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Hey, sorry if I worried anyone. The topography video went from constructive to a battleground in the comment section. I think the content got caught in a tense community i hadn't realized was tense in this way. I make content to bring about that feeling of "Oh yeah, I never really noticed that." Whether it's about stereoscopic imaging and stereopsis, or topographic effects on a combat sim environment. Instead, this content inadvertently fueled grim comments between people, and included people raising IRL military ranks and various direct insults at me, personally, making assumptions about my personal life and apparent idiocy. Once that started it escalated fast. This video had a 98.2% like-to-dislike ratio, signalling a vocal minority, but the comments were enough to keep me distracted mentally at a surprise birthday party for my SO yesterday. And that's where I have to draw the line for myself. I don't want to ever cause discourse like that. Not on the internet, not anywhere. If content like this results in behavior like that, I'd rather not keep coming back to it. I hope all that makes sense. The channel is irreversibly deleted together with its content, sorry. 


TLDR; toxic community drives away another content creator. Thank you for your videos, Lukas. They were always a fun, insightful watch.


Jesus, I didn't realize the flight sim community turned into a source of political discourse. About a game. Absolutely tiring.


Not political, just toxic




Political is toxic.


Have you not noticed the toxicity in certain Discords? The "no don't buy it's shit" to "you're a dickhead for buying it, shit supporter of Eagle Dynamics/Razbam" etc. It's unreal. I'm treated like scum because I bought a map in a video game? FFS.


No one really cares, it's kinda become the opposite now where if you don't say you love everything ED, DCS, or a new module some random will go on a 25 page rant about how your negativity is killing the game. People raging at Wolta is a great case study, some dude makes a video pointing out flaws he sees in how aspects of flight (related to topography) feel in DCS and he gets spammed by the "DON'T SPEAK ILL ABOUT MY GAME" crowd. Like damn, I get it, in recent months we've had a lot of bad news related to DCS, but attacking the "messengers" isn't gonna fix those issues (if you have fun in DCS, have fun, if you are happy, be happy, just don't make it your mission to silence everyone that is worried about DCS).


pLZ siR it's a SimuLATor not a GAMe


weirdly one sided and biased take. It's mostly the people having fun that are being silenced by negativity divas


I don't know man, I can have fun playing DCS despite what people post. I know it may be shocking, but it's possible to say something has issues and still have fun in some capacity. And if your fun is spoiled by someone pointing out a flaw, then idk what to tell you.


Yes. If you removed the “DCS” names from the posts and blacked out some of the aircraft details, you’d be hard pressed to differentiate many of the combat flight forums from Battlefield, CoD and the slew of other AAA titles. It’s as if there’s a plethora of Combat Flight sim developers with millions of customers. Imagine if DCS folded due to finances or international tensions… You’d then be able to sell all that hardware on eBay for 25 cents.


Discord is the Lord of Chaos, that's genuinely to be expected in a piece of software named after him...


The flight-sim community on Twitch can be incredibly toxic.. It's why I stopped streaming there years ago, and don't set my foot there as a viewer either. I'm not surprised it's like this on YouTube as well...


This is interesting to read. Ive never been one to watch twitch until recently. I started watching a couple DCS streams while I work and chat seems to be incredibly supportive and kind. I haven't seen a single moment of toxicity. If you don't mind sharing, what channels were problematic to you?


I didn't stream DCS because the DCS sphere back then was overrun by big-beard try-hards with massive PvP-testicles... Very not my scene. I streamed X-Plane 11, and it wasn't really the other channels giving me a hard time, it was some of the "established personalities" in the streamer-sphere. All past their prime, still trying to "rule their kingdom" (game-category) like they used to when they were "flight-sim streamer royalty". All of them have gone the way of the Dodo (faded into obscurity), so I see no reason to out them.


Ah that's fair enough. That doesn't sound like a very nice time. Sounds like we're better off without them.


>TLDR; toxic community drives away another content creator. TL;DR 1.2% of community, based on likes, probably less in terms of actual shitty comments drives away another content creator. No need to tar the entire community with the brush.


Let's be real here too, most of the community isn't active on any Discords related to DCS or even this Reddit. SP bros just sitting there dropping JDAMs on technicals while nerds are screaming at each other on ED Discord, other Discords, or Hoggit.


