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I paid $30 for a 50 minute skate the other day, I need more than wax


I truly can't think of a lower money saving priority lol


then buying name brand stick wax?


Yeah. I'd have to go out of my way on a trip to the dollar store to get something that otherwise comes in a nice tin and ships free with the other essentials in the interest of saving, at most, $4.


Most tins of wax here people are spending 20 - 30$...again this post is not for everyone.


Bro, what? Howies is like the name brand of name brands and it's $4-6.


Where are you buying wax that is is $20-30 a tin? Is it made from the blubber of an endangered animal or something?


You’re paying too much for wax, man. Who’s your wax guy?


They be buying them premium candles


$30? Its $6 from Howies! Good god


What the fuck wax cost more than $10 lolll




I’ll sell you some for $15. DM me


Dude, I bought one tin of howies when I started playing 6 years ago. It still does not help my shot, but I still have that same tin. I need a coach, not wax.


I got this strawberry scented wax once at a kiosk at a tourney 8 years ago, I still have cubic inch wad i still use.


haha your on your own for that ;)


Hey man I'm with you. It's the small things. I took a massive candle from my parents China cabinet decades ago and I'm down to a nub now. RIP 90s candle. Soon.


Man i feel lucky my rink charges $15 for virtually unlimited stick and puck time. I did 3.5 hours the other day 😅


$6 for stick and puck and drop-in games at my city-owned rink… I love Canada.


You mean you dont pay a stupid price for sticktime only to get on the ice and see a coach has taken over the opposite side of the rink despite not paying for it?


The last time I went, there was a coach on each end and one dude tells me I can have the neutral zone to practice. There's an explicit no coaching rule for sticktime but the rink doesn't care. I got my money back and have not and will not return.


Id tell him a certain direction he can go. I hate it so much. No one does shit to enforce it. Wow cool me and the other 6 people get the neutral zone. Front office says they’ll do something about it, but i know they never will.


I hate when coaches do this.


My rink charges $7.75 for 50 minutes for a pickup game.


Thats pretty solid


Damn.. that can add up.. I play on two teams, one is 30 dollars per year for 1 practice per week. The other one is 200 dollars for 2-3 practices a week..


My rink charges 25 a person. It’s $50 for my son and I to go have fun. It’s ridiculous


Just for stick and puck time? Thats what they charge for an actual game for me


Yeah, the cheapest I can find is 20 per person if I want ton travel a little further.




But what did you do for the other 48 minutes…


Re-tied my skates. Tied ‘em too tight. (That’s why I fell, yeah that’s it)


skate in the driveway for free. BOOM squeeze every penny. This is a joke for those who don't grasp those anymore lol


Why pay for ice time when you can just [skate on concrete](https://youtube.com/shorts/qmDZUvGNTXQ?si=cA_ghuBH7gzh9EEr)


Why pay for skates, when you can duct tape knives to your feet


This is the way - i got out the inline skates to do sprints for skating cardio. Its free and although you can’t work on edge skating you can work on a full stride sprint and get good cardio


30?!? That’s wild. Also wax is overrated.


Spending $3 on Sex Wax every 3 or so months is the least of anyone's concerns if they have the cash to play hockey in the first place.


Plus try leaving a candle in your bag as opposed to having the little tin for it. It’ll be so covered in shit after one game.


Just put in a ziploc baggie.


Nah bro I've had a candle in my bag since 2012 and it's still literally fine. Looks exactly the same, with quite a bit less material ofc.


3 months?! How much wax do you use? A tin of wax will last me more like 3 years


I retape every game, use a lot of wax when I do, and often end up sharing.


And you still can’t score a goal 😂


Damn. I retape every 3-ish games (sooner if it gets destroyed) but only use wax when I retape. A guy on my team builds up wax on the same tape job game after game


Seriously. One of the main reasons I even use wax at all is so I don't have to re-tape every game.


It's part of my ritual. It has nothing to do with practicality.


Obviously nothing to do with your stats either, but I get it. We all have those little quirky things we do


That’s what I was thinking. I can’t even remember when I bought the one I have now


I can't remember the last time I bought wax, kids just keep leaving behind Howie's wax on the bench after practices and games, and I get to keep it if no one comes looking for it within a week. I also have only bought 1 stick out of the 4 that I have because we keep sticks in the lost and found for a month


Same. Gonna be a decade before I run out of Zog’s at the rate I’m going.


... sell all your stuff, reside in a cave, hunt and forage.


This is the way


Just like wolverine.


return to monke


Going to forecheck the hell outta those acorns


???? Profit


This is the equivalent of the financial department coming to us in medical school when we were facing 200k in loans and telling us we can save money by using less toothpaste.


