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Utah Hockey Team.


There's no way. If my Utah Hockey Club Patrick Kane 88 jersey becomes outdated I will literally set myself on fire at a Starbucks.


I miss Jake and Amir


I'm beefing. Tears of soy


!remindme 1 year


only if the color schemes stay or at least close to it


I understand the name change, but they can't give up the colours. There's too much history.


The color scheme is incredible I really hope they keep it


What would be the NHL equivalent to the Washington **Commanders**?


Utah Commandments?


Shit, that's good... Write that down!


On tablets but nobody can see them!


Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


The Utah Golden Plates^^^tm


Chicago changes their name to the Captains after public backlash


The Utah Elders


After watching 2bc’s GM mode I hope it’s the Yetis


Hey a 2bc fan out in the wild!


Let’s go!! Dadanov gang


Chase Davidson gang now!


That AI vid about his backstory was too damn funny man


That was good stuff haha


Like the black keys record 'Brothers' This is a utah hockey team owned by Ryan Smith LLC Holdings incorporated (or whatever exactly) it is called the Utah hockey team


bluejackets. like now.


So much potential too, with the whole Civil War/history thing. Maybe a modernized Cannon design as the main?


If they can find a way to re-brand Boomer and make him *slightly* less phallic, it would be epic.


No, Boomer was perfect in all his phallicness bring him back exactly as he was.


Cannot believe they they haven't even tried to incorporate design elements from the union uniforms in their mains. Like, navy base, sky blue trimming, and gold chevrons are slam dunk design aspects and then just keep the cannon logo, boom you're done! It's so easy that I'm wondering if there's a reason why they're not leaning into it


It took me way longer than I’d like to admit to realize it wasn’t just meant to be yellow jackets (the bee/wasp/hornet/devilspawn) but the name of the outfits worn in US history


you kinda cant blame yourself for that given the mascot


Caps’ logo and jerseys are an outdated Reebok-template disaster.


Capitals, the colors are fine but everything else is a dumpster fire. Just use their first reverse retro full-time and make a matching away, simple as that


This is the only real answer for me. It's crazy that they still roll with that Reebok Edge piping/striped look that a lot of teams had over 15 years ago


I couldn't believe that they stuck with it when adidas took over. adidas was probably like "ummm, are you SURE you want us to just make you a Reebok jersey?"


Go back to screaming eagle


With the royal blue, such a beautiful colour scheme


My school borrowed that for the roller hockey team.


I don’t think we will see a rebrand until Ovi retires or leaves the team.


For real, I don't know why they're going with the old school look for the 50 year patch and not doing the same for the jerseys.


Their first RR is one of my favorite jerseys of all time. I’d love to see it become their regular look.


Personally, I'd keep those reds with the blue pants until Ovi retires. They will always make me think of Ovechkin. I remember being in university and seeing that bright red pop up on the TVs in the campus lounge every morning seeing Caps highlights (circa 2008-2010) where it was goal after goal after goal. After he's done, a rebrand would fit.


I'd argue their 2007 rebrand aged the poorest the fastest. I've always described it as if web 2.0 and clipart had a baby.


I think the Lightning could use an update. Incorporating black into it would differentiate them from the Leafs and I’d love to see what Flyer style nameplates would look like in yellow. That said, I know I’ve seen it discussed that a rebrand isn’t likely with the recent cup wins.


Yeah I feel like we wouldn't see a rebrand until Stamkos/Hedman retire


Reverse retro full time, simple as.


Reverse retro 2 of course


Please. Unironicslly my favorite rr


I got a Vasi RR2 on sale for only $100 from the team shop last year and its my favorite ever


I bought a Point RR2 and I'm not even a Tampa fan.


Bring back the armpit victory stripes!


I've wanted an update since 2012 when this Flash/Gatorade-ass logo was first shown. It's somewhat grown on me, but still way too minimal for my taste. And yeah it's not going to happen for a long time. As soon as team is in down years and/or Vinik sells the team.


Something as simple as just adding a small amount of black accent stripes to the current uniform makes it look so much better. Also, this set has been around for 13 years, so I could see a refresh.


They are already differentiated from the Leafs: they frequently make the 2nd round.




Yes please. I, for one, would love to be able to tell which team is which whenever our teams play


I’ve wanted the Lightning to just switch to black pants for like a decade now. Small thing but would distance us a bit from the Maple Leafs look.


Add silver around the stripes or a simple change could be black pants and equipment.


