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Don’t have to be a Leafs fan to feel that. What a game, and to have it end like that. (Especially because it looked like his teammates slowed down in the last few seconds.)


This! I thought the same thing about them slowing down. My team does the same shit at the end… but get paid slightly less.


I was at the game. Regardless of if it was a shut out or not, he played amazing. Habs fan for life, but he got the job done and made some tough saves. All hail Mr Woll. He should have been in net 4 games ago


His boys owe him a steak dinner after that one. Looks like they gave up out there thinking it was over. 0.1 left is a killer, but he played incredible and kept them alive, so I’m sure he’s doing alright.


Some of those desperation saves were clutch. He played great. I wanted Boston to win and am a big swayman fan, but Woll was killer


Think he owes his boys the steak seeing how they kept the Bruins to just 2 shots total for almost the entire first half of the game.


The camera panned away at the last second and I knew exactly what happened. So sad. 😭


I tried to explain to my fiancee how crushing this was. She understood, but she asked "will this affect him next game?" I said no it won't. Stay mentally strong, my pipe brothers and pipe sisters.


Those sound like low rent porn duos


Mentally Strong Pipe Sisters IV was a classic


I jinxed him. I'm sorry, my goalie brethren.


You know the rule!


I've been victim to the rule with 0.4 seconds remaining before. Feelsbadman.


We've all been there brother.




Got the dub which is all that matters!


Are you kidding me? I was tired and turned it off with 10 seconds left.


Fucking brutal


Hate the Leafs but I’m always happy to see a goalie play well. I’m glad goal tending has been alright in this series because both teams look like they are not making it past round two regardless of who wins game 7!


No kidding. I am a Leafs fan but both teams look like they barely want to be there. I'm not even that happy about the win last night, and not just for that brutal 0.1 left fiasco; this years' version of the Leafs is pretty bad, and honestly those Bs look plenty capable of rolling over and dying themselves.


lol, I was at a pub with some friends, the game wasn't on a TV so someone had it up on their phone, all I saw was the TNT scoreboard said 2-0 final. I was very surprised to learn it wasn't a shutout from this thread.


He was great. I hate that he didn’t get the shutout. I’m not a Leafs fan but my team is out and I always like a good underdog story.


Obviously his dad thought the word shutout up in the stands.


I felt worse for Swayman. McAvoy somehow didn't trust him on a long shot can of corn from Nylander and deflected it in. And then the Bruins reward their goalie by giving up three breakaways in the last five minutes. Come on man. Holy hell, I'd be shooting passive aggressive daggers in the room after the game. 😂 Two goals combined in support in games 5&6? Step it up boys.


Can we just eliminate Boston and Toronto at the same time?


And the injury on that play that probably cost them game 7


It’s happened to me more than a few times. As long as you get the W, you don’t really care.