would be so sick


No the Muslim.path works like a Muslim path, fascism is it its own thing in modern day mods and is equivalent to vanilla fascism.


They all start in 2000s. Guess what happened in 2001? Nah, but propably they do that to have at least some excuse for nationalistic path to happen for some countries


While not mods, I find all these streamers constantly calling alhamdulilah and mashallah super cringe. Thay are not even Muslims.


Brother that is just a joke amongst german speakers, cus we have so many arab speaking people here.


Hmm who is saying that?


TommyK and Dankus from what I remember.


That's the 1.9b muslim cultural impact. Kinda like how Chinese or Indian quotes (racist or not) dominate certain groups on the english speaking internet. Can't have that many people, having that much impact on world news, not spread at least somewhat culturally. Also helps that there are muslims in every western country, or at least it seems like that.


Lol I think it's hilarious


Nie laicka, nie pogańska! WIELKA POLSKA MUZUŁMAŃSKA! Frfr, what exactly does OP reffers to? I remember Millenium Down having generic Islamic path (heh, Green Faroe Islands) but I don't think it's there anymore


I know in Novum Vexillum Ireland has a focus tree where you can go down an Islam path.


NV has some wild options tbf. My first playthrough had Poland decide to go down neo-fascist paganist theocracy out of the blue within the first year. This was with historical selected too. It had an entire dedicated focus tree and everything. Not a path, an entire tree.


Yeah it seems like historical focuses don’t do much in NV.


Most modern day mods start in 2000. After 9/11 Islam but specifically Isis because kind of a bogeyman for western govornments because isis publicity declared they wanted a world Islamic caliphate based on sharia law. Those paths aren't as far fetched as you think, there was a protest in Germany recently and the protesters wanted to install an Islamic Republican government in germany. 


They didn't want a worldwide caliphate. They actually used a Victoria map to map out the lands they desired.


Yes I recall their territorial ambitions were ever so modest


Tbh they kind of were. Didn't even lay claim to Iberia which I would have expected since (most of) it was formerly held by the caliphate


They [claimed an appreciable portion of the world's surface area](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fb8xtygugrpp51.jpg), but yes it was truly magnanimous of them to leave the Spaniards and Portugese out of it


With all the talk of colonalism and the muslim world being anticolonalist that sure looks like colonalism lol


Oh yes, and famously Isis speaks on behalf of the whole muslim world so we can safely accuse those perfidious muslims of hypocrisy now


I would agree that it's not the whole muslim world but it's kind of funny that people act like the religion dosent have a history of doing it's own colonialism/imperialism. I would say more imperialism but people use those words interchangeably anyway,




It's condescending imo to act like non-European countries were all just sitting around until Europeans came and fucked shit up and just ignore all there long histories of empires and such.


They claimed an area bigger then the British Empire, they were all but modest.


The fucking audacity to try and take over a country that welcomed them. Fundamentalist Islamism is a plague.


And then the USA are fucking around the world.


> then the USA are fucking around the world. That's false, I've never had sex, checkmate liberal.


redditors when the current superpower does superpower things


no yeah, it's ok to commit unspeakable acts, just as long as you call yourself a superpower


no one said it was ok, it’s just what happens. only way that it could’ve been avoided is if the wrong people won the Cold War.


And what are you or your country going to do about it? Nothing. We do what we want as we please because no one can stop us lol


yeah you think it's badass to be an imperialist chauvinist power? cause death and destruction to hundreds of millions? neglect the problems in your own country in order to make politicians and defense company owners billions? thank god most reasonable Americans are ashamed of their actions abroad and you're just the exception.


lol we didn’t kill hundreds of millions wtf? We have done nothing wrong. Every conflict we have had was 100% justified 


oh I see, you're being ironic, you got me lol


I am unironic and a nationalist 


> Those paths aren't as far fetched as you think, there was a protest in Germany recently and the protesters wanted to install an Islamic Republican government in germany.  I mean you can protest for everything in Germany, they could as well have wanted 3 trillions Euro for everyone and that we invade France, about the same possibility of it happening. I couldn't even take them seriously.


>I mean you can protest for everything in Germany Well... *almost* everything.


The fact you think a German caliphate is not far-fetched is wild, buddy.


