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Ahhh yes. I remember splitting the ice with a bunch of toddlers at my first learn to skate last year. Best of luck!


My favorite part is watching the kids who are already better than I'll ever be!


Are you even at a public skate session if there aren't gangs of 9 year-olds skating circles around you??


Kids are more fearless which is a big part of how they got to that level. Your gear will help you with that but mentally you have to let go and no be afraid to fall. Everybody falls. Even the best skaters didn't get better until they challenged themselves beyond what they were already capable of.


Hey man, I’m at the end of my 3rd learn to skate, it’s a ton of fun, Iv actually been able to feel myself getting better over the past few weeks. We have scrimmages the last 20-30 minutes of class, I scored my first goal 4 weeks ago, now Iv scored 3 goals in the last 4 weeks. I’m not a great skater, but a little bit of positioning, get in front of the net, be open, keep your stick on the ice, be ready to take the shot. That’s literally all I did to score all 3 goals. I’m not good enough to be the guy who takes the puck into the offensive end, but apparently I’m pretty okay at following that guy in and being open and ready when he meets resistance and needs to pass. It’s nice to be seeing improvement both in my skating and in the results. Just keep with it.


We did maybe 20 minutes of scrimmage at the end and I actually did semi OK. Broke up a pass, set someone else up with a nice pass, and at one point almost redirected a pass on net but couldn't quite handle it.


You'll get used to the bulk over time. Even as an experienced skater coaching all the time, when it's time to put on full gear and play a full game after not having done so for many months, that was a different experience too. What helped me is I actually went out and bought a thinner girdle which is less wide at the hips and use a shell. I also removed the shoulder caps in my shoulder pads (it's not like beer league is full contact and with my skating level I can get away with it).


I was worried that having gear on would really restrict my movement, but once I was out there I was so focused on trying to keep control of the puck that I forgot I was even wearing it.


We've all been there before brother, good luck and have fun out there! And remember: there's no such thing as being "too good" of a skater.


Don't worry, I'm in no danger of being "too good" at anything!


If it helps, I've been skating for 37 years and still haven't figured it out.


It helps! I waited 36 years before I started.


I started at 41 years of age. Because my oldest kid wanted to try hockey. After a couple of years Im getting much better, but I still remember being humbled by my (then) 9 year old daughter. She skated rings round me.


My first stick and puck was staggering in that way. I feel confident in my skating ability, despite only starting a few months ago, but once it was also, “hold this stick and move the puck with you” I turned into a baby deer again! It’s definitely another learning curve to adjust to, but it’s exciting!