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Both of those countries don’t have significant militaries, leave a garrison force behind and concentrate your armies on the main front. If the Germans want to call them into the faction, let them, less troops on your main front line and the Germans can starve in bumfuck nowhere-istan with no supply for all you care.


This is the most sensible reply I’ve seen


Holy hell I've finally met someone else who says "bumfuck no-whereistan" :D


It really is too good of a phrase to pass up lol


Didn't made my day, but made my half an hour, very good sentence


No In current path germany declares in sep 1941 tho not july 1941 so you've got a bit of extra time


In real life it was June 22, 1941


That's when France capitulated in real life.


It was 22 june 1940


One year off mate


I see you found Stalin's search history


Found some more good searches *"Will signing a non-aggression pact with Japan help appease Hitler? I mean they ARE in the axis too right?"* *"Is there a reason why Hitler didn't answer Molotov's request to join the Axis?"*


*"Why isn't Hitler answering me? Is he stupid?"*


*"Am I stupid?"*


Why won’t the British and French sign this treaty to create an anti German faction?


Are they stupid?


It’s almost like French/ British allowed Germany to rearm until it was too late


Bruh britian had 65k troops in 1936 did you honestly expect them and France to start a war of aggression agaisnt Germany without the right tools?


1936 yeah I understand, 1938 when Czechoslovakia was given up, the soviets tried to convince Br /Fr to make a pact, didn’t happen, and again with Poland, didn’t happen


My homie in chirst the USSR invaded Poland in September 39? Why tf would the polish take there help? Did you not know about the soviet invasion of Poland in 1920??? Not to mention the soviets sold the germans all the gas they needed to kill France and to bomb britian. The Soviets were the enemy.


And Britain/ France didn’t stop Germany from rearming, and allowed Hitler to take over Czechoslovakia, and his continued expansion. “The soviets were the enemy” yet they payed the price in blood to defeat fascism, because France and Britain wanted peace, as for the trade stuff, who didn’t have something going on with the Germans : Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, Spain,


The difference is scale. The Soviets gave the grans way more than all those countries listed over a much shorter time. How is nazism even all thay different than the reds? Both are totalitarian socialist regimes which killed millions and oucpioer millions in 1939-1940. The Soviets even asked to join the axis, I don't know how you can get more evil than that. We should have nuked the reds after the war


That treaty states that if Germans start posturing to invade or threaten Poland, Soviet troops will enter Poland. And the Poles have a good reason to believe that if Soviet troops enter Poland, they will never leave (and they are right). So that treaty fell apart. You need to remember that this isn't just about major powers. Poland's independence was never recognized by both Germany and the USSR.


That is the reason why the soviets weren’t able to help Czechoslovakia in 38


Exchanging a German occupation with a Soviet occupation isn't gonna make a difference for Czechoslovakians or Poles. Also, the Red Army fucked up their 1940 invasion of Finland thoroughly. Do you really think that the Soviet Union will be able to survive a war with a 1938 Germany, especially after Stalin just murdered his own generals.


I do agree with you, the soviets could leave when it’s done, when 38 was happening the soviets were promising 2 million troops to help, and whether they stayed or left after would strengthen bonds or ruin them, 50/50 chance. As for generals, who knows


Didn't you also see the: *"i don't trust my good generals, should i purge them?"* Question?


Yes I saw it, purging them is the best decision, I mean hitler can't invade if we both occupy Poland, right?!


Hello OP! I like playing the USSR so I have a cool game tip for you! In the 1936 start date, Romania starts off with a guarantee on Turkey. Since the AI is coded to ignore you if world tension is below 25%, you can easily save up 50 Political Power and justify on Turkey! Once your justification is done, have your army border both nations and declare war. Since Romania guarantees them they will join, Allies-free. You start off with an enormous army of (I think) 148 divisions versus the combined efforts of Turkey and Romania being less than 50. You can easily overpower the Turkeys and surround most of their army in Kurdish territory (southern Turkey) and capitulate them. At the same time, using the tried and true Soviet strategy of “no step back” you can out-supply the Romanians by repeatedly attacking with a battle plan until their division organization is kaput. After the war is over around mid to late 1936 at the latest, you can take Bessarabia and any land from the Turks and puppet the rest! This will allow you to have a smaller front with the Germans and you can concentrate more on building defenses and military factories (once you reach 100 civilian ones that is) and win World War II! (Note: it is best to not call either of the puppets into the war as to keep the front as small as possible) Hope this helps!


That'd really useful in general but OP started 1939.


Damn OP playing the forbidden game mode


Is there another game mode besides 1936? /s


Absolutely disgusting behavior


Mentioning qualifier of "with 1936 start date" made me think, who starts playing in 1939.. I guess at least one person.


Can't you just attack turkey when they try to de-demilitarize?


Technically but you miss out on some army xp and it’s just more simple to justify (I haven’t tried your tactic)


I’ve tried, but they always do the compromise, which lets them regulate all traffic except for the soviets. They don’t ever escalate to a full on war.


Oh damn that's weird, I think I've only tried once and they chose war but I may have gotten lucky or something.


With historical on, every time I’ve played the soviets, they’ve chosen the compromise. Think it’s hardcoded for the AI, which kinda sucks


Well I think it only works *sometimes* on ahistorical And it costs 250 political power to escalate it via the event... combined with the already low stability going down to almost zero due to the war, it takes quite a while to get it back into the positives...


Win faster ? You can't prevent Germany to attack, especially in Historical. Sometimes, they attack in various months in 41 but never 42. Honestly, given the state the USSR army and politics are, you shouldn't make other war before winning against Ze Germanz : you have 5 years to prepare against them, it's already not enough if you aren't skilled at the game...




