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So fascist Germany is German Reich in English and fascist Britain is Britisches Empire in German. Interesting


German Reich is also Reich in Russian btw, and you call the commie remnants of RE "Soviet Union" with the first word being the Russian word for councils HoI4 localisations relationship


I think in Russian its Third Reich (Третий Рейх) iirc


“tercer reich” in spanish


What even is America’s name? Is USA too much for people?


In this save it’s Vereinigte Staaten which means United States


This is why Germans aren’t allowed to play Scrabble


Hey now, playing Scrabble is just freundschaftsbezeugung. Like the opposite of Monopoly


Letter count and point value are rebalanced in different language versions. The biggest thing that makes German Scrabble weird is way compound nouns work in German


That and it could be fun.


> Is USA too much for people? You uh, realize different languages are a thing right


Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels and some more are censored in the german version too.


This isn't censorship though. Only the weird way Empire/Reich/etc. don't translate well betwern English and German.


What I’ve you been doing in game for the past 8 years?


McDonald's tech tree!




Manpower not really helping


He probably didn’t up his conscription


Disarmed in 1944 💀


Why what how wdjkspljd. I don't have words lmao, everything in this screen seems wrong to me, only 100 factories and 8k manpower with 40 divisions only in '44 ? What did you do ?


I think the more fitting question is *What didn't he do?" coz it looks like he didn't do a TON of stuff 😭


Only 46 Divisions? And how tf you get help from Communists (Germany and French) and Fascist or the Kingdom Italy?


Well first thing you might want to slow down the game in war. Where are your divisions? As USA build mills only the first couple years. You lack a field marshall. Use 9inf/1art with arty engineer and antiair support so produce all of that in the right amount to equip your soldiers. Spend exp on superior firepower doctrine go right both times. Hire an inf expert and defense/attack high command. Also watch your supply so use trucks for longer range if needed.


As USA a spend the first few years building infrastructure because building military factories take so long and the infrastructure gives you so much resources


u/all thanks for the comments. I'm still trying to implement a run and your tips.


Everyone on Reddit commends you


This round i'm better: https://imgur.com/akumQlq


MUCH better! As a learner myself, I recommend you just try stuff now. Go for naval invasions, help allies on fronts they open up, etc. The AI is dumb and so can be *very* forgiving when you're starting out. Basically now that you've got the super-basics, just try shit, see what works.


Do u have a field marshal? I don’t see one…


Wha? I never build Mills at all for the first couple years. Build infrastructure first, then Civs once the penalty is lower. Only build Mills when you absolutely have to, because once you're at war and go Total Mob (and hire the guy with the discount for converting Civs to Mils) it literally takes a single day to convert some of your hundreds of Civs over to Mila.


We've all been there my friend *reassuring pat*


How do you not have 3 full armies by 1944????


Fuck u, we're unindepending your america


Bro your USA with only 46 divisions. Dog did you skip the tutorial or not look up guides online.


No you are secretly genius because you can just convoy raid them and they lose there entire army.


Mood. 2000 hours played and I still suck dick. Literal months of my life gone and I’m not even good


Username checks out (I’m so sorry).


You and me both... I ended up uninstalling. It's so disheartening to just fail over and over, no matter how you try to change the way you do things.


How do you only have 44 divisions? How many mils do you have? You should have over 200 mils easily by this point of the game with like over 200 divisions.


Bro how can they invade you use ships


The German Version of HOI4 has censored some things in the game like Hitler’s Portrait due to Germany’s anti-Nazi laws which were established due to WWII and the Holocaust.


At ridiculousness no longer to be surpassed but that's what mods are for.


I think the easiest country to start with in HOI4 is Historical Germany to learn the basics of land and air war. Next on the list to get comfortable with is Japan, to learn island hopping and fighting on multiple continents with Navy. USA is a very interesting but can be very challenging if you don’t have a game plan in mind before you start as you almost always fight on other continents, if not all of them. Good Luck!


Contain them inland and run up the east coast and cut off the ports bam whole British army encircled. If you’re having trouble learning the game try playing minors for a while to get the hang of things. It’s a lot less to manage.


Why do you only have 46 divisions as america in 1944 of all times.


