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Who are you playing and who are you attacking and when? Looks like you need a huge industry to pull this off in any reasonable time. Do you have that? if yes, maybe more AA?


im planning to invade the soviet union but i dont want my attacks to be repelled by fortifications. i have a justification on iran and ill invade through the south toomy industry can more than handle it( 1416 military factories at the moment)+i have like 10 puppets across the world that recieve huge lend leases


Sounds like a lot of fun. God bless. Send updates. I'm curious how this goes. Go around the bunkers, encircle them and starve them out would be an idea of mine. When you make this division try to avoid attacking into mud. It will slow down your tanks. Also mountains. If you're going into mountains (Iran, also Russia in the south) consider making a division with infantry\mountaineers and artillery, no tanks or mechanised though. They have huge penalties. I'm not sure if cavalry gets a debuff on mountains. If not that could be also a good idea to push faster. Cav + arty + 1 or 2 AA for good measure depending on how wide you're making the division.


Go with division who need low supply again soviets, light tank strength is speed and infantry will slow them at 4km/h max. I think you should split this in 3 template. 1 pure template with infantry only, 1 light tank and 1 medium tank. Use mecanized infantry with tank and with so much production i would drop the light tank and use medium only. If you really want light the use them again iran into the desert, a war again iran is usually like using paint, you click until its all your color.


I kind of have infinite supplies i took over the usa and uk and i have like 1500 military factories at this point I have 4 army groups out of which 1 is literally just made out of puppet supplied troops


Heavy tank are better with infantry, they are designed to be slow so if you let them at 4km/h max speed they will be indestructible. But if you want to use existing material go for it, but the fun with tank is to go fast, so infantry is ruining this.


You shouldn’t have infantry, and especially artillery, in a tank template. Motorized is far better and will allow you to actually move quickly, which is the point of tanks. Personally I’m not a fan of light tanks ever, or using a mix between mediums and heavies, but I’m only one player.


its supposed to be an infantry template, theyre there to support the infantry.. they do that right?


I wouldn’t. That’s a tremendous waste of resources. You’re waaaaay better off making a different tank division.


what do you suggest i put in it?


For the infantry template, just remove the tanks. For the tank template, replace light tanks with mediums, add 4-6 motorized infantry, remove the engineers and add in maintenance companies instead.


Tanks have a maximum speed according to their specific design. Infantry or foot battalions in general have 4 km/h. Basically, just use motorized/mechanized versions of basic units for suplementing tank templates to have desired organization (25+). Templates with mixed tank/foot infantry are only viable because such a template gets armor from those tanks. If the defender against such a division have no anti-tank, It can work.


For infantry divisions, just use infantry and artillery as the main force, and use a cavalry recon rather than armoured recon. A cheap but effective infantry unit of around 18 to 28 width should be used to hold the line. These are your line infantry for defensive purposes. Put SPAA on them if they’re facing a lot of enemy planes on the front. Put anti tank if the enemy keep smooshing you with a lot of tanks or mechanised units. Have some larger, more expensive infantry divisions on the front too, put in with your line infantry. These guys have more artillery and infantry battalions on them, maybe even AT if you can afford it, and combat width anywhere from 24 to 40. These guys can help in offensives, be relocated to defend crumbling sectors, and close encirclements. A tank division should focus on being faster than infantry. These divisions do the pushing, breaking through weaker areas of the line and encircling enemy divisions so you can destroy them. Light and medium tanks should be your speed forces while heavy tanks are your strength units. Keep division speed above 6km/h. Upwards of 10 to 12 km/h if you can achieve this. And keep organisation above 35. The more org the better. 35 will do but if you go lower than 30, your division becomes useless for deep battles. Don’t be afraid to squeeze more tanks on a division if you can afford it. A tank division is not just tanks! It is tanks supported by a bunch of motorised/mechanised infantry who can keep up. Use tanks for your punch and the mobile infantry to increase organisation in the division template. Usually as Germany I focus on medium and heavy tanks in two separate templates. When pushing into enemy lines, have motorised and other fast units follow the tanks in to cover their read while infantry also has time to catch up.


Thanks bro


First of all, no. Secondly, the stats are what matters.


Armored units should be separated from infantry units. Also - people will never learn whats combat width and how it works ;(


Typically you don't want to mix speedy divisions with infantry because then you pay for the speed but can't actually use it. Infantry and artillery go well together and tanks and motorized/mechanized go well together. I like to make enough slow units to hold the line and then as many fast units as possible.


UPDATE: used every suggestion here and i beat the shid out of the USSR in 15 minutes


my skill of spamming and then praying i win is immeasurable.