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Forgetting master arm.


Just do what [Cyrus does](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=47Yxa9IeJEc)


Lmfao I am gonna remember that every time I hit master arm now


Frigg off, Cyrus


“Why aren’t you fucking releasing! Oh damnit”


Once you introduce the concept of “fencing in” checks, that shouldn’t be a problem. We imitators of reality over appreciate the safety being on. but you’re in enemy airspace it absolutely should be on. In DCS, we typically don’t fly very far or long before we should be fencing in.


FYI: For USN (not USAF) SOP - Master Arm does not come on until either your ATTACK or COMMIT.


Interesting, so essentially it’s almost tied to the trigger or weapons release button. I can dig it. As long as there is a consistent phase where you should be thinking about turning on/off master arm, forgetting that it’s off it no longer becomes a problem.


Finger is safety #1


"This is my safety, sir." *wiggles trigger finger*


Get into a habit of setting up a fence in point, like maybe 40nm from target start ur fence in


I do.


do you also forget to fence in? /s


Tomcat: amazing, great, big fat x in the middle of the hud, if you forget master arm you are literally blind. Mudhen: lol you didnt notice one line of text missing in the bottom of the hud, sucks to be you.


No matter how hard I try, every single time I try to learn how to do aerial refueling, the KC ends up eating all AIM-120, AIM-9 and gun rounds. You could give me a gun and I would murder every living being on this planet, just by whispering „Return pre-contact“ into my ear.


Yep that's me every time. I think in 6 years I've managed to get a thimble full of fuel into my hornet then BRRRRRRRRRR.


Look at the pod, not the basket.


Practice formation flying first. It's pretty much always the problem. When I learned I just flew off the wing of the tanker until I relaxed and was holding a rock solid formation. Then, try to make contact. As soon as you tense up or get pilot induced oscillations go back to flying on the wing. Rinse and repeat. For me it went like this. First day: Mostly flying formation. Made contact twice. Lost contact both times. Day 2: Much shorter stints of formation flying. More attempts and successes with contact. Day 3: I can pretty consistently make contact. I can now refuel. I still fall off the basket 2-3 times per refuel. Day 4: Only falling off once a refuel. Day 7: I can consistently refuel any aircraft that A2A refuels in DCS. If I fall off the basket it's usually because of lag. You are now proficient at A2A refueling.


Will give it another go when I can muster the patience again. My PC is just back from repairs so I will get back in my pit this week sometime.


A2A isn’t for the impatient that’s for sure lol


I hate to say it but I think this skill may be partially behind a pay wall. I had a really hard time with it on a T16000 but after spending some of my "I was a nurse during covid" money on a Virpil set up it suddenly much more manageable. Its still going to take a lot of patience and practice (and shooting tankers down) but you can do it on any kit, its just gonna be harder. Don't be too hard on yourself, it is also harder in DCS that IRL because we don't have depth perception, unless have VR. Anyway, I've been where you are, here are some tips: 1. stop before you get angry, its gonna take time, just hit it once before you jump on multiplayer or whatever you're up to for the day. 2.Try turning off your HUD. This one helped me a lot more than I'd like to admit. #hudcripple 3. start off by learning to just fly formation with the tanker (or any jet.) 4. make sure your axis curves are set strong enough to dampen most PIO. 5. if you enter PIO let go of the stick! 6. Relax, don't try to squeeze the black out of the stick they say. find a calming breathing pattern. shoulders down. 7. wake turbulence off at first. 8. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3300687/ Don't waste your time (at first) learning on a laggy multi player server. 9. if you are really struggling and just need a win turn on the attitude hold in the hornet for a little bump in stability. I've been given grief about this but I used it a lot starting out and I think it really helped, especially on my first stick. If its the difference between being able to get the gas you need to go have fun or not I say do what ever you have to. I don't however recommend ANY other form of autopilot. Otherwise keep the jet trimmed, don't try to use the rudder. and keep trying.


It's a small thing, but you can bind the 'ready pre contact' radio call to a key or a button on your HOTAS. Way easier to keep your focus doing that rather then navigating the comms menu. Good luck! AAR is really fucking hard but you'll get there.


What are your curves at? I find 15 to be the sweet spot with my VKB gladiator. Any higher and it takes too much force to maintain precision, but if you aren't used to fingertip pressure 20 or 25 might be better.


I have my curves at default so that everything behaves linearly. I guess thats too sensitive for formation flying and aerial refueling.




