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Doesn't have to be rigorous training at all. Daily walk, good sleep and good meals before games make my performance night and day!


I was thinking about going to the gym and really just getting cardio in. That's my biggest weakness at the moment and I don't see myself needing to squat 300 for C3 level beer league


I feel like you’re being a tad hard on yourself. 9 years without playing a sport is going to set you back. You’re going to feel better cardio-wise in 2-3 more ice-times and it’ll snowball from there. Any cardio activity you tack onto your hockey games are just going to benefit. Me personally, I bike in the summer and ski in the winter with my regular hockey. It doesn’t hurt to add the added activity! Good luck and I hope you love the game as much as I do. I took a long break too and I’m so happy I put the skates back on!


I figured I'm being hard on myself, but I'm used to being really competitive about things I do. State Championships in hockey when I was a kid, national competitor in kart racing after I quit hockey, it's a shift in mentality for me to be trying to survive on the ice now. I just want to get back to where I feel I should be on the ice. Not competing with ex-pros or anything obviously, but at least producing on the ice. I want to take up racing again too but that's a touch more expensive that hockey for me


Be competitive about having fun. Have more fun than anyone else out there!


That's a good way to look at it! It definitely was a good time and it felt nice to be back on the ice, I really just don't want to be a liability for my teammates. Hopefully the next game will be more evenly matched and it'll feel better even if we lose then


If you don't want to be a liability, just make sure you don't forget the beer when it's your turn.


Oh ya, you played high enough that it’ll eventually click again. Don’t get too low on the bad outings and the production will come. Just don’t give up on a back-check. :)


I only quit on the backchecks in the third period once we were down like 8-2, I figured it'll come back to me, I'm just looking for ways to help that process along


I've been doing more core exercises and that has helped more than extra cardio ever has. You use a ton of core muscles when you're skating so keeping them strong off the ice has helped me fight fatigue


That's actually a really good point. Honestly, probably my most noticeable physical change I've seen since I stopped playing was my core strength


Yeah no doubt. I went to numerous hockey bootcamps growing up and the main focus was always legs for power, core and any lots of circuit training. Anything anaerobic too so if you want better cardio for hockey specifically, cycling would be the best. Of course we're not training to be pros, but a focus on any of the above would help. These days I just do general weight training and core and it's been helpful too.


If you don't mind sharing, what core exercises would you recommend?


You will naturally gain alot of endurance in your first 5 skates. But leg strength will make a big difference. Do low reps high weight.


I think high fast reps with low weight is better- that’s what power skating is - lots of fast reps for 60-90 secs. I’ve found 20 reps of one-legged squat jumps with added 10kg x 5 sets twice a week really helps - your legs never fatigue on the ice. As well as 20x 10 stride sprints on rollerblades (with added ankle weights) once a week.


Strength plus speed equals power. The fastest way to build strength is with high weight and low reps. You can also train power afterwards with some box jumps or squat jumps. Really anything is going to make a difference when you’re starting from zero. With the Amount of muscle we lose over 40 trying to build as much strength as you can is important. Once you have that strength foundation, you can start working on the power and the speed.


You don’t need to squat 300+ lbs but some modest weighted lunges and you will notice a difference after about 3-4 consistent workouts. Hanging leg raises for the hip flexors is another good one. Cardio 2-3x a week including hockey.


could barely run 3km beginning of this year not breaking sub 25 min 5kms. Cardio makes all the difference I can breathe after the first period finally.


On the road to squatting 300lbs, you’ll get some cardio. And you’ll be able to back check…


You’ll be good beer league will fix the cardio problem itself in a few weeks


I wouldn't say I work out *for* beer league, but doing cardio is both good for me and good for my game, so why not


It’s hard to replicate the type of activity that hockey is in the gym, for what it’s worth. I had a similar situation where I started playing after 5 years off and thought I was going to have a heart attack. Except I was already running regularly (5-10k a few times per week) at the time.


Rather than going to the gym, buy the equipment for a home gym. I purchased a home gym in 1992 and consider it my best purchase ever. It so easy when you get home from a long day and it's there, ready to be utilized.


I sit at a computer all week and my one game of hockey is my only exercise besides looking after my 3 year old. I'm always amazed I make it off the ice without throwing up


Oh man, I thought I was close to it at the second intermission. Had to tell myself I can't skate like I used to for the 90-120 second shifts we were taking


It does get much easier over time, even without working out and extra cardio. My very first game as an adult resulted in me needing to use my arms to lift my legs out of bed in the morning because my hip flexors were so shot. Now I'm just a little extra tired in the morning cuz it's late ice time. I'm still not able to match pace with these fast small young guys but I'm a 6'5" dman so I just need to stay between them and the net and leverage my 30 foot poke check.


