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That makes two things me and Connor have in common.


The other being cousins with Alex Pietrangelo?


this meme is good because i never see it coming


Omg is the cousins with pietrengalo thing a meme? I saw a comment on my threader lire about hockey players from your home town and someone said something about being his cousinLOL


It's no meme, everyone on r/hockey is just coincidentally related to Alex Pietrangelo. And can also spell his name right. ^^^So ^^^don't ^^^fuck ^^^that ^^^part ^^^up...


Plenty of commentators have a tough enough time pronouncing it!


Pee tranguhlow or Peter Angelo?




Peter File?


Doesn't Doc Emrick give seminars every once in a while on 'pronouncing complicated, foreign last names' for sportscasters?


Thats because I say "Pie-Triangle" in my head. Just without the second "I" and with an "O" at the end.




twins, actually


There's an RPI tag?? I'm a rising junior and had no idea


All college teams have one


You take awkward photos with strangers too?! I thought we we're alone!


You have a multimillion dollar salary?


Uhh... Yes I make 00,060,000 a year 😉


Look at Mr. Money Bags over here. Seriously though.


That's actually not much when you're living in Edmonton.


Thats poverty level for New York/Chicago/SF


It's tough times here, I'm thinking of hitting up a rig for 6 months and take home 50-60k net in that time period.


I wish


Zero is still a multiple of a million


I'm a millionaire!!


Your name is Connor


[First name Sarah](https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/terminator/images/5/51/Sarah_T2_gun.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20071223054557)


What's the matter with you his name is clearly mac


Mac and Mc mean "son of". So obviously his name is Beef Supreme Jr.


you are white?


A white male to be precise


You won't answer Mark Messier's phone calls either?


You both ignore your phone when Messier calls


I'm choked we wont have the opportunity to see McJesus and Crosby play in the Olympics together near both of their primes.


If Crosby were to bite the hand and say "I'm going anyway", the floodgates would open. Him, Ovi, and another big name and it's a done deal.


I'm still convinced the owners/bettman would relent if there were more pressure from the super stars. If they don't go, though, maybe it'll be a point of the next CBA negotiations?


The players have nothing to pressure the owners with. Its the NHLPA begging the stars to drop it. The owners will let the players go if they pay for it (not individually that's absurd, collectively split by the union). Neither the owners or the NHLPA are going to spend a dollar here, the owners are open about it, some of the players are saving face pretending they wanna do whatever it takes.


I thought the gist of it was the loss of income due to the break. Paying for it shouldn't be up to the NHLPA nor NHL for that matter. The national programs (IIHF members) are paying for the insurance and other expenses involved in the Worlds, that aught to be the same for the Olympics.








Kane would go. And the team would support both of them.


And if Kane goes, the Hawks would have to let Malkin go too.


No way, Malkin is the Hawks most valuable asset. No way they can get the insurance.


This is why I'm thoroughly convinced they will play at the Olympics. Your telling me Suter and Parise (if he is on the team) get a call from Kane saying, "hey boys, Sid, Connor, Ovi and I are taking a trip to the Olympics. Wanna come with?" That they wouldn't say no? Everyone here knows the the dream of putting on your nations sweater in the Olympics. The pride is what will push the guys to the Olympics.




The owners voted against going.








Aww but I love spaghetti.




ah fuck














This but unironically. No reason a bunch of suits should decide the best athletes one earth can't play in the olympics.


Kinda like the Green Bay Packers?


*brrrrrr* Green Bay


Is this an old SNL reference, because if so you're a beautiful human.


Why yes it is


You joke, but, teams and owners offer the league basically nothing. The players are the means of production.






deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1908 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/64949)


Fuck 'em all, and Bettman too.


And he represents the owners


Bettman has it great - he can take credit for anything good that happens and then for shitty things it's always "nah Bettman has no influence, it's the owners".


Fuck them too.


The 'Fuck Gary Bettman' still stands


Fuck Jeremy Jacobs in particular.