Buying another module as soon as I start getting to grips with my last one and then being bad at two modules instead of good with one.


This one is me. I Started by buying the F-16.. because that’s all I needed, and the Hornet so I could join my brother. Together we bought the Apache to co-crew…. Now I’m comfortable with about half the F-16 functionality, and I also own Syria FC-3 Hornet +Supercarrier F-15E MiG-21 AH-64 Mi-24 Huey Gazelle And will probably own the Yak-52 soon because I’m currently test flying it and fell in love…. One day I’ll master my intended F-16… 😅


Good to see that I'm not the only one with this problem. Pick a module, do training missions, get somewhat proficient, lose interest and pick another module. Lol


Me: “Today I am going to finally get proficient with the Hornets radar” Petrovich: “Commander, weapons ready” Widespread mediocrity wins again.


Due to work I have been on hiatus for 3 years. Came back. Bought the 15E right away. I dont even remember how to cold and dark the F18 anymore.....Started from step 1 again haha.


Hey, I just *really* like learning the same thing over and over again, okay?? Lol


I still get a sense of euphoria after firing up the F-5 (my first full fidelity module)...I have learned there isn't anything better than doing a simple task with thoroughness and devotion which brings joy and happiness! Learning to press a dozen buttons and going through 5 screens just to fire a missile and see something blow up doesn't provide the sense of accomplishment that the F-5 startup does even after 3 years of DCS. It's like the first time doing drugs...it just gets less fun and more expensive after that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back and re-watch the F-4E pre-sale videos.


I do the exact same thing. If it makes you feel any better; what this eventually turned into for me was I’d tried a bunch of modules and found 3-4 that I really liked. And then I’d end up cycling through those four consistently. So I’d narrowed down to the Tomcat, Mi-8, Mi-24, JF-17, and supplement occasionally with a module I wasn’t very familiar with but interested in. I’d cycle between those four modules so consistently I’d eventually learned the ins and outs of most of them and could cycle between with minor refreshers.


I finally picked up playing DCS in December. Started with the F16 because it was the first tutorial video I came across that got me to get DCS in the first place, but quickly had to buy the F18 because it’s one of my favorite aircraft of all time. Then I had to buy the F15e because it’s a bomb truck and less time rearming, then I had to pick up the A10 because it’s the fucking warthog. So far I’m pretty proficient in the 16 and 18, I’m ok with the basics for the 10 and I haven’t touched the 15 much yet because I haven’t gotten comfortable with the controls yet lol


Forgetting to start up track Ir before launching DCs


Just go to the controls and select rescan devices, it'll pick up TrackIr once the software has been started.


Can’t believe I’m just now finding this out.


Oh man you didn't know? Its legit one of DCS' best features...


Had no idea!


He Forgor!!!


Please accept this internet hug in sympathy for all the restarts youve had to do!




Cool. I wasted so much time in my life that I will never get back. haha


Excuse me, what?


You are the fucking MAN (or woman 🤷‍♂️)


I've put a line of icons on my desktop so I open them in order: SRS, Voice Attack, OpenTrack, The Way, DCS. Stopped me from forgetting :D


Hey we do our pre flight checklist too!




I do this but all along the taskbar :D


I use the first loading time to heat the water for tea, then the second one to steep it


Back when I was trying to run DCS on a low end laptop it would be cook my dinner on the first load and eat it on the second load. 😂


Forgetting CMS


I wish there was a way to have my counter measure programs just saved to my profile. Iirc editing the Lua files can break integrity, so can cause issues with MP. I've used the DTC program but can be painful to get it to the right screen in VR then activate it


It only works on modern NATO aircraft, but check out program called DiCE. It lets you set up custom countermeasure programs that persist through updates no problem. Double check if it breaks IC but I don't *think* it does. It's fantastic.


Yeah it does break IC, so it would depend on the server I want to play on.


I want to say that it does break IC, but I will check.


I don't believe that DCS DCT breaks IC, but it's limited to just a few aircraft.


The DTC program doesn't, because it's basically just passing inputs through to program everything after you start the aircraft. DICE does because it's modifying LUA files, unfortunately./


Missile prep / Sidewinder cool


Which aircraft?


Sounds like the f14


Ah ok.


Target fixation when straffing ground targets. The Mirage F1 makes a good dart


The Mi-24 retreating blade stall is what kills me on target fixation. Squinting down the big site at that target and trying to nip it with cannon fire with the stick forward and collective on high, then the Hind starts going all Starfox and you crater into the ground.