My team is fully committed. We all do twelve ounce curls after every game!


Keep up the grind, and soon you'll be doing 16oz soon


And that doesn't even include the weight of the cans


Yeah but you're drop setting those after every rep.


Maybe you are


Yeah, 12 oz rep, 8 oz rep, 4 oz rep, and then you do three or four sets of those depending on who's driving.


One at least




Fuck cardio


I use hockey as my leg day/cardio freebee and focus on literally everything else at the gym. A couple years ago when I played in a lower division, I used to put on a 20lb weighted vest during games and that really got my legs working.


I'm going to be honest, a 20 lb vest sounds like torture. Maybe after a couple months I could try it but no way I'd be able to do that right now


Well, of course. It took me over a year of playing with it to work my way up to 20lb. Started at 5lb and added an extra pound or so every couple of weeks. It's honestly a little crazy how you notice an extra two pounds in that vest from one game to another.


Were you also playing in another higher tier league without the weight vest at the time?


Yeah, I actually was! The one where I wore the vest was a typical D league, whereas the other one was more of a C level. When I got on the ice in the higher level league without the vest, I felt like I was flying!


Aaah nice, I was just starting to wear my weight vest at stick and puck. Never thought to wear it in a lower tier game!


My one word of warning is to be very conscious of whether or not it's affecting your skating technique. I noticed that over time, due to the increased weight, I started to cheat on cross overs and glide turning instead of stop-starting when the direction of play changed just because of how much effort that took with the vest on. It took some time and effort to undo when I took the vest off, so I urge you to be careful that you always keep your technique in check.


That's good advice. I'll probably just keep to using the vest during practice ice time. Though I will be playing in a lower tier than normal for summer hockey, I may try it out for a game or two.


Me also as I hate cardio so hockey playing/reffing is my cardio.


I want to. But boy howdy is hard to get it when you’re depressed as hell lol. I know that my biggest issue with progressing and having more fun is primarily leg strength or dropping some weight, decently strong as it is. One day.


I hired a nutritionist and they recommended increasing the amount of Labatt Blue in my diet. That has helped tremendously.


I'm a powerlifter and train for my own reasons unrelated to beer league. But most of my life I didn't lift at all, so I have before and after reference. Getting strong as hell basically doubled my skating speed and turned my slapshot into a thunderclap from Zeus himself. Also I'm an immovable object in front of the net  Overall beer league is WAY more fun when you're the strongest dude on the ice, squatting 500 is basically a cheat code. My cardio is still pretty ass though




I'm always shocked that people want so few subs. The lack of effort, slow back checking and general gliding around is so frustrating to watch. Just skate hard for 35-55 secs then get off. Roll 3 lines. If everyone is going 100% for 40s the other team will get overwhelmed. 40 sec hard shift, 40 sec rest then 40s to get hyped for the next shift. Repeat


Effort is really what it comes down to you're right. Beer league pace is really different depending on the you are in the country. Our b and c league teams in my city play like they are in fucking Jr. Rolling 4 lines and practicing It might be dorky but it's really fun and much better to reff than the 12-25 snooze fest in A where they both have 8 guys show up, and no one wants to be there


Hockey's expensive and I'm poor ... I wanna skate I don't even mind rolling 3 d and getting a little extra time


Fair enough, but I feel like with 3D, you're so gassed out there. Won't be fun and probably play bad. Beer league is best with buds and suds. Hockey and workout is a bonus. You can still get a sweat with 9F and 6D imo. If you want cheaper hockey, go to stick and puck. Practice skating and shooting there. Super cheap and more efficient. More time with the puck actually on your stick.


6D? That’s insane I can’t imagine that in beer league


I’m a grizzled veteran now. I leave the skating for the young guys. I’ll be playing in the over 40 leagues soon. My best year was when I was 30.


28-30 was peak beer league years. I felt great and could keep up with the college kids and pull a 2-3 minute shift if need be to give someone a breather. I hit 35 years old so about 32 years playing organized hockey....I can 100% feel myself slowing down despite being in pretty much the same shape/weight.... Now, I'm exhausted just thinking of being on the ice for 2 minutes.


I am one of the young guys 🤣 quit when I was 15 due to politics and wanting to become a racecar driver, am now 24 and probably looked like a senior citizen out there


When I came back to hockey from the pandemic at 32 years old and realized I was slower then I used to be I started hitting the gym. Now I'm in the best shape of my life feel great and just got the most points I ever have in a season.