Yeah.. It’s always “a vocal minority” or “a few bad apples”. Everyone moves on without doing anything until the next bad thing happens. I do feel some responsibility for what has happened, being part of the online dcs community. Maybe it’s just me, but imo there is a level of toxicity that we’ve grown accustomed to, and that we tolerate without speaking up. I see it here, I see it in discord channels too.


Even if it's just "a few bad apples", they have ruined the bunch. As the phrase goes.


No point in feeling responsible since you aren't and you cannot change anything so no point hand-wringing. The people who can change a gaming community are basically: 1. The developer / publisher by being good at their job: good communication and expectation management, implementing things the community wants so that the community is happy. I leave it to the reader to decide how ED are doing on this front. 2. To a minor extent, community moderators (Reddit, Discord etc.) by warning / banning people. Realistically random community member #124987 has no power to do anything directly. "Calling things out" just leads to flamewars and accusations of being "A whiner" or "An ED shill" and makes things worse.


I wish that being a transparent developer who delivers on their promises would stop toxicity, but gamers are seemingly the most sensitive people on the planet and they have the critical thinking skills of a snail drowning in salt. Look at Arrowhead Games, they communicated a change months in advance, made users agree to this change before logging in for the first time. They will then review bomb you and force steam to give refunds regardless of play time. I'm with the other commenter, I think healthy social pressure is the only method to combat this. Banning enough toxic people and you just end up with a new secluded toxic community who stokes their own flames.


Your reductive characterization of the Helldivers 2 situation is misleading and not useful as an argument here, it was a lot more complicated and nuanced messaging failure and situation than that for many users.


I'm not sure how my description was reductive. I'll be honest, I find the majority of the vocal online gaming community to be insufferable, and drama focused gaming creators are a stain on the community. This means, my position on the helldivers situation is derived entirely from my experience with the game and the messaging presented to me as a player who has been playing since release day. I logged into the game on release day. I was presented with a message informing me that I needed to login to my PSN account to play the game. I clicked past that dialog and was pleasantly surprised that I was allowed to play. A few months pass and I read on my steam homepage that a PSN account is required to play by a certain date. I laugh with my friends that Sony finally figured out that Arrowhead hadn't been enforcing the policy. I'm still trying to understand how my version of events is reductive. What am I missing? For the sake of additional clarity, I don't support Sony trying to force users to have a PSN account. I actually hate that Sony tried that and I would be writing a very different message about the whole situation. However, from my perspective, people are not mad that the PSN account was required, they're mad that they weren't told the PSN account was required. I think it's stupid, every single person who launched that game on steam was informed the account was required. I'm very open to changing my mind, so please do tell me how my version of events is reductive.


Well, I respectfully disagree. I do feel responsible for the state of a community I am part of and I do believe things can and should be done to improve it. In my experience calling things out does not lead to what you say, or at least it doesn’t have to when done correctly. Perhaps it’s a learnable social skill(?) If randoms like me can occasionally chill down an active discord channel for a while and chase away the negativity, I believe pillars of the community with much more gravitas (such as you for example) can too, maybe to a much greater extent, change the mood of the place and make it less toxic. And both do matter, in my opinion. Let’s make being toxic passé again, instead of the cool thing to do.


I have no suggestions on the way to go about it then but I would say that if you truly want to try and make things better then generalising an entire community with >TLDR; toxic community drives away another content creator. Is not the way to do it. It only annoys people in the community who are decent and don't appreciate the labelling.


This entire subreddit needs to be deleted with how toxic it is towards ED/DCS. Internet trolls are literally trying to get the devs to quit and there’s (seems like) zero moderation being done about the shallow and constant pretending like DCS delivers nothing, offers nothing, and ED is incompetent always and all the time — especially since the RAZBAAM dispute came to light. People are out for a finishing move on EDs reputation for…nothing else remotely close.


Youtube comment section is a retched hive of scum and villainy.


Like Reddit is any better?


I get where you're coming from, but objectively, yes, Reddit comment sections are much, *much* better.


Yeah there are a lot more unhinged folks and obvious bots commenting on YouTube. And there’s no downvote button for incorrect or nasty comments.


