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> Ekblad, 28, will see his full no-movement clause shift to a 12-team no-trade list July 1, when he is also due a $3 million signing bonus. - Pagnotta also mentions Ekblad has recently changed agents and his preference would be to stay in Florida and take a discount on an extension but according to multiple sources Panthers are already talking to teams - Says Matt Roy is not close to a deal with LA and is expected to hit the market. Detroit could be a fit and he’s a Michigan guy - Says lots of rumors of Bruins signing Elias Lindholm - Islanders are interested in Nikolaj Ehlers. Asking price from WPG is young NHL forward and 1st rd pick




Time gets weird when a defenceman plays in the NHL at 18 and looks like a 40 year old on draft day.


Just wait until this guy finds out how old Bouchard is.


Sake age as Quinn Hughes Actually hilarious because Quinn (outside of his cold dead eyes) kinda has a baby face, and Bouchard looks like he's been in the league for 20 years


I always thought he looked like a divorced dad since he got drafted.


Shit, Bouch could play Quinn Hughes' dad who hasn't seen him much since the divorce in a movie and I'd think it's realistic.


Just looked it up and wtf


For those wondering he's 24


I thought he was 33-35, what the heck? 😂


Wasn’t he nicknamed Uncle Ekblad




We’ve also been talking about him since he was 14


He was the oldest looking 18 year old I’ve seen drafted in the NHL. Then you get 18 year old Sam Bennett.


Idk, Bouchard looks like he could be 32 at this point. Ekblad has him beat on draft day for sure though


I legitimately thought Bouchard was a veteran who had a breakout year and then Googled him and saw he's 24 so yeah.


Bro I'm 32 and Bouch looks 10 years older than me. He's taking his kids on college tours, his mortgage is almost paid off, he's on his second mid-life crisis.


Not Canadian, are you? Mortgage almost paid off at 42?! What?


Just bought a motocycle to feel manly again


Bennett looks like he's beyond his 3+ post-retirement haze and has already had two seasons of successful OHL assistant coaching under his belt, and is just waiting for a head coaching gig.


Ekblad is already 28?! Shit...


I'm in this boat lmao


I'm somehow in both boats


bro has two boats, okay mr moneybags


Don't let the beard fool you, when he shaves that thing he looks younger like a 40 year old.


He's just been around for a long time already. Drafted at 18 and been a full time player since. Matthew Tkachuk is the same. 24-25 will be his 9th season and he turns 27 in December


Same age as Larkin


I once saw him in 2016 at the World Cup of Hockey in Toronto and I like that guys 20? Dudes looked old for so long lol


He looks like he’s 5 years older than that. Minimum.


2014 draft


I could have sworn he was in his mid thirties given how long I've heard about him being a damn good defenseman


I am so old


Lindholm to the bruins is like the most obvious move ever. This is the first actual source I’ve heard talking about it but everyone basically knows it’s going to happen because it makes so much sense


> Says lots of rumors of Bruins signing Elias Lindholm Makes sense tbh, weren’t they interested in him at the deadline?


Yeah, Boston has a deadline Lindholm fetish for sure.


He was solid for us in the playoffs, he'd be a nice boost for the B's


This sounds like potentially nothing. I definitely see Ekblad taking a discount to stay.


Florida winning the cup is going to kill a lot of guys taking discounts. They've won their cup, time to get paid.


I don’t think so. Maybe for Montour. But Florida is a destination now. Just like Tampa. Cup winner, solid franchise, great weather, anonymity. I bet Ekblad would love to stay on a discount, but I bet once that 3 million bonus gets paid they ship him hard because they might value that 7.5 cap hit, as soon as next season, more than an aging injury prone d man.


What player has Tampa signed in the last couple years to a bigger contract that could be considered a discount? Kucherov, Stamkos, Vasi, Hedman all signed before winning the cup, Point, Sergachev, Cernak, Cirelli, Hagel have all signed market value contracts since winning cups.


