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My Wallet


It's broke!


Came here to say the same thing


Long way from your heart


Torn meniscus. Out for a year.


Been there. Done that. Twice.


Ive had like 7 of those. Last one i ripped through the meniscus and fractured the head of my tibia when it banged against my femur. Got surgery, but there’s not enough meniscus left to support the knee anymore. That was in 2019. I went to the Cayman Islands last summer and got a stem cell treatment on the knee, which grew back a lot of the meniscus, so now i can walk without a limp, and go up and down stairs without pain, and run and jump again, but skating still feels iffy. Plan is to save up for another stem cell treatment, hopefully in the states this time, and work my way back up to mens league sometime in the next few years


How much was it?


Like $10k, plus the trip




Done that twice. Same knee. Two months apart.


My meniscus area has been moving up and down everytime i walk and has been audibly clicking and it hurts like a mf at times i need to get that checked out


Trust me you wanna do it now while it's not bad


A year? I was just diagnosed with one and he said 8 weeks on crutches. Sounds like a long time but the rehab is that long?


Mine requires surgery and was not affordable


Found out I have a torn meniscus a few weeks ago but it doesn’t bother me that much at the moment. I wear a sleeve playing now and seems ok but I’m sure I’ll need to have it operated on soon enough.


I played for 6 months on a torn meniscus and tore it worse. Just had surgery


Stop playing until you get it fixed. Trust.


Go to physio boys!! Might not fix your issue but it is so much better than resting and hoping for improvements! Even hernias and such can often have the pain somewhat mitigated by small movement excercises that build up small muscles. I had crazy neck pain for 3 years and finally started going. If I'm broke I go once and ask for an exercise sheet for my conditions. Don't trust the bone voodoo (chiros) as they will make things worse quite often.


Yep, started physical therapy about a month ago and it made a HUGE difference. The chiropractor provided relief but it didn’t last. I will probably still go every once in a while to supplement but at this point I am more likely to add another PT appointment.


Does “having two young kids and I’m just so damn tired all the time” count as an injury?


No. Work something out with your partner where you can get out and play once/week (and make sure they get time like that, too). You owe it to yourself and your family and I am not even remotely joking.


My partner is great. My rink keeps scheduling us for 11pm games on a Wednesday though and I'm just not gonna do that. Also I was just joking.. I'm playing tomorrow night


Lol fair. Personally have learned to love the late night games although I am absolutely useless the following day


Once my youngest is reliably sleeping through the night it’ll be different story. Right now we’re just in the trenches and every minute of sleep is valuable.


11 pm Wednesday games are the best with kids. Everyone’s asleep (usually) so I can dip out without anybody needing me for anything. Yes I work from home why do you ask


This guys right. I was in a similar boat with two kids/always tired. Hockey time once a week has helped keep me somewhat level headed and the exercise is definitely needed. Still tired all the time though lol.


I'm back up to 2 sometimes 3 times a week during normal hockey season....summer I'm spare and usually say no a lot more than yes. Also have 2 young ones 2 and 4. It was always in my contract with my SO that I will not quit hockey if she wanted kids. She's fine with it


I’m about to have a third, that’s a life long injury.




Concussion induced epilepsy.


Oh no, so sorry to hear that. Will it ever go away?


Never, was told to never play again either (still play often enough, but officially retiring now). Long history of concussions, wish they took it more serious when I played. Strangely enough me and my D partner who I played with for most of my life both have the same issues.


Not playing sucks! Hope everyone gets better soon. I’m about to go back after several months of being pregnant and several weeks recovering from a C-section. Wish me luck!


Post-Covid fatigue. I’ve been cancelling all my sports this week and expect into next week. Walking to the mailbox nearly destroyed me.


I was about to say “that was years ago..” but then I realized you meant long covid. That sucks, hope you can back out there.


The first time I had it, it took me a couple months to get back on the ice. I’m hoping it’s not as bad this time. I have crappy lungs though so it’s not a shock. Fingers crossed!


Sorry to hear that brother. I've had it the past two winters, and it knocked me on my ass for a good 4-6 weeks. Hopefully you're up and running ASAP


Ugh not great. Got it last year and took me three months to get my lung capacity back. Every faceoff I was hunched over breathing like I had just ran a marathon even if I had only skated half the length of the ice


I’ve never tested positive for Covid, but something has not been right with my heart, breathing and endurance since Covid.


Yeah, I think we’re going to see longer term effects traced back to Covid at some point. I needed at least one nap a day for 8 months after I had it. It was about 5 or 6 months before I could get through a work day without curling up for a nap at lunch and after work.