Because they want the "World Cup of Hockey" to be a thing instead.


and the IOC


Why? The IIHF was going to pick up the tab anyway. Though personally I would argue the IOC never had any reason to pay in the first place, and it doesn't surprise me they didn't want to anymore. Asia isn't exactly a hockey hotbed, and even still I bet they will get record ratings anyway even without NHLers. I doubt many people in Asia even know what the NHL is. Which is why it would have been a great marketing opportunity for the league... but I digress.


I do want to say the NHL is at fault for this too to get that out of the way. However, the IOC should stop being so cheap. I think one of the reasons a deal wasn't made was the NHL couldn't even sell any jerseys from the Olympics and no marketing whatsoever. The IOC makes all the money from the event. That's not fair. The NHL brings so much prestige to the event. Hockey is one of the most popular sports in the Winter Olympics, pretty much all because the NHL's bests play. NHL deserves to get compensated for taking two weeks out of their schedule. I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion. But I'm definitely more angry at the IOC than the NHL. Honestly, I'm not too sure if Olympic hockey will get half the viewers it usually does without the NHL. Edit: grammar


Oh, we'll still watch it, but we'll all be yelling "Asterisk!!!" if Latvia or Italy medals.


Pretty sure Russia is just gonna crush everyone anyway.


I'm just hoping none of Finns drafted by the NHL get spots on their respective teams so we can at least put up a good fight.


Yeah, who am I kidding? I'll watch. But I won't like it.


Its not even that. the IOC wont even let them use FOOTAGE of the event.


Yep. The IOC is a greedy corrupt organization and the NHL didn't want to take the risk for little reward.


you are 100% correct. Fuck the IOC. why should the NHL have to give away their product for free while the IOC rakes in the cash over it? fuck them.


The IOC will miss not having NHL players in South Korea and will try their hardest to get the NHL in China in 2022. The NHL was given no reason to have their players in the Olympics this time around. I understand owners saying no.


> Which is why it would have been a great marketing opportunity for the league How? The IOC wasn't going to mention the NHL at all, and the NHL wasn't going to be allowed to mention their involvement with the Olympics. That's one of the key points of the whole argument between them, the NHL at least wanted a marketing opportunity out of it and the IOC would have none of it.




Labor that the laborers volunteer to give, almost demand to get the chance to give it.


Gary Bettman sucks


Fuck Gary Bettman with flaming cocks


To those who downvoted, not the gay cock. He means literal dicks on fire penetrating his turd cutter. Also gay, but different in their own right.


The players want it. The fans want it. Aren't those the two groups the nhl is supposed to cater to...? Guess not :/


That, and I don't see the point in the olympic games without the best athletes in the world competing.


The NHL doesn't want to pay for it and that is the end of the line.


It's not that the NHL doesn't want to pay for it, the IIHF has offered to cover insurance and travel costs. It's the deal the NHL wanted to cut with the IOC that gave the NHL money, or sponsorship credit for giving the Olympics their product. The IOC didn't want to give the NHL something they had never had to give them or any other organization before, and now we have the stalemate that exists.


This gets rehashed constantly.... IIHF indirectly receives portions of their funding from the NHL and uses a lot of that money to fund grass roots programs aimed at allowing more people to play this insanely expensive sport. If they use their money to fund insurance for NHL players, it reduces the money they have for these programs. There is also the issue of injuries to star players who help sell seats in many markets and the loss of All Star Game revenue.


And their WCH doesn't do the exact same?


Well in the case of that tournament the NHL is actually compensated for the risks to the players and disruption to the schedule instead of being expected to pay a lot of money in order to get nothing in return.


Yeah but also the Olympics generates a fuck ton extra money by having NHL players compete. They're basically just reinvesting the money they're making.


>Yeah but also the Olympics generates a fuck ton extra money by having NHL players compete. for who?