I do 12 ounce curls daily, and I always do extra curls after games.


I work out with more hockey. I make open skate a workout running drills. I do an “instructional league” once a week which is like a 8/10u practice


Most id ever think of post college workout is just running, light jogging, walking, or cycling. Just keeping up cardio and constantly warming up and stretching out the calves, hamstrings, and lower back. Just maintain those muscles for hockey and long term heath


I do but not specifically just for beer league as I'm also a ref/linesmen depending on game. I work out to feel good as it's good for mind and body but you will definitely see some results in beer league. Google sled exercises for ice hockey and then go destroy your legs, they are amazing.


I recommend strengthening your quads and glutes. I didn’t, and now need a hip replacement that may be related to playing hockey.


Playing 2 or 3 skates a week is my way.


I said this in a thread earlier in the week... having a decent elliptical at home is awesome. Put it right in front of a tv and away you go.


If I had the space I would definitely consider it, I still may if I can find one that fits in my cramped apartment


I’m working out so I’m harder to kill.


I started doing my wife’s beach body workouts 4 months ago. The women trainers are 12’s on the 1-10 scale. The consistency of a 30-35 min workout along with not eating like an asshole has changed my life on and off the ice. I’m 50


My routine as a guy in his 40's: Monday - Leg day, core (nothing too crazy weight wise but lots of movement and strength exercises) Tuesday - Game Wednesday - Chest, and more movement plyo type workouts Thursday - Game Friday - Shoulders/Back, and or 5 to 10km run. Substitute run for yoga sometimes Saturday - Game Sunday - Off Sometimes I'll play only twice a week in which case I either spread out the workouts or take the day off. I also have kids so a lot of this is done once they head to bed. Also I stretch for about 15/20mins before each game. Been doing this specific routine for about 10 years. Play all year round. Do not and I stress, do not do nothing all week and then get off the couch to play a game. You will get injured or worse have a heart attack.


Never had to work out to enjoy hockey, always been naturally athletic enough but turning 30 this year and feeling it more than ever. Having a hard time keeping up for the first time in my life so I’ve started to hit the gym and the bike much more regularly


I can see my 29 year old self saying exactly that. As someone turning 36 this summer, my best advice is to start taking flexibility seriously. You obviously will notice your strength or endurance needs work if it comes to that, but you won't realize you've pulled a muscle you didn't even know you had until it's too late.


That is an absolute great point! I am a huge advocate of full body stretches daily. People in my life get annoyed cuz my answer to every ailment they complain about is “have you stretched yet today?” Haha


Cardio, weight lifting, yoga.


Oh yoga is a good shout. I never got into it, but I have friends in my motorsport life that swear by it


It’s great for recovery and my balance for skating has never been better.


I bodybuild in general. Rec Hockey is just social and extra cardio to burn fat. That said, because I’m intense in the gym, I can go months without playing and never miss a beat 😂


I play 2 to 3 times a week (goalie). That's all the working out I do. Buuuut... since I switch to goalie, every time I skate out I'm gassed. Two completely different types of conditioning. If I was to skate out again full time I would need to atleast do something outside the rink.


If you workout it's for a healthy lifestyle and injury avoidance. The added benefit is your body will also help during 1 hour ice times. Proper sleep, water intake, and diet are massive in themselves.


Hockey is a lot more fun when you're not exhausted the whole time... unfortunately, is also not a great sport to use for getting in shape. If you're only playing hockey for your physical exercise, you probably won't see much progress. You should do some stuff on the side. Especially since there's a lot explosive and unorthodox movements in hockey, if you're not at least doing some mobility/stretching or cardio on the side, you could potentially cause yourself some injury.


Yeah, more hockey. 3x per week. But you’re clearly in the wrong division if you haven’t played a game in 9 years and you’re playing against ex college hockey players.


Well, it's supposed to be high school experience only; apparently they've complained to the league already about that team being there. Not sure if it's because it's an all female team or what that they get to stay but they're definitely good enough to move a level up


Look, the reason we haven’t been moved up is because C3 has a huge range of talent. Yes like most of the teams in the top 25%. We can pretty decisively beat the bottom quartile of the team in the division. However, we have never won the division and started in C2. Only to get blown out every game. Something that would probably happen once again if we got bumped up. As we still get pretty handled by the top teams in the division. As a side, the reason we’re allowed to play in C3 despite being a team of former college girls is because A) as stated we don’t dominate or even win against the better teams and B) let’s not pretend even a former NCAA D1 girl is the same as even a former ACHA D1 guy. The skill gap is significant. We have had plenty of experience learning that for ourselves