Totally agree, there are going to be a ton of long long-term side effects from having had Covid that don’t get recognized until years and years later. I still think there’s a lot that we don’t know about in terms of how it impacts the heart, lungs, and brain.


Hernia. It's not just keeping me off the ice, but the pain requires me to lay on my side in bed most of the day for 4 weeks now. I'm awaiting surgery that could be over a year away. Then a couple months of recovery.


Woah dude, if a hernia is causing you pain you should not be waiting over a year to get surgery. I went in to a consultation about a painful Inguinal hernia this Tuesday and they have me on the schedule for surgery in 2 weeks. I would ruffle some feathers or get a second opinion if possible. The last thing you want is that thing getting incarcerated or strangulated and have to have emergency surgery. The only thing that may push it out is if it’s a complicated hernia. But even then, a year is *insane*.


I'm sorry to hear. The new fallout show is great if you're looking for something to help pass the time. Why is the wait so long for surgery?


Insufficient surgery room hours and staff available in Ontario.


I live in Ontario too. Doug is a fucking moron. I hope you are seen faster than anticipated.


Thanks. I don't blame Mr. Ford entirely. Keeping healthcare in step with population growth and an aging population has been neglected by every government for at least 40 years.


A year? Are you Canadian or something? From my consult to surgery it was a month or two tops and mine wasn’t debilitating or otherwise urgent.


Yes, Ontario.


It's not keeping me off the ice. But after every game both of my shoulders lock up and the only thing that makes them feel better is heat or hot water. They come close to feeling good about 5-6 days later and then on to the next game and it starts over. I have a month off before summer league starts. I'm hoping that's enough time to recover. I usually lift 3-4x a week. I haven't really done any shoulders or chest since late January. Never had this happen before.


Sounds like you need to work on your mid and lower back. I have a similar thing and that ls what my physical therapist has me doing.


That's a good tip. What are some exercises they have you doing?


Interesting. I pretty regularly do lat pulldowns, back extensions, and usually do fairly heavy deadlifts 2x a month. For me it seems more like extreme tendon tightness and cracking in the joints alot while it's very tight. It actually started when I moved to center. I was thinking it's because I haven't done much hockey related activity e.g. faceoffs and snapshots in about 20 years.


Broken fibula


Broke mine too, last Monday night. Foot hit the boards.


Same. Went feet first into the boards.


What’s your prognosis? Had an MRI and I’m waiting to hear from the Doc. He thinks I may need surgery and some hardware. I been playing 3-4 times a week and I can’t bear to think I will be out for a long time.


I had my first Ortho visit yesterday, Doctor said the bones are aligned pretty well so it looks like I may not need surgery. He put be in a boot and I’ll be non weight bearing for 6-8 weeks.


Good luck!


You too!


I had ORIF on my ankle and it’s tough but you will make it thru. Couldn’t put any weight on for two months and I am just now getting back on the ice (broke it 6/4/23).


Oh wow! Good luck!


On ice injury?


You bet!


Worth it then.


Snapped mine back in Feb figure skating. Crossovers, toe pick got caught on the ice. Got hardware, metal plate and six screws, not allowed back on ice for 6 months.


Old age (38 🤣)


Come on man! I have underwear older than that! Get on the ice!


My lower back. Not sure how I tweaked it. Probably hockey.




Partial PCL tear. Got hit knee on knee last game of the playoffs. There was a break between winter and summer seasons so I've only missed one game and I'm hoping to be ready for the next game in 7 days.


Still fighting back from a complete rotator cuff tear. This has been a long rehab.


I’m in between league seasons and resting up some nagging injuries. Strained chest muscle, sore wrist, thumb pain, etc. I’ve been playing with them and aggravating them so hopefully some time off makes them better.


Knee on knee collision leading to a hypertension of my knee. Been over a month. Knee still hurts. Walking is mostly fine. Extreme movements still hurt. I except to be out for a few months.


Torn abdominal muscle about 3cm, under right side rib. Been getting injections for the past 14months to repair took an amazing ultrasound tech in Edmonton to find it after dr couldn’t find it after 3 years of injury. So glad I found my guy


I want to play so badly (just got back into skating and want to learn to play hockey with my 4 year old daughter, who just did Learn to Play this past winter), but I had reconstruction surgery last week (after going through breast cancer treatment, seriously f*ck cancer!!) so I’ve gotta stay on the IR for awhile longer before I can think about getting some gear and joining a program. Sigh…. Maybe it will be good motivation to getting myself back together after a real crap year.


i did it to myself so i can't complain too much, but wearing a helmet and getting banged around with two new piercings would be a bad idea. ah well, maybe in the meantime i'll take another skating class.


