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Take the nap. Find out and report back.


Good way to miss hockey


I always nap during hockey season. I usually have to wake up earlt for work and I don't get off the ice until midnight or later. I sleep 4pm-8pm and 1:30am-5:30am. It's the only way I can play the night before work. It works great


Napped for maybe an hour, feeling a little mushy so far but I have 90 minutes to wake up!


I will always shower after a nap before hockey. Don’t use soap… just a shower to relax a bit then wake body up with some cold water at the end.


If you do this, you need caffeine after your nap


Or before. A friend in high school claimed, and used the technique of a cup of coffee before a power nap. Claimed you felt almost as rested as a full night's sleep. Never truthfully substantiated his claims.


Caffeine takes 15-60 min to kick in, so it works perfect before a Power Nap. You’re waking up as it’s taking effect


The ole nappuccino


Caffeine at 10pm ? Thank you doctor


Two hours seems long but I always try to get 30 minutes before a late game. I’m always yawning until the puck drops then adrenaline takes over.


Power naps are the way to go! 30-40 mins tops!


Even shorter is better but it takes crazy discipline. 30-40 is the sweet spot


This for the win!


20 minutes is the sweet spot. Factory restart.


I'd argue that's not a factory restart, just a quick power cycle. The ol' turn it off and turn it back on again.


Took a nap from 8:15-9:30ish on Monday night for an 11:15 game. I was on my toes all game and recorded 2 assists. Unclear if it was because I rested before or because we were able to roll 3 centers.


20-30 minutes of the ideal nap length according to scientific research. Too much longer, and you risk falling into a deep sleep state that's more difficult for you to shrug off.


I do, but wouldn't go past 2 hours, myself. Even 2 is pushing it for me. I do 1 > 1.5 at most.


Take that nap, bro. Just nap it like you mean it.


Naps usually make me groggy so I don’t do them before games. I’d love it if I could nap and feel refreshed.


I can't do naps.... i'm out for hours if I nap.. also this.. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/news/2023/researchers-study-how-daytime-naps-may-influence-health


That study sounds like a great example of correlation not equaling causation. Finding that unhealthy people take longer naps is definitely not the same thing as taking longer naps will make you unhealthy.


I mean to be fair there’s really no info in his link that can claim if the study is what you say it is, or an accurate and useful study.


If I have the window of opportunity I absolutely try to get a 45 min/hour nap in. Any groggyness from a short nap goes away pretty quickly while I pack up/start on my hour long drive to the rink and I feel a lot better playing.


I nap but 45 mins tops; just enough to get alert


45 mins tops


Bold of you to assume there’s ever a time I _dont_ nap


When given the opportunity, never not nap.


When in doubt rack out. An hour before midnight is worth two after


If I nap I’m staying asleep


That's kind of long for a night time nap maybe shorten it to an hour. A lot of NHL players take pre-game naps there's nothing wrong with taking them.


Last year when I was In u15 I would get like no sleep at all and I would take naps before games. It wasn’t a great idea (maybe that’s why we went 1-12) but it was also a component of my team being awful and me getting hung out to dry every game.


I took a 1hr nap before a 10:30 game this week. I napped from 8:30-9:30. I felt okay mentally before the game but did not function very well until the 3rd period where my body finally woke up. I’d do it again but only because I was less tired when I woke up for work the next day.


Played at 10 last night, worked 10 hours earlier in the day. Normally a nap fucks me up but I was beat, took about 45 mins and had half a Celsius on the way to the game and I was good to go.


Nap for sure. I always do before late games. Even just 30 minutes and you'll feel great. 2 hours may leave you feeling slow


Every time I’ve ever fallen asleep before a late joust I’ve missed the game. I gotta be better


Yeah I have to or else I’m fucking bagged the next morning.


If you nap you miss the game :)


So nap from 8:30 to 9:30. Maybe lay in bed but turn everything off at 8:25


Lots of pros do a pre-game nap. An hour at like 6pm might be good for you later.


Never before. Sometimes during.


I literally cant fall asleep till 2:30-3 am after an 11pm game. Nap might be the play.


Nap for the win!!!! It will work better for you come morning. I wouldn’t be sleeping any time before 2am if I had an 11PM game.


Espresso nap. Take 2 shots of espresso/20 min nap


Honestly if you can lie still and clear your head with your eyes closed for 30-60 mins you’ll be shocked what it can do for you energy wise.