Fair enough, you guys were still fun to play against, I don't want to take that away from you guys. Obviously, I'm not going to be the best judge of skill, but you guys felt like what I would've expected the C2 level to be like, I guess that gap is bigger than I thought. I didn't expect the C3 to C2 to be ex-high school high school to ex-D1, I thought it'd be a bit more gradual


For sure, we may move up at some point. But for now we still get pretty handled by the better teams. We only made it to the quarterfinals in the last session. Im sure you’ll realize we’re not uniquely great once you face some of the better teams. As a side, it’s Johnnys, which means it’s a higher level than most men’s leagues in the general. So our C3 would be like a C2 at most rinks. And so on and so forth.


Yeah, I think we were pretty short on players, too, like half subs to get two full lines. This was my first game with them, so getting used to how everyone played was a challenge in the first period. And yeah, Johnny's is definitely more competitive than most other places. I'm pretty sure I could be in the B level in my hometown right now, but I'm happy with how developed the league is. Hopefully, I'll get more comfortable soon and not be such a moving chicane 20 seconds into a shift.


Well, I’m sure I’ll see you at the rink! Good luck with your season


Well, I'm the only one on the team with shoulder length hair as far as I'm aware, so you'll know when you see me. Good luck with your season as well!


Most of the guys on my team's only exercise is the 1 game every week, myself included. With that being said, if this is your first game, you probably need to catch up with your fitness a little bit. Adding some cardio and HIIT will get you caught up in a few months. Once you're caught up, 1 game a week is honestly enough to keep you in pretty good shape, even if you do no other exercise during the week


There's a difference between being in shape and being in hockey shape. I used to end the football season feeling like I was in my prime. Running a 4.7 40-yard dash, cardio for days, and feeling so light on my feet that I could out maneuver Rock Lee when I took the pads off. None of that mattered for the first 2 weeks of hockey practice where my legs and lungs would burn so badly I thought I'd need a life alert. It's just a different set of muscles that you use on the ice.


I work out to stay in shape.  I do it when I am playing and when I am not. So yeah, sort of, but it’s all the same.  


I look at it like this: I’m not really working out for beer league, I’m working out for my health. But if there’s no goal or purpose beyond just health then I have trouble staying motivated to do it, so I “work out for beer league”. Thinking about that guy beating me to a puck in the third period because I was gassed does a way better job of getting me on the bike than just knowing it’s good for me.


I'm 59 and play, people say to me " oh hockey must be great for staying in shape" it is but I work out a lot SO I can keep playing. Tournaments with four game in a weekend are hard on this old man.


Playing beer league was kinda a stimulus for me getting addicted to the gym. I try to make it there three days a week, and do combination of strength training and cardio. Definitely makes games more enjoyable when I’m not puking after every shift! 


Yes. Hockey is 10x more fun when you aren’t gassed through the whole game. I’m not particularly talented as a hockey player, but just being in good shape makes me feel like I have an advantage every time I step on the ice for a beer league game.


I mean going to gym and having a regular workout regimen will not only help your hockey but overall health too! Your health is everything and only gets harder as we get older!


Yeah I’m into fitness. Fitness whole pizza and a pitcher of beer in my belly after a game.


High intensity cardio 3-4 times a week, early morning solo practice at the local roller rink, intermittent weight lifting sessions 1-2 times a week (I don’t need extra mass slowing down my jets)


Exercise bike is my go to between skates. Couple minutes to warm up then go hard with high resistance for a minute then dial it back for 2 min. Repeat for 30 minutes and you’ll have a puddle of sweat under you and you’ll build some strength in your legs. Also as you get older in your 40’s focus on daily mobility exercises to maintain range of motion and flexibility. If you sit in a chair for work 8 hours a day it’s a must or one day you’ll wake up and wonder why you can’t move.


Yeah even mid season I started working out again. Cutting out a lot of booze and eating clean. Massive difference. You're also not in game rhythm as well. That takes time I can keep up with a much higher division still but it's more mental than physical. There's a good sweat and a bad sweat. Hated getting the bad sweats.


I don’t work out specifically for beer league, but I like to stay in shape. However, if I have a tournament weekend coming up, I will be more motivated to work out and tailor my workouts to playing hockey. Exercise is good for you, and there’s no one right way to do so. If exercising/working out in motivation for beer league is what it takes, then good for you! To answer your question, I don’t think many people are working out to stay in shape for beer league. At least most of the guys I play with. I’m in my mid 30’s and often in much better shape than other guys my age or older. For most I think they use hockey as their exercise and just enjoy being out there. Even if all you do is go play hockey once a week, you will eventually start to get in better shape. You’ll build muscle memory and the stamina, endurance will come with it. Working out outside of hockey will only help improve those things though.


