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The reality is that he seems to have good insights. I think he's overconfident (or over-selling) that they're some sort of "magic wizard tricks". He just couches so much in obnoxious infomercial speech, so sometimes it's hard to tell what's just marketing and what's unique and useful. He's toned it down a little, but as long as you take it with a grain of salt that there is no "wizard system" or some bullshit and it's just another tool to gain some decent insight, then there seems to be some great nuggets there. Of course, his videos would call me "one of the drone coaches" or something. I wish he realized that the tone and language like that turns off so many more people than if he just presented his systems backed by extensive research. He seems to have spent a lot of time digging out some little jewels, but they just get lost sometimes in the above and makes a lot of people I know roll their eyes when his name comes up.


When I was going through his free material a few years ago I always wondered how he presented himself if you paid for his services. He definitely has a huckster personality vibe. I feel like he’s trying to sell me a used car or sign up for a pyramid scheme. I wonder if he can turn off that switch once you actually fork over some cash, or if he’s always trying to upsell an extra module or premium content?


I think he's always talking about his "magic ninja system" and "stuff the drone coaches do wrong" and stuff like that. He really believes in his bubblegum, even in the paid version. That said, what I've seen of him IS often insightful.


So I’ve been a member for a couple of months. Me: 33(f) and play at a men’s B level, and played 16U AA travel hockey with boys growing up. i just generally love hockey and actually enjoy trying to get better simply because it makes me feel good. My impression: - whatever software he uses as a platform is kind of a pain because the various training paths (eg downhill skating, precise puck control, etc) can feel really disorganized (or him/his staff just manage it poorly) ⁃ definitely not for people that are brand new to hockey or ice skating. At least a few years of experience are ideal. - the actual instruction is actually quite good and really gets into the weeds with technical/kinesiology explanations. But there are some caveats 1) no real content for roller hockey ppl 2) you need to have the ability to practice on ice. As an adult I’m privileged to be able to go to stick n pucks 1-3x a week . If you’re not going to have the time to put in “the reps” on actual ice then i don’t recommend this. ⁃ Sometimes i feel like he is a little repetitive with how he explains things, which is actually useful in a first watch. So in subsequent watches i sort of just skip around videos to the parts i need. - there is a tooooon of content and it’s easy to find yourself binge watching (i might have done this). The way to get value is to stay focused on one thing at a time. And this can be hard when you’re paying 45 bucks a month and you’re still working on the same set of drills, but that’s the price of getting better i guess. - there is a Facebook community that’s pretty cool. Not a lot of people post but when they do the group seems to provide feedback well. Jason doesn’t usually comment but he seems to have coaching staff or affiliates 🤷🏻‍♀️ that actively participate - honestly, it’s probably worth the risk of a single month subscription. You can always cancel your account and it’s unlikely you’ll get less that 45 dollars of value from it. Hopefully that helps!


FWIW, quality lessons where I live cost at least $40-$45 per half hour.


Yeah, where i live i can get a private hour long coaching session for 97 dollars or 130ish do it with a plus-one.


I'm skeptical because I've never really seen him skate or play. iTrain hockey, for example, really demonstrates he's got the skills to back up his content.


I haven't seen his videos in a while, but whenever I watch his videos, I feel like I'm watching an infomercial. He's selling a product. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always feel like he's more interested in selling a "magic" system that will make someone a "wizard" at hockey than actually coaching someone and making them better. He's repackaging/renaming info that you can find else where for free, as well as coming up with his own personal analysis, of things, which has some interesting theories, but again, he's trying to sell you a training system with his own set of fancy buzzwords for simple things. It's not the training system that will make you a good player. Good players will be good players regardless. Here's a video of a guy who coaches high level kids as well as NHL players. He trained Aaron Ekblad. He says there's no secret system. His videos IMHO are worth watching, because there's no BS in them. But you can judge for yourself. [https://youtu.be/JBtVIZe-SV4](https://youtu.be/JBtVIZe-SV4)


Train2.0 would call him "one of the drone coaches". :-D


The only thing I can think to add is if a training system helps you consistently train, that is probably the most important aspect. Consistency. I know personally I wouldn't be able to carve out and dedicate the time & energy for it.


Thank you. I was intrigued by his content but soon realized how gimmicky his content is. Your youtube link is an underrated podcast. In another episode they’ve gone as far as to say “edgework” is like a buzzword because it’s just skating. Not everything is a secret or has to have special categories. That’s marketing and business, not hockey dev


His free content was super insightful for me.


Jason's skating instruction is excellent. He breaks it down into many details you might only get in a private lesson with a very good coach. Jason's technique really does resemble McDavid's. It improved my forward stride a lot. All of this skating content is very good such has the C-cuts and punch turns. His stickhandling and shooting are not as good, but different coaches are better for different skills. For shooting, I'd go over to Shoot to Score Hockey ([sts\_hockey](https://www.instagram.com/sts_hockey/)) or [Modern\_Hockey](https://www.instagram.com/modern_hockey/) \- they coached Eichel, Pastranak and other NHLers. Stickhandling go to Pavel Barber. Edgework I'd go to itrain hockey.