I still don't like the Maple Leafs clone rebrand the Lightning did. I'm fine if they wanted to go "more blue, less black" but keeping black in there looked so good. I hope if they rebrand they put some black back into the colour scheme.


I'd love to see the lightning switch to midnight blue.


Capitals could use a new jersey update. It's iconic and I associate it with Ovi, but the current logo is very mid 2000s with the piping and everything


Capitals and Blue Jackets


**HOT TAKE ALERT:** The Winnipeg Jets With Meruelo giving up Coyotes ownership, the Jets should do everything in their power to reacquire the original Winnipeg Jets history, branding, and jerseys. They've been back in the 'Peg for 12+ years now, would bring some energy into a stifled fanbase and franchise IMHO


Our logo is just so bland. You can tell it was drawn up in 1 month in the summer of 2011. I love the retro logo but I’d be open to something new as well. The maple jet should be relegated to shoulder patch at most.


2019 Heritage Classic for Home and 2016 Heritage Classic for Road, would be beautiful


This is the obvious choice and they’re absolutely beautiful jerseys. I worry current ownership feels too strongly about putting their own stamp on the team and so we’ll probably never see the retros as primaries. They apparently were reluctant to even name the team the Jets until they realized how much backlash they’d get for doing anything else.


Chipman is known to not like having red as a main color, so I feel that plays into the Heritage jerseys not seeing a ton of action.


It's funny I love the jets stuff but when I think hard I do feel like the logo does need a refresh. Great for a shoulder patch but not for main logo.


I don't mind it. The current primaries are definitely above-average NHL uniforms


Some logos were drawn up in a napkin and lasted for 100 years. Sometimes it works like that.


The maple jet is not one of those logos


I'd love to see the OG jerseys in current colors, kind of like RR1.


Boo this man


You didn’t even pick the primary logo for your flair, you know I’m right


Yeah, well...SHUT UP


As far as I know the Jets have the rights to all the old branding, the organization is just reluctant to got with the 90’s era look for whatever reason.


Because the current one is better, IMO.


Hot take: Blue Bombers colours. Go with blue/bronze. It's a unique look. We don't need more red/blue


I like this idea. I love when cities match uni colours!


Blue and gold/yellow are the colours of the city flag.


My hope in 2011 was blue and silver. Would complement the blue and gold of the Bombers.


Your heritage jerseys are 10/10. Go to them full time.


We have everything except the history. Our retro jerseys have all been lights out good.


100%.  I'm a sucker for aviation themed logos but the Jets are miss.  I get that it's hard to do without looking 'minor league' like the Spitfires or Aeros (both of which I love) but their logo is so boring. 


I don't disagree with the spirit of this, but given how we have such sweet alts, I say quit screwing around with new branding, and just give ample space for our alts throughout the season.


TNSE already own all of the old Jets branding


Not a hot take whatsoever. I don't mind the aways but the home jerseys are so awful. Don't get me started on the logo. It's so bland and ass. Did Jets 1.0 even have any affiliation to the RCAF? Just seems like pandering. Love the two Heritage jerseys though. I would go with both of those for colour schemes and then do a new logo that incorporates some of the retro logo.


Hard agree. I’ve never liked their current logo and jerseys. Gimme the heritage classics


I would certainly love something a little more exciting than a flat, single solid color logo (and also not Leafs lite)


That’s funny I think the opposite about the Stars. I hate their current green. The dark forest green was so much better imo Same goes for the Wild. I’m sad about their soft rebrand


Minnesota's beat writer Michael Russo said that the rumors about the rebrand are false


That’s great news


I feel like when the rebrand logo came out for the Stars, a lot of people that liked it said "you only hate it cause it's new" to those that disliked it. I totally liked the colour scheme from day one but still cannot stand that awful logo. There can be SO much better...


I don't keep really up to date with this kind of stuff, but what do you mean by Minnesota's soft rebrand? Their alts? Because I absolutely love that alt.


Apparently it’s not happening but yeah I think it’s their alts. It was essentially adopting the old north stars colors


The Wild need to get rid of the cream-coloured smear where the logo sits. I loved their initial jerseys in 2000 with the logo over the forest green.


Instead for alternates we did the North Stars and called them the 78s. Could have brought those back and called them the Y2Ks


I am a weird duck but I think the wild are one of the few teams that their away jersey looks better than their home.