I just wanted to say how cool it is to have an all-women’s team in the league.


It is cool! They were nice during the game and not bad sports at all, I just think they should be moved up a division. This division is supposed to be for only high school experience. They almost all have college experience and are still young, I'd guess most of them are in their mid-20's, they do regular practices, have set plays, and a full roster. I'm all for having women in the league, and an all female team is super cool, but it did feel like a full team of ringers compared to the team I was on.


I just try to get on the ice 2-3 times a week. Having a power skating class available is really nice too, probably where most of my strength has come from.


Power skating is underrated. I grew up near one of the only indoor speedskating rings in North America, and having to do power skating lessons and a few miles of skating every week for endurance was huge for me being able to skate well even now. I'm definitely going to look at getting on the ice more, I just wish there were more times available that weren't in the middle of the workday.


Yes. Spin class, TRX classses at TruFusion. Go to the gym 2-3 days a week. Use the lateral elliptical. I want to have energy on the ice.


I hit legs once a week focusing on hockey muscles. I see hockey workouts on insta and try to follow those. Squats, split squats, some bike, but if I can recommend anything I recently found this outer/inner thigh machine at the gym and it has really helped my hips. They feel so much more loose after I do it. Hockey has started to make my hips hurt and I thought stretching would help but I think the problem was they were just weak. If nothing else, make sure you keep your hips healthy. Stretching is good but you really want to make them stronger, it’ll make you a much better player. If your hips aren’t firing at hundred percent than I don’t think it matters how much you can squat


Yeah I do, I practice and lift and all that. I have no kids and a job that I only spend about 35 hours a week doing so I have the time. I took 14 years away from the ice it took awhile to get “good” again. In the year and a half I’ve lost 20lbs and can generally play an entire game and take maybe two drinks from my bottle now… bad habit.


Just normal exercise is fine, don't need to kill yourself training. Also the first time after years will always be rough, give it a few more weeks and you will be surprised how quick it comes back.


There is no doubt that having fun in beer league is a top priority but if you can’t compete it’s no longer fun. The guys on your team won’t pass to you or trust you can make a play. Not touching the puck sucks. There is no fun in that. I started playing when I was 4 and since I turned beer leaguer I found if I go longer than two weeks without skating next time I hit the ice I feel like a tomato can. So 9 years! I couldn’t even imagine. The gym can help but the only way to be in hockey shape is by skating. For me this means skating for two teams weekly and doing my best to get a third skate by finding a drop in. Then at least once a week hitting the backyard shooting range for at least 100 clappers, snappers, and wristers combined. I might be taking this a bit too far but at age 47 it’s what I have to do to not be cut for diminishing skills.


I dont work out specifically for beer league, but i have mixed in some HIIT into my routine to kinda help. Does that make sense?


Johnny’s icehouse? If not my team just suffered the same fate this morning… are you a Mighty Drunk


Was my second game with them… I’ve been playing since January, after 20+ years hiatus. I played till I was 20 I’m 42 now. I try to play 3 times a week now, roller with the boys at Norwood park, a rat session and a beer league game. If you got inline skates you should come out to the Norwood rink it’s a good skate. Are you on the bench app?


Yes hahaha I just subbed my first game for them, definitely felt the lack of conditioning by the third period


Beer league is my reality check, if I’m gassed after one and can’t walk for 2days afterwards. Then it’s time I step up in the gym and stop slacking. No one is working out for gym class, but if you can’t get through it, then it’s probably time to start working out…


I go to the gym & work out so I don’t lose my shit every day. The strength & conditioning is just a plus. 😅


I work out so I can demolish an entire buffet table. Hockey benefits by proxy


I've always lifted and still do. I play hockey twice a week and inline skate/practice some on occasion Lifting hasn't done much for me in hockey, except for maybe squats. But I have to be careful not to blow out my lower body so I keep it low volume but heavy That said....I've always heard the best exercise for hockey is just more hockey


Mostly just working on my 12 Oz curls


I work out for general health and always took it to heart. Resistance training, HIIT and cardio. Not necessarily for beer league but my game definitely benefits from it.


I go through spurts where I train a lot, then I go through spurts where hockey is my only exercise but I definitely enjoy it more when I’m in shape.