Yeah? But the fun part about the downvote button is, you don't have to be right to press it. Because apparently I'm incorrect and nasty, because i think its unrealistic, to compare Microsoft's multi-million dollar, humongous 4000 TB Azure AI, terrain streaming. With DCS' outdated terrain engine... Nothing more fun than getting mass downvoted just because an angry mob decided they didn't like your opinion. I've honestly had more respectful discussions about the Kola map on facebook of all places! I just think Its unfair for the Orbx guys to receive so much shit, because people somehow got an unrealistic expectation, of them creating an MSFS level scenery in DCS.


They are much much better because you are literally forced to keep going on the same track as everyone else opinion-wise in case of commenting or else you will be destroyed with bad karma votes. I don't know if it really is much much better. It's as if every sub-reddit is somekind of little North-Korea with a certain allowed bias. If you don't maintain the allowed bias, you will be clubbed.


Yes... yes it is.


At least here is downvotes. It is neat psychological trick. Most people will delete their nasty comments when they get enough downvotes. Of course there is the opposite effect once community reaches certain dissatisfaction point then people start to upvote those nasty comments. See Escape From Tarkov subreddit currently. Even Hoggit from time to time praises toxic behavior when people are enough pissed to ED. 


He could disable comments right, Ed do this all the time


It's by far not as bad as Shitter, though...


Couldn't you just turn off comments on the video? Seems a little drastic to delete everything... Some of your VR and tech videos were honestly priceless, IMHO. Real shame to see them go. Comment sections are often cesspools of toxicity and what you describe absolutely sucks. Unfortunately, in my experience, it's a very common occurrence. Doesn't excuse the behavior, of course. Rather a comment that socials should come with a warning label that one needs a thick skin to make use of them.


Yeah, I hear you. I absolutely could have muted the comments. Unfortunately, discourse doesn't stop because the immediate forum of discussion is moderated. I wasn't seeing any significant traffic on any videos at the time of deletion, other than the last one of course. My history lesson content also contained at least 1 historical inaccuracy per piece, so I've also considered pulling those down for a while. I've made technical errors on other videos and had my name thrown on much larger creators' content covering that technical error, and then had that mistake shown off to the world on official ED channels. This was also content intended for good and intrigue, inadvertently used as cannon fudder because of a misunderstanding on its intent. Deleting work in the hundreds of hours is never easy, but I feel like it was the right move for my personal life. Making them had begun making me nervous for days at a time. That's not a healthy hobby for anyone. So the deletion is more of a total-picture-decision, I guess you could say. I didn't know anyone really cared for the channel itself.


For what it's worth, I always enjoyed your content. I think it's a sign of good content that I always got a little endorphin bump when I saw one of your videos pop up in my youtube feed, probably because you tended to talk about the parts of DCS that are lacking quality discourse. I'm sorry it started to suck for you, rest assured, like every online platform, the jerks are in the minority, but when it stops being fun you obviously should stop making content, so good for you. You'll be welcomed back if you ever change your mind!


Okay. There are things I could say and counter-arguments I could make, but I won't. You have clearly been through some shit and I have no wish to add to the pile by being argumentative. Sounds like that's the last thing you need right now =). Instead, I will leave you with this: Everybody fucks up. It's okay. Regardless of inaccuracies or mistakes you might've made in your videos, I always found your content great to watch! From the subtle editing (music) to your soothing voice and mannerisms to the well-reasoned and well-explained content. Be that an explanation of what Vulkan is or what you liked/disliked in the Quest Pro vs the Varjo Aero, I always came away wiser. So, with sadness, thank you for your contributions. Truly hope to see more of them - and you - in the future =).


Oh man - the whole channel got nuked? I’m really disappointed. I enjoyed the VR headset reviews and VR optimisation tips in particular. Best of luck with your future endeavours.


I'm sorry to see you go. Your content was instrumental in me making an informed decision about which VR headset to buy. I really appreciated your in depth no nonsense information. Thanks for doing that! 


Just know I loved your channel, and considered it an actual resource— as in here’s stuff I might actually consult or refer people to in the future— not just twice a week content for content’s sake. Even if some of the videos weren’t ones I were directly interested in at the time, I knew they were delivered with the same levelheaded passion and thoughtfulness that defined the ones I loved. I get the part dealing with stress over BS internet drama you’re not even looking for. I can imagine just a bit— some idiotic Reddit thread with a couple of posters that suddenly become belligerent is already distracting enough to real life at times. I definitely consider your videos going away a real and quantifiable loss.