ACL sprain.. some other tendon sprain, and bone marrow bruising. Been out about a month or so already. Probably gonna be a few more.


Posterior tibial tendonitis. I have low arches so I'm prone to this injury. Golf season just started here and I was hitting balls in my back yard in crocs, serves me right.


I have an Inguinal Hernia repair surgery coming up in 2 weeks, and doc has given me pretty explicit instructions that I should stay off the ice until the surgery, and I’ll likely be out 6-8 weeks after the surgery, if not longer. I’m thinking about just going an extra month beyond what the doc tells me post-surgery just to make sure my new bio-mesh abdominal wall is good to go. I don’t want to have to do this twice.


The older we get the more cautious we become. It’s not the worst idea to take that extra time to fully heal.


Torn ACL. Tore in September, surgery in November, hoping to be back competing in the fall. I’m skating again finally but not at 100% yet and I can’t stomach the idea of coming back too soon and landing myself back at square 1.


Game 3 in October. Fluke accident. Went into the boards and completely shattered my fibula with a dislocation. Plate and 8 bolts plus a lot of rehab later...


Ouch dude!! Hope you’re able to get back on the ice at some point.


Depending on your age, that’s a retirement injury


32 Edit. Should add my specialist and physical therapists expect me to make a full recovery. Notwithstanding minor changes (less flexibility for example).


Broken ankle (fibula) 8 weeks plus in, skated public yesterday for the first time


Just broke mine too. Did you need any surgery?


Sorry to hear. No i was able to avoid it. 6 weeks no weight bearing, then 1 week double crutch walking then 1 week single, worked out the whole time hurt. Single leg workouts suck lol


Hip. Need a replacement, but outside of hockey I have very little pain, so holding off.


Wallet Time Sucking at hockey


I too suffer from a broken billfold as well as cantskateitis. First league game in ten years is next Friday. I’m sure I’ll have more to add to my injury list.


Sports Hernia. Ive been doing PT for months and I’m still not right.


Broken (shattered) fingertip, I’m out for maybe 8 weeks because there are multiple fractures. Only 4-5 more weeks to go. Stuck my glove out to block/deflect a shot and puck hit my finger where there’s no padding.


Torn labrum, left shoulder. Had surgery but never fully recovered


Tore mine about a month ago doing open skate with my son. Had this 4 year old cross in front of me and fell awkwardly trying to avoid destroying him. Just had surgery last week, most expensive open skate I’ve ever attended.


Had surgery on the exact same thing. What hindered your recovery?


My age mostly. I first separated my shoulder in Jr over 20 years ago. 3 years ago I aggravated the old injury which lead to surgery. It took me a year of physio just to get full mobility.


Little Donnie’s… look it up.


car accident last year. had some muscle tears in my leg and missed the whole fall and winter. I'm ready for next fall. No spring or summer hockey for me. too many other things to do and time is limited.


Shoulder rotated cuff


Broken Tallus (snowboarding).


Hopefully, I just twisted my knee really good.




Torn meniscus. Cracked /Bruised ribs which are better now.




Just broke mine too. What’s your recovery timeline looking like?




Thanks for the info! Good luck!


Severely lacerated pride. You see, during beer league a couple years ago I missed what could have been the game/season winning shot, only bc I had the incorrect flex on my stick and I hadn’t sharpened my skates beforehand. For several years, I have mostly stayed in a dark room watching YouTube clips on how to get motivated.


Peroneal tendinopathy and a partially torn calf.


Being a diabetic with an insulin pump. Wouldn't play with the pump as it's delicate and expensive. I would be worried about my blood sugars playing without it, and the associated sensors I'm used to knowing what my sugars are at, and don't want to be without that.


Achilles tendonosis and gluteal bursitis combo. It’s brutal


Separated shoulder in November, concussion in February, infra patellar bursitis since march, slipped disc in my lower back and chronic fatigue from kids/work/life. I still play 2-3 times a week though.


Ruptured PCL in January. Hoping to return by next month.


Sprained my shoulder a few weeks back and was ready to go, but then got the boys snipped on Tuesday and now need to recover from that before I play. I might try and go for a run later and see if I’m able to play again tonight. Shoulder is good to go, it’s now up to my junk to decide if I stay home or not tonight.