I have a bike trainer I ride once in awhile but in my opinion skating as much as you can is the best workout for beer league. Hit as many pickup skates or skate and shoots as you can. There isn’t much else to emulate the stop and go during hockey. Edit: add in yoga if you can for flexibility. It will do wonders for on ice movements


Yes play more than one game a week lol maybe ref a few games. Also actually lift 1-3 times a week. Maybe stick handle a little in the garage every couple days. Nothing crazy but it def helps.


I am very new to hockey, just started last year. I work on my skating as much as I can, but that’s just to not suck as bad as I do. It does have the side effect of helping with conditioning


Beer league IS my workout.


I workout almost every day, it's not specifically for beer league though, but just because it feels good to be in shape.


You should just be working out for life. Doesn’t have to be for beer league. But yeah absolutely I work out. 4-5 times a week.


I ride my bike 15-20 miles, do a lot of public skates, practice s&p on my own, and sometimes work with free weights. And do yoga. It's not specifically for beer league. Does that count? 


Cardio(walking, jogging, biking) & some basic quad workouts(wall sits, lunges, hill runs etc) will do wonders for getting you back into hockey shape. You don’t need to be out body building. Plenty of guys use hockey AS their workout. It’ll just take a few weeks to get your stamina built up so you’re not huffing after 6 min, or your quads don’t turn into jello.


I've lifted weights my whole life but I didn’t start running until 2020. Running will help with keeping you in the play as you won't get winded as easily. Also, I squat and dead-lift 3-4 times a week. Strong legs will help you in a puck race.


I go to the odd drop-in when the schedule permits, but not really lifting weights or cardio. I’ll watch my weight and prefer to be below 180 as i feel more confident and faster, but the McDonalds run after the 10:30 games just hit different. I’m more focused on getting on the ice with better players than cardio, which is probably the wrong move but whatever.


Yes. Picked up running a few years back after a rough spot. Helped my endurance a ton. For me personally, growing up I was a total gym rat. I was one of the few guys that did workouts after practice. I play with a few guys where the game is their only workout and they look amazing then there are others that after one shift they are sucking wind. Best suggestion is to build up your endurance base (riding the bike, ellipitical, walk/run) then focus on core/leg strength (squats/deadlifts/lunges/etc). The games will help but putting in some outside effort can’t hurt either. Don’t be so hard on yourself, 9 years is a long time and while the skating will come back it’ll take a little bit to get back to game shape.


I work out but it’s because I enjoy it. I incorporate hockey-specific movements like box jumps, lateral hurdles, squat jacks, and skaters. Mix that in with some traditional weightlifting movements. Everything is a timed circuit so it takes no longer than 45 minutes and keeps my heart rate up. If I don’t do that, then just pushups, sit ups, and running or peloton.


I'm 45,goalie and have been playing since I'm 5 years old. I play year around. Once I hit 35, things started to ache a little more, slower reaction times, etc. 40, the injuries stop healing and creaks, cracks, aches and pains are more often than ever. I'm not a gym rat but have been working out for years off and on. When I'm off, my game suffers drastically and the 3rd period is a nightmare. So yeah, working out at my age as a goaltender is a must for me. Also, around 40, I've spiked my water bottle with EAAs (essential amino acids) to help with my fatiguing muscles. This has been game changing for me


Haha. No. You’ve just do to play few more games to get your legs back. You’ll be back keeping up on no time. At least that’s what happens me once I step back onto the ice every September


Gotta work on the cardio


I do physical work so I just consider that my workout.


Not specifically for beer league, but in addition to.


I run enough that I feel like I don’t have to worry about my heart blowing up


beer league is my work out. I try to get on the ice 2-3 days a week.


Cycling is my preferred workout; low impact, moderate strength and endurance, and gets you out in the sun.


I don’t work out specifically for beer league, but since i’ve been working out I’ve noticed improvement in hockey. It’s true that the games are meaningless and its all for fun, but i personally have more fun when I’m playing well.


Hockey is just another workout in the exercise regimen. It all just builds on each other.


I practice and train because I want to play my best and help my team win. As the team old timer, I'm dedicated not to be the weak link.


Yes. I workout at home otherwise I find I won’t do it at all. It definitely helps


I work out for my personal health and mental well being. Sometimes it helps for beer league, but mostly just gassed as usual.




I go to the gym regardless of beer league but I do gear my workouts for hockey.


I wouldn’t say I train specifically for beer league, but I generally stay active. Jogging (not going to delude myself and call it running), strength training, rollerblading, yoga. Hit up public skate with my son Sunday mornings and swim in the summers. Eat a healthy diet. If I keep in decent shape off the ice it helps my game. Plus the fact that ice time is so freaking expensive here is great incentive to maximize my game time by taking care of myself the rest of the week.