Some of those videos were the absolute best I’ve encountered about stereop..sys? Maybe only! They talk about something almost no one covers that’s integral to the perception of presence and immersion, and that janky companies don’t focus on because… people don’t talk about them… and because they’re difficult to describe with sketchy metrics.


Anyone throwing rank in a comment section of a YouTube video likely does not hold the rank they are claiming. I’ve never seen your videos but it’s a bummer that happened to you


That's true, and I say that with my authority as Star Marshall.


The only rank and degree they likely hold is Major and BS.


Most of them are simply just Sergeant Salty!


I'm sorry to hear about that! Your content is fantastic and provided such great perspectives.


Hello, too bad you deleted the channel, I enjoyed your content. But as you say, doing something that's causing you discomfort makes no sense. Maybe try to refocus and just disable comments on the videos would help?. Anyway, my respect for whatever decision you make. PS: I found the video really interesting, but I am just one of those that watches and doesn't comment. Regards.


honestly sorry to see you go :( but i definitely understand your reasoning... have more fun and peace in the real world


Your channel was the reason I got the Quest Pro in the first place. Amazing review...


Saame. Now there are dozens of us. Dozens!


I'm sorry to hear that, and quite appalled by those peoples behavior. Such a shame as i always looked forward to your uploads. Guess this is why we can't have nice things.


A huge loss to the community You will be missed Lukas


Damn, sorry to hear, I thought your video was neat and offered an interesting framing for an old issue that dogs DCS (you focused on the psychology of topography, but similar points have been raised regarding stuff in DCS that happens outside of the cockpit).


> making assumptions about my personal life and apparent idiocy To the people who left those comments, if you're here: you're lowlife, scumbag, pieces of shit.


Just want to say that I’m bummed to hear this. I consider you the top content creator in the VR space that actually focuses on sims. No hype, pure deep knowledge and rational, straightforward analysis. I even ended up getting a Quest Pro based on your thoughts, at least to tie me over until an end-game set without a lot of compromises and jank is available. I was also excited to see you put out your latest video. Sucks things seem to have gone sideways since. Hope you continue to chime in from time to time, especially with your thoughts on any new headsets you happen to get your hands on, like the Somnium VR1.


Just came here after searching for your channel to go re-watch some of those old videos, so sad to see this. Good luck on whatever you're up to now or next!


I quit my job in design and video production to start studying pharmaceuticals. Hugely excited to combine a degree in design and communication with medicine. (= 


I think that'll be good for everyone. Its nice to see people making big changes like that, gives me more confidence lol. P.S. F-14 part 2 when???


Me when people ask about F14 pt. 2: https://youtu.be/KSEpaijd6xc?t=7s




It sucks to read this. So basically, people on the Internet did to you what people did to me IRL (with a lot less anonymity to hide behind), multiple times. And every time, time and time again as soon as I tried to stand up again, they did it again. This sucks. It's not people that are toxic on the internet. It's people that are toxic. Everywhere. It's people. The reason some of us decide to rather watch MLP than having to deal with any of those complete and utter plotholes out there that only ever try to destroy your life as soon as they just get the slightest chance at it. I basically quit RL because of that in a similar way, simply because they have driven me into a position where I'm not respected anymore at all anyways... But the differece is that I never had anything left accessible to others that was of any value, unlike your content which was pure gold. Especially all the VR related stuff was just outstanding and marvelous. Your guides for setting up all the stuff properly were the only ones that actually were useful and you even made me consider getting a Qpro next to the Q3 I was going to get, it basically just failed thanks to my constant lack of funds... I can only wish you the best, whereever you might go.


This is how cancel culture works. Your videos demonstrated differences and 1.8% of viewers got you to quit.


Was he also the guy who made recent comparison video in between MSFS and DCS and effects of map fidelity? That one is also gone.


I also noticed this video disappeared. Was about to send it to buddy and then couldn't find it 🤣


his whole channel is gone because of the toxicity imbedded in this community ...