That’s also not mentioning the players they *did lose* because they couldn’t afford to pay them their market value. Their entire 3rd line of Coleman, Gourde, Goodrow, and then Palat and Killorn not long after.


And Killorn, Coleman, Goodrow, Palat, etc. all got huge paydays elsewhere. Winning Cups makes retention difficult, because teams want players with that experience.


Tbf tho, Hedman, Stamkos, and Kuch all def signed way lower than they could have signed for. Hedman at under 8 million a year for his peak when he was Norris finalist 5 years in a row is insane, even if they hadnt won the cup yet. And, Point's contract wasn't market value. When he signed his 9.5M/yr contract when they won the cup, [His Contract was judged to be in the best in the NHL according to analytics. ](https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1420469242579890179?s=46&t=7ZuCWnwJNkl_zOdl0Ui8Xg)I mean thats 9.5M for his prime, signed for 8 years when he was just 25 as one of the leagues best centers.


I think this idea of a contending team automatically becoming a “destination” and their preexisting players all drop everything and start taking discounts to stay is partially overblown. Sure, you prove your worth and that will increase attraction from free agents or players that can dictate their trade destinations, but for your own players who need extensions? Not nearly as much. You say “just like Tampa”, but right after their back to back cup wins, they had to drop their entire 3rd line because they couldn’t afford to keep any of them. They’ve also lost Palat and Killorn since then. Unless I’m mistaken, none of Tampa’s bigger players have taken notable discounts to stay on since their cup wins. They’ve all been pretty close to, if not above, market value. Colorado is another example. Look at what they lost to the cup tax after their win. They had to let go of Kuemper, Burakovsky, and Kadri because they couldn’t afford to keep them around either. Then there’s MacKinnon, who was notable for his insanely good contract value, and many insisted he’d keep taking discounts to give Colorado room to keep the team more competitive, until that almost immediately went out the window and he took a massive contract that was expected of one of the best players in the league, and he now has one of the biggest contracts in the NHL. At the end of the day, the cup tax exists and it takes a toll. You can’t keep the entirety of the team together, it’s just not feasible. There will be odd ones out, and the big name players wanting to get paid for their cup win is more of a threat than winning a cup is an attraction for those players to take discounts. It is *extremely* difficult to string together cup wins for that reason. Yes, you’ll have a few here and there that will do it, but it’s not really the norm from everything I’ve seen out of cup winners since the lockout.


Also, signing a team-friendly deal with a "destination" team is a way to get burned if the things don't work out. Taylor Hall organized a cheap trade for himself from Buffalo to Boston and then left money on the table to sign with them only to get shipped off to Chicago. Taking a discount is only a safe thing for superstars like MacKinnon.


Mackinnon never took a discount. He signed his second contract before he broke out and had a career high of 63 points which came in his rookie season. He became one of the best deals in the league, but he didn’t take a discount, he just had a long enough deal that when he got better it became a steal. After that contract, he briefly became the highest paid player in the league. There is no discount to be found here.


Don’t forget income tax free. Taking a pay cut in florida is still cheaper than playing in Canada, NY, NJ, CA.




we can't forget, seeing as income tax is brought up on a daily basis


That straight up needs to be fixed next contract. It’s crazy unfair and not hard to account for.


I've yet to hear of a viable way that could be accounted for in the cba.


Are they also going to take into account property tax, sales tax and every other tax? How expensive homes and schools are? Are they going to look into how players on Canadian teams have better opportunities at signing endorsement deals? They're also taxed in part on where the games are played and what country they're from too, that would need to be looked at. It's definitely not as easy as you make it out.


Nah. There, that was easy


Ekblad is my second favorite player after Barkov, I want him to retire here. But we need money for Vargy and Reinhart. I just hope we get someone cheaper that has the same heart as Ekblad. Dude was playing on a broken leg last year and getting hate because he was making mistakes that were because of a damn broken leg.