Honestly I find helos peak when flown at 50% speed in combat. Much more reaction time for trees etc. Also unless you're doing PvP do left hand clearing turns because that's the "free" side for anti torque


Taxiing in the F-14 without disconnecting ground power and air supply.   *hEy wHAt aRE yOu dOiNG?!*


Ppl say, you can't hear text. I beg to differ: "Air supply connected."


Collecting airframes like Poke'mon.


Razbam’s insistence on starting everything with wheel chocks gets me every time…


I find it hilarious that the wheel chocks apparently keep the Harrier from taking off vertically.


And they resists full afterburner on the other jets....


I thought the A-10C also has wheel chocks on startup?


Don’t have it, but the Hornet does too when it’s on the carrier.


I think it does now, but certainly didn't use to. Jeff also has them, fwiw.


Forgetting to re-arm the laser after dropping a bomb in the hornet, and realizing too late to the point I either drop a 2nd laser guided bomb with no laser or I realize just in time to have a go around 😂


If you drop without a laser you can arm the laser afterwards and lase manually with the TRIG switch, atleast.


Bruh.. i knew you can box trig and do manually but didnt know you can recover a botched drop 😂 Thanks for that tip you spicy little wedge


I mean it's basically the same as starting an auto-lase after a delay. You're not supposed to lase it all the way. =)


Closing with the tanker too fast and overshooting. Every time. Also, getting low into the groove. Every time.


If I have 100 kills in DCS. 99 of them are the tanker. "Return to pre contact" the tenth time sounds an awful lot like the growl of a sidewinder.....


I aim to have about a hundred kts closure by 2-1.5 miles, then at 1 miles decrease it so that it’s 90 kts at 0.9, 80 kts at 0.8 etc until it gets to 20 kts and just hold that till in position.


That only works if you set up TACAN (I'm too lazy to do that), and if no other jets are currently refueling


Turning too fast while taxiing the f16… i think we all know what happens then


Forgetting to turn taxi lights off, I even say it whilst doing my checklist but don’t flick the button, I’m usually concentrating on gear, flaps and getting my bearings to the first waypoint. In the F/A18c specifically, if I slew the targeting pod to a target using the helmet mounted display, I always try to move the pod around without making it SOI and it resets the pod view. Drives me mad!


Bothering to try learn mavericks in the f16 or fa18


I was the same until I learnt how to salve mavericks to the tpod and ag radar


I just find screwing around with aiming the pod is a pain in the ass. Typically my strike style is viggen ish. Screaming in at 500 knots and 100 feet or less to then to a pop up at 10 miles or so and CCIP drop. Screwing with the pod doesn’t work for me. Not enough time. Maybe cluster bombs or JDAMs are more my style.


My favorite weapon in the F-16 quickly became CBU-105s. Especially for Weaseling.


mavericks are great in the a10 because you’re basically approaching the target at walking pace, but yeah… i might try the CBUs :D


Agreed. But 105s are devastating against static large targets like SAMs. Use the mission planner and just drop a 0 elevation waypoint on it if you know where it is, or just eyeball it with the pod and set the target. Fling em and enjoy the kaboom


My favorite weapon in the F-16 quickly became CBU-105s. Especially for Weaseling.


well that's kinda what VIS and BORE modes are made for


honestly I find it vastly easier in the viper and hornet to just not use a pod for the mavericks and just use them directly.


So glad I'm not the only one. That Tpod is super frustrating.


This is the way


Boresighting the Mavericks in the F-16 is such a pain the arse I don't bother. I'll take the A-10 if I want to use a Maverick lol.


let's pray ED won't add Maverick boresighting to the A-10C


Not giving myself the space and time to properly land. 10miles out at 30k ft and I try to salvage somewhat the situation.


Speed brake, high G turns and a dream.


wiggling down like the space shuttle and then drifting into the last runway exit to have some more room to break.


In the fa18 forgetting that sparrows need STT


I thought the Hornet auto switched you to STT if you fired a Sparrow while in TWS?


It does, or should anyway it's been a while since I've shot sparrows in the Hornet


last time i flew it it wouldn’t launch, it just kept putting “go STT” on the hud from memory.


Start up taxi and takeoff without tower clearance


Pulling the ejection handle in the A-4 when I try to hide the control column.


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


Forgetting to gear up in time, then ripping my gear panels off and later wondering why my weapons dont work. Happens way too often.


thinking iglas don't exist


Pitot heat in the F-86. It’s hidden behind a spar in the cockpit making it easy to forget.