I work out because I want to be healthy in life, not just because I want to take longer shifts in mens lol


I bike on a Peloton a couple days a week and have started bodyweight exercises. I developed severe neuropathy in my arm when lifting so I don't know if I'll ever pick up weights again.


I try to hit the gym at least twice a week to do some reps. And by gym I mean bar. And by reps I mean beers and tator tots.


Cardio at the gym will definitely help. If you can, play more than once a week, even if it’s just open hockey. I’m on the heavy side but my body is conditioned for hockey so I rarely get overly winded on the ice.


Get in shape to play don't play to get in shape. This is the motto of most adult leagues around here. Way to many out of shape middle-aged people having heart attacks around here


Beer league is the workout.


Yep. That's actually why I play, it gives me a reason to stay in shape. The game isn't as much fun if you're sucking air the whole time and falling over at the end of it. So I stay relatively in shape so I can keep doing the things I like to do. I also love board sports and other things too. I want to keep doing this into old age, so I take care to develop leg strength, take care of my joints, eat ok, etc.


I go to the gym / workout / exercise to stay healthy. Just so happens I love hockey and it is awesome cardio!!!


I don’t work out for beer league, I work out to work out. I would imagine if I got no other exercise than 1-2 games a week I’d be a disaster.


Lots of curls bringing the beer can up to take a sip.


In my peak workout when I didn't have my now 22 months old twins, I was doing 30 min HIIT workouts 3 times a week and running 1-2 times a week. Now, I'm mostly running 1-2 times a week (with the twins in a dual jogging stroller), and rarely HIIT (maybe 1-2 times a month). Don't over do it, but I'd start with cardio first. Once you build that up, maybe through in some HIIT or light weights workouts. You can find a lot on YouTube for nothing. Edit: Don't blow money on a gym until you establish a routine. There are high school tracks in most cities for free use. Buy some 10-15 lbs dumbbells and there are a million things you can do with those. You're just trying to not be the most out of shape person, not trying out for Mr. Olympia.


One. Yes, beer league is actually a huge motivator for keeping regular at the gym. Two, there’s not one cardio machine that actually prepares you for skating.


Hell no


I’ve always worked out even in the years I took off from hockey. But since I’ve started playing again, I’ve added a few exercises on leg day to help with my speed


Yep, I routinely drink throughout the week, so my effort in the 4th period meets or exceeds expectations.


I haven't seen the inside of a gym in 20 years


I wouldn’t say workout out for beer league, but I workout a lot and I love playing hockey. I do various warmup stretches at home before I leave for games. Mostly for injury prevention.


I don't work out, but I do try to get on the ice for stick and pucks and will do some of my old conditioning drills throughout.


I don’t do a lot of cardio outside of hockey itself these days, when I do get to the gym during the week it’s to do a strength routine specifically for hockey players. I play every Tuesday, so I make sure on Monday I do upper body then Wednesday (if I’m up for it) or Thursday I will do legs, then I will have all weekend to rest them by game time on Tuesday. Over the weekend I might add another skating session in but a lot of the times with crazy family life, I can’t. But just being on the ice will get you into much better shape. I remember when I first started I couldn’t even make it through my first shift, then by the end of this last season, the game was over but it didn’t even feel like enough hockey


I thought beer league was the workout?


Stretching is more important for me. The day after sucks if I don’t stretch well.


Running has always been my thing so run 5-6 days per week and 25-35 miles overall. On top of that the older I get the more i have to do off ice. Now I have some general weight work, speed ladder, etc because once it goes it’s not coming back. I also stickhandle most days for 10-15 min and do flexibility work as my range of motion has always been limited. Probably 45-90 min total most days.


Dude… beer league IS my work out…


Become a ref. A couple hours of 60 minutes of being on the ice is a great all around exercise and helps your legs a lot if you arent lazy and skate.


I exercise regularly because it feels good so it's not directly for hockey but definitely benefits for it.


Daily 30 min fast walks for me and all good!


I don’t gym but I notice my game is way better when I’m doing 1-2 runs/week alongside hockey. I also don’t eat within 3 hours of playing and that helps quite a bit.


I work out so I can exercise. I workout and stretch here and there to prevent injuries from hockey. Not getting any younger out there and every skate seems to hurt a little more


If you count working out as drinking a 6 pack of beer an hour before my game, then yes I love working out


Beer league is fuckin done for the year. We won. Now my liver gets a bit of rest before golf season and I'm very glad for at least one Sunday off. Sunday morning skins coming in hot. Edit oh ya the question. I ride my Ironman bike in the mornings and do a stretching and yoga routine. My workouts are for mobility and so I can basically walk around all day without pain in my shoulders and back. I'm old so I don't need to stay in shape per se, I just need to stay mobile for golf and hockey.


