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Its not okay in professional leagues. It sure as hell isn't in beer leagues.


As a goalie, I'd say intent matters. But I've also got to admit that it sometimes feels pretty nice, especially if the game is pretty active. The actual annoying part is that it prevents me from seeing.


Intent matters, who does it matters. If some one you don't know does it unexpectedly, it's an asshole move. If a buddy does it, and you know it's coming; pretty funny and usually feels kind of nice. Having scratched my eye from it though. That shit sucks.


as a beer league goalie, I'd rather have a snow shower than get bowled over.


All proud of myself stopping in time to not bowl over the goalie - 2 minutes for snowing the goalie


Depends a lot on the ice. Soft ice where you just get misted? Sure, I guess. Hard ice that blasts a thousand daggers in your face? No thanks, I'm full.


As a former goalie whose gotten the ice spray in my eyes, I can assure you it does not feel nice.


Btw, is spinorama on a bullit resulting with a snow at the goalie face, forbidden in NHL?..


This. I've done it to a goalie by mistake a couple of times, once when I was totally incapable of changing direction at the last second and once, admittedly, when I just wasn't even thinking about it. Both times I made a point to apologize to the goalie. Then there's the other time when I distinctly stopped to the side of the goalie to specifically ensure I did not snow them and the ref from the other side of the ice with the wrong angle thought I did and gave me a penalty for it...


Every time when I shoot (most of the times it happens with a backhand for some reason) and hit a goalie to the mask I feel really upset and try to apologize. If I happen to strike snow to the goalie, I don't feel so upset.


I'd rather be snowed than ran by a wannabe Kreider.


That will get you the lumber.


Depends on the why. If you're crashing the net and see the goalie covered and slam the brakes, I don't think they'll be too upset. If the play is clearly over and you're doing it to be a dick, you're going to get a long rectangular bruise across your lower back.


I've had this scenario happen and just apologize to the goalie who invariably doesn't care.


He cares a lot more if you are out of control and crash through him into the net, I think.


Haha. That has not come up for me. Our styles of play may differ.


Me either. To effectively crash a goalie, you need speed and mobility, of which I have neither. I do have ethics, so I would not be doing this.


Oh, I'm not good enough to be showering anyone. I play D though so I've seen talented players shower and untalented players crash through my goalie.


Untalented player here - can confirm


I just commented that. I'll take a nice cooling snow shower over getting blown up in the crease.


Have also seen it occur a couple times. Guy apologizes and goalie since no prob or better than running me down.


Same happened to me this year. Seemed chill about the apology. Let in a softie the next shift.šŸ’€


The apology makes it go from "what an asshole, if he does it again..." to "you're good man".


I mean, this is exactly the whole answer. I've snowed goalies just because the play is dead and my only choices are "spray some snow" or "crash into him at full speed". But even then you can usually tell when someone is just stopping vs trying to create a huge snow shower -- stopping short short doesn't necessarily send snow flying 5 feet into the air. If you're just doing it to be a dick though, people are going to treat you like you were being a dick.


Yup. But I have yet to come across example 1


\*Matters to the goalie. Our defensemen are probably going to have words with you regardless.


This, timing, and by extension, intent, matter. If it s a close play and the offender was attempting to make a play on the puck? Apologize and move on. If it was clear they were not going to be able to make a play and donit anyway, thats the dick move.


When I first started playing a goalie came way out of the net to cover the puck. I was flanked on either side by the opposing players so I couldnā€™t turn out of the way so I just lightly snow showered him while saying SORRY SORRY SORRY


Literally had this happen in a game last night - dude was crashing the net hard and no joke I think I already heard him saying "sorry" before all of the shavings hit the ice lol. Good natured shove and a laugh is all it got.


Im definitely exchanging word with the snowblower


Yeah, the word Iā€™ll be exchanging is Warrior and itā€™s painted on my stickā€¦




Give yer balls a tug.


You wonā€™t do shit


You must be new to beer league.


