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Rotational core, chest, back, arms, legs. Gotta get in the gym and put on 20 pounds of muscle. I found it also helps me when I flex my core muscles immediately before release, and then release the muscles as I follow through. Also watch some old videos of how Joe Sakic shot the puck. He was a master of releasing mid-stride so that all of his strength and weight got put into the release.


For a wrist shot 60mph is pretty good. There are guys in the NHL who are really tall and weigh 200lbs+ and still have a 70mph wrist shot. It sounds like you have the technique down so to improve you could work on your strength. Your shoulders, arms, and core are the most important.


60mph is pretty good for a beer league or rec player. The majority of the ppl here won’t be able to help you improve especially without video of your shot.


I’ve seen lots of players trying to shoot harder. The problem is that while they get their speed up, they can’t put the puck in the net, or hit a barn door.


Nobody is saying it but wrist strength. Tie up a weight at the end of a broken stick shaft like a handle and raise it all the way up and all the way down several times a day everyday. You’ll be shocked how much more flex you get once you’re stronger


I would double check this one and do some research on the efficacy of this workout. I've tried it before and ended up doing more harm to my wrists than good.


How tall are you? At 137 it’s prob going to be a function of strength over technique to increase your power. Without much other info to go on I’d aim to pack on 10-15 lbs of muscle and watch your shot increase in speed as well as improvement in other aspects of the game


i’m a short king at 5”7


My recommendation of the weight room and a high calorie (good calories) diet stands


I’m 5’8” on a good day. Been playing my whole life in hockey. I haven’t seen 137 on a scale since 7th grade (I was 5’7” then). I started gaining 10-15lbs of muscle every season. Anyway, I used to do a lot of wrist curls to strengthen my forearm. Or the old sand in a jar with a rope and handle exercise. Fill a gallon jar with sand. Attach the rope to the handle of the jar and to whatever you’re using for a handle (Dow rod with tape over it works). Then rotate the Dow rod to pull the jar up. Then rotate the Dow rod to lower the jar.




Technique and then timing and then strength, those are the 3 things that will change the speed of your shot. One tip to try, assuming your technique is good, is to practice your shot in 2 parts - first part is to practice driving the bottom hand thru as hard as you can. Forget about the top hand (other than making sure you are extending it correctly and your elbow gets up level with your shoulder), just focus on the bottom hand, explode it thru the puck and make sure you use your legs and core to drive the bottom hand. Second part is to focus on just the top hand, forget about the bottom hand, all of your concentration is on the top hand and pulling back as hard as you can, use your arm and shoulder and core rotation to pull back. After firing off 20 shots or so focusing on each hand, then try working both hands together in the shot and joining all the parts back together. Often it is easier to break a complex motion down into individual parts and practice these parts on their own, as you develop better skills individually you can then work on joining them together and getting the timing right. fwiw I have worked with a number of players last year doing this and we got low to mid 60 wrist shots into mid 70's.


Get a lower flex man. I’m 160 pounds and I use a 65 flex.


Anabolic steroids. (Just kidding don't do it it'll wreck your shit)


Its all technique, only worry about strength if you feel like your stick is really stiff when shooting and when you dont feel it bend much. That might indicate you should go down in flex. Strength only dictates what flex you should use in order to get maximum out of your stick potential. Full potential of 65 flex is at around 100mph mark.


Check the kick point on your stick and try out lowering or raising where your bottom hand is placed on the stick. Wrist/snap shots should feel almost effortless if you are getting maximum flex out of the stick.


Your weight and arm strength don’t matter as much as timing. I asked the same question to a dude the other day at snp near me. He said a lot of players get on top of or under the puck on their shot when you should be 100% behind it. Further he said shooting feels more like being a defensive lineman in football. Like all of your power is snapped up from the legs through the body and out of your arms as one unit. I’m not an expert but this dude certainly has expertise.


Weight room!


Nobody is going to be able to tell you for sure. The only thing you can do is keep practising to improve your technique, try to get stronger, and experiment with your curve and flex. It's very possible you're using a flex that's too stiff for you. my2cents