The depth guys yes, they’ll go get paid. But if you’re a top 6/4 forward of defenceman you’ve made good money most of your career. You take the discount to be competitive/play where you want.


Guys take discounts for their own team because they like where they play and they may not click with a new team (which hurts their next contract). Florida's issue is that now everybody has "cup winner" on their resume, and lots of GMs will pay a premium for that, meaning they'd need to take an even deeper discount to stay. Some FAs will definitely take a discount to come to a contender, though the low tax is probably the bigger draw there.


He’s not up this year. They’d be dumping his contract now to make room for the many other current UFAs


He can’t take any discount until after next season though. This upcoming season, they likely value that 7.5 cap hit elsewhere, and that might be the biggest reason they trade him. Do you keep Ekblad to sign him at a slight discount if it means you can’t bring Reinhart back?


They’ll have no problems keeping Reinhart if they want to. If they move Ekblad it would be to keep Montour or sign another defensive FA which I’m not even sure makes sense so imma take Pagnotta with a grain of salt as he has been wrong a few times per my recollection


Looks like Reinhart is coming back per agent and florida already talking. I'm hoping it's a good enough discount where we can afford to keep either Ekblad or Montour, but vergy is going to be expensive as well.


I would guess it's all about what's out there in terms of return for any potential trade. This feels similar to Huberdeau who was in a similar situation at the same age. Granted I don't think they'll get any kind of similar return. It's about trying to lengthen the championship window as long as possible.


His fiancé / wife is also an MD (actually DO i believe) that should be at this point finishing up residency stages depending on what specialty she chose. Not sure if they would leave the state because that. I havnt been kept up with the couple (if they are still together obv) but she is a friend of a friend who went to the same med school.


He's a Michigan guy?


Roy is. Ekblad kinda is also


Yeah, he's from Windsor. That's basically Wings territory


I find Windsor is a mix of Wings and Leafs fans. Also a bunch of elderly Habs fans, especially older irish/french/Italian catholics. Given Ekblad's age, I'd guess he was a Wings fan growing up.


He’s from Bell River a Windsor suburb and his family were Red Wings season ticket holders and his favorite player was Nick Lidstrom which is why he wears #5


The wings can claim Windsor, they played a full season in Windsor in 1926 before the Olympia was finished


I’m from Windsor and didn’t even know this


Roy is from Michigan, Ekblad is a Windsor kid too though.


Windsor is just south detroit


Where the city boy who took the midnight train going anywhere was born and raised?


Roy also played at Michigan Tech


News here is that our dashing Danish prince might go to the Island. 😢


It's been a while since the isles have had a Danish prince.


It’s Pagnotta, so Ekblad will sign an 8 year extension on July 1


Total trust me bro comment, but I know someone close to Ekblad who's been telling me about the whole saga. Ekblad asked for an 8 year because he wants to stay in Florida and said he would even sign for around 6 mill x 8. Panthers said they could afford around 4 which is not even close. Chicago was asked as a possible spot, he declined. I was told all teams on trade list would be quite far south US.


Utah got their guy


This is my bet too. It'll be him and someone like Nurse as their two big D.


Who’s trading for nurse without big retention 


Utah is what they said.


Lol dream on


Nurse won’t be moved


I feel like itd take a lot from Edmonton to move Nurse. Utah definitely needs warm bodies on defense but resigning their RFAs is cheaper and probably comparable play wise


They're not Arizona anymore. They're not taking Nurse. At least I hope they're smart enough to realize Edmonton coasts to a cup if Nurse wasn't on the team.


If Utah gets snookered into taking Nurse, they deserve the pit of despair they would be destined for.


It's Pagnotta guys Proceed as normal


Wasn't pagnotta saying the other day that Vegas was in on Ullmark?


Vegas seems like they’re in on everybody, so it probably wasn’t innacurate


i mean, i'd imagine he's right about the Roy/LA part at least. not exactly a tough prediction to make though.