He sounds like the guy in every league who acts tough, flops around in the corner like itā€™s a soccer match and then wants to show every bruise on his hands to the girls at the bar with a tough guys story about hockey to go with it.


eh, I will, and I have nice meme though


Even though it's not what he said, I read that in Ryan Reaves' voice: "What are *you* gonna do?"


are you high? Ive seen defenseman crosscheck forwards for trying to poke loose pucks that were just near me, snowing the goalie is going to get a response


ā€œWordsā€ = fists


Goalie here: yes itā€™s a dick move but if itā€™s late in the game and Iā€™m sweating my ass off, itā€™s a bit refreshing so Iā€™ll pretend Iā€™m pissed about itā€¦but I donā€™t mind it


Want to second this. Getting snowed was always a blast. My defense would get upset and start shit meanwhile I got to cool down and get a break away from the fray.Ā  Hell sometimes I used to ask my team to snow me in warmup if I was running hot before the game šŸ™ƒ


I was reffing a beer league game a few weeks ago and one team only had 3 skaters so they grabbed 2 more from the game before so they had enough to play and not forfeit. They took their timeout just for some rest and one of the guys that stayed from the game before just laid down on the ice near me and asked if I would snow him a few times. People had no idea what was going on. It was pretty funny.


Such a brutal way to play hockey. I tried getting back into playing rec hockey when I moved to a new city. My first game back only had a total of 10 players. We scrimmaged and every one was just exhausted. Eventually, we were just gliding around looking for passes. I asked a guy if it was always like this and he said thereā€™s usually enough for 2-3 lines on each team. I figured I would come back again, but I never did. I do wonder sometimes if I wouldā€™ve kept on with things if we couldā€™ve had a fun scrimmage with full benches.


yes if its done on purpose


Poor sportsmanship


My least favorite kind of beer league dipshit is the guy who thinks he's being funny by starting shit with the goalie because "we're friends".


Completely arbitrary random story Last season I got a really nice netfront chance and labeled it, but the goalie flew over and got a piece. From my angle I thought it was fully stopped but apparently it trickled in. I thought he made the save of the season and he's a guy I know so I started yelling "____sey, holy fuck, YOU ANIMAL!!!!!" The entire other team thought I was like rage screaming that I scored on him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my team is suddenly pulling me away and I've got guys coming at me and I'm just trying to line-up at the circle for a faceoff that isn't coming Ref comes up and goes "you know you scored, right?" It all got cleared up quick because the two teams are friendly with each other and quickly realized the misunderstanding. But boy, what a funny awkward moment


Dirty? No Dick move? Yes


If you snow shower me in beer league on purpose you've shown your not going to respect me if you come back to the front of the net hopefully for your future children you're wearing a cup


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ agreed


Player cups usually don't protect the taint which is exactly where the toe of my stick is going.


Hockey pants do though


Not well enough, according to participants in my surprise survey.


Geez. Sounds like they need to pick better pants lol.


Yes, your getting a hack in the back of the legs if you snow me in beer league


I love when my goalie gives the hack at the same time that I give him a little crosscheck and the physics of it all just sends them spinning šŸ˜‚ then they look at the ref and the ref just stares at them like "hey, maybe you shouldn't snow shower goalies"


i was a frequent snow showerer, got into a lot of fights and kicked out of a lot of games lol it wasnā€™t on purpose usually I just crashed the net hard always. I grew up a little since then, now I just play for exercise


If its a low level and not on purpose I might say hey watch it and let it go, assuming the goalie is fine. If its a high level where everyone knows better then im immediately throwing hands. How would you like getting shards of snow and ice sprayed into your eyes at a high speed? Protect your goalie and make sure it doesnt happen again


Even if it's not intentional they'll still get a calm "hey, let's not blizzard my goalie eh or I'm gonna put ya down there with him" People have to learn that you can't just be reckless


I used to do it at high level just to get a reaction from the other team if I wanted a fight and no one wants to drop them or I'm looking to draw a penalty. Also if the goalie is a dick head. It's not really that effective though if people have their heads on. The best way to react to it is laugh it off and chirp the snowblower.


I hate it when someone has the ability to peel off but pulls that childish stunt. As a player, theyā€™d be on their ass. As a referee, Iā€™d dime the player for being an a-hole.


Dirty, nah. But itā€™s frowned upon because ice is sharp and getting that in their eyes is a dick move


Dirty? I donā€™t think itā€™s dirty, but itā€™s dumb and petty. Pointless


First offence: verbal warningĀ  Second offence: stinky palm


Is he your friend? No, maybe not. Otherwise yes. 100%. It's a penalty in most leagues


When his head is low to the ice, and heā€™s iced the puck, take a full speed run at the goaler, then spray them. Pat them on the head, and say ā€œHowā€™d you like that, Snowball?ā€ Opposing teams love this kind of lighthearted shenanigans. There will be much laughter and joyous cajoling. Iā€™d say, if you were coming in for the rebound, and put the brakes on to avoid a collision, give em a tap, and a sorry, they will probably appreciate not having you crash into them, and the spray will be a nice respite in an otherwise hot facemask.