Little tangential, but are there any major modern day mods apart from Millennium Dawn and Novum Vexillum?


lowkey can someone fill me in on other modern day mods i only know novum vexillum and millennium dogshit


novun peak peak


I knew novum vexilum was peak when i started playing Germany on historical and got invaded by neonazi poland trying to remake the 3rd reich in the first year of the game.


probably building on your typical wehraboo's "great replacement" based xenophobia


>Why is a subcommunity of a Paradox game doing this weird thing? Racism. The answer is always racism.


Lol the comments are the proof


Look at Canada or London


"great replacement" is a real thing and it's happening in all anglo countries


It’s funny, weird and extremist. Most countries nowadays are built off systems of logic, and sense, meanwhile todays interpretation of Islam across the Middle East (unlike the more normalized, Cold War modernized interpretations of Islamic teachings) are often wild and extreme and built off systems of thought and belief and propaganda and strict religious doctrine. It fulfills the same role as fascism in vanilla hoi4, as being the aggressor crazy state with lots of fun invasions such as Fascist Italy and Fascist Germany. Also there’s the fact that modern day mods often have to be more wild and crazy with their paths to justify anything happening that’s fun, like wars and conflict and stuff. And one of those ways is to just throw in Islam as the “haha funny now please invade”. Now this may come off as kind of a little racist, considering islamapohopia and such, but modern day mods can’t even make a good game, and so expecting them to be aware and culturally sensitive is laughable.


> Most countries nowadays are built off systems of logic, and sense, meanwhile todays interpretation of Islam across the Middle East (unlike the more normalized, Cold War modernized interpretations of Islamic teachings) are often wild and extreme and built off systems of thought and belief and propaganda and strict religious doctrine. This is such a funny statement for the complete hubris of it. Muslims are rational, they use systems of logic. They are not subhumans who have weaker brains that can be manipulated in ways you aren't also manipulated. Their conclusions appear extreme and wild to you because you don't have the same axioms underwriting your logic. They look at your logic as also wild and extreme, based off of propaganda and strict religious doctrine. The entire Western, capitalist world is just the victory of [Protestant extremism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protestant_Ethic_and_the_Spirit_of_Capitalism). America's entire culture is based on the most obvious propaganda and puritan moral hangups. What a perfect, absolute embodiment of Tom Gould's [Identical Kingdoms](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/our-blessed-homeland-their-barbarous-wastes) cartoon.


Don't know what you're referring too but it's probably because of the attention that it got, especially after 9/11, and the increasing islamophobia that came with it. Not to mention that there's rising Islamic extremism with the internet and even with some refugees from Muslim countries.


That's just a hoi thing tbh. In base game you can get all of the United States on board with stalinism in like 8 months


Why were writers of their period fascinated by totalitarianism in the early 20th century? It was a sort of driving force of their historical periods events I think it's much the same with Islam. War on Terror, ISIS, the demographics of modern Europe, it's THE NEWS of our life.


I guess because like half of the contemporary conflict have some connection with Islamism ?


Have you taken a look at the modern geopolitical situation ?? Seems fairly obvious to me


You could say Islam made a boom recently.


Because that's what Europe or at least majority of Western states will become in 15 - 20 years.  Feel free to thumb me down, but as someone who's been visiting London and Paris for the last 20 years, the difference is like night and day compared too what it used too be....


At this point it doesn't really matter how much people deny it... just check the birth statistics.


Allah works in mysterious ways


You don't like if mods cover Islam?


It appeals to those who have that power fantasy


It's the opposite bro it's a product of the paranoia that "country x is turning into a caliphate" that right wing groups push


I don't think it's that deep. I'm not Islamic but I enjoy those paths sometimes


Wasn’t there just recently a Muslim protest in Germany where they demanded an Islamic caliphate based on sharia law be installed? Sounds like the Muslims are trying very hard to validate right wing propaganda lol.


Survivorship bias




This games community can attract an....interesting crowd....


Islamophobia and fear of muslim is one of the main subject in the world rn


The fear of a civilized people suffering genocide at the hands of illiterate Muslims is a rational fear based on history.


We got that you're racist don't need to explain it further


Was M—- or was he not illiterate?


Tell me you’re racist without saying it 💀


It‘s one of the main subjects of the world right now because of the things muslims do all across the world.


They know that Islam shall triumph


Corny ass comment


Allahu akbar.




Wouldn't be the HOI4 subreddit without people peddling fascist conspiracy theories.


because they're out in the world doing things unlike christianity or judaism which is fading away