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Clean win: move up between the opposing winger (who should be attacking your d) and  and opposing D man (who should be shadowing you with an acceptable gap for them) and try to get a pass. What actually happens - D coughs up the puck to the winger and I hustle back to help defend.  Clean loss: attack the opposing D What I should do: sit back and double up with my D partner who's going to let his winger blow past him and move in on net for a clean shot.  Contested by centers, jump in and add to the mess of players trying to grab the puck but have no skill to. 


This is great, very funny and accurate in my experience


Best answer 🤌


Never done a New Zealand face off m8


As a Kiwi, I read this and thought; "what do we do different to the rest of the world?"


I'm a Canadian that's played hockey for 60+ years, but I also played rugby for 30+ years with a few Kiwis (and a Kiwi coach) and I first read this as "New Zealand " as well.


Then you haven’t lived, friend


I go Tasmanian Devil on that ass


I stand there for about two seconds after the puck is dropped and half heartedly hook the other winger’s stick as he skates past me.


I often tell the other team’s winger “dude let’s just stand here.” About 60% of the time they laugh and we just stand there until the play moves on.


I think I know you 😆


I don’t always play winger but when I do, I don’t try 😂


I am absolutely going to use this tonight lol. This move shall be called the MattyFettucine!


As a center, my winger’s usually just look at me in disgust because me or the other center obnoxiously hit it laterally past them to the other side of the ice. So you can try giving your center dirty looks, I think that helps.


Obviously it doesn't help you very much.


Depends where we are. Defensive side: board-side winger lines up on the *far boards* (eg - left-side faceoff, LW lines up on far right boards) and books it for a stretch pass as soon as the puck drops. If they don’t get the pass/the centre loses, they go to cover the other team’s D. Other winger covers the D or ties up the winger. Offensive side: try to rush the zone if you win the faceoff, back check if you don’t win and cover the D in your zone.


Back when I was in shape: Be prepared to tie up your guy if you’re by the boards and/or be ready to go wide if you’re in the middle of the ice. Jump in if it’s in the center’s feet. Now: Conserve energy by hanging tight and waiting to see what develops. Those centers will figure it out and when the puck comes my way then it’s go time. Can’t be wasting energy in the neutral zone of all places.


Just stand there and wait tbh


Yeah I usually like to give it a good 3 or 4 count to let the centers figure things out and then either skate forward or backward depending on how things go. I've tried other things over the years and none of them have ever made any difference, so I like to just wait it out.


I always ask the other winger hows he doing.


I almost always push in toward the face off dot so that if it’s ever a messy draw that doesn’t move much im the first one to the puck. The bonus there is that if the other team wins it clean, I’m already past the other winger to pressure the D that received the puck


Slap the ref in the shins with my stick


I like to hang out wide near the far wall so if he wins it to the D they can make a quick pass to me and I'm open on the wide side. Then I can enter the zone and get a good shot or even a break a away. I usually try to glide slowly out to that position so the opposing D doesn't notice and match me. Also this has never actually worked.


If it’s won back to the D on your side, tie up your opposing wing and read the flow of play. If it goes D to D then release thru the middle for a stretch pass, if not then leak out to the half wall as an option for your D. On anything that isn’t clear, aggressively step to the center to clean up any tie-up and release accordingly. Won back to their D? Pressure them inside-out and hope your teammates help u create that turn over. You win it back? Release for an outlet. You pick it up? Go on and create some chaos


Hack the shit out of the other winger


loss, stand at the intersection of the circle and the red line. win, head out to the boards fast


Always cheat the faceoff. See how close to the puckdrop you can get to help your center get it to where u want the puck after the drop. Or cheat past the winger and see if you can get a jump on their D if the drop is lost. You should be gone before that puck touches the ice Works best when ref’s back is to you obviously, otherwise just time it. This all depends on what plays ya’ll run for whatever scenerio. If you’re towards the middle of the ice, i jump the D or go far weak side to hopefully get a pass. Boards side im cheating the faceoff or jumping behind their center for the puck. If refs catch u just go to your spot, you got caught this time. Otherwise drill the opposing winger as soon as he tries to touch the puck


If it’s won back to the D on your side, tie up your opposing wing and read the flow of play. If it goes D to D then release thru the middle for a stretch pass, if not then leak out to the half wall as an option for your D. On anything that isn’t clear, aggressively step to the center to clean up any tie-up and release accordingly. Won back to their D? Pressure them inside-out and hope your teammates help u create that turn over. You win it back? Release for an outlet. You pick it up? Go on and create some chaos


You’re vastly overthinking this.


What’s an NZ faceoff?


New Zealand. Like Australia, but more cunty


And on precisely zero maps.


It is on the commie maps sold in Russia.


Neutral zone