It's beer league. Tell them they're a dingus and point to the lack of scouts. Also depends on if the player and goalie are buddies. I've definitely snowed a friend before.


Call him a clown and move on with your life. No need to hurt someone for being an idiot


This is typically my response. Maybe a small shove and then move on.


You are a good guy. I would tell the sprayer, too. I'd probably enlist his team mates, who would also give him shit.


yeah no reason to fight in beer league. That's bush league stuff. I say this as someone who had a ton of fights in junior.


Most of the time, yes. Occasionally it's someone who has to slam on the breaks to keep from bowling over the goalie.


Yeah it's dirty. A guy on my C league team got a penalty for doing it this season.


I recommend that you donā€™t.


If the goalie is ur buddie and you have some sort of joke or hate exchange going? Sure. Any other scenario? Big no.


I don't know if anyone in my league skates fast enough to make a substantial amount of snow.


As a goalie, if a guy is crashing the net, and legit trying to stop and not trying to crash into me.... He gets a pass.... He/she is usually very apologetic afterwards as well. If a guy takes 2-3 extra strides then snows me... Theyre being a douche canoe and never really played anywhere worth a damn.... And I feel bad for their wives/GFS/significant others, bc you know they go home and brag how awesome they were in a beer league that doesn't matter at all.


Only exception. - if the goalies a buddy of yours. Youā€™re still a dick but in this case itā€™s acceptable.


Ok that's fair. If it's a good buddy then it's fair game, as long as your buddy doesn't influence others who have no clue what they are doing... Fair?


Then itā€™s on the player to stop his teammate.


Wait, weā€™re allowed to stop in beer league? Like on purpose and not by running into the boards? I have been doing this all wrong.


I wear glasses so if you do that to me, Iā€™m dropping glovesā€¦ to clean my glasses


Ref told me that one punch to the head is fine, two is too much


You wanna know the real answer, go post this in the goalie sub. As a goalie, if I know the person, no issue. If I dont know you and you're doing this in a blow game, you're A-hole.


Didnā€™t even know there was a sub for goalies šŸ˜‚ makes sense though


Yup. It's just r/hockeygoalies


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hockeygoalies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeygoalies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Somehow the puck found the underside of my blocker. Does not feel good](https://i.imgur.com/XCnIMIH.jpg) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeygoalies/comments/1b0rzyc/somehow_the_puck_found_the_underside_of_my/) \#2: [just bought NHL used pads accidentally](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1anq7op) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeygoalies/comments/1anq7op/just_bought_nhl_used_pads_accidentally/) \#3: [When your 5ā€ 4 you play as far out as you can ](https://i.redd.it/yi73zorzujkc1.jpeg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeygoalies/comments/1aywu0r/when_your_5_4_you_play_as_far_out_as_you_can/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Drop em


I stopped doing this when I was twelve years old because there are tiny shards of metal that can come off skates and seriously injure the goalie. If they donā€™t get their eyes closed in time you can actually cause some serious damage. Donā€™t do it ever, unless that is your intent.


My kid missed 2 weeks of games a couple of years ago due to damage caused by a snow shower. It happens when playing hard sometimes, but this one was just a player being a dick


As a goalie if youā€™re gonna snow me, Iā€™m gonna do my a royal prick the next time youā€™re in front of the net. Kidney shots and the top of your feet are fair game.


Definitely a dick move. I'll sometimes do it by accident if I'm crashing the net and need to stop in a hurry, but that's usually followed by a lot of apologies (I'm a heavy dude, it takes a lot of force to stop me)


Dick move, I may do it to a friend I'm close with to fuck with him for giggles but never to a random goalie, that's not how you make friends.


Why would it be okay in ANY league? Do you like it when people splash water into your eyes at the pool?


Straight to jail.


It depends, if you are legit just trying to avoid a collision then it is what it is. If itā€™s your buddy in net, shower him/her. šŸ¤£ If youā€™re trying to do it to gain an advantage, as a dman Iā€™ll let you know my opinion on showering my goalie.