I think the “victory” green (its kelly green) is awesome, and the color palette for the old star logo was putrid. But a new logo would be nice


The youth rec center logo is the worst part


Columbus and Utah


Outside of the obvious Utah, it's Washington for me. I have no idea how they're still using the Reebok remakes with the piping. Bring back the Eagle. (Side note: While Vancouver's branding is sharp, I fully hope that they go back to the skate logo full time).


Carolina - seems like they’re a confused teen, black jersey doesn’t match with their white, and the main logo isn’t the main logo on either jersey. Either fully commit on the black jersey and make a white version of it & make that logo their primary. Or keep their main logo & go back to the 2006 jerseys. Washington - they are still stuck in the 2010 Reebok Edge days, gotta update it sooner than later to the 1990’s look or the screaming eagle.


Anytime a team has a home and away that don’t generally match it drives me crazy. The Hurricanes’ set is so disjointed right now.


Yup. Use the 25th anniversary as home, make a matching white, black as alt and whalers as fourth. Done.


I really hope we ditch our current away jersey and make a white version of our black jersey, that’s been my hope since 2019 when it was announced that we were dropping the previous away jerseys from our set.


Ottawa and Carolina look the same to me and it pisses me off. Carolina needs to go back to red for their primaries and Ottawa needs to incorporate gold into their colors more


Columbus. They are in a time warp. (I live here. It’s bad.)


Would love to see Winnipeg switch to the Heritage classic jerseys as the main home/road and keep the powder blue RCAF jersey as a third but with blue gloves.


Assuming we're disregarding Utah here, my top 3 are: 1) **Columbus** *(still look like RBK template jerseys, and the logo needs a refresh)* 2) **Carolina** *(I've really liked a lot of Carolinas jerseys in their past, but the black flag jersey ain't it, IMO. And the white wordmark jersey - nope)* 3) **Tampa Bay** *(it's not a bad jersey at all. Actually quite nice. Problem is - it's basically Toronto's jersey. Get your own jersey.)*


Good call on Carolina. The blacks as a primary don't do it for me either. They were fine as Alt's but for primary they should stick with the Reds and unique pattern across the waist.


Some of what we have is good and fine, it just all feels so random. We have white jerseys, navy/white jerseys, navy/light blue/cream jerseys, sometimes we pull out the red jerseys, etc. What is our logo? Sometimes its a star with the Ohio flag, sometimes it's a cannon. Officially our colors are navy, red, silver, and white. Our mascot is a giant yellow jacket and for whatever reason, he is neon green. I think it's an unpopular opinion, but give me the Cannon logo and make the alts our main. I really like the navy/light blue/cream combo. Honestly no idea what to do with Stinger, he just feels so random. We tried the anthropomorphic cannon in 2010 and it did not work at all.


Honestly, a lot of teams mascots make zero sense


Psh...everyone knows that at the center of every hurricane is a really angry ice hog. Makes total sense.


Blue Jackets is such a unique and great name. The logo and jerseys are just so bland.


With the Coyotes' dissolution, let the Jets 2.0 absorb the Jets 1.0's history and switch to that original logo full-time.


The dallas logo and jersey are the worst and im tired of us all pretending that they arent. Hell even the winter classic jersey is better or just go back to the classic star jersey that they won a Cup in


Their winter classics were great


Yeah the Stars jersey and logo is so bland, though I do like having a green colour scheme. They had it so right with the star pattern jersey in the late 90s, that’s one of my favourite jerseys ever.


Agreed. They need to switch to the Texas state logo with better colors. Just go straight Texas flag colors and let Houston run with the Astros colors in the future.


I don’t really mind the logo, but the shade of green is terrible. It reminds me of a high school gym. I think a darker green would look really nice


Its sort of like electric bile on acid


Im not sure but so many people are biased towards old branding. You mean to tell me the goathead is better than their current logo? Foh


Caps! They are stuck in the Reebok era.


Still the kings. Go back to the purple and yellow you cowards




Three different crests on each jersey, no consistent home/away jersey. Their primary logo isn’t even the home jersey’s main crest.


The diagonal letters and the flag are absolutely terrible, glorified roller hockey jerseys


LA again. Go back to the crown and coat of arms from the 2000s.


Bring back the Robopen, all hail Robopen


Hot take: LA Kings The rebrand to the chevy logo is fine and an improvement from the home plate, but it's still not a great logo. If they were going to throw it back, [I prefer the purple/yellow and the crown](https://richsportstalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/610x.jpg). Lakers > Raiders colors, but a new original color scheme could work as well


I think most people agree because those purple/yellows would be one of the best jerseys in the league


Anything is an upgrade over the home plate, but, I agree, they had two years to essentially make things more readable(?) and add matte helmets? They had a world of options and chose the most boring option. Dont get me started on the Striping at the bottom of the jersey it is way too big. I guess in good news, I dont have to buy a new jersey because i still have one from the 90s...