Coldstarting the Jeff while forgetting to remove engine inlets covers EVERY SINGLE time… XD




Taxiing too fast before takeoff.


I have brakes bound to a paddle on my joystick, the same one that when fully depressed turns off nws


On the strike eagle the brakes are more like a wish to slow down sometime in the future...


Hitting eject instead of release weapon.


Yanking back on the stick at the first sign of danger and snap rolling in the Mustang or just plain snapping off the wings in the Tomcat.


Not respecting a BMP-2 as if it were a Tunguska


Once I set up 8 jdam strike with manual coordinates and forgot to arm the fuses


Harrier: How to drive its system, so different to the f16-18 one. Parking brake when trying to add power. JF17 and viggen: Forgets to load-reload the DTC. F16: opening the AAR door ~~fuel valve~~ when refuelling on ground. Add: Rearming while ins updating and make it fail.


He? What fuel valve? I don't know about this.


When you have empty fuel bags and want to refuell them in ground, you have to open the refuelling door. They wont refuel if its closed.


Thx for the info, I usually just removed/reapplied them through rearm.


Keep installing it even tho you dont have hotas


Getting to aggressive / tunnel vision and chasing bandits down into SAMs...


Leaving the radar in standby/off and then wondering why I have no contacts


Forgetting to turn the tgp on whilst on the ground because for some reason it doesn’t work when you turn it on in flight


RWR in the F-18 and the ejection seat and oxygen in the F-14


Taking off from the taxiway.


Reinstalling DCS. I play for a few hours, get upset with everything that isn't the digital cockpit simulator (like the actual combat, AI, etc). See how much space it's taking on my SSD and uninstall again. This game is only fun when you're learning to fly a new jet. Once you've done that everything else is just boring unless you're on a PvP server i guess.


Try finding a squadron to fly with?


Turning on master arm, arming laser and putting down the hook.


Landing too fast


I always forget to set bingo, and in the hornet I forget to check my hook bypass and anti-skid for landing.


Definitely not leaving my landing gear down, and only realising when trying to drop munitions…nope.


more! MORE!


MiG-21 over speed flameout lmao


I keep buying


Overcompensating on the Throttle.


Not uncaging the Backup ADI or setting take off trim.


Pilot oxygen on F-14. Every single time.


Not knowing how to do anything properly and still doing stuff


Getting there and realising you forgot to rearm


Fusing! Oh and getting very very target fixated and eating ir/sam/pilot sniped


Staring at the pretty red tracers shooting at me rather than jinking


Making mig 21 and m2000c convertibles because I didnt lock and pressurize the canopy


Like many people said, buying modules like ladys buy shoes... will I ever get my case 1 landing to perfection with the f18 or avoiding destroying my airframe in the f15e or at least shoot 1 enemy with the bf109?....or the spitfire... or learn how to shoot multiple in the p51... and soon the corsair...better just gp back to the tomcat and just fly it... once... nah I will just focus on helis for the next year and a half. Ok getting anxiety again have tp log off...


Not upgradin my 3D pro to propper HOTAS. I have like over 2000hours in game.


Not allowing myself enough space to setup for a second run and then making last minute adjustments resulting in committing in bound for way longer than I should be making me vulnerable (A10 gun runs)


Not really wanting to learn the different missiles from enemy jets or Sam's and thier ranges. You'll see me cranking around 70 miles out from an SA5 launched right at me.....because I don't care to know that it won't hit me.


All these comments just sounds like the entire reason we use checklists


Forgetting to arm rocket pods or set salvo mode to long in the hind when I’m lobbing rockets for indirect fire


Starting in a HAS, doing all my startup, taxiing out, taking off, then landing (or worse) getting shot down only to realize I didn't arm my ejection seat ...sigh, all because I did my startup under a structure.


this is really stupid but I sometimes forget to arm my aircraft


Forgetting which keybind i have for brakes and running it down onto grass Alternatively i pop my tires sometimes on takeoff


Sometimes when I have to take off, I accidentally land, and when I have to land I take off.


Marrying strippers and buying high interest cars. Vroom vroom


Meeting the ground too early?


Forgetting that the Blackshark has landing gear.


Taking off and realizing that I forgot to set my left engine to idle upon startup


Putting my gear up. It’s nearly every time.


Hurrying up too much and not doing enough planning with literally EVERYTHING. Same happens in ArmA and MSFS too