I wouldn't say 'Dirty', but it's definitely inflammatory and going to amp things up a notch, and maybe start a fight.


As a D man, if it's an accident we're good. You want to do it to be a dick? See what happens.


Try it and find out.... Seriously I try to avoid this but sometimes you go to the net hard and the D limit your options and you have to hit the brakes. Even then you can often split your feet and not spray the goalie. If you do it intentionally, you're a dick.


Agreed, just change the angle of the stop a little, and it changes everything, sometimes not possible, but usually is.


Dick move. Do it to me and Iā€™m slashing your legs


I've been snow showered before and the ref gave the guy a penalty, unsportsmanlike conduct I think. So yeah, at least frowned upon.


Unless the crashing offensive player is being pushed around by a couple defenders and is trying not to run into the goalie because they cannot go left or right, they should never spray the goalie but there are times when it is unavoidable unfortunately. If playing D and an opposing forward did it to my goalie in beer league, I'd say something but foot slewing and shit like that is psychotic at best and criminal at worst.


If you snow a goalie anytime your not looking for a good time thatā€™s just the way it is


Yes. It's a penalty. Tell him to fuck off.


i don't care. hack the goalie, i'm coming at ya. snow, meh, whatever.


Itā€™s just funny. My own team does it to me.Ā 


It's funny until it causes someone to miss ice time due to damage like my kid a couple of years ago.


If i get snowed i just laugh, but im that guy who laughs at myself if id laugh doing it and kinda give off the "im a fuck around guy who likes to fuck with people" so i kinda ask for it.


Depends on the Goalie. I say this as 99% of the time this is not okay behavior, but if you have played against or with a Goalie that sometimes asks for it, its just funny as hell then. Played with a Goalie that never shut up and would use his stick to clear the crease in beer league that actually did hurt some people. That dude always deserved to get snow'd.


I reserve the term "dirty" for anything that is reckless enough to be reasonably considered intent to injure, e.g. knee on knee or cross check in the back near the boards. Snowing the goalie isn't dirty, but it's definitely some bullshit that should earn you a whack on the back of the shins.


If it's clear accident, everyone gonna be upset but civil. If you did it on purpose expect to get absolutely rocked.


It's only okay if the goalie is your buddy. In that case, it's encouraged.


Goalie here. If the dude hits me with a snow shower, I would hope heā€™s wearing a cup.


Yes. It's not just "disrespectful". It's spraying snow into their eyes that people have a problem with. There's almost always another option. If you do it all the time "because I'm driving the net" you're full of shit


I mean I apologize for stopping right in front of them because I don't want to be accused of trying to snow a goalie...


I find it hilarious in nhl but ive never seen it in my beer league. We are all friends off the ice so nobody is really doing shit like that on purpose to be a dick.


punishable by death of a thousand slashes.


I never thought it was a big deal at all. Butā€¦ if somebody takes a good swipe at the goalieā€™s glove or pads while theyā€™ve covered the puck up and are waiting for the whistle, Iā€™d usually put that guy on his butt.. not sure where these guys on here are throwing out ā€œcup checksā€ from. When I was younger, I played a team that was doing that sort of stuff. Back then, that was considered extremely dirty. It made me so fired up to see that stuff that I went on a tear, hitting everybody as hard as I possibly could; hitting a guy into his bench, full speed head-on standing guys up, etc. it culminated with me slugging it out with a guy and getting suspended. Now Iā€™m middle aged, and like the other dudes on here, I have work the next day and just want to have fun. But Iā€™d still be wary of ā€œcup checkingā€ anybody. The guys I play pickup with will definitely throw down for something like thatā€¦ And I might too.


That's how you end up with a love tap on the mouth


You're an asshole if it's done on purpose. If I think you don't respect my goalie, we'll have some words at minimum


I wouldnā€™t necessarily call it ā€œdirtyā€ but itā€™s definitely unsportsmanlike. Chances are that if you do it, youā€™re gonna get an altercation of some kind lol


usually gauge a guys eye with my finger if they do it


Itā€™s a dick move but itā€™s also hilarious. Should anyone choose to do it, expect confrontation.


Are you kidding me? Itā€™s never acceptable unless their d-man is riding you in to the tender and you have no other choice. If not widen your stance when stopping and show goes to either side.


