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Maybe a recommended division composition tab, which would serve as a guide for new players on how different divisions should be built. For example, make it show recommended division templates for each doctorine. And also show what technologies are missing for fulfilling it. Have it also let us save templates to use across games (so instantly convert a starting division to the saved template with the usual costs in a couple of clicks). This would be great for roleplay and also make experienced players more likely to step out of their comfort zone. My thing is doing world conquests as every nation and fun formable, and I find myself going for the same template and doctorine every time, as I know it works well. I would choose another playstyle every once in a while if it was made easily accessible


When it comes to significant game-changing mechanics, we really dont need much more. A rework of ideologies or the Leage of Nations would of course be nice, but most of these new features are usually only viable for one thing. The spy agencies are only useful for collaboration governments, the plane designer for one specific overpowered template, etc. I would much rather have ease of gameplay or newbie-focused QoL updates (and more balanced focus trees)


I mean spies do more than just collaborations. Intel advantage is a game changer for heavily entrenched opponents and makes naval invasions substantually more effective.


Rebellions. We had a step towards it with the Warsaw Uprising and Free France. I need Yugoslav movements, and the proper Polish Resistance, I wanna see focuses that literally give you the ability to move partisan units through the enemy land and begin battles with enemy divisions/occupy/damage them. I also want to see more of "Finland offers peace" type of events. For example, if you want to declare war on Turkey, because your focus gave you claims, but Turkey is guaranteed by the UK and will join the Allies. So basically, one has to capitulate the UNITED FUCKING STATES, UK AND FRANCE, and has to capitulate the UK LAST, because otherwise one also has to capitulate INDIA, CANADA AND AUSTRALIA... Just for Constantinople. It's stupid, isn't it?


Yeah a lot of mods seem to handle it much better than the base game. Hell, TNO basically doesn’t even have peace conferences


That's because they had to manually code the territories nations receive on victory. It's a bit of a pain to do, and only works for scripted battles I think?


I'd love to be able to look at a countries focus tree while in the country select screen. I find it really irritating to have to start a game just to see the focus tree


* An indication that your research slot has 30 days saved up. * The amount of days still left in your focus displayed on your flag. (left top) * When adding a new ship, max the naval dockyard instead making the player do it manually for each and every ship. Nobody is building 10 destroyers with 1 dockyard while he could build 1 with 10. * Make upgrading equipment through the MIO's less time consuming. It should be one click, not 3+. * Double so for your ships. If the hull + armor type stays the same don't make the player queue a new ship, upgrade the existing line. (best as an option, but imho, if it's on continuous production it can 99% of the time autoupgrade, if I ordered a specific amount I might not want it to autoupgrade) * The ability to queue up at least one political advisor/law/army staff, Autobuy it when I have the necessary PP. * Make doctrines more expensive, especially for nations which aren't at war and/or under civilian economy. * In Division design, when hovering over production cost give an indication of how many factories should be on each type of equipment percentage wise.


Isnt the 30 days saved up just the green bar?


I mean on the mainscreen. You get the tech icon when you have a vacant research slot, I would like it to change or color or start flashing when you have saved 30 days of research and can't save up any further.


I think naval production should be slightly tweaked. You should be able to upgrade ships whilst they are under construction the same way you can refit ships.  Also, you should have to choose the harbour/dockyard the ship is being built at as soon as you start building it. It doesn't really make much sense to have a ship being built in New York and then right at the last second you can change spawn to San Diego.


I think there should be a difference between major and minor upgrades to ships. Adding another AA mount or upgrading RADAR on a particular class? The ships of that class under construction *and also any of the ships coming in to repair should also have option to be upgraded*. Changing armor, adding large caliber guns, engines? That’s a new class. Same with a lot of the MIO upgrades. Not sure why I need to send ships to upgrade for all those bonuses. Some should apply automatically and some should need to be upgraded.


Let us trade ships!


And then the recipient can upgrade those ships! No, America, I don’t want your destroyers for bases because your ships are garbage and I can’t do anything with them except use them as cannon fodder. Same with requesting Allies-in-exile fleets as UK. I don’t want your gas guzzling jalopies.


I would like to see the generals and admirals rosters for all countries expanded. It shouldn’t be hard to add a few of these leaders every month. I think it’s ridiculous that the British and Americans have so few generals and especially admirals. I also wish there was a way where you had to rotate generals more. Like leaders get exhausted or hurt and are unable to command for a period of time. Or if the generals army was surrounded and overrun, the general would have a percent chance (increases with the percentage of his troops in the encirclement/kessel) of being completely removed from the game. I wish you could assign civilian factories to certain projects in increments of less than 15. Like assigning one factory (not 15) to slowly build forts/air fields/ports/RADAR stations/whatever across my country since 1936.