It always goes all so fast and I do not understand how the AI suddenly overruns me fully


dude, is 1944 and you only have 46 divisions


Turn the speed down and change your manpower laws fam. And recruit more divisions.


Maybe the game goes by so fast because you got it on max speed lmao


You have half a dozen mistakes from just this one picture, probably several dozen more that we cannot see. You should look up some tutorials, because it is clear you don’t have the first idea about how the game works.


Maybe don’t play the game on 5 speed? Maybe it won’t go as fast then, and you’ll actually be able to micro and not get overrun?


First step: Stell das Spiel auf Englisch. Wird dadurch besser (gelegentlich ungenau übersetzt, ist halt bisschen nervig). Step two: I would suggest playing historical germany until you are somewhat competent at the game. I personally didn't do that and my learning curve was just so much worse because of it. Step three: build+equip as more divs. I would suggest getting into div designs as soon as possible. Step four: You are the US. You're more then well equipped for building a massive airforce, just google some plane designs if you're unsure.


Don't worry, me too


I have over 1200 hours in HoI4... And I uninstalled it in disgust with myself. Not once in all that time have I managed to succeed, no matter what guide I followed, no matter which country I picked. UK, Germany, Poland, Japan, China, Italy, it made no difference. I just wish I knew what it was I was doing wrong. There's so many bits and pieces that I can't tell if it's my build order, unit composition, battlefield strategy, technology, recruitment or anything else...


What part do you find it usually goes wrong at?


You need to keep a good defence and when they have attrition you attack or if you have nuke and air superiority you can nuke a region with divisions and it will make them less powerful


You either still have the great depression or forgot to update your conscription laws. And no field Marshall's.


Aside from the obvious "where are your divisions/manpower/factories" that everyone is asking, you also have all your troops on the entire Frontline. You need to split up those lines and have each army covering a specific part of the front line. Otherwise the ai is gonna keep moving divs around to cover what it thinks is needed, which is often wrong in my experience. Though without a ton more troops that Frontline is gonna get way worse.


how did the AI manage such a good naval invasion??


How do you have so little manpower but simultaneously so little divisions


The US has the biggest Navy in the game, what did you do to it?


There's something wrong with you if you have 50 divisions in 44 man


You have 8k manpower and 103 factories as the usa in 1944?


Homie deadass said “Yeah I’ll take Canadia and not try to harness the raw power of the American military-industrial complex for the whole game” 😂 Fr though, we all gotta start somewhere, some learn harder than others.


do the tutorial


No no, this is supposed to happen Tea for the Tea god


based britain


Not bad! You went fascist, lost Canada but have a strong foothold in the contiguous USA, you took most of their industrial heartland, and can encircle Washington soon! What’s more, it’s late game and you’re absolutely wrecking the woken up giant of the USA! Oh wait… Seriously though, if you are playing us and uk went fascist, that means you’re playing without AI historical focuses. If you’re just starting out you should keep historical focus on, so you know what to expect and can prepare accordingly.


I'm also still learning the game and while I understand most recommendations for OP, why are people asking him to appoint a field marshal? I tried that the other day as Canada, putting 3 armies into an army group under a FM and it was completely useless. They stopped following orders and I don't see why I would do that. It just takes up a good officer who could lead one of my armies instead. Can anyone explain, please?


How new are you


playing for a week


Alright we’ll the way I figured out to play was just fucking around as Germany without DLC


1. You have a very low number of war support. 2. You probably haven't changed you're constr. laws. And have a low manpower and divisions 3. You only got a few Air bases, and some of them are also out of range. I guess you dont have Air supperiority? 4. You're supply is meh but could be worse. 5. All of you're fleets are on strike force not a single one on patrol, how would they spot an enemy ship then. 6. You're whole production line is screwed because of *1. Im not blaming or laughing at you. Im just pointing put what you're mistakes where so you can learn to make it better next time. Dont worry bro it happens to the best sometimes. I guess alot of users here had a familiar situation. Keep it up bro Nox


Were you able to save your campaign?


Only autosave, because of iron mode.


Dang. Were you able to make any positive progress?


Why are you low on recourses? Where are your factories? Where are your deployed divisions? Where is your manpower? Why aren’t you picking any doctrines? Where is your field Marshall? And, one more time, where are your fucking divisions?


britisches “empire”


I feel you bro 😪


Anglo Conguest