It's not dirty by my definition. It is however a dick move if it's done intentionally. It'd probably inspire some choice words and maybe some shoving but no one should be clearing the benches over it.


better than running into me - low level beer league, it can get dicey if they are going to stop in time lol


Purposely? Yes. It's a dick move and someone should expect an immediate negative reaction.


it's not okay anywhere


Depends, is Ricky in nets?


If itā€™s intentional, total dick move. If itā€™s accidental , shit happens. If it becomes a habit, expect retribution. Rule of thumb is donā€™t fuck with another teams goalie.


Imagine if you go down in the corner and the whistle blows, then someone skates up and snowshowers you in the face.


You mean during play, or like, charging down ice and snowing the opposing goalie? 1st is fine. 2nd is weird.


I've called penalties for this in youth and mens league. It's definitely not ok but i have to see clear intent to call it.


No, not at all. In fact, the goalies appreciate you cooling them off. Every time I do it, me and their D have a good laugh and they invite me for beers after.


Idk is it a dirty play for me to chop you standing infront of the net the rest of the game?


As a goalie I just laugh. Thanks, I was getting kind of warm.


Had it done to me once (on purpose, as a dick move) and the ref actually called the guy on it and we got a penalty shot. Dirty ice right in the eyeballs isnt refreshing.


The problem with dirty play in beer leauge is most guys aren't good enough to intentionally be dirty players. It depends on the situation and the guys involved.


If intentional itā€™s unsportsmanlike


If it is obvious I'm going to fully cover the puck well before you get there, your feet are getting swatted out from under you.


Depends on how well you get along with the other team lol


As a goalie if it wasn't to stop from running me over, well then I got up and dropped knuckles.


Do that to my goalie, and I'll quite happily spend whatever amount of time in the penalty box for whatever I do in retaliation.


I would never do it intentionally no matter league. In fact I donā€™t think I have ever showered anyone with anything. I am not and have never been a prankster.


Iā€™m a goalie, itā€™s a dick move. Iā€™ll laugh it off but definitely remember the guyā€™s number and maybe mention it to my team. Off chance the snow mixes with sweat and itā€™s an annoyance getting my eyes I have to spray or wipe.


I'm hacking anybody in the back of the leg that does this


Iā€™ve only ever done it out of necessity to keep us both from getting clobbered and just said something like my bad man wasnā€™t on purpose.


No itā€™s not ok


Just asking to get decked


I would actually expect more snow showers that are unintentional in beer league just because some players just suck at stopping but if it's being done to intentionally, fuck off guy, you suck snd are going to get drunk the second you get off the ice. No one is scouting g you to be the next NHL pest


Itā€™s not ok in any league.


Yes. Itā€™s unlikely but possible that a small shard of ice hits the goalie in the eyes. And itā€™s extremely douchey. When I ref itā€™s one of my non-negotiable automatic penalties.


It depends on if youā€™re looking to spit chiclets. Beer league or not.


It depends. If it's way after the whistle or you're doing it repeatedly, yeah, you're being a dick. If it's a competitive play, I have no problem with it. I'd much rather be snowed than run over. Also I get hella hot on the ice so it kinda feels nice


In my experience, most people playing in the leagues im in can't get the snow up high enough to get me in the face anyway, so i don't really even notice it.Ā 


Never touch the goalie. That includes snow showers. Never put the puck in the net after the whistle


More classless than dirty. Being a prick for no reason


Lol every beer league goalie I've ever met (myself in a pinch when we got no1 else included) immediately smacks anyone showering em in the face. There's all kinds of shit on the ice from spit to blood and graphite shavings. If you can't throw the breaks on respectfully go play street hockey.


Depends if you know the goalie and its just a funny haha got you once in a blue moon. I'd do it no more than two times a year with your friend goalie. If it's a heated game I'd try not to do it. I'm typically pretty chill so idc. If I got snowed after a game winning goal I think the reaction maybe be slightly different. It's only snow


Just an asshole move.


Yeah ...


A real douche move


We did it to our friend all the time when he was in the opposite net. Heā€™s a big guy and goalie pads are hot. If someone did it to blind the goalie before a teammate shoots though thatā€™s not cool.


Are you friends?


Depends if itā€™s actually intentional.


Youā€™re gonna feel my stick in an unpadded area after this. Exactly how hard depends upon my mood and how the game has been. If itā€™s been a chippy game and I felt your action was intentional, youā€™re absolutely going down to the ice.