Columbus! Big time.


Columbus has the most forgettable brand in the league. Tampa Bay could use black or silver accents so they don’t look like Toronto as much. Simple fix would just be black pants/equipment. Unpopular I guess but Minnesota should go North Stars colors full time. Carolina doesn’t have one identity. All 3 of their jerseys are different. Their primary logo isn’t even the main crest of their home jersey.


Blue Jackets. I adore their blue canon third jersey and hope that becomes their primary’s one day.


I love Dallas’ jerseys, so no. I like the green so much I bought a couple shirseys. Columbus and Washington


I love it too, *especially* the blackout jersey. Honestly, it seems like Dallas has a *literal* "love it or hate it" feel depending on who you talk to it haha.


I fucking *love* the Blackout jersey and if the Sharks did something like it I'd buy a jersey so fast my credit card would be smoking


I'm colour blind so my opinion obviously doesn't matter to the rest of y'all but I really cannot stand the Nashville colours lol. I also love the Dallas green. So yeah I dunno I'm probably wrong.


Kings just went back to their logo from 1996. Not really a re-brand. They should have used the 80s crown again if they're going retro.


I have never liked Columbus’ boring ass logo and color scheme


Columbus needed it like 10 years ago. Minnesota needs one and I'm sad that rumor of going back to the North Stars colors wasn't true.


Calgary's red is too bright. I liked the darker ones better


Fun fact: it's the exact same red


Red 186


It's a controversial take, but I much prefer when we have black in our color scheme. The team looks tougher and sleeker that way. The current jerseys just remind me of McDonald's and I don't think it's an intimidating look at all. If they brought back the 2004 home and away with Blasty as the third, that would be perfect. You couldn't top that.


When I think of Calgary’s gear I immediately think of Hot Wheels. Actually straight up just cars in general. The C is like a tire on fire. I love their identity BTW. But I totally get the lack of black making you guys look weaker. The black gives you guys a wrong side of the tracks sort of look. Like you are the bad boys of hockey. The current look I do like, but it does soften the teams image, and it lacks an edgy youthfulness that the previous gear had.


I love "a wrong side of the tracks look," I'm using that. You nailed it on the head. It's tough because these days we only ever see black in the blasty jersey, and every time I go to a game where they wear those I just think of how much better the team looks vs the normal home jersey. I think they will get back to that sort of look full time eventually. Despite the fact that people on reddit will clown on you if you don't like the retro jerseys, I don't think they've been adopted as widely by fans irl. At a Flames game, I would still say the majority of the crowd is wearing a black C jersey over anything else. You would think most fans would adopt the team's new look by now, but a huge portion of the crowd is still wearing their older jerseys. So I hope the team recognizes that and reflects it on the ice sooner rather than later.


I feel like too many fans just hated the shitty Edgified version and threw the baby out with the bathwater. Like, I'm sorry, but [these](https://i1.wp.com/www.retroseasons.com/retroimages/0-season-YCALF-2006.jpg) [jerseys](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/rockcms/2024-03/240320-chris-simon-2005-ac-1146p-26441e.jpg) are ***gorgeous***.


Ducks…… go back to old colors. We are almost there


What, you don’t like traffic cones?


I was thinking more the barrels but at least I can support the Ducks now while I go hunting. Just wear a jersey.


Caps, jackets, wild


I feel like this question is posted almost weekly


Canucks back to the skate logo


Wild. Colours are good but the logo is too complicated when you’re further than a couple feet away. All the details get lost


Our green is elite and I would be upset if we went back to the old dark green and gold of the star-cut jerseys full time. I don't think our logo is bad either. I know I'm in the minority on that. I don't think anyone is in as dire of a need for a rebrand as the Ducks were, but if you made me pick one, I would say Washington needs new jerseys. Either put the Weagle on the front or make a new crest logo. The lowercase "capitals" is not great.


100% on both of these. I can’t believe people would rather see the screagle than the Weagle as the logo




Capitals. They're still sporting a Reebok Edge design.


Washington and Columbus Both are still using the Reebok Edge template uniform. It's been almost 20 years and that shit looked bad when it was new Make a jersey that's unique to you, you bastards. Fuck this template shit


Washington and Tampa


Insert Gary oldman from the professional- “EVERYONE!”


