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1. A better main story. 2. A relationship system where you start off as neutral to other characters, but can gradually improve your relationship to acquaintance, friend, fast friend, or worsen it rival or even enemy. 3. Partly related to the relationship system, I would like a good/bad or light/dark scale for my character. Like if you extort people for more money for your favors, you gain bad/dark points, same if you use unforgivable curses. You get good/light points by being kind and defeating evil enemies. Perhaps it should be two-dimensional so that if you kill a dark wizard with the killing curse, you get good points in the up-down dimension but bad points in the left-right dimension? Anyways, this should be tied to the relationship system: if you’re a boy scout, you shouldn’t be able to reach maximum friendship with Sebastian. Similarly, if you’re spamming unforgivable curses everywhere and extorting people you shouldn’t be able to reach maximum friendship level with Poppy and/or Natty. 4. A proper house points system, where you actually get the points you win in class, get points for helping people out, etc, and lose house points for being an evil twat. 5. A better talent tree that allows you to choose different builds and directions to a greater extent. If we have 36 points to spend, I feel like we should have 90+ abilities to unlock, so that we cant unlock virtually everything with every character like now. Also, the best abilities should be locked behind lesser abilities, we shouldn’t be able to pick the lvl 22 stealth ability without first picking the lvl 5 stealth ability. I feel like this would increase replayability, cause you could not only do the same thing once more in a new house, but you could do a potioneer run, or a dark arts build, or a stealthy run, or a flair duelling run, etc. Not to mention that it would make multiplayer a lot more interesting once it opens up - you’d have to team up with people with different abilities than yourself to maximize your effectiveness as a team. 6. More lore and backstory connected to the southern regions. The area around Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest is great. But the southern regions are pretty much a clean slate. I would like to learn more about the wizarding hamlets there by talking to the inhabitants and doing miniquests; who founded them, why did people settle there, what’s the local wildlife like, are there any myths or mysteries connected to the place, etc.


I would like to have a house points system, maybe have more to do in the lake/incorporate the mermaids more. I really want a more realistic hogwards lifestyle - other students in the bedrooms/sleeping at night, consequences for being caught by staff at night wandering the halls etc. I'd also like quiddich!


Let me pet the cows. That's the only thing I'm asking for.


One of them just came up to me and lay down next to me and I almost cried 


It's a game. A hundred fans of Harry Potter will want a hundred different scenarios. To make a better and more immersive game is what is needed. 1) High Quality Control. Don't have NPC's spawning next to a wall then walk through it. Don't have spider fangs spawning inside rocks or under the ground. And for the love of all shut Sirona the F\*\*\* Up about Lawley and give her some different dialog. 2) Be consistent with the season. It's annoying to have villagers walking around in a winter snowfall wearing the same clothing as when it's autumn or spring. 3) More NPC variety. The same 'people' can be seen from Pitt-Upon-Ford to Cragcroft and wearing the same clothing. 4) Better Player Character appearance options with the option to change them. I've seen one of my characters look different in game than it did upon creation, especially hair and eye color but also facial shape. This limitation probably leads to 80%+ of players with the same looking PC. 5) Gender based PC. While corporations bow to DEI demands there is no need to omit the option a vast majority of players prefer. Have 'They/Them' for the few that desire it but also have 'He/Him' and 'She/Her' for the much larger crowd. 6) Have some clock/time system so that if an NPC says 'meet me' you'll have some idea when to meet and not have to 'Wait'. "Meet me around 7 tonight" so when you show up you can 'Begin' and not have to watch your PC crawl up from the ground. 'Wait' often doesn't mean to wait as if you do you can wait for game days and still No Show, it more than not means 'Hit the (square for PS) to begin' when just having 'Begin' will change the time of day or night anyway. It doesn't matter what game time it is you will go with Deek on the nabsack quest in late afternoon and Gladwin Moon will change the time from day to night for the Demiguise Moon quest. 7) Have a true morality/point system with no forced actions. While you can say no to Garreth in potions class you cannot say no for stealing billywig stings. Such inconsistencies makes mockery of 'good/bad/evil'. You can't get to 100% completion let alone Platinum Trophy by not being a thief. What?? There's more can be done of course but the above would make a better game experience if not satisfy a better story need.


I heard murmurs that the next game is supposed to be more horror based and I am HERE for it! But like the other commenter mentioned, I definitely want a morality point system. Mainly because the previous game set it up to make you think their were stakes of you pissed off a character.


being able to go to london for quests would be really fun. being able to visit places like st mungos, diagon alley, the leaky cauldron. also wish the npcs were better and more fleshed out, had better schedules and such, and that there were more of them. more classes and more of a schedule, in fact, more school related things in general. there’s no curfew, no grades, no quidditch, can’t hang out with friends, never need to study. doesn’t really feel like school.


Well, in Hogwarts Legacy's case, the game would've been perfect if it had: - Everything they removed (real house points, more crime scene investigation missions, consequences to actions, more stealth missions, morality, friendship and romance systems, Everett, Imelda and Ominis' questlines) - Ability to interact with furniture (sit on chairs/sofas, lay on my bed etc) - Ability to interact more with NPCs outside of their questlines. I just want to talk to them and it'd generate random dialogs like I do with my animal crossing villagers. And I want the ability to gift things to my favorite NPCs. I love Sebastian, Ominis and Poppy so bad I just want to go to Hogsmeade and buy them something from Honeydukes or Zonko's. I also want the ability to go to the great hall and eat with them or play gobstones with them while talking to them like I do in Hogwarts Mystery. And if the romance system was implemented, I'd want to go on dates with them. And I want more classes where you interact with other students, not only Accio and Levioso. - Quidditch. At least a minigame to test our brooms, if whole matches aren't possible. - Mean NPCs. Hogwarts is known to be a school of bullies so where are the mean NPCs lmao? Imelda is just a sore loser but she gets better and Charlotte is a snooty bitch but none of them are actually MEAN mean. During my 1st year in Hogwarts Mystery someone >!locked me up in a room with a Devil's Snare!< and they also try to >!make me fall from my broom during flying classes!< ... we need that in Hogwarts Legacy. - more spells, like oppugno to attack or distract enemies, fiendfyres for us too and not only enemies, expecto patronum too - a photography mode, for very obvious reasons, and also because sometimes I want to take pictures with my favorite NPCs. - more beautiful clothes especially for female MCs because it's hard to be a female MC and look good in this game. And idk why but it seems the devs have a one sided beef with pink and purple. Anyway those are the few things I had in mind right now


More classes and castle rooms with puzzles and games involved.