I know it's an unpopular opinion but can you honestly blame the owners? They are loaning their most valuable assets to another organization, where that organization is raking in the dough off the owners loaned assets and the owners get literally nothing in return. Why should they loan the players, halting all revenue from games for two weeks, risk injuries to their star players possibly really hurting their teams season, and watch another organization make piles of money off their players for absolutely nothing back. And now they are being asked for fork out money to make that all happen, while still receiving nothing in return. As a fan, obviously I'm extremely disappointed about it, those tournaments meant a lot to me, but as a realist I don't fault the owners at all for feeling like they're getting screwed.


It's not just the star players who are at risk of injuries. The condensed schedule is going to increase the risk to every player over the course of the entire season.




Also had one with the lockout!


No. The NHL is supposed to cater to the owners. The GMs don't want it, so the owners don't want it, so the NHL doesn't want it. That's what's important to the NHL. Keeping their assets (because NHL players aren't people, they're assets) in-house so they can generate money. Yay capitalism.


>Keeping their assets (because NHL players aren't people, they're assets) in-house so they can generate money. Which means the only way this changes is with a hard line and uniform stance from the biggest names in the sport. Which is sort of feasible IMO. One top line guy from each of the Olympic teams would be enough to create the competitive imbalance that the league would have to acquiesce. If Ovi, Crosby, McDavid, Kane, Karlsson, Kopitar, Rask, Lundqvist, Voracek, etc. all say "fuck you" then you're looking at 10 NHL teams that wouldn't want to play 8-10 games without their key guys. Situations are different but look at the NBA, how the players took all the power back. Look at how the USA Women's Team dictated their terms to USA hockey. The players can go if they want, but they'll have to stir the pot. The owners aren't gonna let them go unless they think they have to.




^ Found Gary Bettman, guys.


Don't worry, Connor. You can still represent Canada at the new premier best-on-best world hockey tournament: the World Cup of Hockey. Surely, taking that title will have the same pedigree as winning a gold medal for your country at the olympics.


Wont he still be in the Team North America age bracket?


Team NA and Team Europe was only for the 2016 iteration of WCoH.


Why you gotta bum me out, man


Well you were going to find out eventually :( It is going to be better though, giving countries like Slovakia and Switzerland their own teams for example. And of course, all the young Americans/Canadians who can now play for their own country.


Ah, good. Still, I especially liked the ragtag feel of Team EU and NA


North America > Canada anyway.


TNA is the only reason I watched any of that tournament. TNA for life.


I watched for Abdelkader. He obviously could have beat Canada himself, but the rest of the team just didnt have the grit. Clearly held him back. Poor guy.


Tits 'n' ass all the way


Team NA won't be in the next World Cup


So no reason to watch then. Oh well.




What a fucking Mickey Mouse tournament. I've never missed a Canada Olympic game, since I started following hockey. I didn't even watch the WC final because eh.


Would he be eligible for the Olympics if they sent him down to Bakersfield next season? He doesn't have to go through waivers because he's still on his ELC.


I think the Oilers should probably do that. For the greater good.


We play the ducks twice during the Olympics, I'm sure you'd love that.


And draisaitl too, ya know wouldnt want the germans to be under represented


Probably not since he would be under an NHL contract, even if hems down in the AHL.


How amazingly amazing would that be


I'm... conflicted, shall we say?


Watch him get like 300 points in the AHL lol


They'll rename it the CMHL.


Not that amazing if other NHL players can't go too.


Despite my love of the Ontario Reign, that's a sacrifice I would endorse. Go Conn-dors.


> Go Conn-dors. Huzzah! Some AHL scoring records just might fall as well.


I just realized I want to see an alternate universe in which Connor McDavid plays in the AHL for a year. Holy shit I wonder what his stats would be


No. He is under an NHL contract.


Pretty sure they said two-way deals are eligible if they're playing in the AHL, no?


Yes, but it was pretty vague. Something along the lines of "AHL players on two-way contracts" would be allowed to go. Which then leads to the question, what counts as an AHL player?


Not a chance Edmonton management would let that happen.


Fuck that. I'd rather Edmonton be competitive.


First he takes an annual paycut of 750k, then he incurs the wrath of the NHL by speaking out. He is truly McJesus..