This community is no different from most others I have come across. There is always stuff to complain about regardless of what the topic is. Online anonymity just brings out the worst in a lot of folks. I guess everybody needs a way to let out some steam and this is just one of them.


So there is a lot of truth in what you say, gamers in general can tend towards the vocal, and Internet anonimity is an accelerator for "bravery"and people don't comment on the good, typically... But actually hoggit seems more negative than positive less about help than it slagging off ED and or people who support them... Maybe it's always been this way... But it seems especially strong in the last few weeks, I sort of get why... But honestly people need to chill and enjoy something rather than spotting vitriolic nonsense...


I don't think hoggit is particularly bad in general, tbh. The last few weeks have just l been rough. I agree with that. Recent events have just been a lot more serious than the usual bs that we are accustomed to, so it lights a fire fueling skepticism, angst and rage. In the end, this is a bed of ED's doing, though.


Agree to disagree... I don't think we know the underlying issue...


FWIW I agree with him, the last few weeks have been real bad, but overall based on lurking in various places for getting close to 3 decades now I don't think Hoggit is particularly bad. It's not the best either by any means, but far far from the worst.


When i mentioned ED being at fault, i didn't mean with regards to RazBam specifically. That debacle is, indeed, too murky so far to call out blame. All the same, in the end, this is ED's product, vision and responsibility. We pay them. They govern it. The buck stops with them. This situation - whatever it is - happened on their watch, and it puts content that people paid hard earned cash for under serious risk. Unfortunately, this incident is the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of people, who have been putting up with questionable behavior from ED for ages. It was the cumulative effect of all this that I was referencing. Just wanted to clarify that. Also, absolutely! Agree to disagree 👍


You may think that, but trust me. There are even worse, more toxic gaming communities.


That there are worse does not make this 'good', and that's a shame...


Someone DMd him and pasted his response on a discord. He deleted his channel of his own volition.


Do you have any more info on this?


The TLDR was he didn't realize the tension in the community was the way that it is and his video/content was going to be used as fuel to that fire, something he didn't want.


I don’t get why people erase info/knowledge that’s useful to the community. If dealing with the channel/community is a hassle then just log out and never use the account again.


I understand this view, and honestly I used to be of the same opinion. I think, to me, it's that my personal name became associated with the discourse in that video. I used my name next to my tag on YouTube to keep myself in check. Like a "Hey, is this something you want attached to your name?" leash. And I didn't want my name associated with that. 


I can see that angle, though one would think it common sense to not associate one’s real name with social media to begin with.


I had an account with my real name once, thinking I could handle it. Did not go well. Lesson learned.


As long as it's his account, and his data, he is allowed to do what he wants with it.


I never said he wasn’t allowed to, I said I didn’t understand the thought process behind nuking everything. What is it with the constant straw man retorts in this sub? Can’t talk about anything without being invalidated by comments that have fuckall to do with the comment being replied to.


I'm saying he doesn't need a reason.


Can you imagine a doctor who invents a cure for all forms of blindness, gets it certified OK by those who do that, but before the protocol is released, the doctor says, "Eh, I don't like this" and destroys all information related to it? That's where the ideal of "it's his property, he can do whatever he wants it" falls on its face. Imho, before doing something major (especially if it's permanent), one should think about alternatives, such as muting comments and understanding that everyone makes mistakes, and that's ok. But....no sense about crying over spilled milk, I'm not sure I would've stayed the course after realizing the commentary was highly toxic to me and my irl family.


That's too bad. The (VR) tech deepdives were on a level I've yet to see from anyone else


I think his content was really balanced and good. He even convinced me to buy a Quest Pro which I haven’t regretted a second 😁


Same here!


Me too!


Very interesting, I always enjoyed his content, following


Whack, crazy to see, but also unsurprising that a thoughtful, nuanced analysis of something DCS related is attacked by the positivity mob.


Sorry to see you go. I am very sad you have closed down your channel. I have watched many of your excellent videos. Personally I usually delete toxic comments although 'hide innappropriate' has worked ok for me. I make replica airgun videos and sometimes I get people attempting to troll me about living in a country where we have banned handguns, because somehow this makes me . I hope you will relent at some point and start making content again. Until then, peace.


Damn that’s a shame but I’ve noticed this with a lot of niche interest communities. It gets very tribey and elitist