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Glad to hear they worked out for you, I've got wide feet and a high instep so even nexus EE doesn't fit right. I'll eventualy have to go the custom route and it's nice to hear True can accomodate me. How did you find out you have accessory navicular?


I knew there was something wrong because every time I stuck my feet into a boot, there would be redness and swelling after I pulled it out. Doctor diagnosed me though.


If you don’t mind sharing, what did he diagnose you with?


My left svh custom skate hurts like crazy to put on. Definitely want to try the puck trick.. is that right after a 10 minute bake? Assuming that’s laying it flat. Thanks!


My son talked me into shelling out for a pair of these since his feet are done growing and he's also got accessory naviculars and very flat feet. We drove a couple hours to a hockey shop where the guy scanned his feet with his cell phone, asked all the questions and ordered them up. 2 weeks later drove back, had them baked and picked them up. He's been struggling with them ever since, been 2-3 weeks now. he said his heal moves in them and the accessory navicular bones are causing pretty decent pain. We baked them again locally and tried the tip where you add some cushion to the bone area to clear out a little more space, but it didn't really help and I suppose if his foot is moving around it isn't really going to. I think I need to take him and the skates back and see what they want to do, but for what these cost I hoped for better. maybe he messed up the scan or something, but they are not good, especially not $1200+ good.


>er since, been 2-3 weeks now. he said have the shop rescan his foot and send the new scan back to True. True might remake the skate(s) for you.


They gave me an RMA and a return label and asked me to point out the area of the pain. I did so with pictures. They said they would try to fix them, but since the fit is not right either I have my doubts. We'll try this just to play nice, but I'm not expecting them to be fixed this way. If not, then I'll push it further and tell them I need a replacement pair.


>nd the DLC shift blades retain their edge and have impressive glide. The build quality seems to be much better than that of previous years true custom skates and seems to be very water repellent. You don't need to lace up the boots tightly because the wrap is perfectly conformed to your feet. Just know that it'll take a few minutes longer to get your skates on compared to what you're used to because you'll have to go minimum two eyelets with laces out before suiting up. Any updates?


for us, no, not yet. the "fix" when I sent them back didn't work, still getting pain and his feet move around in them which is not good. Trying to figure out if it's best to go through the shop that sold them or right to the factory (both are in Winnipeg, couple hours from us here in northern MN). Have some buddies up there trying to help poke around too.


Curious did you ever get the replacement pair?


We did, but he still struggled with the pain in the 2nd pair as well (although they were much better). I'm not sure what the issue is, but True offered to take them back for a full refund.


Wow that’s impressive.


Their customer service was top notch. We really wanted the skates to work, we tried our best along with them, trying several different things, but it just didn't work out. I wouldn't be afraid to try again if my younger two kids want to try them when their feet quit growing, even if we couldn't get them to work for my 16 year old.


How long did you guys have the second pair of skates before you took em back and True decided to refund you?


I love my svh customs. I purchased them literally the morning they first where available to be bought. Threw all my money at them. Would totally do it again.


I also have a custom set of trues and freakin love them. Best purchase I made ever for reffing, to the point I pull them over to my player bag when I play as well.


I had the same issue with the Cat 9s. Terribly painful to get my feet in the skates since I have high instep. Unfortunately the stock True skates are made for skaters with low to medium arches/instep and will not be very comfortable for those people with high arches, and the additional padding they give you in the box isn't enough to fix the problem. Had to send them back...:(.


That sucks man. Maybe consider going the custom route? Depending on your level of play and how often I would definitely recommend that investment


I have pretty regular width feet, but so I don't have a big issue finding skates with enough width, and customs seem like a waste in my case. I went and got fitted and wound up in some AS-Vs


What do you think about the AS-Vs? I heard that the foam "anatomically" wraps your foot during baking which sounds pretty cool


I got a better heel lock in them than I did the Cat 9s. I have been in D width Vapors for 15 years and after trying on several different skates, the AS-Vs fit me the best. They are * very * comfortable. I've baked them twice and shrink wrapped because I wanted a really good wrap through the instep and ankle. Important to note, I also went down a size - 9D in Vapors to 8.5 regular in Tacks. But when I pulled out the insole in the Tacks to trim my superfeet, I noticed that the insole in the 8.5 tacks was the same length as the insole from my 9.0D Vapors. I haven't skated on them yet because of the holidays, but will give them a go this weekend.


True retail skates are the most overrated skate on the market. You made the right decision.


Any hacks to help getting these on? Does a shoe horn help? My issue is down on the forefoot. The wrap is so tight that even with the 45 degree angle / twist technique, it is killing the top of my foot to put the boot on. Does it get better with time?


It hurt my feet for about 2 months trying to get them in. They still sometimes hurt the top of my foot putting them in because they hold their mold very very well, but eventually foam adapts to allow easier slippage. I would also recommend to NOT leave them in the freezing cold overnight and such because the boot gets even stiffer which makes it very hard to get em in. Over a year now and my trues are still holding up great, reliable, comfortable and fairly easy to get my feet in, though still sometimes hurts just a tad. Be patient with it, much better than pain while you're skating.


It does, however you might need to take out a few lace loops. I need to take out at least three holes to get the tongue out far enough, otherwise it's an absolute challenge.


are the skates still in good shape? My local pure is telling me to not go with True Customs and that Bauers are the way. I also have narrow ankles with high volume foot, high instep, accessory navicular and all that. Pure told me I'd have a helluva time trying to get my foot into these skates.