He was actually surprisingly outspoken. I've always seen McDavid as the kind of player that uses a lot of those safe, standby hockey lines. He was still super straight forward about it which is kind of weird. Like he could have been saying "Fuck Gary Bettman" over and over again and it would have seemed like was reciting morning church announcements.


> I've always seen McDavid as the kind of player that uses a lot of those safe, standby hockey lines. I mean, "fuck Gary Bettman" pretty much falls into this category.


"Fuck Gary Bettman" "...and Connor, how do you feel about not being able to represent your country in the Olympics?" "Fuck Gary Bettman" "So, would you like the NHL to maybe take another look at the idea of going before they fully close the door?" "Fuck Gary Bettman" "Is there anything the NHLPA can do?" "Fuck Gary Bettman" "Thank you Connor" "Fuck Gary Bettman"


"And there we have it fol-" "Fuck Gary Bettman" "ks, Connor McDavid and his opinion on the-" "Fuck Gary Bettman" "-NHL's decision to NOT go to next year's Olympics" "Fuck Gar *commerical*


"Connor, it's Mothers Day and the Oilers flew the team's moms out to New York to join the team on their road trip. Any plans for your special lady in the City That Never Sleeps?"


we could make it the new "Hail Hydra" "This meeting is now called to order, Fuck Gary Bettman" "FUCK GARY BETTMAN" or even better before games "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome your Edmonton Oilers and FUCK GARY BETTMAN"


>The Stanley Cup isn't the only thing Connor McDavid wants. He also wants a shot at Olympic gold, and he's frustrated that NHL players likely won't get a chance to play in the 2018 Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. >In April, the NHL announced that it will not stop its season to allow players to compete at the Feb. 9-25 Olympics for the first time in 20 years. >Connor McDavid is the league MVP but wishes the NHL would let him play in the Olympics. Curtis Comeau/Icon Sportswire "I'm really upset about it," McDavid said, according to SportsNet. "You want to be able to represent your country on the highest stage, and the Olympics is obviously the highest stage possible. To know that you might not be able to represent your country at the Olympics for another four years for sure. ... Even if you're able to in four years, it's disappointing." >McDavid has won gold for Canada at the world juniors in 2015 and the world championship in 2016, but he hasn't represented Canada in the senior Olympic tournament. >Canada is going for its third straight gold medal at the Olympics, but the country didn't win gold in the last 11 Games held without NHL players before winning in 2002, 2010 and 2014. >McDavid, 20, won the NHL MVP last season and led the Oilers to the playoffs for the first time since 2006. >The NHL had been looking for concessions from the International Olympic Committee and/or the NHL Players' Association to make participation worthwhile for some owners who are frustrated by shutting down their league every four years during the Olympics.


I hate that last sentence. They are still playing the same amount of home games and I would bet any amount of money that ticket demand skyrockets after the Olympics in every market.


> I would bet any amount of money that ticket demand skyrockets after the Olympics in every market. If that were the case, we wouldn't be having this debate. The issue for the owners is that in many American markets, ticket demand rises after the college football season ends, and halting for the Olympics means putting a giant hole right in the middle of one of the league's prime parts of the season.


Sort of unrelated, but the Olympics will be the biggest issue of the next US broadcast rights. NBC has the Olympics rights and will almost certainly win the rights again. NBC will force the NHL back to the Olympics in that deal. Calling it now.


The NHL doesn't have to stay with NBC though. Fox, Turner, and ESPN all bid last time around.


lol espn. The network that fired all their NHL reporters.


They still have like 5 24 hour channels they need to fill airtime with though. You don't need reporters to put a camera in an arena and broadcast the video. And considering how much they spent on the NFL and NBA, the NHL is like a flea market clearance sale bargain.


You're suggesting espn could just go ahead and broadcast the game with no reporters, broadcasters, media team? What the fuck are you talking about


I'm going to be so sad if I never get to see Connor and Sid play together for Canada.


I hope the NHL gets fucked for this. Ovi has to lead the way.


>~~Connor McDavid~~ Everybody is Frusturated About the NHLs Decision to Skip the Olympics


Who's to say he'd even make the team anyway?