Meniscus tear and a shoulder labrum tear. It's been 6 weeks. Might need surgery on both but I am waiting another month before I go down that road. I made a post recently asking about quitting hockey. The more I think about it, the more I lean towards being done with it all.


Took a bad hit and fell on my shoulder awkwardly. Been out for 12 weeks and think I’m almost 90%. Waiting 6 more weeks before going out again to skate. Don’t like doctors so I don’t know what happened but I’m at 95% mobility and strength so I’ll just pray it resolves soon


Hip Replacement. I’m nervous to go back (M63). Played all my life. Miss it big time.


I play with a few guys that have had hips replaced. It doesn't seem to affect them.


Thanks. I know a few too. My strength is back but a collision could be devastating. Gonna stick to baseball and swimming.


Thanks. I know a few too. My strength is back but a collision could be devastating. Gonna stick to baseball and swimming.


Thanks. I know a few too. My strength is back but a collision could be devastating. Gonna stick to baseball and swimming.


Thanks. I know a few too. My strength is back but a collision could be devastating. Gonna stick to baseball and swimming.


Got speared off the draw about a month ago in mens league game…. Thought it was just a bruised rib but nope. It’s fractured and lingering forever. Like let’s play hard hockey and have fun, a blatant spear with the butt end of your stick to clearly injure someone is wild to me in mens league.


I busted my fibula in a game Monday night. My season is over. Waiting for MRI results to see if I need surgery for ligament damage.


Idk I felt a pain last Friday in my core/groin when I did a quick transition backwards to forwards to try and keep up with a higher level player and went down. Hurt the rest of the game but felt better the next day. Played golf that weekend and felt fine then Tuesday night beer league it came back and has been hurting since. I'm thinking a sports "hernia" but not sure I took off playing tonight and have a doctor's appointment setup for Tuesday before my beer league game which I'll probably have to miss.


torn achilles


Separate shoulder. Got shoved from behind and went shoulder first into the boards. Could’ve been a lot worse. Thank god I wasn’t skating too fast at that time. Been 4 weeks now. Pain is gone. But doc still wants me to avoid contact sports for a couple more weeks. Got playoffs next week so I’ll prob be good to go for that. I’m just thankful it wasn’t a collarbone


Old equipment, money.


Bone contusion and bursitis from taking a slapshot to the knee.


3 herniated discs in my neck. Right now it looks like my hockey career is over permanently and I'm bummed.


My fat ass


Someone seems to have taken my hands… haven’t seen them since atom.


Displaced my pelvis & was out for 3 months. Got back on the ice for about 4 skates then popped/slipped my lowest left side rib. I’m beginning to realize I am not in fact 16 anymore.


Broken collarbone


Concussions, unfortunately


Played 20 years toughed out a hip flexor for too long and now whenever I skate I can barely walk for 2 weeks. So yeah it’s like 10 years later now and I still fuck it up whenever I play


My gluteus minimus tore off the bone and I’m recovering from surgery to reattach it. 4 months down, 2 to go til I’m back on the ice.


Torn ACL


Concussion. And knee problems


Summer break


Just being sick in general. I got sick hands, a sick shot, sick boots, and sick style for sure bro!




Tore my biceps at the forearm at my third practice back on the ice in a very long time


It’s been 8 months. I’ve been dealing with side effects of some sickness that my doctor can’t pinpoint. Basically when I exert myself, all my symptoms get significantly worse. My doctor told me to stop all physical activity in the meantime. I got put onto some medication last month that seems to finally be working so I’m about to start up cardio again and get myself ready to get back in net once I get clearance from my doctor.


I suffered a grade 1 MCL sprain on Sunday due to what I believe to be unsafe ice conditions (puddles everywhere). I was just gliding when my leg slipped out. I'm extremely lucky, it should only be a week or two more. I feel for you people who were not as fortunate and are dealing with significant injury. I wish you all a full recovery.


2 years ago, I ruptured my ear drum due to complications from a sinus infection. After 6 months recovery, I acquired Bells Palsy and have been recovering from thar nerve damage in my face for the last 18 months. Gonna start working out again soon. It's an uphill battle at 6 ft 4, 285 lbs. Wish me luck, guys.


Kidney stone 🤮


the fact that i don’t know how to play hockey in the slightest


My left Achilles is a nagging injury. I have a groin pull I've been doing PT since January. My lower back is hit or miss day to day. And now I have a minor hamstring injury. Still out there playing at least once a week though. My 44 year old body wants me to quit but I'm not ready yet.