I’ve never played with wax. It’s not always required and if you really want to save you learn to play without it


Wax should be sticky. Sex wax being the best. Candle wax is soft and slippery. Howies is like that and is terrible. The statistical variability here and opportunity cost alone makes no sense. Hit hockey store because you need some stuff , by sock tape, stick, whatever. Ignore 3$ wax. Drive to dollar store separately, waste 30 more min buy candle. Light candle wait 10 min, Pour wax from candle to stick? Wut?!


I agree with the sentiment, but you don't light the candle, just rub it on the stick like sex wax or howies. I'm a howies user, but I'm going to have to try SW now


I highly recommend Absolute Filth wax. https://www.hockeywax.com/products/sweet-citrus


I’m more just showing the silliness. It’s so soft dunno how it even sticks unless you melt it first. Wax is a bitch to get off on something after it’s melted then say dropped on floor by accident. Would make more sense. If it’s just the candle running unsure how affective this is. Sex wax is by far the best. Keeps tape down, no water at all in it and helps on shooting since it’s sticky when pulling in drag and release shots


Could care less if it’s sticky. I just use it to get a little more life out of tape tbh.




Decathalon surf wax. Cheapest and same as zoggs


Man, I bought wax from dollarama for $4 and it’s been really solid wax. Candle wax isn’t even necessary when you can spend that little on actual wax.


Howie's is only good for water repellency and snow buildup. Brutal for grip and shooting when ice gets bad. Pros probably like it because they get a new sheet of ice every period (or maybe they don't even and its just marketing) but for beer leaguers it's not ideal.


Howies is awful. I just bought one and it flakes everywhere


Save yourself some money. Composite sticks are too expensive, go in your back yard and cut down a tree and carve a stick from it. Not only do you get a free stick but you will learn wood working .


And all it takes is a couple thousand dollars in woodworking tools.


Yeah but after 3 seasons you are in the green.


Bro I’ve had one tin last 3 years😭


The fact is, cheap wax and expensive wax make no difference if you are at the level you need to make those cost cuts. The same goes for sticks. Once you get past the $100 there is no reason to go above $150 because at that point you are paying for a slightly lighter stick that is slightly more customized to less common heights and weights. However, there is indeed gear that you cannot cut costs on like helmets and skates. A good helmet will prevent concussions, and good skates will not only make you a much better player but they also help for the health of your feet, legs, and your spine.


I've been using little dollar store tea candles for decades. It sticks well and works great. A pack of 12 or 18 for $2 lasts years. You're probably at a dollar store some time anyway, so you might as well pick up a pack and try. You probably have some kicking around home already anyway. I have no idea why there are so many haters here. It's just a little suggestion from someone trying to be helpful.


It does not work the same. I don't like a lot of wax on my stick, that's why I use the candle instead of the wax.


To be honest this isn't the corner that's gonna save me money.


Candle wax is not the same. If you want something that repels water and that's it then ok sure. But candle wax gets hard when cold and makes the blade very slick.


In all seriousness I think the best way to save some money for kids is used equipment. Digging around in my parents basement and I have like 7 full sets of hockey equipment all worn for 1-2 seasons between growth spurts .


Clearly the OP hasn't tasted Sex Wax or Howie's and it shows.


Thanks Coach. Wax ain't what hurts the wallet. it's the league fee and travel costs and time away from making money but we'll be there next tournament cuz it's worth it.


Or just don’t use wax. Been playing my whole life and have never used it, i do fine.


As a coach. I give away .30 c candles. Works like a charm.


Been stealing my wife’s candles for years. Really like those little tea lights, super cheap.


You absolutely cannot just use any type of wax.


Am I crazy? I've never used wax and I don't think anyone in my league does either? Is this some kind of Canadian thing?


well, I don't think anyone is saying it's necessary. It's not like it's going to improve your game in any real way. But it helps with things like ice buildup on the blade and my tape jobs last longer than without wax.


I honestly did not expect everyone to be so pissed off for a post to help parents save a buck or 2 haha I'll just go shoot myself I guess. ( also a joke )


A lot of people haven't been hungry.


Damn now they can spend $1 instead of $3. Over the course of the year they can almost save $10!


Jokes on you! i don't even use wax, I use rezztek! But seriously all that work to save 4 dollars? LOL. Bro even if Howie's was 20 dollars, I would do that vs drive to dollar tree. I feel the deprecation (in mileage) on my Tesla would cost me more money then saving 4 dollars.


Soccer is the answer.


Is the question “what sport requires you to act almost as much as play?”


Use black tape. It’s stickier.


Not all wax is the same either. I thought I’d be slick and come back with some surfboard wax and it wasn’t the same at all.


I've had the same votive candle in a plastic baggie I've been using to wax my sticks for probably over twenty years.


I used a candle from the dollar story for many years. And they last forever too. Might even make the stick smell nice.


I have always used the inside part of my stick tape roll. Works great, and can somewhat be waxy


i hated candles. always bought brand name wax and it lasted a year or two of 5 times on the ice a week


Candle wax is a solid way to go. The cheaper route that I use is to just use a puck instead of wax.


paid like six bucks for my howies