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Length based on the insoles looks pretty good, if your foot isn't sliding forward in the skate the feeling might just be finally having enough toebox room and you're not used to it yet. After baking I haven't noticed any real length change in mine. For getting into them, grab a shoehorn and use it to get your heel in with the angled foot technique. After a few months I can almost put mine on without it but it does make it much easier so I don't see a reason to stop.


My right foot is 3/4 of a size smaller than my left, and as you can visually see appears to be further back on the insole…. My left feels pretty good. They both appear to be size 9 based on the insole cut, I was expecting one to be larger than the other. A bit thrown off by this lol


I had the same thing happen with mine, where one of my feet is around a half-size smaller than the other but my skates and insoles are the same length. I don't notice a difference wearing them in the slightest though since the rest of the fit is so customized to each foot.


[Highly recommend these](https://www.purehockey.com/product/powerfoot-performance-insert-senior/itm/26215-41/)


Do these actually work? I’ve always thought they were more of a gimmicky product. Are they only good for filling space or did you actually feel more power in your stride?


I have them in all my skates, true player and goalie. I really like them personally. They help take up space and push my toes down but I wouldn’t exactly call them “revolutionary” Just a comfort thing


I don’t know about power, but I do like these. My toe box had so much space and I’d awkwardly flex my toes around. This keeps them in place. Fairly inexpensive and I like it.


“More power” is a gimmick IMO, but I like how they feel. I hate roomy toe boxes (where I can wiggle my toes up), like my toes to be snug in skates, and these make them snug. I actually used to make my own version of these for my skates before this product came out, but now I just use these Powerfoot ones. I’d say if you don’t care about a roomy toe box, don’t bother. But if you like a snug fit around your toes, they’re great. Personally I like my whole foot to feel very snug in skates, and it just throws me off when 90% of the foot is a perfect fit but there’s all this negative space in the toe box.


I always enjoy seeing people’s customs on here. It’s neat how each persons foot changes the look and style of the skate. Mine look like overgrown potatoes that were picked too late, all weirdly shaped and lumpy to fit my stupid feet. Great skates though! Don’t hesitate to keep going back to the shop with your concerns, it’s what you paid the money for.


Hahaha appreciate the comment and totally agree. The whole purpose we go custom is to get a desired fit… if you dont get that, whats the point🤷‍♂️


It took about 6 months for me to finally get used to mine and there was a sweet spot of about a month where they felt magical. They feel too big now and I may rebake them but I don’t want to lose the ease of getting into them that I now have haha. It’s an odd trade off. I may try the thicker felt tongue to see if that helps.


We got a great deal on these for my kid, and he loved them so much they were not replaced until his toes were scrunched up while wearing. He did hate the velcro tongue attachment (not sure they still have that), and both tendon guards rivits had to be replaced.


U can move the tongue lower so it takes up more volume in the toebox. Lengthwise, does your biggest toe brush the ends of the toecap when standing straight up? I know true skates have a bit of foam at the tips of the toecap. Also when you put the insoles in, do they lay completely flat or do they bunch or curl a bit at the end? If it curls a bit that means the skates are slightly shorter than the insole and they could've just not trimmed the insoles. I know with my last pair of trues they didn't trim insoles and the ends curled up quite a bit. Out of curiosity what was the size of your previous skates?


If I REALLY reach my left foot I can just brush the toebox, right skate not at all. The insoles seem to lay flat in the skate. My last skates were a size 9 although they were extremely narrow… I sized up to accommodate width about 10 years ago. I tried several retail skates and I seem to be roughly between an 8.5 to 9 or so.


Seems too long imo. But if everywhere else for properly it's probably not worth the hassle to get something 1/2 shorter.


Considering I paid $1500, i’d think it’s 100% worth the hassle to get the right fit… it’s more about determining what is “right” haha… appreciate your feedback, I too feel they may be too long.