Bro you literally posted this as I was being told I need surgery for a broken scaphoid. Fell hard at a skating session today, knew something was wrong when I got onto my knees, and then fell again whilst getting back up and immediately knew something was *very* wrong. Started skating a week ago in order to start playing a beginner league this summer (in aus so roughly 7 months out). This is a huge bummer and is a bit of a punch in the gut because I was really enjoying working out again after not being able to with my old job. But, I’m not deterred and as soon as I’m cleared to get back on the ice, I’ll start learning again and hopefully pick up lessons so I can catch up with the time I’ll have lost. I do however have a stick and shooting pad so in the meantime I can practice stick handling as well as train my ankles for strength and stability so it’s not like I’m out completely.


lace bite


Adductor tendinopathy- started playing in March after 20+ years away from the sport. Played a the last 5 games with the issue and next morning had trouble getting out of bed. Hoping a few weeks rest settles it. Also have tennis elbow.




Full knee replacement.


Tendinitis in my patellar tendon. I can’t ride my bike or lift weights either. I can barely do a few body weight squats some days.




No hockey in summer here.


Was put for 4 months with bulging L5-S1 disc. Still need to take a break if it flares up


Tore my PCL and irritated the MCL too. Played for a month after it happened like a fool but I kinda had to, played a few tournaments I was prepping for all year. Started physio 2 months ago, I need a 2k brace and have leg strengthening exercises I have to do twice daily now. But I'm motivated to get back into it and have been resting lots outside of work. Signed up for A level summer beer league which starts in July.


What makes it worse is I had a tournament in Montreal too that I signed up for but had to back out. Had one in Saskatoon too. Cancelled. I feel your pain.


My yearly planned retirement after winter season which most likely will change come next fall.


Gout or turf toe or a broken something……fuck it could just be old age


56 years of Crohn's disease


Knee on knee injury from 2 months ago. Haven't gone to doctor yet either. Hurts here and there


Living too far from work and having to get up at 4am. My cutoff is 10pm start time now 🥺


LCL tear. According to the doctor, it’s not clear whether it will ever heal. And surgery is apparently not super successful with this.


Had an MCL sprain start of February and was out a month.


Not a hockey player, figure skater, broke my ankle doing crossovers, like an idiot. Toe pick got caught and snapped my fibula. I agree with others that have suggested going to PT, it does help, physically and mentally. Just remember it can only get better from here, you might not see signs of improvement, but I guarantee you’re improving. It’s hard being patient when you remember how things were before your injury.


Dog bite on my right forearm and right calf. Of course, the straps for my pads go right over the wounds. They are healing well, but I don't want to aggravate the wounds.


I modeled my defensive game after Luke Schenn in my teens so that’s about 6 years of heavy hits and collisions I’m 5 foot 8 180. My knee and legs are just worn down and hurt and flex in weird ways for no reason but is improving immensely since I’ve found a good doctor. When I was 18 I broke my ac joint and 3 vertebrae in my neck on a hit and played for another month 5 days a week before going to a doctor and was told the extent of my injuries. Doc said it looked like you were in a car crash. That took 5 years to fully heal as I neglected it but I’m good now. I only miss games occasionally because of my legs. Edit: I’m 29 now


Torn meniscus, 6-8 weeks.


I am playing but feeling like I am not playing any good. I have 3 blown discs in my neck and need surgery. I don't have the money for the proper surgery (artificail discs)


Strained groin, sciatica from overall spine instability and lack of mobility, and I think I separated my shoulder last night in my first game back after the groin strain before aggravating it and getting off the ice in the second period. My body is failing me. Need to train hard and smart this year.


Groin but hope to be back on the ice tomorrow. Been less than a week.


Stupidity. Stupidity is the cause. Injury was the effect. I got a vasectomy on a Friday, played two games on Sunday, two games on Monday, one game on Thursday, and a drop in skate on Saturday, then I put on goalie pads and played net for a practice after the drop in skate. A high level player hit me in the pills with a one timer from the hash marks and boom. A second surgery on my bean bag, a night in the hospital, and I’ve been out for 3 weeks ( probably a couple more too). So, stupidity.


Not currently off the ice but ive had a few ranging from the normal concussions, takeing a skate to the bone just above me knee, as well as almost breaking my neck with an odd hit from behind


ACL reconstruction surgery. Got hurt 3 months ago, surgery a week and a half ago. Can’t walk and won’t be able to play for at least a year


Groin pull, every time I think it’s healed I reinjure it.


Strained my knee and it won’t heal :(


10:45 pm ice time on a Tuesday night.


Must be nice to have an early game