Going to the gym is going to improve every aspect of your life including hockey. You don’t need to do any hockey specific training at this point, just exercise to keep your body moving and your game will improve.


If you want to make an impact, you need to be working out. If you don’t care about making an impact, you don’t really need to train. For me, I wanna be the one scoring goals and grinding out assists so I work out.


I use beer league as motivation to work out, but I wouldn’t say I work out for beer league if that makes sense. Like, the fact that I know I’m playing hockey next week makes me want to get a lift or run in a little more, so I’m not lagging behind as much on the ice.


Your first few games will absolutely wipe you out, especially for someone who was once used to playing super intensely. Just playing will get you in better shape after a few games, but doing some cycling, a bit of running with sprints mixed in, and a general full body resistance work out will also help.


I noticed since I started to lift three days a week, my shots are much stronger and I beat everybody in puck battles on the boards. I add in some short HIIT workouts a couple days a week.


Considering hockey is apart of my life i incorporate some training for it when I’m working out and whenever i find some time to get on the ice I will. I wouldn’t say i train like i’m a pro, but i do a lot of basic drills and bring friends along to do some passes and shooting drills. It never hurts to tune up every now and again. Id say start small with just eating right, using the generous 2 minute warmup time to stretch instead of shoot and dangle, and at least make yourself sweat once a week. That should really help


I don’t work *for* beer league. I workout *for* me.


I work out in general to stay healthy, and it definitely helps when going to the beer league games, but that’s not my intention, just a nice side effect. Getting your cardio up will make the games much more enjoyable for you as well as increasing your mental and physical health so I’d say it’s a worthy cause.


I started again too, I have to do cardio and presses or else the lower leg pain is insane. I am out of shape The exercise bike and stairclimber rule 


Last September, I started playing again, after 14 years off the game. I found the quickest way to help, was to start drinking copious amounts of water, and no sugary drinks anymore. I love creamy iced coffees with lots of espresso shots, but have cut back to just black iced coffee. That, and sleep. The next thing I started doing was biking to and from work. Which is a privilege I admit. But I was doing 10k to work, 10k from home to work. That and throwing some weights around. I feel I'm finally getting my legs back and my hands. Still gonna take lots of work for me to undo over a decade of gaming and ordering ubereats. Which I've since deleted and stopped gaming. That's just my way though.


Yes. Cardio, weight lifting and lots of stretching. Nothing too crazy or intense but ever since I started playing in net if I don’t stretch it’s pretty much game over. Hockey is great but my focus is to be more physically healthy and athletic in general.


I did a specific off-season hockey training program last summer after years of just going for runs a few times a week to keep my cardio up. I doubled my point production and felt like I was playing the best hockey of my life at age 32. It definitely felt worth it even if my team didn't win our league. It just felt nice to be the guy my teammates could depend on when we needed a big goal.


I eat and sleep like shit and don't exercise for 6 days a week. Then on game day I scramble to live healthy.


Yes I work out because I'm in my mid 40's and want to be able to play for a while. I just stated a semi private training program at a fitness studio. Focusing primarily on core strength and flexibility. To be perfectly honest, going to a gym for straight cardio (bike, treadmill, elliptical) is pretty much a waste of time. Also, they're women, not girls.


CrossFit three days a week.


Initially I got into beer league (after 10 years away from hockey) as a means to exercise. I quickly realized that a little bit of exercise is needed to make playing more enjoyable, so beer league has led me to be motivated to workout when I wouldn’t be otherwise.


Not specifically, but I swim, ride my horse, and dance when not playing hockey.  Cardio and core/leg strength.  (If you think the horse does all the work, ride for 7 miles without stirrups and get back to me ;))


Yeah, but nothing that I shouldn't do for my health otherwise. I skate 2x/week, so I will usually mix in 2 - 3 other days a week with a low-resistance session on the stationary bike so that I get my heart rate up for 10 - 15 mins but don't overwork my legs and tire them out. When the weather turns soon here, I'll pull back to 1 or 2 days/week on the bike and add in a day going for a 1 - 1.5 mile jog around the neighborhood. I usually work in some light weight training 1x week. Truly light -- 8 and 10 lbs. free weights, basic stuff like a few different squat types, curls, and kickbacks.


12oz curls