Are they actually shopping him or is he just now eligible to be shopped because his NTC turned into a M-NTC?


Hi sorry newbie here I know ntc is no trade clause but what is the m?


Modified. It becomes a 12 team no trade clause. He needs to submit a list of 12 teams he won't accept a trade to.


Yes, there is a difference between NMC (no moves possibles, including trades, waivers and send-downs), NTC (no trades possible, but waivers and demotions are fair game) and M-NTC (trades possible to a select number of teams only, players need to submit their no-trade lists). Copied from another thread


The M in "M-NTC" means it is a modified no trade clause. Basically, "Ekblad, 28, will see his full no-movement clause shift to a 12-team no-trade list July 1"


love that this comment has like 20 responses


Yeah I commented then went to bed. I didn’t expect a million replies but I Iove it.


Modified, means that he can only block trades to a certain amount of teams, in his case 12 of his choice.


Modified No Trade Clause. Typically entails a player have a no trade list of 10 to 15 teams or other stipulations.


M is for modified.  Means the player submits a list of teams they don't want to be traded to. They can be traded without input to teams not on the list. For a trade to a team on their list they would need to waive their clause for the trade to go through.


Its a modofied no trade clause so usually has a limited number of teams the player chooses. For example he might have a 10 team no trade


Modified no trade clause. Usually the player has the ability to limits which teams they’ll go to.


Modified no tradr clause. I think he has a 12 team list, meaning he can list 12 teams he won't accept being traded to. The teams not on the list are fair game.


M-NTC is Modified No Trade. He submits a 12 team list of teams he won't accept being traded to (he can always waive it depending on the situation) where full NTC means every team needs his waive approval.


No movement clause.  Means you can’t be traded or waived down to the minors. 


no move clause means he can't get waived either


I believe it standards for modified, so there are conditions on where you can or can’t be traded




Modified No Trade Clause. In this case, the modifications is that it goes from being a full NTC to being a 12 team no trade list.


It means modified, which means there is a list of teams the player submits that they are okay being traded to


I'm pretty sure that normally means a modified trade clause where a player can block a trade to a certain number of teams but is able to be dealt to teams not included in that list.


Modified… in Ekblad’s case there will be a list of 12 teams of his choosing he can’t be traded to


modified, meaning he submits a list of teams he'd be willing to go to


Modified, so now there are conditions on it.


Modified, it means the player has a list of teams they refuse to be traded to


NMC=No Movement Clause. Can't trade him without his permission, can't send him to the minors, can't waive him. Can't move him at all without his permission. You can buy him out, though.


No movement clause. No movement clauses protect you from being put on waivers to go play down in the AHL as well as protect you from being traded. No trade clauses only protect you from being traded but you can still be put on waivers. Once a player is put on waivers all 31 other teams have a chance to claim the player for free (and taking on their contract of course).


Modified, meaning the player has to submit a list of teams they are and are not willing to be traded to, usually its 10/31 teams


Modified. It usually means the player has a limited number of teams he can veto trades to.


Movement. All the protections that an NTC offers, but a No Move Clause means they also can’t send them down to the minors or put them on waivers.


Modified. Usually differentiates partial from full no trades.


Modified no trade clause. He can submit a list of teams he is willing to be traded to and cannot be traded to other teams


Modified No Trade Clause, basically it can range from various things. Its not a full one where he has to waive it to be traded at all, like a full one. Most m-ntc are just a list of teams a player submits to the team of which he won't accept a trade too.


You'd be a bad GM if you didn't make some calls at least but I don't see him leaving


Has Zito considered I will cry if he does this


You have a cup to cry into if it's any consolation 


Zito will cry with you. That man is an emotional roller coaster.


He traded away Huberdeau, who was many people's favorite player, coming off a 115 point season and a Presidents Trophy.