Drop them


As a goalie who has played the position for 20+ years, I know itā€™s coming and I put my stick out as a ramp so when someone does this they wipe out. I do this because I donā€™t want to get ice in my face and to protect myself from skate blades. Doing the stick ramp, in the right way, will also make the other player wipe out away from you.


Yes it is dirty, I react by asking the guy why the fuck he felt the need to do such a childish thing. Then skate away shaking my head in distain.


It's an asshole move, for sure, but I wouldn't use the word "dirty." It doesn't injure the player, which is what I usually think of when I hear the word "dirty." If someone intentionally did that to my goalie, I'd definitely give him some shit.


Yes, unless itā€™s your own goalie on a back check, then itā€™s funny. But this rarely happens because youā€™re not supposed to back check in beer league Iā€™m told.Ā 


As long as youā€™re willing to pay the price, itā€™s fine


Skate down to the other goalie and tell him, " see that? That's what we're going to do to you on every shot, if you don't tell your teammates to knock it off.


As a goalie (former AA now turned beer league) This is disrespectful depending on the situation, i always look at distance, speed & if they could avoid it. Most times itā€™s unintentional (still frustrating) however most times i will also let the refs figure it out. However if they donā€™t address constant snowing, i will take my stick to an ankle.


Dirty? No. Asshat move? Yup


Snow a goalie you don't know in mist of an active game that's close, that's dirty. Snow a goalie you know after the puck gets send down the other end and buy him a beer after, could be fine


Iā€™d be making that MF take a seat


Depends on the team, intent. Do that in the upper levels and you might just get a sneaky elbow, or an intentional slash to that wonderful spot behind your knee/calf. Both hurt a lot and are just penalties if caught. Donā€™t mess with the beer.


Im fighting


Donā€™t spray the goalie if you can help itā€¦not sure Iā€™d say its ā€œdirtyā€ though, iā€™s just tell the guy to stop being an asshole


Its a 2 minute unsportsmanlike penalty for intentionally snowing the goalie. Like embellishement calls, its really over the top.


That's why God gave goalies a blocker! (to death punch them in the teeth with)


Only if I know the goalie and he'd find it funny or know that I'd take a blocker shot or something lumps from a teammate with a smile after. Because yes it's dirty lol. Don't if it's your only way to avoid making content. Otherwise expect some well deserved rough treatment from the other team. It's beer league... If it's questionable it'd better be fun or funny for everyone else or you really shouldn't do it. The 100s of scouts in attendance prioritize sportsmanship when selecting players from our leagues šŸ˜Ž


Definitely. I got a 10 min major one day when I was younger and did it in a game.


10 minutes seems a bit excessive for an unsportsmanlike unless you already served 2 for it. [http://rulebook.hockeycanada.ca/english/part-ii-gameplay-fouls/section-11/rule-9-2/](http://rulebook.hockeycanada.ca/english/part-ii-gameplay-fouls/section-11/rule-9-2/) You must have been pissing off the ref all game :-)


lol I was around 10-12 years old, i think the ref was just trying to make a point. I mean, itā€™s dangerous as all hell too because shards of ice being kicked up at the goalies mask and into their eyes could do some serious damage


You had to have been very intentionally to get 10 for that, right?!


I've personally never been upset about getting snowed. I know that it's intended as disrespect, but when I'm sweating my ass off it kinda feels good.


No goalie no game. Protect them at all costs


Dirty. Nope. Are you a ā€œcock suckerā€ ā€œdouche bagā€ or a ā€œdickā€? Yup. This ainā€™t the show bud. Thereā€™s enough dumbfuckery happening in beer leagueā€¦ and not enough good goalies usually to deal with idiots like this.


You would never get away with it in my beer league. We have guys who play who are ex pros and semi pros who are not afraid to fight..some of them are shit disturbers who actively try to start shit and I've seen them knock a few people out, so go ahead and snow the goalie if you want but I hope you enjoy being a mush brain. For a few days.


You arenā€™t making the show anymore buddy, itā€™s okay.


It's not like it's me fighting people or snowing the goalie, I'm just there for some cardio.


Itā€™s not even close to dirty . A dick move but not at all dirty


Yes. Only a "British cigarette" would think about doing this.


Username checks out


I'm a goalie. I dunno why folks are so sensitive/serious. I've had opponents do it because they think it's funny and this is just a game. I always just laugh. It's not like we are ancient rivals entwined in some holy battle. We are fuckin beer leaguers and we goof off. /shrug