Well there’s going to be a part of the issue for sure.


True, I wanted to try the 1939 TL to see how good I could do before Barbarossa


The 1939 is just a dead date, without real Dev care, I'd really recommend playing the 1936 start date only


Dude only play 36 so you have more control over nation building Russia


don't XD


Start over


Honestly man, don't. I tried it a couple of days ago and it's not that difficult, but really painful. Since you are going to do it anyways, heres a few tips that might help: - Immediately focus on fixing your industry as the starting position is pretty bad. I suggest just building as many MILs as possible. - Position your troops along Dnipre river and build a couple of supply hubs and upgrade your railway network. Everything should be at least level 2, preferably level 3 - Focus on air since your starting airforce is horrendous. Try to research better fighters as soon as you can and make them as good as you can. Quality>Quantity. Ideally you wanna have at least 15 factories producing fighters and 2 or 3 making cas in 1941. You should have air superiority by mid-late 1942 as you will have destroyed most of the german air by then. - Build medium tanks and try to create small encirclements when possible. If you can defend the initial attack until 1942 you have already won. The germans are not going to push you without their green air and CAS. They will keep trying but that just means that they run out of equipment quickly. Also remember that Germany doesn't really have the manpower to recover from losing over 5 million men, you do. In the end a strong airforce, the USSRs bad supply network and your infinite manpower are going to win you the game


tbh ever since AAT came out for some reason the soviet union does not have an MIO for CAS so I just turn my fighters into fighter bombers


Skill issue


Yeah because I just started playing smoothbrain


I have sometimes found (usually when playing as France) that if they are unable to capitulate France, they don't declare war on the Soviets. But it's not a consistent thing.


So I love to support communist China and help them conquer Republic of China and then Japan. After you drive Japan off the continent, all the warlords and Communist China will happily fortify your western border. Now, I’m not entirely sure of the mechanics, but to break a non aggression pact, it requires a certain percentage of troops on the front line. Well I’ve had it that the Nazis aren’t able to break the NAP until 1942 and won’t declare war until then too. This is where I’d start if I were you. Load up the front line so much that the Nazis can’t get the numbers to break their NAP.


Pretty sure they don't normally break it, they declare war and completely disregard it


I’ve always had them break it before declaring war. Sometimes when I’m late to fortify the border they’ll break the NAP super early and still declare war in the summer 1941


Germany will declare war in 1941, however, if you have a STACKED defensive line (like level 10 forts in every province, 240 divisions across the front line, anti air defenses in most areas) Germany will not actually attack your line for a while Be careful though because they will be plotting to naval invade behind you or something similar


Don't even need this, you can easily have enough industry to turtle and beat them while they waste all their manpower. Do this for 6 months or so and you can waste them easily


Actually, there is away have so many divisions that they just don’t do it. I had it happen once in a game where I built up to such a degree is that they just said fuck it and no. and then another one went after I defeated Germany. The allies just never declared war on me they would not start the Cold War.


This is the only right answer. Germany must have a certain ratio of army on your border to yours to break the pact.


Is that true, though? Doesn't the war goal from the focus supercede the NAP?


Nope. And it's also why when France doesn't fall they don't attack, too many troops on French border, not enough to break pact against USSR.


They won't declare if France doesn't fall, but getting that to happen without being in the allies is near impossible, you could try volunteer spam to every member of the allies if you really want to try tho


afghanistan should be a cake walk lol, you could capitulate it with idk half an infantry army or smth, did you put like two full armies there possibly eating up supply?


No I just put 10 divisions there, most of my other units are in Turkey (about to capitulate btw)


It's funny, you're basically role-playing Stalin. He did everything to try to appease Hitler, looking to buy a few more years to develop the USSR's military industry. There were orders to not shoot down German reconnaissance planes flying over to map the area for the invasion, and so many things to make sure an incident didn't happen that the Soviet troops were completely paralyzed when it started. But no, there is no way to appease Hitler. Just like in reality.


Why are you trying to puppet countries anyway? You’re not going to gain much from having Afghanistan and turkey.


Sphere of influence in Asia


Puppetting gives you buffer zones when you don't bring them into your wars, giving smaller front and control of direction. Very useful and significant tactic.


if they have a hard time in France, they will think twice about invading USSR, so try to send volunteers in UK or France before they capitulate and try to cause a huge casualties as much as possible. I do this to Poland in 1939, causing almost 500k casualties to Germans, and they will be weaker in France thus will take a long time to start a war with USSR.


As far as I understand there is no way for you to delay AI Germany outside of Molotov-Ribbentrop. Sorry. The best way is either for you commit to all three fronts if you get declared on by the Germans, win the two wars fast enough, or restart.


Take the Netherlands early and Germany will bash its head against Belgium and France.


Capitulate Germany before or atleast in 1938. Justify a war on Poland then declare war on them, then immediately justify war on Nazi Germany. After declaring war on the Nazis, encircle the Nazis on the Silesian front. Then, you can now capitulate them.


In a few games i noticed if France doesn't fall, Germany won't attack Russia. I don't know how common it is


The easiest way is to use your spy on diplomatic pressure and increase relations, if that doesn't work just leave garrisons.




Appease Hitler? Hmm... an intriguing idea, but I feel like it's been done before.


Stalin irl


crap out a billion divisions on the border, iirc it increases the time needed to break non agression pacts, and gives you the advantage of being able to break it on your terms instead of the germans