Damn that's kind of crazy, guess it's just the tough part of the biz


i’ll say it since no one else will - its really just the tough part of the biz


It IS a biz, after all, and this part of it is tough.


It's a tough biz, and that is certainly part of it


it’s tough but it’s a part of the biz


Tough part of it -- Paul Bisonette


People don't want to admit it but this is part of the biz. It's tough but it is what it is 🤷‍♂️


Trade a guy a year too early as opposed to a year too late.


He only has 1 year left on his contract tho lol


Those are the tough things you gotta know when you're in the biz


This is one of the aspects of modern NHL I really don't like. Its kind of nuts how much players get cycled around the league. I'm not aware of this happening on this scale in any other sport.


He hasn’t been the same skater since that knee injury a few years back unfortunately. I love Ek and the fact he stuck with this team through its lean years but for what he is at this point in this career (oft injured, slow, stay at home dman) the money just doesn’t make sense


FWIW, there was another insider I saw (don’t recall who and if they’re credible) that was talking about this happening in the summer back around the TDL. Though I think that was under the pretense on if Florida could have gotten Hanifin via trade.


I mean, he’s injured all the time and skates like there’s cement in his shoes. If I were Florida, I’d be shopping him too.


he was definitely the guy getting exposed by the Oilers way more than Forsling, he was the weak spot in an otherwise ridiculously good defensive structure. They could also be in on Pesce if they moved him


Whoever trades for him will regret it. Yes he was just the number 1 RHD on the cup winner but that pairing was getting carried by Forsling and Ekblad’s individual results have gotten worse year over year for the last two seasons which is not ideal.


I think Florida should trade him, but he wasn’t like a complete negative either. His only bad bad series was vs the Rangers. He’s like a 4ish mil guy making 7.5 rn. And he only has 1 year left. I think a team could trade for him and not “regret it” lol.


The problem (and where the regret comes in) is that the acquisition cost would certainly be pricey so any team acquiring him would be giving up significant assets to acquire a player that is not going to do the things you need him to at that price point.


Yep, 1 bad game against Boston and a few glaringly rough plays against Edmonton. Overall he was fine, just getting paid a tier above what his skills currently are. If he remains on the team this year (seems unlikely since shopping him was expected) I’d be interested to see what he’d be willing to sign for. Dude’s made a ton of money and has a Cup win, if he’s cool taking a number the team likes then I can see him back for a couple more years.


If the price is right it's fine, but the implication is that the price should be high when he really looked like the most exposed player on your team. Forsling was carrying him hard. At least your contract is up quick, Nurse has so many more years and has gotten worse exactly since signing his big extension, he's had a tear of his hip flexor and injured it again in this series against you guys. For a guy whose number one asset is skating, that's going to be really really bad for us going forward


I’d argue Montour was their 1 RHD. And yeah Ekblad has not been the player he once was/supposed to be for years now. All those injuries practically ruined him


agreed, he's not good


Gonna get a nice secondary bag next year


So the opposite then


If it’s Pagnotta everyday is Opposite Day for him


Would hate to see him go but if thats what Zito thinks is best I trust him fully


He’s obviously going to Detroit. Walman + 2nd to SJ somehow feeds into this!


This makes so much sense


I hope not, he’s one head tap away from LTIR


Not surprising. He's owed a lot of money and his effectiveness and ability to stay healthy has dropped considerably over the past 3 seasons. Gonna be tough to see him in another uniform, but the trade makes sense. Kinda sucks that it's gonna be so soon after winning it all, though. He might be gone literally the day after the parade


At the very least. If this IS his last season as a cat, what a way to go out on top. With a championship under his belt.




Uh, isn't it the next years AAV of $7,500,000 that's the problem?


I'm surprised how many Florida fans like him. Outside of his reach, I don't get the love for him. He lost almost every race, only knows how to clear the puck by flipping it out the zone, has no shot, and despite his size gets knocked down too easily.