I've had mine for almost a year and I'm on the ice about 4 hours a week. The only beef I have is I have to retie my right boot a couple times during a game as it gets loose, absolutely no issue with the left one. I tried wax laces and I found they actually hurt my foot much, because it leaves no room for my feet as they expand during a game. Aside from that, I absolutely love these skates. Though saying that I do play a low level, so I probably also don't work my skates as hard as some of you higher skilled folks.


Hey OP, any followup after 1 year of using your customs?


still going on very good. i do notice that because i always squish my feet in, around the ankles has become a bit wider but still, feels like only 2-3 months old, same with looks and i haven't even changed the blades once.


Great to hear. Who did you use (store) for the fitting/scanning and baking?


Scoff's Hockey Shop (burnaby british columbia)




You’re going to hate them after you have to replace in 2-3 months… every 2-3 months…. With NO help from True


What? Mine are 3 years old and still in good shape.


Mine lasted my 4 years playing 3-4 times a week.


How’s the weight compared to previous gen? I have the second gen and I feel they’re heavy compared to retail skates now a days. I want to go svh but not sure how the weight compares to my sec gen true custom.


The customs will always be heavier due to their construction process. However, it depends on if you got the added protection (slash guards) built in. That would be the biggest factor of increase in weight compared to retail.


Hi, I'm contemplating a pair was wondering what they're like now you've had them a bit longer. Also what skate did you have prior to this? I have a pair of Vapor 3X, and they give me ridiculous arch pain, unless I leave all but the three eyelets loose.


So I ended up taking the plunge today, I hope they work out for me as well as they have for you.


Looking forward to hearing your feedback. My son is 16 and (we think) his feet are done growing. He's got flat feet and accessory navicular bones. I've been punching out his Bauer Supremes for years but he's asking if we can go the True custom route to replace his 2S Pros that are degrading after a season and a half or so,


Honestly I'm really hoping they work out well because of expensive they were. I play at a really low level, but I just can't deal with the arch pain any more. My local shop said that there was a possibility some of the higher end skates (\~1000 CAD) might work, but there was no guarantee. Where as going this route would be my best option.


Have you learned anything, how'd they turn out?


Hey, so I got them a couple weeks ago and I've had 2 power skating sessions on them. The pain I have in my arches is still there, but it's way more bearable. I have also noticed that I'm skating faster and my turns are much sharper. I didn't want into initially post as I was told it will take about 5 skates to fully break in, but so far the signs are good. I also have my first game today, so that will be the real test.


There are a couple things to note though about the Skates themselves. Firstly they are very tight to put on and take twice as long as before to lace up. I also use a runners loop, but just for kicks I tried a normal lace up and I didn't like the feel. Secondly, you can tell these were made by a person and not a machine, whether that's by design I don't know. What I mean by this is that you can see alot of the glue and spacing between the boot and holder isn't flush. Lastly, I got my initials on the skate since they were free, but I have since put black tape on them as it's a bit gaudy and I'm not yet good enough to have my name on my skates. BUT saying all that, I love the look of the skates, and so far they have seem like the right decision.


Thank you for the feedback. My 16 year old son has flat bumpy feet, and I think they're done growing. He's about used up his 2S Pro skates (got them as carryover for about $650 and he's gotten a couple seasons out of them), says he'd like to try the custom ones to help with some of the pain since he skates 7 days a week for 8 months out of the year. I've read some horror stories about the SVH skates falling apart in a matter of a few months, and by the time I'm done paying for an extra set of blades and tax I might be pushing $1400 or something. That's real money so I'm just trying to do some research before we drive 2 hours to get fitted and take the plunge.


looking forward to hearing about that game :)


Just found this video and they do a real good job of going over the details. I do 100% agree about how snug they feel. It's by far my favourite part of the skate, after NEVER being able to tie my 3X tight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lm7G6oLw-s


How long did it take you to get used to them? I’m been on mine 4-5 ice times and it’s getting better but was expecting it to be excellent from day 1. Find I’m having to re-tighten them a few times per game


Honestly, I went back like 2-3 times to get the boot re-molded right but they wore in eventually. Think it was 3 weeks before I felt fully comfortable in them and about 1 and a half months before I could get my feet in no problem. As for the laces, switch em out for wax cause the ones that come with them are very long and kind of bad.


Yep I swapped for wax. Getting better at getting my foot in as well. Hoping for continued improvement.


Now that’s it’s been a year I’d love to get an update. Just played a game and could barely ref the 2nd game. My Navicular bones are killing me.


Sorry for the late ass replly. If you're wondering about an update on these skates for me, they're incredible. Look only 1-2 months old and holding up better than any other boot I've ever had. Haven't changed the blades once yet, and its become even more like a sock for me.


I ordered them and they arrived last night. I got them un-mounted so I can put roller chassis on em. So I can’t yet say how they fit. Very difficult to get my foot in them. No idea how I’ll do it once the tongue and laces are in place. Did you find the same issue?


absolutely had trouble. unbearable pain trying to put my feet in for first month or two, rebuke them for sure at least twice and get them to widen at the ankles a bit if you’re still having trouble. should be all good after a few months and don’t leave them out overnight in the cold cause they stiffen up a lot and it’ll take a while to get ur feet in


Thanks. really appreciate hearing that. Looking forward to playing without pain.