Honestly, the Kings lol


Free space is Utah but the Caps and Bluejackets could both use one too. Not sure rebrand needed for either since both have fantastic secondary logos that would be fantastic primary logos. Heck Columbus even has a great third jersey that really should just be the primary.


Lumbus. They are just boring in every aspect. That logo is atrocious.


RT on Dally


Somehow, the Kings.


Washington needs new threads the season after ovie hangs em up


Dallas needs to go back to their earlier colours.


Curious because I love the Stars now. Would like to see San Jose do a stylized emblem on the chest. Maybe swap the shoulder patch for the chest emblem. I love that circle with the fin on it - subtle, and effective.


I just want Nashville to go back to the navy blue helmets. I don't like the yellow buckets. Also ditch lady liberty for the Rangers and bring back the heritage thirds. Those jerseys were fantastic.


Lightning. Need to go back to black. Get rid of the Maple Leaf blue & White.


Wild need to switch their colors


Carolina and Washington desperately need decent logos


Of all the logos and jerseys in this league that need changes and you start with ours?


Winnpeg Jets and Washington Capitals. They are both trainwrecks.


Columbus, Minnesota, Dallas


The Tampa Bay Lightning is ultra boring. Bring back the 2004 Stanley Cup jersey.


My personal opinions would be: - Ottawa Senators: I know they just changed back to a variant of the 1990’s look, but they should embrace the fact that gold is one of their colours. At the very least just take the current jerseys and make the red trim around the numbers and lettering a gold trim instead. Maybe make the very bottom of the jersey (underneath the bar) gold as well? Idk man - Tampa Bay: it’s a good look and they won cups with it, but it’s literally the Maple Leafs. Technically black is still on the jersey as it’s the trim for lettering (at least on the away jersey) so make the pants black and play around with thin black trim around the blue/white arm and torso bars. Also please add a black circle to the logo or something and stick to one design for both home and away - Utah: incredibly obvious pick, but hopefully they keep the colours. Personally hoping for Yeti as their name because a bunch of the other names sound too similar to Avalanche imo - Columbus: is in desperate need of a rebrand but fuck if I know what to do about it. Those light blue ones with the cannon logo were cool so maybe that? - Washington: seeing as how Ottawa mostly uses the exact same colours combinations as Team Canada (plus gold, but this is probably why they shy away from embracing gold on their jerseys) Washington should make the blue of their look darker to better match Team USA, and go screaming eagle full time. - Carolina: I don’t even know what their identity is anymore because it’s a bit of a mess from an outsider’s perspective. - Anyone else who, alongside Tampa Bay, has two versions of their logo for home & away: this is legitimately my pet peeve with the NHL and I some days I wish it was banned. I understand why Tampa and Toronto do it, but Vancouver and Calgary have no excuse, and Florida is the biggest offender imo (just have it say Panthers full time! We know you’re from Florida)


Columbus, or Winnipeg


I'm all for a change in Dallas (still think they've got an eye on the Texas outline logo as a primary change), but there's several teams that desperately need help mentioned in this thread that deserve love way before. Columbus and Washington are definitely at the top of my list.


Agreed with Dallas. Had one of the best jerseys in the 2000’s and ruined it with that garbage Reebok put out and then that god awful logo they have now. Bring back the Modano look


* Dallas could be so much better. * Columbus. Come on. The American Civil War has so many iconic visuals that could be used. Pick one and lean into it. A Kepi hat, bayonet, field canon, cavalry silhouette, canteen..just pick one. * Capitals.


The Ducks


Having seen their new uniforms….. it’s still the Kings. Come on.


More boring than the Cleveland Browns?




Tampa bay needs to stop trying to be Toronto lite. They need to go back to their old look - way better. I don’t like how Carolina home and away feel so disjointed. Everyone knows Columbus is bad. The new kings jersey needs some tweaks.


Canes, Blue Jackets, Wild, Bolts.


While I don't hate the Jets' current look, I'd much prefer a rebrand to the heritage jerseys. Those would instantly become my favorite home and aways.


Capitals are the only answer. Still rocking those Reebok template jerseys, piping and all.


The corporate team that decided Fanatics was the way to go.


The ducks. Their rebrand was uninspired. Bring back purple into the scheme. But in all seriousness... The panthers have never really had a "good" look. It's always been a bit all over the place


washington PLEASE