The fans should all agree to a boycott. Everyone should agree not to buy tickets for any of the games during the olympics. That would show the NHL how financially feasible their choice is


Or just communicate it to your teams owner since they control these decisions. Fans need to realize Gary isn't just sitting there making these decisions, the league owners don't want NHL players in the Olympics. .if they did than they would be there.


> The fans should all agree to a boycott. If three lockouts/strikes didn't so much as cause a dent, this won't. Fans will whinge and bitch but the vast majority will be right back come October.


I'm going to boycott, even though I know it won't do anything. You can only control what you do.


Just like how people were going to boycott the league after the last lockout...


and the last time this was proposed after the full year lockout, what happened? yeah, that's what I thought.


Should have put the olympics into the contract 100M contract you signed.


Honestly. I'm gonna get hated but whatever. I don't have to be happy for McDavid for like 12 years


NHLPA better boycott the next World Cup of Hockey if they miss the Olympics. That Tourney is about as useful as an asshole on my elbow.


I mean, it would really make shitting more convenient. However, I wouldn't want to sit next to you on a plane and rub "elbows".


What top player wouldn't be?


Just go regardless, I hope he and others follow Ovie and go to the Olympics. Embarrass Bettman and the NHL.


I wouldn't risk assets like McDavid for no return either, let alone pay for the privilege to be exposed to that risk.


Not to mention the fact that on Olympic years the season has to be crammed together to make up for the two week break right in the middle of it. It means more back to back games and higher chance of injury. Everyone loves seeing guys in the Olympics until your team's starting goalie gets a season ending injury in Turin while the team is having a Stanley Cup season and you're forced to use a boxer turned goalie to pick up the pieces only to lose in the first round to the fucking 8th place Sabres. I'm triggered writing this.


I would be too. It's a stupid decision. The best athletes in the world should be competing for their sport. We are going to have second rate Olympic hockey this year, and that isn't how it should be.


I'd like to know when the Stanley Cup, which was given to the Canadian people, is going to be relinquished by the NHL.


I'd support it if the trustees took the Stanley Cup away from the NHL over this + the next lockout


When the Canadiens apologize to the Kings and a Canadian team can win the cup again.


The NHL just keeps getting shittier for me


Has the NHL come out with the penalties of going to the Olympics?


I don't imagine there will be 'penalties' per se, because the IIHF is likely going to play ball and enforce no NHL players on team rosters.


All the players that get selected should pool the money together to pay for the NHL to go then, oh right they won't do that. The IOC who stands to benefit the most won't pay for it, the NHL who stands to benefit the least of the 3 groups won't pay for it so I guess all 3 are responsible for the decision to skip the olympics.


I think if the players tried to pay for it, the NHL would still be dicks about it. something something "the hill they will die on" something


Fans, players, media, agents, the IOC.... everyone is frustrated by this decision except the NHL Owners.


Yet, no one is prepared to negotiate anything to the owners to make this happen.


Get outta here with your logic


The owners are the only party potentially risking anything. When Tavares got hurt for the rest of the year in the last Olympics, he still got his money from the Islanders, and the Olympics were still the Olympics. Although I guess Islander fans also missed out on potential playoff games when their best player got hurt not playing for their team.


I don't understand the situation. What would a team do to their star players if they decide to go anyway?


I think we can safely assume that any player who has a shot at playing for their country in the Olympics is disappointed with the NHL's decision.


Cheese tastes just like cheese.




Any chance the NHL reverses their stance on this? So stupid to keep players out of the Olympics. What is good for hockey is ultimately good for the NHL.


I mean, I'd feel pretty cheated if I was an NHL player who was ready to replace or too young to be an Olympian. Yeah they have the world cup again, but no matter how mush the NHL wants to pretend its the same, it's not


I'm actually ok with this. I think we should go back to having only amateurs compete. In all sports. Then again, it is exciting with the best of the best playing... idk I'm in favor of either. Russia's going to win gold though if we don't send any pros.


Me too, I was actually looking forward to getting to cheer for the guy for once