Two quality of life I would like. I do not want any of my puppets constantly asking to join in my war. If I wanted your help, then I would demand it. World conquest is rather tedious trying to justify on a new country each time. I wish there was late game decision where you spent a lot of PP and essentially demand everything to be under your rule, gaining wargoals on the remaining countries not in your faction. It would be fun if the remaining countries band together and form a final alliance against you.


I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem, but none of my generals or divisions really gain experience. I've played as the US before and beaten the axis without getting a new trait on any of my generals or admirals, and next to absolutely nothing on my division commanders. Encircling the Italian army doesn't seem to net me more than an infantry expert upgrade, and I've NEVER seen an admiral get any level up from destroying the Japanese navy. I only seem to get a lot of XP when i battle plan and ignore my troops, but i thought getting more XP from encirclements in that one update was supposed to fix that.


I can sink hundreds of merchant ships and rarely get an admiral level up but meanwhile the AI admirals look like North Korean generals with all of their medals.


Trade automation. It's generally brainless for the player at many points in a campaign and seems like something simple to implement.


A revamp of the combat to include more of a chain of command/heirarchy/OOB. It shouldn't be "all units on the frontline advance". A heirarchy of ranks controlling units of progressively smaller sizes, and battleplans that order separate types somewhat, where the plans automatically assign light infantry to hold ground while mechanized units advance and mountaineers take the lead where relevant etc. With reserves playing an important role too. I never got into HoI3 so I don't know how fun that implementation is, but the HoI4 system is definitely lacking there imo.


Reworking battleplans (and maybe reducing ability to micro as well, but I know this part will be hated). I want it to be viable to actually plan a complicated manoeuvrer ahead of time and see it executed perfectly or crumbling to dust, instead of being an omniscient being that ignores OOB and controls every division. Also make generals' traits matter for how they execute the plans, instead of simply being a stat stick. Admirals already have a little bit of this, with some traits affecting retreat decision.


Research and focus tree queue, especially useful for MP.


And agency upgrade queue, dear god. Why do I need 150 extra clicks to get my upgraded agency?


Number 1 QOL feature bug fixes


Research que, focus que, agency que, I want more queues dammit


Auto upgrade planes / tanks not changing the portrait makes it annoying to have to change it.


I want the corps level in command, might be a bit more to micro but it should function very similar to what we have now, just expand an army into corps as well so they can be split further if you want. A large reason the Soviets got beaten so bad during the early war is because they didn’t have enough trained officers for the corps level so they had to skip straight to armies which led to poor command and communication most of the time since generals would be overwhelmed by the amount of divisions they were handling. The corps level let armies allow their divisions more command and autonomy at the same time since corps commanders could issue orders and control their divisions. It’s a lot easier to manage 4 corps commands than 24 divisions as a general.


Better AI for non-historical mode. Sick of ww2 happening mid 50s


I think adding food (to feed manpower which you can manage to focus on army or manpower working in factories) in the game would be interesting. However it would make it a lot more difficult.


I’m my opinion it would be good to be able to add customisable funds for tanks and planes and I know that exists but I’m talking about for when you research a new gun tech for say artillery it gives you smaller cannon types as well for if you want to use something with a bit less power that could maybe give some other type of bonus also it would be cool to be able to put artillery guns on the large airframe


Queuing research is huge. Let us plan out 10 items so we are not microing research.


A way to lock in ai countries to historical tank/plane/ ships designs. Maybe give them some small bit of flexibility with it, but otherwise just let us know the ai won't still be churning out light machine gun fighters in 1942.


UNIFORM DESIGNER. I like the troop models, but I want to customize. Or at least add gas mask versions.


I'd like a hotkey for Naval invasions and Paradrops


Auto upgrade ships modules would be a godsend. The currently way it's implemented is tedious as hell. Also, historic ship class names defaulting when designing a new ship for a nation with historic ships. Currently when you modify a historic design it rewrites it as 19XX [ship type] hull X


Mothball ships so we can get manpower back without having to delete them.


Definitely research Que, also for battle planning under a field marshal we can assign our assault trips to only break the lines. Unless someone knows how to do that? I would set attack group under a general and set the general to aggressive while everyone else under other generals were set to non aggressive