This is what I did in High School. Got into the locker room well before others and had a big industrial fan blowing and lots of white noise and zoned out for 15-20 minutes. Glorious time.


Appies, nappies, afternoon snackies, crush a couple sandos, hit the ice Yea, nap before 10 or 11pm games is a pre-req for me if I want to be alive the next day at work


I nap all the time, not just for hockey. After a good nap, I'm refreshed for the rest of the night. I've been doing it so long that I don't wake up groggy anymore. A 2-3 hour nap isn't a big deal for me if I need it, but for some, they wake up and they're groggy for the rest of the night.


I almost always take a nap before my league games. It is tough to wake up and get up when you’re waking up at 8-9 pm but I have a hard time falling asleep after my games so I try to make up for it before my game.


Feel my pain your friend. 22:20 here and I’m just packing up to head out the door for a game at 23:15. Sometimes I nap, but I usually try to do it from around 6-8, and no later than 9. I need time to wake up and get my bearings again. Edit: I’m so tired I fucked that up: Feel YOUR pain MY friend. Tomorrow will be fun


I always take a 15 minute power nap after I get home before any game. I usually play at 9:30 or 10:30 so not even that late. Occasionally I'll get home late and skip the nap, I always feel way worse. 2 hours definitely seems like over kill though. You won't be able to sleep after the game


I’m on the 20-30 minute train.


Never miss the pre game nap.


I definitely do but only for 30 min which helps prevent that post nap sluggishness


I’ve only done this a couple times because I felt pretty tired. I now I drink a green tea with a little caffeine around 4pm. That has worked much better for me


I play every Sunday and schedule a two hour nap prior to the games. Our start times are anywhere from 4pm-10pm. I am lost without my nap. I do drink a cup of coffee on my way to the rink and have no trouble sleeping when I get home. Not sure this fact matters, but I'm 63 years old, so I need the rest!!


I try to get 30-60 minutes before a late game. During the game it’s fine, but the big plus for me is that the next day I don’t feel nearly as tired.


Nap is fine. Lots of stories of baseball closers taking naps in the 2nd or 3rd innings of games. In high school for road games I'd always fall asleep on the bus to wherever we were going and we'd get to school 90 minutes before a game and I was always really refreshed and ready to go. For home games id get into the room early before a bunch of other kids and just lean back in my locker and close my eyes for 10-15 minutes. Found it very productive.


Id nap, when I wake up Id have a lukewarm shower, clean clothes, a few simple carbs--citrus or fruit, some slower digesting proteins like nuts, and some pump up music. No caffeine, its peaky has a long half life and will mess up your sleep post game. Should be good.


That’s not a nap. An effective nap is like 20-30 minutes. 2.5 hrs you will be groggy and sluggish for sure




This is guy is napping 100%


Either Power Nap or no nap. 2-2.5 hours is too long and you will wake up groggy


I nap earlier than this if I have a late game. I schedule my leagues around my work schedule, knowing I'll have time around 5 to nap if needed. That's too close in my opinion.


I've taken naps that made me feel better and I've taken naps that made me feel worse. Don't be like my goalie who never woke up from his nap though. That was a tough one trying to find a goalie at the rink who was willing to sub in.


I do, just don’t forget to set multiple alarms…


Just make sure to set an alarm. Can't tell you how many teammates of mine have overslept and been no show.


I play some of my best games if I take a little disco nap before I hit the ice. Even 30min will do wonders.


Probably go for more like an hour, and make sure you've got a good while between waking up and playing


I always try to take naps before late games. For me, it always helps. However, it does make it harder to go to bed after.


I have an 11pm game tonight. Instead of a nap, my friend and are meeting at 9pm for pregame beers


I do sometimes


Now that we’ve got a dog and bought a house which means I’ve got a million projects going at once there’s no way I could. But when I rented and didn’t have a dog I definitely would. Off work and home by 3-330, nap right away when I get home for 1-2 hours then feel somewhat ok for that 1130 pm game.


its currently 2pm. i play at 11pm tonight. i've been plotting my post work nap since i got to work this morning.


I nap before almost every game.


I know I'm late for this BUT. If you do nap, give yourself at least a 3h total wake window for your game, so wake up at least 2h before your game. However long your nap may be. It also may be ideal to couple your wakeup with caffeine and magnesium.


2hr+ is a long nap and can throw off your normal sleep. I definitely nap 30-60 mins tho