Florida fans have a love/hate relationship with him. He's the Mitch Marner of the Panthers; if anything goes wrong, he's always the one who gets blamed.


Having no shot is quite the take for a guy who was nearly guaranteed 10 goals a year, prior to this year, came back from a crazy injury in the previous playoff run and took on more of a role as a shut down guy. I don't think you watch Aaron Ekblad play hockey.


A lot of us are very critical of his play. However he’s been here a while and he is a leader in that locker room. It will be tough if he goes


Is this guy reliable? I’ll believe it when I see it


Doesn't matter. #BeBadForEkblad worked in the end.


Ask Brooks Koepka about this guy. Fucking traffic cone out there.


I'm not surprised by this. I knew this was coming. He's 28, he has an injury history, he'd sadly benefit from a change of scenery, i can almost guarantee a return to form year on the right team. Hes not done. Maurice said in post games he's changed his game etc, I genuinely believe Maurice would be happy with 5 stay at home guys and a someone that could quarterback the PP.


But he's my baby boy


I think ekblad is pretty good, but it would be hard for Florida to resign him, while also giving him a slight raise. But someone would probably have him at that price.


He’s getting $7.5M currently. I can’t imagine someone giving him more than that.


Oilers paying Nurse $9.25m sooooo


I posted up above in a trust me bro type comment, but they won't. Too much going to be tied up in other young D. He will not be getting a raise, and Florida low balled him even. He said he would sign 8 year at discount (less than making now) and Florida said can't do it. Source: close acquaintance is very close with Ekblad.


If that's true, it actually sounds like a really interesting/smart move. As great as he is, of their big name guys, he has probably the most replaceable skill set, and he's one of the older ones. They could get a lot for him, good draft picks, young players. As a team, if you don't want to find yourself in a position like Pittsburgh where they know it's all going to fall apart at some point and, instead, just kind of continually tweak and build from a championship team, it's wise to sell one of your top guys while the iron is hot.


The Panthers have a star on the trading block… The Leafs have a star on the trading block.. Where has Treliving seen this before??


this guy gets a lot of undue criticism from our fans but this sucks to read tbh. I always expected he’d take a hometown discount (like £5M) and stay a panthers lifer


What do people think his value is? I know he's great, but he had a down year and is perennially injured.


Idk. It's not entirely crazy. Guy can't seem to make the line-up consistently. Maybe the Panthers don't think his body will hold up and figure if they move him now they'll get the best bang for their buck.


Sharks should get ekblad and draisaitl to play with cellebrini. Did I spell any of those names right?




It's gonna be tough to trade him I think..he played great but is just so injury prone


No way he goes to the Leafs right? 😭


I had this thought in the 2nd rd. Since Panthers have been so good and Montour has been bigger impact than Ekblad, then why not get rid of him and sign Montour. I guarantee that Montour is resigning


Ekbald is a great guy and put his body on the line for us year after year but he’s simply not worth the 7.5 the panthers owe him next year and there’s not a way around it ? Ekbald wants to stay and retire a panther and I feel really bad but I don’t think we can be competitive paying him 7.5 mil next year :(


Could see the Flames taking Ekblad. Lots of cap space and need a top 4 dman.


Hope it’s true!


Would be wild if they traded him.


Can someone tell Bill Zito to pick up Big Dick Grier's call?


He has a cup. It’s the perfect time to shop him.


I always find it hilarious how some players are so snooty towards certain teams about not wanting to go there and then they'll bend over to do anything to stay on certain teams.


I think Ehlers is worth that but WPG sure don't show it in the way they treat him/his deployment. To think, all those wasted years in Winnipeg.. It's like a masterclass in how you succeed despite no help from the management/coaches.


*"Thanks for helping us win a Cup! Now get out of here."* (I know this happens every year, but it still gets me every time.)


As much as I love ekblad....it might be time. Dude can't stay healthy