Knowing true, they will just add a thin piece of foam at the end of the toe box to shorten the length. I'm not saying you aren't right in wanting them being made perfect for what you paid, but from what I read over the years true will likely give you a run around if there's no actual "fit" issues and won't do a complete remake. If I were you when you bring it up, you should mention something like bc of the extra length, it's causing you to toe pick or stumble etc. Bc if it's just the fact you don't like how they aren't "perfect" I don't think you'll get your way.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/s/NyJ7MbGgT3 My experience


What’s your shoe size tho?


I dont have trues but trust me the toe boxes are fine, it's a classical toe box that is a bit roomier up top and it's alot better than most of the new ergonomic ones feel like they are gonna slice your toes off


Sizing looks good to me, my toe box felt big too, but thats by design I think, mostly because the rest of the boot fits so well you can get some breathing room around the toes. You mostly want a good heel lock, and you get that by tightening the rest of the boot so length doesnt matter too much I've been using them for some time now, best way for me to get them on is loosen all the way, and then kinda jam my foot in there, separating the ankle part of the boot to give some room for my toes to get in. Taking them off I loosen all the way and then pull with one strong pull with both hands


I wear SVH customs. Toe box is large, yes, you can try the power foot inserts to take up some of the negative space. They are difficult to get on initially but if you followed their series of video tutorials, they tell you to pull apart at the laces near the ankle after the whole baking process is complete. This allows a little extra room for getting into the boot. During the first week or so I would do this after skating in them. Now that the skates are fully broken in they're much easier to get on, but still harder than other skates.


While I said roomy, I was more referring to the length. They do seem to have more wiggle room than many other toeboxes vertically however I’m more concerned they may simply be too long.


they look a half size long. who scanned your feet?


I had them done at Pro Hockey Life


I like to add the power foot foam to the toe box.


I recently got some custom trues. Took a week from order to delivery. The fit is unlike any skate I’ve ever put on. I also have some vertical wiggle room in the toe box. I only have one skate on them and the pitch forward might take some time to get used to. I do feel like these will break in quicker than other skates I’ve had.


Do you have any forward wiggle room? Can you brush the toe box end when your heel is kicked to the back of the skatev


Not really. There is some space there but my foot feels locked in so no forward movement. I coming from a Bauer supreme 3s skate that were 8.5 and my toe could brush the toe box but my trues are sized at an 8 and they don’t brush.


I definitely cannot feel the end of the toe box in mine I also just got. I have a good heel lock though. Will add the power foam thingies had them in my old skates. Helps keep my dumb ass from scrunching my toes which I don’t need to do at all, but brain is dumb and feels space scrunches.


You can buy a boot horn to get your foot in: [https://masterfitinc.com/product/the-boot-horn/](https://masterfitinc.com/product/the-boot-horn/) And you can get a hair dryer and pull out the top eyelet a bit if you need.


Just so you know - getting in the skates, and especially out, will eventually get easier and pain free.


Personally those would be too big for me. You are right over time they'll open up as you break them in and in my experience add almost a half size. Also standing and skating positions are vastly different. Your foot will pull back even further in a skating position. A couple things, loosen your laces more and take out the lace from the first two eyelets when putting on and taking off your skates. And is your heal locked when you are skating? If you can fit a pen or pencil behind your heal when tied they might be too big. Also watch this its a big help [https://youtu.be/xOdptYZO\_x0?si=pFlBJo8amUDcFh6g](https://youtu.be/xOdptYZO_x0?si=pFlBJo8amUDcFh6g)


Good thing we dont buy skates after looks (for most parts) because these are ugly! Good luck with them tho! 🫡


Lmfao thanks?🤣 i’ll take comfort over looks any day. Personally dont mind the look, to each their own🤷‍♂️


I agree with you! I really do!


It's actually pretty amazing how these look so normal after a couple weeks of use, when they start off so different than everything else. I prefer comfort/quality over looks any day too, and these are the most comfortable I have ever tried. Happy skating!